Threesology Research Journal
L/R Brain Hemisphere Attributes
Page II

(The Study of Threes)

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As with the previous brain hemisphere attributes page, please give all credits to the respective authors. I have attempted to provide links to the sites from which the information was derived, but all links may not be reliable since it's been several years since the information was compiled.


Analytic Learners Like:

  • Facts - concrete reality
  • Logic - separate parts
  • Doing things one at a time - sequential
  • Examining the parts
  • Being on time or early
  • Being well organized
  • Attention to detail
  • Speaking & listening
  • Arithmetic
  • Control of situations
  • Careful planning
  • Self-orientation
  • Seeing black & white***
  • Action - doing things
  • Being positive
  • Formal style
  • Serious approach
  • Competitive
  • Rational thinking
  • Individual space

Could develop...
  • Driving perfectionists
  • Narrow minded
  • See parts, miss whole
  • Quick decision / sudden change difficulties
  • Can lack feelings

  • Get things done
  • Works through things in a systematic way
  • Thorough planners
  • Are positive and go for goals
  • Thrive on competition
  • Energetic and cheerful

Global Learners Like:

  • Understanding the whole thing
  • Bringing ideas together
  • Doing several things at once
  • Spontaneity - being impulsive
  • Integrating in a holistic way- seeing the whole
  • Connecting ideas into unexpected patterns
  • Creating new concepts and ideas
  • Imagination, fantasy & day-dreaming
  • Music and dance
  • Colour and visual images
  • Humour, laughter and fun
  • Informal environment - don't see mess
  • Sociable, informal and group activities
  • Art and creativity
  • Exploring new ideas, developing and pioneering
  • Mathematics (emphasis on patterns)
  • Forgetting about time -often late
  • Receiving encouragement and support
  • Team work
  • Feeling and emotions


Could be...
  • Prone to depression
  • Fail to get things finished
  • Prone to mood swings
  • Go blank under pressure e.g. exams
  • Live happily in a mess
  • Be impulsive
  • Flit from one activity to another
  • Enjoy people and have fun
  • Full of music and rhythm
  • Creative thinking and ability
  • Think in patterns to develop ideas
  • Strong mathematical ability
  • Strong long term memory
  • Strong design/inventive abilities
***With respect to the reference in the Left Hemisphere column about seeing in black and white, this author appears to have not taken into consideration the ideas of singularity, duality, and Triplicity.

  • Many gifted children go unrecognized simply because they are operating with a brain dominance at odds with their parents and teachers.
  • Schools have traditionally valued children who learn well by sitting still, listening, speaking, reading and writing as directed, as being cleverer than those whose brain layout favours a different style of learning.
  • Logical, verbal, organized left-brain dominants (many of our teachers) find many right brain characteristics sloppy, careless, irrational and unfocused.  So thousands of highly gifted, creative, original, very clever children are labeled as lazy, limited and "just average".

--- Book Review- A Gift We All Share ---


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies


uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

--- Left Brain/Right Brain ---

As an alternative view to dividing the brain in Right and Left, as an extension of the idea that men and women process information differently due to differences in the structures of their brain, take a look at the following two charts which illustrate the differences in Males and Females within the context of a religious perspective:

According to the Bible, man and woman are alike in spirit, but not in soul and body. (For this reason the term "man" or "brothers" is often generic in the Bible when doctrinal teaching is in mind). The physical, anatomical differences between the sexes are well known. However man and woman are also quite different as far as the soul is concerned. One possible way of differentiating between men and women in terms of priorities and specialties is suggested by the following table. God has built a vast wealth of variety and diversity into the human gene pool. Many variations in physical characteristics as well as some personality and emotional characteristics are governed by genetic factors. In terms of behavior, there are wide ranges in what can be considered normal masculinity and femininity.
Paternal Instincts

Leads, takes charge

Initiates: Hunts, Ranges, Thrusts

Values logical thinking, Logos-centered mind

Bases decisions on reasoning more than emotions or intuition

Assertive, aggressive, outgoing towards the world

Provides outside support and protects (as a soldier)

Feels ill-at-ease in passive, receptive roles

May under-value importance of emotions and intuition

Specialist in "Doingness," "Withoutness"

Mechanistic, scientific, digital-thinking

Divided left and right brain
Maternal Instincts



Nestles, nurtures, shelters, traps heals

Values emotions highly, relationship orientation

Heightened intuitive ability and perception

Sophia-based thinking

At ease in a passive, receptive role

Takes leadership with difficulty when male leader defaults

Natural concern for the present quality of life

Specialist in "Beingness" and "Withinness"

Artistic, creative, analog thinking

More unified left and right brain, holistic thinking

The human race is fallen, self-centered, corrupted and mortally damaged by the sin of Adam. All aspects of our humanity have been affected. For the sake of discussion one can make a table of what might be considered archetypal aspects of our fallen sexuality. The table below is suggested as a model for discussion purposes and is not a description of specific men or women, obviously!

Authoritarian, domineering, ruthless, despotic

Lords it over others

Devalues importance of emotions

Overly logical, methodical, rigid

Cold, indifferent, impersonal, unapproachable

Demands respect of subordinates

Intimidates others or rules them by fear

Unforgiving, and unwilling to be a team-member

Boring, unimaginative, overly self-controlled

Overly logical, unable to be spontaneous

Willing to compromise to gain position or power

A beast, tyrant or a despot

Possessive, controlling,

Manipulative, contriving

Irrational in rejecting logic, emotionally controlled

Gives love or affection but extracts a price

Selfishly concerned with appearances and prestige

Entraps others for her own purposes

Demands attention and recognition

A witch, sorceress or seductress

--- Made in the Image of God... ---

The following example is a re-adapted view of the brain's divisions, parts, and some would say functions, into an overall 3-patterned division with sub-divisions.

3-patterned Division with Sub-divisions

3 Section Division
General Primary Division
Constituent Parts Division
Functional Brain Division
Developmental Division
Cerebral Hemispheres Cerebral cortex:
Frontal Lobes
Temporal Lobes
Parietal Lobes
Occipital Lobes
Corpus Callosum
Neocortex Telencephalon
Basal ganglia:
Caudate Nucleus
Globus Pallidus
Cingulate Cortex
Superior Colliculus
Inferior Colliculus
Brainstem Mesencephalon
Brainstem Metencephalon
Medulla Oblongata Myelencephalon
Spinal Cord  

Information was liberally adapted from:

--- Brain Structure and Function ---

3 X 3 (nine) to 1 ratio of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences... (The nine intelligences all human beings possess and their primary distinguishing characteristics are as follows:)

  1. --- Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence: ---

    The capacity to use language—your native language and perhaps other languages—to express what's on your mind and to understand other people.  Poets really specialize in linguistic intelligence, but any kind of writer, orator, speaker, lawyer or other person for whom language is an important stock in trade highlights linguistic intelligence.
  1. --- Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: ---

    The ability to understand the underlying principles of some kind of a causal system—the way a scientist or a logician does; or can manipulate numbers, quantities and operations—the way a mathematician does.

  1. --- Visual/Spatial Intelligence: ---

    The ability to represent the spatial world internally (in your mind)—the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world; or the way a chess player or sculptor represents a more circumscribed spatial world.

  1. --- Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence: ---

    The capacity to think in music, to be able to hear patterns, recognize them and perhaps manipulate them.

  1. --- Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence: ---

    The capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body (your hands, your fingers, your arms) to solve a problem, make something or put on some kind of production.

  1. --- Naturalist Intelligence: ---

    The human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations).

  1. --- Intrapersonal Intelligence: ---

    Having an understanding of yourself, of knowing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to avoid and which things to gravitate toward.

  1. --- Interpersonal Intelligence: ---

    A person's capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and, consequently, to work effectively with others.

  1. --- Existential Intelligence: ---

    The proclivity to pose (and ponder) questions about life, death and ultimate realities.

  1. A (proposed) Spiritual Intelligence. When brought up under the context of spiritual feeling or a gift for religion, mysticism or the transcendent, usually generates a great deal of controversy with the science.

--- Multiple Intelligences ---
by Jane Carlson-Pickering

The concept of Multiple Intelligences is particularly useful for those who feel inadequate when compared to those who are noted for possessing a single superior mental attribute that may be labeled genius, gifted, superior, etc... The concept of multiple intelligences assists in a counseling and teaching program which promotes a "feel good about oneself" atmosphere for most, if not all students, whereas an environment that stresses the uniqueness of only one type of "mental" intelligence such as has been typically the case in many academic settings, promotes an atmosphere where many, if not most students must measure themselves against a single type of intelligence standard. Nonetheless, even though the ideas revolving around the concept of multiple intelligences is accepted by many people who are thus able to feel good about themselves when thinking that they may not possess a genius on the level of Einstein, Bach, or Leonardo, they nonetheless have their own quality of intelligence to admire, respect, and nurture on an individual bases, yet, acceptance does not guarantee that multiple "intelligences" do exist. In other words, the label "intelligences" may be wrong and misleading for an appropriate understanding of mental processes.

The idea of deriving many "intelligences" out of one brain/body/soul appears similar to a:

  1. Reversal of the Many Û One idea developed by early peoples that there were not many gods but only one. (We also find a symbolic variation of this in the motto of the 3 musketeers: All [3] for one, one [1] for All.)
  2. Modern day reference to early peoples cognitive attempts to develop "higher"- more intelligent (numerical) concepts beyond the One ~ Two ~ Many usage.
  3. Reversal of the motto "E pluribus unum" (out of many, one), which is used by the United States to refer to the Union which was formed by individual states.

    Perhaps the idea of multiple intelligences is but an example of a changing mindset that will find its way into the attitudes of the general public with respect to the structure of a "unified" government. Time will tell... (In this instance, I am referring to the development of a "many" from "one" government, that has never really existed. All governments and religions have their "many" in terms of multiple departments, offices, branches, outside/inside influencers, etc...)

Here is another example of a multiple intelligences perspective:

  • Practical Intelligence
    is the ability to think in concrete examples and solve daily problems directly without necessarily being able to explain how; the tendency to survive or succeed through taking straightforward, responsive, concrete action. (Also called marketing, strategic or political intelligence -- since it focuses on "the art of the possible" -- or just common sense or simple effectiveness.)
  • Verbal Intelligence
    is the ability to think and communicate effectively and creatively with words; and to recognize, use and appreciate linguistic patterns.
  • Logical Intelligence
    is the ability to think in terms of (and to appreciate) abstract parts, symbols and sequential relationships, conceptual regularities or numerical patterns, and to reach conclusions or construct things in an orderly way. (Also called rational, analytic or mathematical intelligence.)
  • Associative Intelligence
    is the ability to think in non-sequential associations -- similarities, differences, resonances, meanings, relationships, etc. -- and to create (and appreciate) totally new patterns and meanings out of old ones.
  • Spatial Intelligence
    is the ability to visualize, appreciate and think in terms of pictures and images; to graphically imagine possibilities; and to observe, understand, transform and orient oneself in visual reality. (Also called pictorial or imaginative intelligence.)
  • Intuitive Intelligence
    is the ability to know directly, to perceive and appreciate whole or hidden patterns beyond (or faster than) logic.
  • Musical Intelligence
    is the capacity to perceive, appreciate, resonate with, produce and productively use rhythms, melodies, and other sounds.
  • Aesthetic Intelligence
    is the ability to produce, express, communicate and appreciate in a compelling way inner, spiritual, natural and cultural realities and meanings. (This can include aspects of verbal, musical and spatial intelligences.)
  • Body Intelligence
    is the ability to sense, appreciate, and utilize one's own body -- movement, manual dexterity, tactile sensitivity, physical responsiveness and constraints; to create and think in terms of physiological patterns; to maintain physical health; and to relate to or meet the needs of others' bodies. (Also called kinesthetic or somatic intelligence.)
  • Interpersonal Intelligence
    is the ability to perceive, understand, think about, relate to and utilize other people's subjective states, and to estimate their likely behavior. This includes, especially, empathy.
  • Social Intelligence
    is the ability to work with others and find identity and meaning in social engagement; to perceive, think, and deal in terms of multi-person patterns, group dynamics and needs, and human communities; it includes a tendency towards cooperation and service. (Also called team intelligence.)
  • Affectional Intelligence
    is the ability to be affected by, connected to or resonant with people, ideas, experiences, aesthetics, or any other aspect of life; to experience one's liking or disliking of these things; and to use one's affinities in decision-making and life.
  • Mood Intelligence
    is the ability to fully experience any mood as it happens (without having to judge it or do anything about it), to learn from it, and to move out of it at will -- especially to generate resilience.
  • Motivational Intelligence
    is the ability to know and to work with what moves you; to sense, think and initiate in terms of needs, wants, will, courage, responsibility and action -- one's own and others. (This can include that aspect of mood intelligence that can marshal emotions in the service of a goal.)
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence
    is the ability to recognize, access and deal with one's own subjective (or inner) world. (This can include aspects of affectional, mood, motivational and body intelligences.)
  • Emotional Intelligence
    is the ability to experience, think and deal with emotional patterns in oneself and others. (This can include aspects of interpersonal, intrapersonal, affectional, mood and motivational intelligences.)
  • Basic Intelligence
    is the ability to move toward what is healthy and desirable and away from what is unhealthy or undesirable. (This can use affectional and practical intelligences, or be almost automatic and instinctual.)
  • Behavioral Pattern Intelligence
    is the ability to recognize, form and change one's own behavioral patterns, including compulsions, inhibitions and habits.
  • Parameter Intelligence
    is the ability to create and sustain order and predictability -- to recognize, establish, sustain, and change rhythms, routines/rituals, boundaries, guiding principles/values/beliefs, etc., in one's own life.
  • Habit Intelligence
    is the ability to recognize, form and change one's habits (which naturally embraces many aspects of behavioral and parameter intelligence).
  • Organizing Intelligence
    is the ability to create order in one's own life and in other lives/groups/systems. (This can include aspects of parameter, team/social, and logical intelligences.)
  • Spiritual Intelligence
    is the ability to sense, appreciate and think with spiritual and moral realities and patterns -- to operate from an awareness of ultimate common ground (consciousness, spirit, nature, or some other sacred dimension). (This is usually dependent on intrapersonal intelligence.) (Also called moral or transcendental intelligence.)
  • Narrative Intelligence
    is the ability to perceive, know, think, feel, explain one's experience and influence reality through the use of stories and narrative forms (characters, history, myth, dreams, scenarios, etc.)
  • Eco-Intelligence
    is the ability to recognize, appreciate, think and feel with, and utilize natural patterns and one's place in nature, and to empathize with and sustain healthy relationships with animals, plants and natural systems.

--- Multi- Modal Intelligence and Multiple Intelligences ---

While we're on the subject of multiple intelligences, we need to step back and reconsider the role that our senses (sight, hearing, etc.) play. Whereas we claim that there is that which is described as "normal" sight, hearing, sensation, etc., these physical attributes may actually have greater differences from person to person than most of us customarily acknowledge or admit, though most of us generally recognize differences amongst siblings. Such an existence of "being different" is already recognized on superficial accounts such as when a doctor emphasizes "regularity" (bowel movement) with respect to you and your circumstances. In other words, "being normal" means whatever your "normal" bowel movements are as opposed to someone else's "normal" bowel movements. With this said, differences may well be obvious such as deafness or blindness, but they might also be due to subtle, almost imperceptible circumstances brought on by what we eat, drink, don't eat, or don't drink, ...etc., as well as gender. Not to mention differences occurring in that which people are exposed to in a home, work, or social setting such as noise, ignorance, intelligent conversation, books, materials for creative art expression, nutritional supplements, aggression, narcotics, alcohol, violence, compassion, love, sensitivity, social experiences, wisdom, altruistic appreciation, etc...

In recognizing that the absence or loss of a sense may well alter or determine any of the so-called aforementioned "intelligences," let us speculate that each of the separate (and perhaps alternatively combined) senses are an "intelligence" unto themselves. Some may prefer to think of them as a building block to one or more of the "intelligences," but not as an "intelligence" as most are accustomed to thinking about, describing or defining as an intelligence. We do not think that computers are intelligent though they can perform activities most of us can not do so. Our present "go-between" presence with respect to computer functionality places all the accolades of "intelligent" labeling on humans, and presents computers as being merely a tool of human intelligence. Irrespective of this example one might want to infer when considering whether or not a human sense can have "intelligence" by itself without a human brain to "complete the circuit" from data input to end result "appreciation," let us consider that each of the human senses is a type of intelligence.

Clearly, viewing a human sense (or even memory) as an intelligence requires a perspective not customarily considered. Analogously, most people don't think of a muscle as having any memory, though a recurring bruise or injury in a muscle (or a similar injury to someone else) might stir a recall of a previous bruise or injury in the same or another body part. In other words, a smell or sight might stir a memory but we don't typically consider the odor or view as memory, much less an intelligence. To do so might very well expose us towards considerations that we are indulging in an over-active imagination bordering a realm of nonsense or that a sense is a (type of) sentient being... if not with an active consciousness, than as an intelligence in the beginning stages of conscious awareness; much as might well have been the case for the mental development of our hominid ancestors... even though we of today might well term many activities of our so-called fellow conscious beings of today as that of different types of ("intelligent") madness. (Such as war, rape, murder, misleading advertising, electoral college candidate choosing, kidnapping, assault, soap operas, rock-n-roll concerts, sports, divorce, parties, medical costs, poverty, incest, adultery, greed, etc... )

Additional information links:

--- The Left Brain/Right brain page ---

--- Creative Psychotherapy: Counseling the Right and Left Hemispheres ---
by Thomas S. Rue

For links to various brain-related websites:

--- Think Blade ---

Most Recent update: Monday, December 14, 2015
Updated Posting: Tuesday, October 25th,. 10:54 AM... 2022
Your Questions, Comments or Additional information are welcomed:
Herb O. Buckland