Threesology Research Journal
Solar Mythology Revisited...

(The Study of Threes)

We shall now continue our unconventional exploration into solar mythology even though it is necessary to provide examples from past and current views, be they labeled mainstream academics or a perspective on the outskirts of ideas typically addressed during topics involving mythological consideration. But it behooves the reader to acknowledge that most of those who are interested in Solar mythology will typically follow suit with those mythologists who came before them that retain a traditional definition, organization of materials and application thereof. They want to feel safe about their ideas which they believe is best suited by adopting the larger consensus of beliefs within their chosen field of interest. They are fearful of offering new insights because not respecting scholarly traditions may result in accusations of improper techniques of analysis, attacks on their character, and even virulent discreditation by others who uphold the familiar because they are well versed in traditional perspectives. Yet, all they need to do is offer alternative ideas under the rubric of an alternative consideration that seeks out opinions in a discursive manner instead of presenting material as if it is THE one any only true way of interpreting divergent materials. Granted that some are more insightful and might bring to mind correlations and considerations others may have overlooked when addressing cross-cultural comparisons, they are not increasing your knowledge about the effects of the Sun which can be producing mythologies of the present. Hence, Solar Mythology needs to be revised, it needs to be updated and not simply regurgitate old ideas with modernized phrases or presented with present day forms of animated portrayal. A cartoon remains a cartoon whether its characters are moving or not.

Despite the 1955 lecture "The Eclipse of Solar Mythology" given by Richard M. Dorson [offered online by: The Journal of American Folklore], which tells of early mythologists making claims about solar- influenced representations that were untenable, many ideas about the Sun or its attributes are widely accepted as apparently factual (solar attributable myths).

No doubt some mythological references were never recorded and that some present day solar-influenced representations are not recognized as such by those upholding some strict criteria of relevance. For example, from my perspective, the artificiality of household lamps, street lights, flash-lights, actual torches, lanterns, candles, (lasers?) etc., can represent the shining sun, moon or stars; (not to mention the "shininess" seen in jewelry retaining a "god-like" reverence.) While this is not to say that such "artificial" lights did in fact have one or more of these celestial objects as "THE" pristine source of sources if we were able to back-pedal through history to locate and identify the primary initiating source, it doesn't require too much imagination to consider the possibility thereof. No doubt some representations never achieve an intra- or cross-cultural status of expression, though a single family may perpetuate an idea within the sphere of its own socialisation. Additionally, some may never be orally described while others are illustrated in artistic or mechanical ways that become buried in someone's attic, garage, or portfolio that lays gathering dust beneath a bed or inside a seldom opened closet. Very Ancient examples are even more difficult to uncover.

My present effort is an attempt to elucidate some characteristics of the Sun which might well have produced other forms of expression that will change as the characteristics themselves change. For example, to make visible a singularly obvious fact: The entire stock of human solar mythology may become extinct when the Sun burns out. Humanity itself might well become extinct, thereby rendering the whole of solar mythology to a muted point... which is particularly telling if we label humanity a solar myth itself, since we no doubt owe our existence to its influence(s). In short, humanity's existence might become one of many solar myth-types of another species that has collected mythologies about different galaxies. Nonetheless, let us renew the present journey by reciting a three-part expression from the Bible (John 1:1):

  1. First Example:

    "In the beginning was the Word,
    and the Word was with God,
    and the Word was (a) God."

Let us now apply this same three-patterned logic to the Sun:

  1. Second Example:

    "In the beginning was the Sun,
    and the Sun was with God,
    and the Sun was (a) God."

Let us now extend this same perspective into the area of a well known representative graphic symbol:

  1. Third Example:

    "In the beginning was the Number,
    and the Number was with God,
    and the Number was (a) God."

Unfortunately, some people substitute the "Word" with the name of their people, their form of government, their gender, their sexual orientation, their business, their country, their religion, their cosmological belief, their favorite drink, etc... For example:

  • In the beginning was The Universe, and The Universe was with God, and The Universe was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The DNA, and The DNA was with God, and The DNA was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Way, and The Way was with God, and The Way was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Chicken, and The Chicken was with God, and The Chicken was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Egg, and The Egg was with God, and The Egg was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The One, and The One was with God, and The One was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Two, and The Two was with God, and The Two was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Three, and The Three was with God, and The Three was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The One, Two, Many and The One, Two, Many was with God, and The One, Two, Many was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Good, and The Good was with God, and The Good was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Evil, and The Evil was with God, and The Evil was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Void, and The Void was with God, and The Void was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was Elvis, and Elvis was with God, and Elvis was (a) God."

  • In the beginning was The Etc., and The Etc. was with God, and The Etc. was (a) God."

In the first example above some readers may overlook the possibility that "word" being referred to is not speech or vocal expression. From our modern perspective we might want to think that the expression "word" in a past age had the same meaning that most of us would ascribe to it today. The "word" in the distant past may more accurately describe a human reaction to an event, such as the gasp one might utter when looking directly into the Sun. The "gasp" might be understood if we compare it to what has been described as the "startled breath syndrome" that both children and adults have, on occasion, experienced.

The so-called "word" of ancient times is quite possibly a symbolic metaphor representing an experience to and about (with) that which was defined as a god. Then again, it must be understood and acknowledged that ancient human mentality saw a god in many things, but not necessarily only one god. Originally, the event from which the experience of a god arose might well have been something Sun-related. I hardly think that "In The Beginning" there was some sort of human-like word being expressed from a bursting bubble as it rose to the surface during the billions-of-years-ago primordial soup. Then again, to what are they referring to when the words "beginning" is used? The beginning of existence? The beginning of a culture? The beginning of an institution called religion? Also, to what are they referring when the word "God" is used? Whereas some claim to know, it is just a guesstimation. Ancient peoples had a very different mindset that we arbitrarily translate into some meaning useful to appreciations based on our present day experiences.

We must not be so quick to interpret the usage of the expression "word" as a description of some vocalization such as the commonly expected definitions used to portray acts of singing, speech making, story telling, joke telling, gossiping with one's neighbor, talking to one's dog, laughing, whining, etc... Nor should we of the present be so quick as to label or associate it with a modern sense of the divine or holy, otherwise known as ideas identified with various things termed religious. In short, our interpretation of the "WORD" as used by ancient peoples (even if the above phrase was created generations afterwards), should be considered different than how it was meant by the originators thereof, whose motivations can only be speculated about.

However, a point that is never brought up in usual discussions concerning God's choice of communication, is why God created humans deaf and dumb since God's first words to humanity came by way of a "sign language", as evidenced by biblical references to "signs and wonders", and those doing the interpretation thereof were thought to have some special quality that was later to be defined as "holiness". With all the abilities God is claimed to possess, it actually seems pretty stupid that God used celestial bodies such as the stars, Moon and Sun; including other "expressions" such as rain, snow, wind, volcanic activity, drought, waves, etc., as the chosen mode of communication. This seems akin to the ridiculous coded speech politicians use when addressing the public who would quickly see through their nonsense if they used an honest forthright language. All of these "coded messages" at one time or another became interpreted in some perspectives, for good or ill, as "the works and the words" of some god, whether or not they were also defined as the creator by a given culture. But, we must ask, why not just put the correct ideas in everyones brain right away in order to forego all the misery that was to come by way of religious nonsense? God's methodology bears a striking resemblance to a child poking at insects with a stick, which is reminiscent of a chimpanzee when it is fishing for insects to eat.

The logic of the ancient gods as expressed in the so-called wisdom of ancient peoples, bears a striking resemblance to the stupidity the public must endure from its legislators who are trying to exercise an attempt at using their well-meant intelligence and compassion within the confines of a social environment that is forced to abide by idealisms created from out-dated myths. And as for those ancient religious leaders who are claimed to have lived for hundreds of years, many of us can understand this when we see public figures who should have retired a long time ago. Their continued presence producing the same nonsense gives the impression of an eternity.

In other words, all of the biblical and non-biblical "signs and wonders" were part of what was interpreted to be a kind of coded (or secret) message that only "certain" people could correctly read since they (and others) felt themselves to be special because they had one ability or another that was viewed as a "gift from God". (This presumed "specialness" would later on become defined (personally and publicly) as a unique qualification that "required" a like-minded title such as Priest, High Priest, Bishop, Archbishop, etc., or a female counter-part called priestess or High Priestess... etc.) Hence there has been a long history of humanity being preoccupied with the interpretation, definition, and telling of what these "god signs" (and "wonders") meant (and mean)... synonymously viewed like a child attempting to discern what a parent's non-vocal facial expression might mean in a given instance. And like a child: that which was discerned was ego-centrically applied and is revealed in such religious notions as "The Chosen People", "The Chosen One", "King of Kings", "The God King", "The Son {Sun} of Man", etc...

This "ego-centricity" has many "mythological" variants and is pictorially replicated in the following image taken from: The Four Main Theories of the Universe. {From the book Science Made Stupid: How to Discomprehend the World Around Us by Tom Weller}... And though the author used the word "Four", let me provide them as an example of a 3 to 1 ratio, (though a singular pattern-of-three is also evidenced), since this ratio will be discussed later on as an attribute of the Sun. However, it should be noted that there are other "centricities" one might offer such as a (Milk Way) Galaxy-centric, or UFO-centric, Physics-centric, money-centric, cooking-centric, etc..., though other names are already in use without adding the "centric" as a suffix. However, the word "eccentric" can either mean off-center (unconventionally not centered as the common horde), or centralized on what others view as an odd speciality of behavior... and not to be confused with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

The Four main theories of the Universe as a 3 to 1 ratio expression: (And yes, I know there are other ways of categorizing the information.)-

HelioC (11K)

1 of 3

This might also be referred to as a God-centered perspective with respect to solar-mythology. Simplistically, for the purposes of general explanation, it embodies a large area of geography.

GeoC (4K)

2 of 3

This might also be referred to as a God-centered perspective that followed a Sun-centered one. This too embodies a large area of geography.

EthnoC (7K)

3 of 3

This is another God-centered perspective fore-shortened into a "chosen people", "righteous people", etc., preoccupation that may at times substitute the directly-linked religious idealisms with others such as "a good people", "a democratic people", "a free people", etc. While this embodies much less geographic area, it can involve a large nation or several nations appearing to offer similar systems of social self-governance.

EgoC (8K)

1 of 1

While some egocentric individuals may claim themselves to be God or a messenger thereof, a preoccupation with one's own interests (whatever they may be), can sometimes exclude considering the needs of others. Egocentricity embodies no geographic area except for that within the sphere of immediate concern of the individual. It is to be distinguished from personal greed and hoarding. For example, an infant can metaphorically be used to describe egocentricity in that it "seeks" to satisfy its immediate needs but does not claim the area of a bed as its own nor greedily hoard food such as in keeping twenty bottles of milk nearby.

The first 3 examples are related to the last one. All of which can be "fused" into a singularity since they all arise from the same. Historically speaking, the early Sun billions of years ago would have been a single event with respect to the developing Earth (by accretion?). The incredibly fast spinning proto-Earth at this time, would have witnessed a singular solar "moment" (imagine that you were standing on Earth looking towards the Sun). As the Earth slowed and the Sun (and Moon) loomed closer, the three "moments" event materialized. In terms of solar mythology, the Sun's three "moments" (attributes: Dawn- Noon- Dusk) are fusing into a single event as the Earth's rotation slows and the Sun expands towards its eventual demise.

Now, let us regain our intellectual footing that had momentarily peered outwards while standing on tip-toes, and return to the the "word" discussion:

As the grunts and groans of early primates gave way to what we might call speech-like utterances in later arriving hominids, definitive sounds of one kind or another began to be viewed with a meritable quality and deserving attention either because of the sound's uniqueness or that a dominant individual (literally) brow-beat subordinates into accepting a particular expression as having great value (God, Law, Revelation, etc.). Afterwards, two or more of these sounds conjoined became regarded as more note-worthy (Such as "God's law"), thus providing the individual with an admiration (and/or fear). One can easily imagine that further human brain development occurring in a growing social order, coupled with the mimicking of sounds found in nature such as birds, frogs, blowing wind, etc., led to alterations of vocal sounds that became to be recognized as distinctly human; even though in some instances there were birds that could mimic the vocal sounds of humans. (Who knows, someone at sometime may have thought God was talking to them through a particular parrot or mynah bird.)

Put more simply, with words came the ability to label, to name events, objects and people. With the advent of transcribing ideas (singular or multiple words) with some form of graphic symbol (pictures, Cuneiform, etc.), categorization of labels (which include numerically referenced quantities), assisted in cementing repetitive usage. Hence, because it was written, ideas sometimes became annotated with the belief that they were transcribed by a God who had selected given individuals with a particular ability that might be defined as power. The belief that a word or particular assemblage of words held a certain "power" is revealed in the notion of magic words used for incantations, spells, and curses, much in the manner that some people today attempt to use certain words or expressions to persuade, cajole, intimidate, or be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

An example in the belief that to know someone's name gave you power over them is attested to in the old fairy tale concerning Rumpelstiltskin in which he will not hold a woman to her promise of giving him her child if she could guess his name. Thus in naming him, he no longer has power over her... and by extension, the present day God is said to be unnameable because, in a very like-minded sense, in giving God a name, the God of all past-based present-day religions would no longer have power over people. Hence some people recite the expression that "God is ineffable". Yet this expression is frequently used as a means of having power over others to believe in a certain way. It is a modern day form of using an incantation to bring about a certain effect. "God is ineffable" is a myth perpetuated by superstition that is used as a tool of manipulation.

In the second example above, some readers might well overlook the changing mindset of humanity with respect to how the Sun is viewed. Primitive minds would have acknowledged the effects of the Sun long before they would have interpreted the Sun as a God. As the brain of humanity changed, the interpretation that the Sun was a God would have gradually been replaced with the notion that the Sun was "with" God (as an attribute or appendage), or in other words, belonged to God (like a hat or "halo").

The point to make, though some readers would readily assert this to be quite apparent, is to acknowledge that the human mind was changing in its interpretation and representation of the Sun. Human ideas have see-sawed over time: The Sun was viewed as central and thus claimed as a God, was altered by the viewed that the Earth was the center of the Universe. This view then changed when humanity decided that the Earth (and other planets) revolved around the Sun, but the Sun was no longer viewed as a God (just the particular views of those who "saw" a god). Along with different words being used to label and define the Sun by peoples using different languages with varying vocabularies, they were nonetheless retaining an orientation to the effects of the Sun. The Sun as a God was and is, at present, another Myth.

In the third example above, some readers may have no idea what I'm describing. To make a claim that a number can be viewed as a God seems ludicrous to them. However, it is actually quite simple to discern what I am referring to by citing the the three-patterned number "666". Far too many people equate this with the anti-Christ and/or some dark "unspeakable" power. (Because it is unnameable, a person can't have power over it.) They down-right fear what this repeated number represents to them, even if the personal representation, if examined closely, would be seen to be bits and pieces of superstition jumbled together into an over-valued system of possibility reinforced by childish irrationality.

The anti-Christ, or Satan if you prefer, is viewed by some to be the God of evil, even if in the same breath they would argue against usage of the word "God" which they solely reserve for that which, in their mind, represents some idealism of good. Others might point out that a larger number (888) refers to Jesus, which, like the numerical value, is "more than" 666 and is therefore greater.

3 eights (888), in antiquity, was the sacred number of Jesus.

ihsous = Jesus
i = iota = 10
h = eta = 8
s = sigma = 200
o = omicron = 70
u = upsilon = 400
s = sigma = 200

--- Toll- free bridge to God ---

In other words, (for those who have trouble with all varieties of number-word problems), "888" is a larger or bigger number than "666"... revealing a difference of "222". Additionally, Hitler's number is "555", which is less than "666", (with a difference of "111"), but not so distant from it as is 666 from 888. The number "555" for Hitler is derived from the historical reference to his membership in the Nazi Party. Whereas he was actually the 55th person to join, the organizers wanted to give the impression that there were more members so they made him the 555th.

Using the above numerical criteria for establishing a "coded" baseline of "revealed" information, the third installment would be 11-11-11, thus presenting us with a "333" difference with the "888". I will leave the "meaning" of the 11-11-11 up to the imagination (knowledge, insight, interpretation) of the reader... but it may have nothing to do with a date,... which is a customary point of reference for some readers.

In our present day and age, numbers have become similar to a controlling God who is like a librarian using their own numerical system for cataloguing. We are frequently identified with a number; be it on a driver's license, social security card, student I.D., credit card, employee badge or otherwise. Numbers have assumed an Omnipresent role like a God, in that we are inundated with their presence. Our usage of phones, radios, televisions, house or apartment numbers, odometers, altimeters, speedometers, runways, inter-state highways, map coordinates, score-keeping, bank accounts, sports jerseys and computers all used numbers. While most of us may not refer to numbers as a God, listening to some mathematicians on how they view their subject area when compared to others, might lead you to think that they believe that numbers are supreme (sometimes referred to as the "Queen" of all subjects because all others are dependent upon it in one fashion or another). But this says little about those involved with numerology or those who recite biblical information by way of referring to it by way of chapter and verse numbers, as if they were in possession of some great power to wield over others so that they can be held in (shining) awe thereof.

But let us not overlook the usage of numbers to list laws, gamble, rate progress (or decline), count birthdays, weigh goods, detail services, arrange accordingly, presume predictability, measure, value, as well as to esteem or use as a tool to besmirch (such as someone's character). No less the usage of numbers in telling time, be it the hour, day, month, year or some projected possibility as defined by a particular equation. Curiously, time is organized in a tripartite way: by seconds, minutes and hours, as well as days, weeks, months, or month, day and year. ON some occasions we even find calendars representing a three-month tabulation. We use numbers to make claims, substantiate beliefs, associate accountability and numerous other applications for doodling, fun, recreational efforts, political exploitation, phrophecising outcomes or guesstimation. We even have number-related expressions representing some given order or intent which may be a veiled threat: "By the number(s)", "I've got your number", "It doesn't add up", etc... Yet numbers are not gods, goddesses or a single God, even if we permit them to control some or all aspects of our lives. Clearly then, at least from my perspective, and in some respects, modern humans are engaged in using numbers at mythological proportions akin to the power of a solar deity... and like a god, we are afraid to live without them.

— The story of Jesus (sometimes referred to as the "Son of God" or the "Son of Man") has been interpreted as a solar myth, which some readers may find easier to understand by rendering the word "Son" into "Sun": the "Sun of God" or the "Sun of Man". In the latter sense, both statements are correct. Hence, such notions that God or their human representative on Earth is basked by a "shining light", or that we "can not look into the eye of God", are solar-related ideas. Of course there are other words such as brilliant, brilliance, bright (intelligent), etc., and expressions: "ray of hope", "guiding light", "light at the end of the (dark) tunnel", etc., that are close approximations that may be used in other (non-religious) contexts; all of which can be interpreted as reflections of the shining Sun, Moon or Stars, with the Sun having top billing of selection. ("Twinkling" is obviously linked to the Stars while references evoking ideas concerned with dimly lit/shadowy occurrences favor a close association with the Moon.) —

But let's take a step back for a moment to provide a few examples of how myth and solar mythology are defined:

From the Online Merriam Webster about Solar Myth:

  • A myth that concerns a sun god.
  • A traditional story (as a folk tale or legend) that is interpreted as an explanation of the course, motion, or influence of the sun.

From a Wordweb source about myth:

  • A traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people.

From the online (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing):

  • Mythology is defined as a set of legends, stories or beliefs, especially ones that have a religious or cultural tradition.

From the online Encyclopedia Mythica:

By Bernard Doyle
Definition of Myth
  • Before defining the term "mythology" one needs to define the meaning of the word "myth". The word itself comes from the Greek "mythos" which originally meant "speech" or "discourse" but which later came to mean "fable" or "legend".


History of Research into Solar Mythology and the Bible
  • The knowledge that the stories in the Bible are actually allegories rooted in Solar Mythology is nothing new. There is evidence that people were well aware of it at the time of the formation of the Catholic Church. There is also evidence that these people were eliminated by the Catholic Church and all books exposing the allegory were burned.

From the Online "Origin Myths" page:

Types of Mythology

All known cultures have had some form of mythology. Each and every one of them developed distinct mythological styles and their own system of gods and goddesses. However, upon examining the mythologies closely we find several commonalities and realize that we can divide the myths of all cultures into certain categories. The Following three are some of the ones that are commonly found in mythologies across the world.

  • Myths of Origin
  • Myths of Heroes
  • Myths of the Gods

From The Free Dictionary:

my·thol·o·gy (m-thl-j)
    1. A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.
    2. A body of myths associated with an event, individual, or institution: "A new mythology, essential to the . . . American funeral rite, has grown up" (Jessica Mitford).
  1. The field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths.
[French mythologie, from Late Latin mthologia, from Greek mthologi, story-telling : mthos, story + -logi, -logy.]


A solar deity is a deity who represents the Sun. People have worshipped the Sun and solar deities for all of recorded history. Hence, many beliefs and legends have been formed around this worship. Although many sources contend that solar deities are generally male, and the brother, father, husband and/or enemy of the lunar deity (usually female), this is not cross-culturally upheld, as sun goddesses are found on every continent. The dualism of sun/male/light and moon/female/darkness is indeed found in European traditions that derive from Orphic and Gnostic philosophies, but many other European cultures saw the sun as a maternal force, as did many other cultures. In some cultures, such as the Scandinavian, some scholars have misread the primary texts in order to declare a male divinity the "sun god."

H.O.B. note: Despite the use of the word "dualism" when describing sun/male/light and moon/female/darkness, which is correct on the one hand, the usage of three-word descriptives clearly represent the usage of triadic expressions.

Also from

Chinese Mythology

Unlike many other cultures, Chinese people do not personify nor worship the Sun or the Moon. The most likely reason is the heavy influence of Taoism and I Ching in Chinese culture because the Moon represents Yin and the Sun represents Yang which are the basis of everything in nature.


  1. a body of myths, as that of a particular people or that relating to a particular person: Greek mythology.
  2. myths collectively.
  3. the science or study of myths.
  4. a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered: (such as) the Fascist mythology of the interwar years.

Origin: 1375–1425; late Middle English mythologie (Late Latin mythologia / Greek mythología.)

The last example supplies us with an origin theory for the word mythology. No less the word but perhaps the entire idea of a "mythology" (in terms of a fable) is a rather new concept in the stock of human consideration. If very ancient peoples had an equivalent idea, it is not known by us of today. In other words, perhaps ancient peoples were more gullible than are we of today. Though we of today may view the ideas and associated notions of god and goddesses (as well as other creatures, magic, and magical devices or events) as fanciful notions akin to fairy tales and simplistic science fiction, the peoples of old firmly believed in them... even if there were some in the various publics who only pretended to believe in the nonsense expressed by their respective public figures such as politicians, clergy, and sports-warriors.

While we do not know how many of the myths of old were deliberate concoctions by the ruling elite as a means of manipulating and controlling the public, we do know that present day elites (corporations, clubs, religions, Media, gangs, associations, Red Cross, government entities (CIA, FBI, CDC, White House, Military, Congress, Supreme Court, Homeland Security) etc., have all participated (at times unwittingly), in the dissemination of views that are little more than the attempt to create a myth in the minds of the public. For example:

  • Bush's Weapons of Mass Destruction (It was total nonsense and should have been cause for impeachment, not to mention it was a short-term myth used for the purpose at hand, which the military got excited about and wanted to assist in the illusion- making scenario in order to carry out its own agenda.)

  • Anthrax and other diseases are a real threat which "could be" used as chemical weapons. (While the diseases themselves are real, they are used as scare tactics by the government to keep the public insecure and easier to manipulate. Various types of similar "danger" and "possible threat" distractions are used like the sleight-of-hand trickster activities of magicians, in order to cover-up activities that typically are criminal in nature.)

  • The American Social Security system is equitable to all. (In fact, the Social Security System is a Ponzi scheme where younger workers subsidize those workers who came before them.)

  • Stock Market Valuations reflect a prosperous economy. (Stock Market growth does not equate with more jobs.)

  • Justice reflects truth. (Justice is based on interpretation which can be politically manipulated.)

  • Truth is a Universal law. (Truth, like beauty and freedom are in the eye of the beholder.)

  • Creation of Changelings: Numerous Police officers were frequently involved in illegal activities in the past and the origin of Fire departments (in America) rested on the activities of volunteer fire fighters who started fires to give the illusion that they were needed full time. In order to dispell antagonistic public views, Police and Fire departments were later defined as organizations of public servants. Decades later they, and other emergency personnel were transformed into heroes and are now defined as "1st" responders... The need for changing the identity is because the public quickly sees through the myth. It's too bad the public doesn't quickly and collectively see through the myths created by religions, governments and businesses as well.

  • Presenting Government Whistle Blowers as having committed treason for divulging questionable government practices while Corporate whistle blowers are heroes when they assist the government into gaining insight into secret corporate practices, (that it may or may not use against the public later on).

  • It is believed that many organizations, such as law enforcement (CIA, FBI, etc.), military, medicine, Pharmaceutical, etc., create problems to give the "illusory-reality" that they are needed... and therefore need more funding.

  • etc...

And let us not forget to plainly spell out for the myopic reader that the practices of all religions, governments and corporations exist by perpetuating myths that are more frequently defined as illusions. For example, American Democracy, based on the premise that it is a government Of, By and For the people is an illusion just as are many of the assumed Freedoms.

The American government is based on a Plutocracy that is a government Of, By, and for the Wealthy. The present form of American Democracy (just like all variations of Democracy being practiced in the World), is extremely fragile. Take away all the wealth from the wealthy throughout the world so that they are equal to the middle class might very well cause all of human society to collapse because no government is based on equality; it is based on various forms of segregation that are rationalized into necessities and presented with acceptable labels... much like the goods in a grocery store are separated into departments based on the rationale of the business owner who may be mimicking the same type of segregation of goods that other store owners practice due to traditions of past eras.

Equality is an illusion, it is a myth. Acceptable practices of segregation is the rule of thumb which defines all governments, all religions, all businesses. And yet, even after reading this many readers will not consider the view that the ideas fostered by Communism, Democracy and Socialism all have a basis in the creation of myths, of illusions and in order to have a better society we need a different form of government. We need to originate a whole new form of social self-governance... unless we can devise something altogether better than "government".

Mythology under the guise an auspices of business, government and religion (with and without scientific support) has misled, bruised, beaten, raped, molested, maimed, tortured, killed and stolen from many millions.

But let us return to discussing solar mythology; which is the influence of the Sun (and perceived attributes) aligned with a given culture's interests such as themselves, ancient lore (past beliefs), warmth, food production, etc... As it stands, Solar mythology appears to have traveled a three-phase development:

  1. A Zoömorphic sun: Such as Manabozho, (the great white hare) of Algonquin (Native American) legend, or Indra the bull sun of India.
  2. An Anthropomorphic sun: Various gods and goddesses.
  3. A Celestialmorphic or Astronomorphic sun: Star, planet

The following are a few examples of the Sun and its attributes and what they are associated with, as possibly described by ancient myths (but you may want to interpret otherwise, according to your own tastes and present day observations as I have done in a few cases):

  • Solar (daily) movement: Horse-drawn chariot, Ship
  • Solar (yearly) movement: Equinoxes, Solstices
  • Solar (century) movement: ??? (Mayan Calendar?)
    • Knowledge/awareness of cyclical event: (Beginnings of prophecy?)
  • Solar Corona: Halo, Disk (headdress), golden wings, shield
  • Solar orb itself: Eye of God (the moon is the other eye)
  • Solar body (can also be called orb):
    1. The sun is a Person— (the Moon is its lesser twin), god, goddess, Hercules, Jesus, (Hero/Heroin of the people, deliverer, chosen one)
    2. The sun is a Place— dwelling of the "person"
    3. The sun is a Thing— possession of the "person" (such as kingdom, talent, ability), torch... or it could be an animal that is not a possession such as a white hare. We also find reference to cows and oxen as representing the Sun. One might consider that the "sacred cow" of India may have some semblance.

  • Sunrise: Creation, new life, birth, fertility, crops, healing, waking, beginning, start, "Overworld" or Heaven, "coming" (as in second coming), sexuality, peace, love, sanity
  • Sunset: Death, sleep, finish, end, Underworld (chthonic), insanity (due to fears created by the advent of darkness), blackness, swallowed up/eaten
  • Solar rays: Golden hair, (obsession with shiny metal and gems), spears, (solar "bolts" akin to lightning bolts?), glistening robes, metal staff, swords, arrows, (out-stretched arms/hands?)
  • Solar heat: fire, dragon's breath, warmth
  • Solar light: daylight, brilliance (bright/brilliant/genius), radiance, glow, emanation, effulgence, blinding, Eureka! (light bulb overhead), luminescence, shining, (also referenced by albinism such as white hares, bison, "white" people, etc.?)

While we of the present age could very well add to the list of denoted connotations, the point I want to make is that ancient peoples (as do many of us today), perpetuate the same references of solar description. In other words, we are identifying the same characteristics as did peoples of old, even though there exist other traits. And I am not talking about those qualities as defined by scientific analysis even when may one day have their own list of mythological-level attributions. Specifically, we don't find mythological references to:

  • An expanding Sun as it decays (and/or a decreasing lunar presence as it recedes).
  • An accelerated Earth rotation (in relation to the Sun) and its future slowing.
  • The Triangular path of the Sun (and Moon) on its daily trek.

However, even though ancient peoples (or peoples of today) did (or do) not describe these events in terms to be labeled as mythology, does not mean these events did (or do) not affect them or us. But not only humans, other life forms as well. For example, there appears to be no mythological reference to the Sun's light in terms of photosynthesis, yet plants were and are affected by such nonetheless. Another example is the movement of the Sun indicated by phototrophism (plant orientation to sunlight), even though there are mythological references describing solar movement. In short, the mythologies of old did not describe all the traits of the Sun's effects, just as our present understanding of the Sun today may well appear to be a superficial account according to those in the distant future.

It is of some value to make the point that all life forms may engage in "mythology making" in terms respective of the life form's ability to respond to and express the effects of environmental influences. But don't take this too literally and claim that I am saying a life form like frogs develop some type of frog-relevant "notion" about a god or goddess frog. The metaphor and allegory used by various life forms needs to be considered in the same imaginative terms humans have used in describing the Sun and its attributes. For example, tree rings describe for us certain environmental conditions the tree experienced over a given time period which may be hundreds of years. The rings may be tree-relevant mythological expressions passed and shared from one generation to the next via genetic transference. In fact, we might even muse that all of genetics contains genetic-relevant mythological characters shared in varying ways. I realize this is a form of "Alice in Wonderland" thinking for some readers. But I am speaking metaphorically in an attempt to assist you in stretching your mind with a different type of mental exercise.

In terms of a type of human phototrophism, we find it in the orientation of those who appear to have built structures which aligned the sun with a given day, giving rise to the ideas of a solstice and equinox. When we can't make a connection with the Sun to a structure, we frequently look for some connection to a star or constellation thereof, without realizing there may nonetheless be a solar connection even if the builders were not (or only vaguely) aware of such. While this may seem to be ridiculous to consider that a structure such as a pyramid could be built according to some vague impression, it must be noted that this is how many creative ideas come about. Artists of various kinds, using different expressive mediums, sometimes begin with an impulse that may or may not be added to by one or more others with impulses which can be, in some fashion, linked.

While some readers are more comfortable asserting that the pyramids came about by some ostensibly viewable design, others will be more open to the possibility that great works of art, architecture, etc., can come by way of a serendipitous route through a manufacturing process born by-way of a hint, hunch, or indistinct impression that; even when a project is assailed a triumph, a marvel, an unequaled original work of art, the origin of the impetus still remains as a vague representation. In other words, the expressed work of genius is a crude facsimile that the "artist" may not be able to ever accurately portray because of a personal inability/sensibility, lack of an appropriately descriptive vocabulary, and/or due to the primitive state of the materials at hand to assist in an accurate reproduction thereof... not to mention the difficulty of getting one or more others to at least give them the benefit of any doubt.

Let us now continue on to page Three.

Your Questions, Comments or Additional Information are welcomed:
Herb O. Buckland