Threesology Research Journal
Criminal Twos...
pg 7

(The Study of Threes)

The predominant world view of criminals-as-reptiles is a pattern-of-two.

They see the world as Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, My gang/Your gang, Weak/Strong, Rich/Poor, Heaven/Hell, Smart/Dumb, Good/Evil, Win/Lose, Convict/Cop, Perpetrator/Victim, Pretty/Ugly, etc... In the prison environment we can their division of individuals into Convict/Inmate. Inmates will involve themselves in programs while Convicts won't participate in the "system." Using terminology coincident with the computer industry, Convicts are "hardware" while inmates are malleable "software". But those with a malleability must be on their guard against those in the prison population who will attempt to exploit them because their willingness to be exhibit a normal person's caring attitude is seen as a weakness. Thus they must swing like a pendulum to and fro between attempts to become more normalized and functioning in a hyper-vigilant reptilian survival mode as a means of self-protection.

Society encourages this grouping-into-twos perspective by forcing many prisoners to sleep in two-man cells though there are three overall sleeping arrangements: One man cell~ Two man cell~ Dormitory style (open bay). There typically is no middle ground for the criminal when its reptilian nature becomes the dominant overriding character portrayal. They have no inclination for a Win-Win alternative. There's is a frequently a "smash and grab" opportunist behavior like a toad sitting in silence only to snatch out at an unsuspecting insect. The general public becomes an insect to individuals whose reptilian nature takes on the dominant mode of expression whether it is an intermittent, fleeting, or long enduring. They, as a reptile, see only a Win/Lose or Lose/Lose situation.

There is no gray area, no compromise, no middle, only extremes for Homo-Reptilicus Criminalensis.

Some people are quite adept at acknowledging that there are three scenarios in human circumstances involving interpersonal skill development:

  1. Win/Win
  2. Win/Lose (Lose/Win)
  3. Lose/Lose

For example, a lizard will lose its tail if captured by it, though it will grow (win) one back. In terms of a criminal, some would endure (or cause) enormous punishment and pain (including the loss of a limb to themselves if necessary to get out of handcuffs) in an effort to wrest themselves from capture or incarceration.

While there are many who are well aware of the analogy used in many contexts regarding criminals and reptilian-like bestial behavior, what is not discussed is the evolution that the "reptilian-like criminal" undergoes if and when they are not caught for committing those very first acts which lead them on towards developing more reptile-like behaviors. They are behaviors that are permitted to evolve into various forms of inhuman creatures because society did not catch them soon enough to stop the development through counseling, training, imprisonment, or they get killed through civil attempts at arrest or by state mandated sanctions. The evolution of the "reptilian-like criminal" has its own evolutionary tree, much like humanity has its own genealogical tree containing various types of hominids, each with its own forms of behavior and world views. In short, and to get to the point, the criminal can and does evolve into more hideous forms if permitted to do so.

If criminal behavior is left unaddressed, many individuals reach a "point of no return," that is similar to the ability of a human having a critical period in which to develop normal language skills. In other words, social skills such as morality, compassion, altruism, etc., are more often an expression of play-acting, an act of mimicry to conceal criminal inclinations, and are not a genuine characteristic of the person. With respect to the analogy of self-expressive language (as opposed to mere mimicry), if a person does not learn human language skills by a particular age, as has been identified through studies of feral and isolated children, the ability to acquire the capacity for normal vocal self expression with civilized language is lost to them.

--- feral and isolated children, ---
--- Feral Children.Com ---

Note: While I use the reference of "civilized language" in the above context, I am well aware of those philosophical views that suggest many of our continuing social problems are due to all human societies using an uncivilized form of civilized language.

3 recurring examples of "feral" or "wild" children are the American accounts of "Anna," "Isabelle," and "Genie," who were discovered after 5-8 years of severe isolation and neglect and studied by psychologists Kingsley Davis and Susan Curtiss. These girls failed to develop mentally enough to sufficiently lead normal lives after they were discovered, given needed medical care, and provided with intensive intervention to try to overcome their retardation and inability to relate to other people. Anna died at the age of 10. Isabelle and Genie lived long but remained too developmentally disabled to live apart from institutional settings. What these case studies suggest is that individuals who are biologically related to homo sapiens do not become functionally "normal" human beings apart from the processes of socialization and enculturation.

--- Free Will and Determinism ---

The reason for the above excerpt is to point out that this is the same type of circumstance society encounters in its attempts to provide "Corrective" measures to criminals in order that they may lead normal lives. In other words, based on recurringly high recidivism rates, without resorting to philosophical discussions concerning the faulty design of one's society, most criminals can not acquire the necessary means of socialized self-sufficiency to not commit criminal acts against the innocent... (which includes Business, Government, and Religious exploitation of the public.)

If someone with criminal inclinations is not held in check by those in their social sphere, be it by colleagues, friends, family, relatives, neighbors, or day to day encounters with strangers who keep them on the "straight and narrow", they may very well be institutionalized most of their lives. Such forms are at a cost that has become too burdensome for society to continue, when so many others who are not criminals, could benefit (and in turn benefit society) from those resources wasted on perpetuating the socially useless lives of career criminals who have grown beyond the stage of development where intervention may have been of value.

However, there are those who hold the view that no matter how much resources are allocated to intervention techniques, it is valueless if the criminal is inherently another type of hominid that can not be trained to be a non-criminal, just like some dogs can only be trained to perform certain socially viable tasks like seeing- eye dogs, police dogs, and pulling dog sleds. Unlike dogs that can otherwise be kept as pets, many criminals are like wild predatory beasts that will not only bite the hand that feeds it, but will maul the entire person to shreds if given the chance.

And it is necessary to point out that in the animal world, (of which humans are a part of), there are only a very limited quality and quantity of animal types that can be domesticated. If we extend this view by including insects and plants, the ratio of domesticated to undomesticated species is many thousands to one. No less, for the more imaginative reader, if we include viruses and bacteria, we might want to claim that the usage of dead organisms used in vaccinations are the domesticated species, and the live virulent organisms are the undomesticated ones, which still presents us with an even larger ratio gap between that which can be domesticated and that which can not be domesticated.

Wild animals that are either placed into or bred in captivity will never become domesticated. While some may be bred for more docile characteristics over many generations, it must be acknowledged that no type of reptile has ever become domesticated.

Such views of domestication take on another perspective if we suggest that all humans are not inherently good (and are therefore not amiable to domestication), in contradiction to the professed colloquial notion that all humans are born inherently good. In support of the contrary, some observers point out that children can be very (naturally) cruel, such observations do not also point out that a group of children in an act of cruelty towards another child, may be the result of a single cruel child whose ("charisma," brow-beating, intimidation, etc.,) influences others to follow their lead in a type of herd mentality. We could say that the one cruel child that influences others to exhibit a "uniformed" style of cruelty, is a child with a Hitler type of disposition. Unfortunately, we of the present are not very receptive towards considering that there are lots of little Hitler-like children being born in the world (due to social conditions which breeds them?), because such labeling would create many false accusations, disparaging innuendoes, and rationalized interpretations of behavior in children, when in actuality such views would be projections used by cruel adults seeking innocent victims to scapegoat.

Many individuals report that they felt they were in a sort of... dream-like trance, a sort of... motion picture portrayal, a sort of... unreal state, when they committed a criminal act. These impressions are the images of the limbic and cortex systems observing reptilian activity from a sort of... suspended animation state of observation that supplies vague representations as if one were witnessing an apparition. When the brain is in a "reptilian mode" of operation that is sometimes colloquially referred to as the "eye of the tiger," "mad dog look," "Zoned," etc., the focus of energy is so intense that the cortex and limbic systems are put into a low functioning mode and may even be shut down intermittently, for extended periods, or completely, depending on the person and circumstances.

While some readers might want to argue that the "Zone" is necessary when engaged in activities (such as sports competition, meditation, creating, prayer, etc.,) the difference between a criminal's and non-criminal's "zone" experience is that the criminal frequently can not shut it down on their own and if it does begin to subside, they must "get another fix" of this "drug-like" experience through "competition" with innocent people (or things) who/that are wholly unaware that they have been (often-times randomly) selected to participate in the criminal's game where rules, regulations, "arena" and gear are chosen by the whims of the criminal who also has some sort of "score" to achieve.

--- Downshifting --- by Gene Van Tassell

--- The Guidance Channel --- Jennifer Brady interviews Cristina Casanova

3 forms of competition distorted by criminals:

  1. Competition with others perceived as peers.
  2. Competition with oneself... frequently viewed as inferior, not good enough, or less than.
  3. Competition with others perceived as superiors. (siblings, parents, bosses, instructors, god, Satan, etc...)

3 ways in which psychologists and ethologists might classify aggressive behavior:

  1. Predatory aggression, which refers to stalking and killing of other species.

  2. Social aggression, which is unprovoked aggression that is directed an members of the same species for purposes of establishing dominance.

  3. defensive aggression, which refers to attacks delivered when an animal is cornered by a threatening aggressor.

--- The Biological Basis of Aggression ---
by Joanna Schaffhausen

3 sequences to criminal acts as seen by a non-criminal, while a criminal's mindset is merely dichotomized into a beginning/end referencing schema:

  1. Predation;
    1. Long- taking years, several months, or several weeks.
    2. Medium- taking a month, a week, a day, or an hour or so.
    3. Short- occurring on chance encounter, or impulse, or anger... immediately)

  2. Kill; which may or may not be attendant with rape, dismemberment, robbery, etc.
  3. Aftermath; some may exhibit relief, sorrow (for themselves), pain (for themselves), remorse/pity/concern (for themselves, their life, their circumstances).

With respect to over-all human behavior as explained to me by individuals incarcerated in a prison I once worked at:

  1. Hispanics will try to screw you right away.

  2. Blacks will bide their time, trying to emphasize some detail of concern or preoccupation that they want to think they outwitted you at.

  3. Whites will attempt to use deceit, guile, trickery, obfuscation, and other "complex" detail (small print) measures to screw you out of money, property, or some other item of interest at a given time and place.

A person that is subjected to actual sustained threats or misinterprets circumstances to be potentially dangerous, may not permit themselves to be open to new experiences, such as education, because in so doing, they fear that their guard will be down and open themselves up to be taken advantage of by other reptilian predators who wait to pounce on some unsuspecting innocent prey. All or most of their energy resources are allocated towards self preservation, which is part of the domain of the reptilian brain's territory. Hence, it should be of no surprise to find that the majority of prisoners have not learned even basic skills taught to and learned by most children in public education systems. A home life, street life, or school life that is felt to be threatening, does not provide the needed security required by those who need to be open in order to learn...

A criminal is typically referred to as a socio-path, a psyco-path, or someone with other path-ological tendencies, and yet the use of the word "path" in these references is not viewed as a referential metaphor that describes the evolving development of the criminal when their activities are not adequately addressed by social conventions of dealing with those with criminal "tendencies".

3 brains in 1

While many of us can see hints of the same qualities within ourselves that criminals have, the difference between the non-criminal and the criminal is that the rest of the brain in the non-criminal will mold, control, or deny the impulses of reptilian activities that lead the person into committing acts that are so anti-social as to require larger measures of restraint such as through civil punishment, criminal punishment, or death. It may be helpful for some to think of the limbic and cortex regions as types of dog leashes that do not permit the reptilian brain from wandering too far unless they become broken or loosely attended to by inadequate social laws, customs, or provisional guidelines due to various undermining effects.

3 reptilian brain leashes

If left to its own instinctual drives without restraints, the reptilian-minded individual will come into conflict with those and that which do require restraint. The "attributes" of the reptilian brain can be viewed in a 3 to 1 ratio fashion of basic behaviors:

  1. 1 of 3 interaction behaviors- Feeding

  2. 2 of 3 interaction behaviors- Fighting

  3. 3 of 3 interaction behaviors- Fornicating

    1. 1 of 1 non-interaction behaviors- Fleeing

Or we could separate these into:

  1. Feeding/Fornicating

  2. Fighting/Fleeing

  3. Freezing (Helpless submission that may exhibit childish or infantile behaviors.)

For a reference to Fighting, Flighting, Freezing:

--- SSC: Key Concepts ---

By imposing three-patterned (unconsciously) preferred descriptions on individuals with a two-patterned preferred orientation, such a three-patterned preferred cognitive grouping perspective obscures confirmation of what our common-sense notions about criminals say, namely, that they think differently from non-criminals. It is a necessary distinction that we continually trip over like some branch in a forest that we step on and cause ourselves to stumble, thus distracting us from recognizing that we need to adapt a whole new spectrum of rehabilitation measures based upon a 1~ 2~ 3 maturational development sequence. Like-wise, our Educators must become sensitive to the realization that a student may be subtly exhibiting a preference for two-patterned groupings in an academic environment whose instructor and/or subject matter is fundamentally three-patterned organized and necessarily requires the same of the individual.

If an individual's 2-patterned grouping preference persists in such an environment, there is the very real potential risk of conflict, confusion, or criminality if such a student is not offered an effective 2 into 3 transitional- grouping-preference learning skills curriculum attended with an appropriate teaching methodology. For whatever reason, be it poverty, abuse, malnutrition, retardation, etc., we must acknowledge that some students do not make the same "normal" 2 into 3 cognitive-grouping-preference transition as do their peers. (Some are slower while others are accelerated.) Convincingly, this is why mast delinquents turn away from criminal activities while a minority continue to commit offenses through adulthood.

As a final example of the aforementioned "3 imposed on 2" circumstance, another three-patterned perspective prison administrations impose on inmates is the basic security measure of Minimum~ Medium~ Maximum which indicate a prisoner's level of escape risk. We should acknowledge that at this point in time, society is a little bit late at trying to teach many of these individuals that they live in a world that is becoming all the more increasingly three-patterned oriented, particularly if they have a predominant two-patterned perspective. It is a pattern that most of us, for the most part, grow out of using as the foremost means of orienting ourselves in the world, society, job, family and various other social or non-social circumstances.


To "see both sides" of a problem is the surest way to prevent its complete solution. Because there are always more than two sides.

-Idries Shad, from his Reflections

Is it possible to identify potential criminals by an examination of vocal utterances in infancy, childhood, adolescence...? If it is indeed true that criminals tend to dichotomize the world more-so than non-criminals (they see the world in black/white, right/wrong, good/evil, rich/poor, smart/dumb, us/them, etc.), will this cognitive "pattern" be exhibited more often and for a longer duration in babbling, word phrases, and activities such as when playing with toys, other children, and methodology of organization?

The reptilian brain of humans is similar to that which was possessed by the reptiles that preceded mammals, roughly 200 million years ago. It's 'pre-verbal', but controls life functions such as autonomic brain, breathing, heart rate and the mechanisms involved in fighting, flighting, or freezing. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It's concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening/grooming and mating.

--- The Reptilian Brain ---
--- The Reptilian Preverbal Brain ---

Links that may be of some further interest. Note that some may no longer be available since they were compiled in 2005.

--- Did Humans Evolve From Reptiles? --- by Joe Lewels, Ph.D.
--- Understanding the Reptilian Mind --- By James Bartley
--- Reptilian Research Archives 1--- hosted by David Icke E-Magazine
--- Reptilian Research Archives 2--- hosted by David Icke E-Magazine
--- The Reptilian Brain --- by James M. Ridgway, Jr.
--- How to deal with clients, bosses, and coworkers who act like reptiles --- By Terry Bragg
--- Paedophiles in Cornwall, Ontario --- by David Icke
--- Metaphor - The Triune Brain ---'s_Stuff/CmmnMtphrs/triune.html
--- Paul MacLean's triune brain hypothesis ---
--- The Triune Brain --- an ISSS talk by Jim Cline on May 21, 1997
--- Your "3-Brains-in-One" Brain ---
--- Health: Triggers in chronic illness ---
--- Developmental infant research, organization of personality and 'criminal' behaviour --- by Dr. Robert Gordon
--- The Emotional and Physical Aspects of a Violent Offender --- by Daniel Collazzi

The reptile image is a composite from two sources:
--- Reptilian Photo ---
--- Ancient Astronauts ---

Your Questions, Comments or Additional information are welcomed:
Herb O. Buckland