Threesology Research Journal
Solar Mythology Revisited... 3

(The Study of Threes)

To restate, with an easily identifiable representation, the three solar characteristics that do not appear to be intentionally described by ancient mythological accounts:

  1. The Sun has been and is expanding as it decays towards its eventual burnout.
    • The Moon has been and is also receding. It once loomed larger in the sky.

  1. The Sun's three "Moments" called Dawn- Noon - Dusk are "fusing" (3 into 1) as the Earth's rotation slows and the Sun continues to expand.
    • An accelerated Earth rotation would have caused the three solar "moments" to effect a stroboscopic irradiation.
  1. The Sun (and Moon) have and do portray a triangular path on its daily trek.
    • These treks have previously described as linear ("across the sky") and circular ("over the sky").

For some other examples of "Linear - Circular - Triangular": --- Introductory Page 3c ---

The three solar "moments" known as Dawn - Noon - Dusk will "individually" enlarge as the whole of the Sun enlarges towards its ultimate demise ... which will one day expand to engulf the nearby planets such as Mercury, Venus and Earth, requiring humanity to make a move to Mars well ahead of this date. The enlargement of these three "moments" are thus producing a 3 into 1 "fusion" effect. Processes of life that are aligned with the influences of these "individual" moments may likewise be fusing, thus resulting in a distinct alteration of life as we know it.

However, just because the solar "moments" (attributes) are in the process of fusing, does not mean examples of the fusion can not be identified nor that the ensuing events have not, are not, or will not take place prior to the completion of the actual celestial event. Affected processes may occur ahead of the influential celestial event due to inherent structural parameters which, if in fact such exists, suggests a type of "fore knowledge", destiny, and "pre-written history". Unless it is merely the flow of probability like water following a "natural" geologically-defined contour. (Or perhaps an artificially designed contour like a street curb... suggesting a man-made influence such as genetic alterations defined by chemical, biological, or nuclear interventions.)

For example, let us contemplate a scenario in which the existence of a triplet codon (coding) system in DNA is in part (or whole) the result of these three "natural" moments (as opposed to a man-made nuclear blast), and might well serve as an experimental model for Chemical Evolutionists. For whatever reason(s), (to continue this supposition), the three solar "moments" effected the requirement of a "three-patterned organizational formula" in order for DNA to subsist in the environment at a given time during DNA's formative years... with representative time intervals that may have been quite different than what we calculate today. In other words, during the "Primordial Soup" (billions-of-years-ago) era when the length of a day was considerably shorter, these three solar moments acted as a guiding light (blue-print) of developmental instruction. Granted that this may be a make-believe type of mythological construction, but something had to provide the form in which the "three-patterned" cement was poured for the structures of DNA, RNA and Proteins. Surely these three are not simply cosmetic representations of stucco, tile or stone-work... Unless nature uses them as one might use a "popcorn" effect on a ceiling, grout between tiles, or finishing materials to cover up blemishes created by an amateur craftmanship.

As an inclusive counter-part, the "three" formula of DNA, RNA and Proteins also has a "one", thus presenting us with three-to-one ratios as part of its design, just as the Sun does:

~ Item ~ ~ Three the same ~ ~ One is different ~
DNA = Adenosine - Cytosine - Guanine Thymine
RNA = Uracil
Proteins = Primary - Secondary - Tertiary Quaternary as a composite of the first three (though some might claim the first three are also composites.)
(Past and Present) Sun = Dawn - Noon -Dusk Future Sun
is a "fusion" of the three moments as it continues to expand.

This link provides the beginning of several pages involving examples of the 3 to 1 ratio:

--- Three "to" One ---

[Quotes around the "to" are being used to reference/insinuate the value of "two", giving us a 3 - 2 - 1 sequencing display.]

The three solar "moments" would have appeared and disappeared in the sky more quickly when the rate of the Earth's rotation was faster billions of years ago. (This is said to be the time in which the building blocks of life were being fashioned in what is sometimes referred to as the primordial soup or broth... though some other food-stuff analogy might be more useful to some readers. In other words, they might prefer to say the "primordial jello mixed with fruit", the "primordial alphabet soup", the "primordial variety pack of cereal", etc.) But some readers might be expecting to witness a dramatic "all of a sudden" effect of the three-moment fusion on biological substrates. The ideas of subtlety, gradualism, and overlap are not within the scope of their considerations. They expect a fusion effect to be as readily observable as a sunburn, parched desert floor, or sun-baked animal hide. And without such a dramatisation, the possibility of any effect at all is dismissed as a negligible concern.

Stated again, the triangular path of the Sun and Moon would have occurred more frequently (on a daily basis) when the Earth's rate of rotation was faster.

The accelerated rotation rate of the Earth would have produced solar (and lunar- reflected solar) "stroboscopic irradiation effects". These effects were not necessarily in the visible light spectrum... or perhaps I should say not only in the visible light spectrum. For example, environmental effects on Pre and Post biological substrates would have been amplified (or in some cases diminished?) due to, for example:

  • An accelerated Earth rotation rate (though other planets with increased/decreased rates may have produced auxiliary effects).
  • The distance of the Sun from the Earth.
  • The distance of the Moon from the Earth. (A closer Moon due to increased proximity would have created different wave forms, when the presence of water became an issue).
  • A sparse (thin) or sporadically existing Ozone layer.
  • Presence of one or more other gases (in greater quantities than oxygen).
  • Earth and Sun polarity reversals.
  • Solar flares.
  • Extreme geological instability.

Please see the following information regarding an accelerated rotation rate which outlines that the development of "hominid-humanity" occurred when the rotation began a 23 hour rate. (To be distinguished from historical-humanity, written history-humanity, primate-humanity, pre-mammal- humanity, etc.):

Earth's Rotation Rate page 1

With respect to the above cited triangle image, let me provide some examples, the first of which is supplied with attendant comments that accompanied the following picture. I flipped the original left-to-right handed image so as to display the total triangular path which some readers would not visually do on their own. It must also be acknowledged that the picture is quite deceptive because it gives a false impression of solar intensity that is dramatically more discernible with or without going to the extreme of getting a sun-burn.

triangle 1 (10K)

...The above image (from 2003) shows a nice demonstration of the ecliptic. A picture was taken every 6 minutes and then superimposed together to show the paths of (left to right) the sun, Venus, the moon and Jupiter along the ecliptic plane. The "line" looks curved across our sky and you can see that all planets follow this path pretty closely....

Astropixie 10/1- 11/1 2007

Note: in the present context, we must wonder whether the so-called "curved" line has an effect that has not only been represented mythologically in some fashion in the past, but whether or not simple, sensitive biological materials would have been affected by this and other solar events, to an extent the image we can see is likewise "seen", though the image may not necessarily be explicitly shown with the same detail. For example, while some of us would readily say that a plant, for instance, can "see" and respond to the Sun, we don't mean to imply that the mode of seeing nor the response is the same.

Here's an image I came across many years ago:

Vboth (19K)

The image is of the Moon in eclipse, though the picture could just as easily be a picture of the Sun. I inverted the picture in order to show the complete pathway of ascent and descent. This is a picture taken from page 80 of the 10/97 issue of Natural History magazine showing a time-elapsed image of the Moon during a daily trek but, again, we could also consider a similar image could be offered for the Sun.

The usage of time-lapsed photography gives us some indication of the environmental conditions early biological life processes were subjected to many billions of years ago when the Earth was spinning faster. Early biological processes would have been subjected to a repeating triangular image for long periods of time in an environment considerably different from today if we can believe what others have written about such times, such as a lessened ozone, increased volcanic and geological activity, etc...

It should be no wonder if we find this (triangular) image being expressed in a variety of (mythological or other) ways by different organisms, within the limitations of their physical/ "mental" ability to do so. If we humans of today can get sun-burned with the current protective ozone levels/layer, it's not too difficult to appreciate how such a triangular image could have been "branded" on the sensitive, impressionable, (highly "suggestible") "hide" of (our) early biological beginnings. On the human level, one such expression might well be pyramids, arrow/spear heads, triangular flight formations of aircraft (and migrating birds), triangle love affairs, bowling pin and billiard ball alignments, the human tail bone and various other triangles in human physiology. We might also want to include Native American Tee-pees, termite mounds, inverted antlion burrows, fins of fish, bird beaks, the jaws of canines, electrical "spikes" seen on oscilloscopes and similar graph illustrations showing growth, anomaly, or an unexpected trend. Of course, other "triangle" examples might be offered as suggestions such as the pelvic girdle, V-shaped torso, pyramid hair-style, "pointed" comments, pencil and pin tips, rocket/projectile point contours, funnels, vortex movement of draining liquids, tornadoes, etc.

But does (or did) the triangle effect of the Sun's (and perhaps Moon's) passage during and after an accelerated rate, cause the formulation of one or more kinds of triangular "expressions" found amongst various life forms? While we say that perhaps some termites build triangular (termite mound) structures, then why don't all of them? And why don't wolves, for example, build pyramidal structures, (even though we might say that beavers build truncated forms)? Is the wolf act of climbing a mountain a means of expressing a triangular orientation? And that not all life forms need to be builders, but may alternatively seek out the usage of ready-made triangular forms, such as a wolf urinating on or beneath a triangular-shaped pine tree? Does the triangular flight formation of migrating birds have nothing to do with aerodynamics, but is an expression of the triangular solar/lunar passage that became "imprinted" in/on the species' biological makeup in a specific way?

In contemplating why some organisms "express" the same environmental events in different ways, thereby seeming to refute any case for a particular "only one way" (tit for tat) assertion, we could (also) suggest that the developmental parameters of life forms may utilize (and exhibit) one or more basic geometric patterns which might be indistinct due to added-on characteristics, The three patterns being: The Line, The circle, and The Triangle. While we might want to argue that the circle, triangle and other geometric models are basically single lines, these three serve as a propositional basis... if for no other reason than to distinguish between simplicity and complexity; leading us to consider that one organism (life form) is just more complicated in how they respond to (interpret), express, and perhaps copy (mimic) the same underlying configuration.

For some examples of the Line, Circle, Triangle variations:

--- Threes Introduction page 3C ---

In deciphering what might be termed a strategy with respect to the complex usage of a simple formulation, an analogy may be helpful: While the complexities of playing chess and checkers are quite different, both utilize the basic underlying movements of horizontal, vertical and diagonal... to which we might want to include the example of card playing, where turns can take place either linearly, circularly, or triangularly, depending on context and the number of players. With respect to organisms, they may use a linear expression but it may not exhibit all three directions and nor should we be so naive as to expect the "line" to be straight or of any observationally desired length. However, for whatever reason(s), one organism may use a circular response ("expression") to a given environmental stimulus, while others may use one or more individual "straight" lines, while still another use a triangle. The intricacies of why they respond differently will need to be worked out. For example, can DNA be designed with a different underlying lattice construction for the amino acids and still work as well? Is the current form an environmentally influenced design that we can improve on?... and need to do so because the current form is too restrictive?

In considering why some organism (life form) for example, may respond to an environmental event with a line and another with a circle and still another with a triangular expression, it is well known that the same kind of life form (such as humans), might well react differently to what appears to be the same event. Simple organisms may "see" things differently as well and "express" the same event as if it were a different experience. Likewise, it must be considered, there will be some different reactions to the same environmental event such as the stroboscopic effects of the Sun. Clearly, the development of different forms of solar mythologies illustrates the point of diversification, unless one would want to venture the possibility that there are multiple suns which influence multiple solar mythologies.

However, we should not be flagrantly dismissive of an alternative hypothesis concerning a mythology that was likewise produced by solar effects. For example, the design of DNA is a type of "mythological" representation due to its relative perceptual ability to "see" the Sun. In other words, the Sun of billions-of-years ago during DNA's formation was a different Sun than that "seen" by later, more complex biological activity such as a fish, bird, or dinosaur. Alternatively, let us take stock of a few other considerations when looking at different mythologies:

  • The "traditional" stock of mythology has been, in part, misinterpreted because it is based on misinterpretation of language, translated language, and pictures, portraits or sculptures.

  • The traditional mythology is a collection of "bits and pieces" of available information compiled by otherwise sincere individuals who would be the first to admit to short-comings in their research efforts.

  • The traditional mythology does not represent all the effects of the Sun (or other celestial objects.) Some solar effects are subtle and may thus effect subtle expressions that may or may not become more difficult to discern because they are mixed with other forms of expression and manufacture.

  • Traditional mythology is recounted by mythologists that focus on the same superficial solar effects.

  • Tradition-oriented mythologists paraphrase and re-paraphrase past views of myth interpretation; thereby instituting a required type of thinking for those interested in the subject, as if such an orientation were tantamount to a universal law about mythology. (This is a variation of the "My Way or the Highway" mentality.)

  • Mythology is not only created but also acts as an influence to create additional mythology, thereby making the pristine source of influence quite possibly more difficult to distinguish.

We must not slight a proposal for the existence of solar effects that have been overlooked (and therefore not indicated) in solar mythologies from different cultures; simply based on the expectation that all cultures (and for that matter different life forms) should nonetheless provide some similar indication thereof,... if a particular solar influence is as prominent as is claimed. In other words, and for example, if we agree that the triangular path of the Sun is a prominent influential characteristic (such as being displayed as an after-image on the human psyche), then why isn't it a prominent characteristic shown in mythology? Does it exist in all mythologies but has been overlooked? Does it occur in a few or even just one mythology that has not been scrutinized because it is not of Indo-European? Asian? African, Native American? etc., origin? Is there an over-riding ethno-centricity occurring in mythology research, despite the claims and attempts to provide a cross-cultural portrayal?

Some responses to the above question:

  • It is not a prominent influence (and therefore not shown).
  • It is a subtly-prominent influence (and is (therefore?) subtly expressed).
  • It is absent from interpretation because mythologists are not aware of it as a solar/lunar influence. (One should not interpret mythologists as "all seeing" and "all knowing", for this is a myth.)

Because our ideas regarding solar effects need to be revised, so must our notions regarding solar mythology, if not the whole of mythologically-defined criteria. For example, by revising our definition of (solar, etc.) mythology, can it be found that the genetics of all life forms exhibit a "mythology"? (For want of a better word.) Is the idea of a triplet codon system in DNA a myth creation developed by geneticists and that a better labeling system would thus provide us with an enhanced understanding because it, like solar mythologists, focus primarily on only a certain aspect (such as focusing on the "mythology" and not the Sun with equal weight)?

Do the short life spans of some life forms develop "mythologies" in terms of adaptability, and it is because we use such a word (as "adaptability") that we can not identify the adaptive characteristic as an environmentally influenced "myth" or that the usage of the word "myth" occludes our ability to see a form of adaptability? Is our usage of the word "myth" (or adaptability, in this instance), a hinderance to a greater appreciation of environmental influences and that "adaptation" is a form thereof? Additionally, one might surmise that other words likewise produce obstacles to greater appreciation and application of new knowledge.

Agreeably, we could stretch our imaginations quite widely, but is it appropriate (beneficial) to do so? On the other hand, maybe the act of stretching is another form of pyramid building and we are still in the "drawing board" or model building phase? Are we afraid to let our imaginations run "wild", so to speak, in chasing this firefly of thought? Is it a (triangular) Mount Everest we humans have not conquered because superstitions and tradionalized colloquial expressions present us with various forms of "forbidden territory"?

Understandably so, each of us tethers ourselves to some form of mythological perspective that we would define as sanity, if asked to describe our world-view. Yet, we are not readily reflexive to name the experimentation of a new idea as the possible threshold of a "super-sane" thought processing. Hence, looking at this from a more readily understood topic such as social self-governance where there exist different species of Democracy: (America's is a Plutocratic form); the illusions/allusions (mythologies) of all the world's different forms of government might well be improved when the public world-view collectively adopts a better mythology. (Or the reigning authority adopts one and forces it on the public.) And since the dominant mythological beginnings of human concept formation have been (and are) solar based, it behooves us to adopt a new (at least revised) solar mythology.

It should be noted that in our exploration of modern forms of solar mythology, our present usage of "solar based technology" might well be viewed as a mythology in future generations. While we of the present find it to have practical application based on the presumed logic of our mentality, so did the mythological ideas of ancient cultures have practical application in their time, from their perspective. Akin to the phrase "One person's junk is another person's treasure," we could say that "One person's mythology (illusory reality) is another person's practical reality". While we find past mythological ideas amusing and interesting, those of the past might very well have viewed our solar energy devices absurd, evil or otherwise very impractical, since we do not worship a solar energy god or goddess.

Far too many people think that effects of the Sun on the Earth are on the order of magnitude as Sunspot activity or the Aurora Borealis in Alaska. While they may know of photosynthesis, roosters crowing at dawn, wolves howling (seemingly) at the moon, and similar everyday "common sense" references as these, to suggest other influential solar characteristics breeds disbelief and a heightened sense of scrutiny that they do not apply to their "common sense" list of notions. While many of the common sense notions are based purely on correlations, to suggest other correlations produces a retinue of queries expecting definitives that they would not think to apply to their own, horoscope or personalized fortune cookie "message" indirectly supplied to them from a Chinese restaurant's statue of the Buddha.

For example, the following is some information culled from the online article "Influence of Sun on Earth". (For the present case, it may be helpful to visualize the the word "funnel" as a triangle):


These are all well known phenomenon but there are some lesser known facts of the sun. Sunspots which are most familiar of all solar phenomenons are actually great funnel shaped vortices in the outer layer of the sun. Within these funnels gases ascend spirally and the gas expands while their temperature decreases and this makes the spot seem darker than other unperturbed areas of the sun’s surface. The temperature of sunspots is about 1000 K lower than the typical temperature of the photosphere of the sun. Sunspots tend to occur in groups, and are relatively short-lived, usually lasting less than a day. But some sunspots can live as long as a month or even up to six months. They are restricted to regions (solar active regions) of 5N -40N and 5S -40S, moving from higher to lower latitudes during a sunspot cycle. At the beginning of a sunspot cycle, sunspots appear near 40N and 40S and move to lower latitude. Their number increase and then decrease during the moving processes, and reach a minimum at about 5N and 5S regions at the end of the sunspot cycle./P>

Sunspots are characterized by strong magnetic fields (up to several thousand tesla), being concentrations of magnetic flux, typically in bipolar clusters or groups and are associated with magnetic storms on the Earth. Sunspots are the most obvious manifestation of solar activity. This solar phenomenon which is said to occur once in twelve years has its impact on the earth. There are slight changes in yearly temperatures, increases in magnetic disturbances and visible changes in Aurora Borealis. Though these are purely physical changes there are some strange socio-political changes claimed to be due to sun spots.


Arthur Jevons suggested that the cause of trade cycles in economic activity was on account of harvest fluctuations induced by sun spots. George Gamov in his book ‘The Birth and Death of the Sun’ comments:- “registered maxima (of solar prominences) occurred in the years 1778, 1788, 1804, 1816, 1830, 1837, 1848, 1860, 1871m 1883, 1894, 1905, 1917, 1928 and as a matter of fact the American revolution, the French revolution, the Paris commune, both Russian revolutions and also some others fell fairly close to the years of maximum solar activity. There has also been a distinct increase in activity lasting persistently through 1937-1940….”

Though no close correlations could be established to give it scientific validity the coincidences are without doubt remarkable.

Some readers may not have a readily available knowledge of some important sociological events which occurred during the above referenced years, so let me provide some examples of events pertaining to the human realm, though examples from other subject areas that may or may not involve another life form might well be listed if they were acknowledged when they occurred. Some refer to world events while others are more in tune with a specific culture. Sunspot dates are in red:

  • 1778 — [Common year starting on Thursday]
    • 1775 - 1783: American Revolutionary War
  • 1788 — [Leap year starting on Tuesday]
    • 1789 - 1799: French Revolution.
  • 1804: — [Leap year starting on Sunday]
    • May 14th, Lewis and Clark Expedition begins.
    • May 18th, Napoleon is named Emperor of the French.
    • Dec. 12th, Spain declares war on Britain.
  • 1816 — [Leap year, starting on Monday]
    • 1815 - 1898 Germany was united by the leadership of the German statesman Otto Von Bismark
    • July 9th, Argentina declares independence from Spain.
    • July – Lord Byron, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Polidori, gathered at the Villa Diodati by Lake Geneva in a rainy Switzerland, to tell each other tales. This gives rise to two classic Gothic narratives, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Polidori's The Vampyre.
  • 1830 — [Common year starting on Friday]
    • April 6th, Joseph Smith and 5 others start Church of Christ (Later to be called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  • 1837 — [common year starting on Sunday]
    • May... Samuel Morse patents telegraph.
    • May 10th, New York panic of 1837 (financial crisis).
  • 1848 — [Leap year starting on Saturday]
    • Jan 24, California gold rush.
    • Feb 2, Mexican American war formally ends.
    • February 21 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto (Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) in London.
  • 1860 — [Leap year starting on Sunday]
    • April 3, first run of U.S. Pony Express.
    • Abraham Lincoln elected as U.S. president.
    • October 17 – The Open Championship, also known as the British Open, is played for the first time at Prestwick Golf Club in Ayrshire, Scotland. The event is won by Willie Park Snr.
    • May 28 – One of the worst storms ever experienced in the region hits the east coast of England, sinking more than 100 ships and killing at least 40 people.
  • 1871 — [Common year starting on Sunday]
    • January 18 – The member-states of the North German Federation and the south German states unite into a single nation-state known as the German Empire. The King of Prussia is declared the first German Emperor as Wilhelm I of Germany in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles.
    • March 21 – Otto von Bismarck becomes first Chancellor of the German Empire.
    • June 10 – United States expedition to Korea: Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 members of the United States Marine Corps in a naval attack on the Han River forts on Ganghwa Island in Korea.
  • 1883 — [common year starting on Monday]
    • April 5 – Oxygen is liquefied for the very first time.
    • July 3 – The SS Daphne disaster in Glasgow leaves 124 dead.
    • August 26– August 28 – Krakatoa or Krakatau volcano erupts at 10:02 AM (local time); 163 villages are destroyed, 36,380 killed.
  • 1889 - [common year starting on Tuesday]
    • A total eclipse is seen over parts of California and Nevada.
    • January 15 – The Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is originally incorporated in Atlanta, Georgia.
    • March 15 – German warships and American warships keep each other at bay in a standoff in Apia harbor, ending when a cyclone blows in.
    • March 23 – Claiming to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founds the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in India.
    • March 31 – The Eiffel Tower is inaugurated (opens May 6). At 300 m, the its height exceeds the previous tallest structure in the world by 130 m. Contemporary critics regard it as aesthetically displeasing.
    • August 14– September 15 – London Dock Strike: Dockers strike for a minimum wage of sixpence an hour ("The dockers' tanner"), which they eventually receive, a landmark in the development of New Unionism in Britain.
    • August 26 – The Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children Act, commonly known as the Children's Charter, is passed in the United Kingdom; for the first time it imposes criminal penalties to deter child abuse.
    • April 16 – Charlie Chaplin, English actor and film director (d. 1977).
    • April 20 – Adolf Hitler, Austrian-born dictator of Nazi Germany (d. 1945).
  1. 1894 — [common year starting on Monday]
    • January 7 – William Kennedy Dickson receives a patent for "motion" picture film.
    • March 12 – For the first time, Coca-Cola is sold in bottles.
    • April 21 – A bituminous coal miners' strike closes mines across the central United States.
    • April 23 - St. George's Day - Howard Ruff founded the Royal Society of St. George to foster the love of England and to strengthen England and the Commonwealth by spreading the knowledge of English History, Traditions and Ideals.
    • May – Bubonic plague breaks out in the Tai Ping Shan area of Hong Kong (by the end of the year, the death toll is 2,552 people).
    • December 22 – Dreyfus Affair: French Army officer Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason.
    • 1898: Spanish American War (War between America and Spain)
  2. 1905 — [common year starting on Sunday]
    • March 5 – Russo-Japanese War: Russian troops begin to retreat from Mukden after losing 100,000 troops in 3 days (as the second year of the war begins). The chaos of the war leads to a revolution against the Tsar.
    • March 17 – Albert Einstein publishes his paper On a heuristic viewpoint concerning the production and transformation of light, in which he explains the photoelectric effect using the notion of light quanta.
    • April – Albert Einstein works on the special theory of relativity as well as the theory of Brownian motion.
    • May 11 – Albert Einstein submits his doctoral dissertation On the Motion of Small Particles..., in which he explains Brownian motion. In the course of the year, Einstein publishes four papers, formulates the theory of special relativity and explains the photoelectric effect by quantization. 1905 is regarded as his "miracle year". (Note: different references about Einstein cite 3, 4, or 5 papers.)
    • June 30 – Albert Einstein publishes the article On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies where he reveals his theory of special relativity.
    • September 27 – Albert Einstein submits his paper Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content? in which he develops an argument for the famous equation E = mc2.
    • October 5 – The Wright Brothers' third aeroplane (Wright Flyer III) stays in the air for 39 minutes with Wilbur piloting, the first aeroplane flight lasting over half an hour.
  3. 1917 —
  4. 1928 —
  5. 1937-1940 — Hitler/World War II

  6. And what of those events interpreted as significant but don't seem to correlate well with increased solar activity? Do these represent residual sunspot effects that take time to develop or are there unrecognized solar/lunar events coming into play? Are there subtle effects that cause types of "sunburns" that can not be easily recognized? While some readers would agree that when the sun flares up there are associated flare ups (even "static") in human behavior, it is difficult for them to visualize a solar "flare up" as activity taking place for billions of years, over the entire span of a species' life time; or that the existence of the species is due to the extended flare up which is dying out. One might even say that the Sun itself is a flare-up (with accompanying characteristics) which influenced the development of life on Earth.

    Changing Beliefs: The Sun is God or God is the Sun opposed to the God of the Sun.

    Are there no gods representing mid-morning or mid-afternoon?

    In reflection, one must wonder why ancient peoples had to use allegory in describing perceived daily events or occurrences such as the Sun and Sunrise. Why personify planetary activity or "connect the dots" into figures when describing groups of stars? Perhaps, one might conjecture, by placing such events into human or known animal terms (by naming them), this helped to place thoughts into a "manageable" (controlled) setting even though the characters were sometimes described as gods or goddesses who had control over humans and human events. And one must further wonder how often a similar type of mental activity takes place today, in present day models of thinking.

    Nonetheless, one can get some inkling of what it may have been like to have lived in the distant (mythology creating) past by venturing into a group of religious adherents, which includes those interested in what is called "Scientology". It is an attempt by some to foster the idea that their views have a factual and logical scientific basis as opposed to the fanciful ideas promoted by religions. Both mentalities use various mythologies because they must exist in a social era where mythological thinking is widespread: It is expected and sought for in your words and deeds. And I am not talking about thinking or acting out some notion of religious content, I am describing a state of mind born and bred in a mythology-centered culture. Trouble can ensue when one's mythological beliefs clash with those in a given social setting. If you see through the mythological beliefs of your childhood, you venture into a world containing mythological content used by adults.

    On some occasions most of us will pretend some belief so as to give the appearance of having assimilated some particular mythology into representing a world view that is in concert with a dominant view in a given setting. We may not actually believe it, but we act well enough to give one or more others the impression that we do believe. It bodes well for you if you have a ready-to-use list of expressions that are recognizable as key-words to a particular myth-mentality. It also helps if you have a current believer support your claims and will come to your defense should anyone question your sincerity by observing something "peculiarly" different about you. These peculiarities may be beyond your control since you are better suited to live in a future age, quite possibly due to genetics which has given you a body and mind that responds to nature differently.

    For example, if you of the present lived in the distant past (or journeyed there via some time travel means), the Sun would be the Sun and not be a god or goddess, but the people around you would find your view very strange to them... to an extent they might want to use trephination (put a hole in your head) in order to get the demon out which is thought the reason that makes you "weird". Likewise, you may be viewed as "weird" in the present because you are more suited for some distant future time. You don't think like others. You never have and you never will. You may have tried to be "normal" (share a similar present-day mythological viewpoint), but you always seem to end up listening to the beat of a different drummer. I am not talking about mundane views such as sexual orientation, political leanings or career interests. That to which I am referring is far more fundamental than self-Centeredness and is occurring on the genetic if not atomic levels. The reason I bring this "weirdness" topic up is to highlight the possibility that such perspectives are becoming more widespread. They can collectively begin to make changes for the better if they can learn to keep their ego-centricity at bay.

    With respect to considerations of modern day forms of Solar mythology, some readers might consider that our present usage of electricity is a solar-based mythology in that the Sun is made up of atomic energy. By extension, we might also want to include the process called photosynthesis as the solar mythology of plants, in that chlorophyll converts sunlight into energy. Different types of chlorophyll use different chlorophyll pigments (such as green and blue) in order to utilize different solar radiation (electromagnetic) wavelengths (think in terms of the different colors seen through a prism). Why life forms needed to adopt different types of chlorophyll to the same Sun may first suggest that these different life forms were subjected to slightly different environmental niches which triggered the need. But why create a "mythology" that we call photosynthesis? Why not some other "mythological" process?

    Governments, religions, business and even individuals need to sustain old myths or create new ones in order to keep themselves viable. Whitley Streiber is an example of an individual who needs to perpetuate (sustain or create) the mythology of U.F.O.s, This is not to say UFOs are not real, but his version is a personal mythology that, when others buy into, will assist him in survival.

    Your Questions, Comments or Additional Information are welcomed:
    Herb O. Buckland