Threesology Research Journal
Various 3s Examples
page 11

(The Study of Threes)

3 types of Flammable Solid:

  1. Wetted explosives (explosives wetted to suppress explosive properties).

  2. Self-reactive materials (thermally unstable and that can undergo a strongly exothermic decomposition even without participation of oxygen).

  3. Readily combustible solids (may cause a fire through friction, metal powders that can be ignited and react in 10 minutes or less, or show a burning rate faster than 2.2mm per second).

Glutamate is the main nerve-muscle transmitter in insects and crustacea. It is an important neuro-transmitter in the mammalian brain. It is generally accepted that there are at least three different types of glutamate receptors in our brains and that glutamate is as important a synaptic transmitter as Acetylcholine.

Nearly all running-shoe manufacturers make shoes that are specifically designed for these three foot types:

  1. Cushion (for high arches)- These shoes come with extra cushioning in the mid-soles to help your feet absorb shocks; their soles have a curved or semi-curved shape (as seen from the bottom) that promotes a normal running motion.

  2. Motion control (for flat feet)- With a straight shape and a more rigid mid-sole than other running shoes, these help keep your feet properly aligned.

  3. Stability (for normal feet)- These shoes also have a semi-curved shape, but the less rigid mid-soles allow your feet to strike the ground naturally.

--- Choosing Running Shoes ---

3 types of feet: Flexible ~ Neutral ~ Stiff.

3 basic types of shoes: Motion control ~ Cushioned/flexible ~ Stability.

--- Consumers shoe facts ---

3 types of training that maximize performance: Speed(SP) ~ Strength(ST) ~ Endurance(ED)

3 wavelength bands of UV radiation:

  1. UVA (315-400 nm)
  2. UVB (290-315 nm)
  3. UVC (220-290 nm)

--- Ultraviolet Radiation ---

3 types of lithium cells that could be chosen to satisfy the component-class, memory backup requirements of a motherboard system:

  1. Lithium manganese dioxide
  2. Lithium thionyl chloride
  3. Lithium carbon monofluoride

--- Lithium Batteries for Computers ---

3 types of human airway cells have receptors present:

  • Respiratory epithelial cells- cilia beat faster...chloride and water transport hydrates airways
  • Goblet cells~ releases mucin
  • Type II alveolar cells- surfactant release maintains patency of small distal airways

--- Inspire's Technology Platform ---

3 basic zones can be distinguished in the orb-weaver's (spider) web: Center ~ Catching zone ~ Frame

3 kinds of webs constructed by Web-spinning spiders:

  1. Tangled web- a shapeless helter-skelter jumble attached to some support such as the corner of a room.

  2. Sheet web- a flat sheet of silk strung between blades of grass or tree branches.

  3. Orb web- consists of threads that extend from a center like a wheel's spokes and are connected to limbs or grass blades.

--- Paragraph pyramid ---

3 types of blood cells can potentially be developed from Stem cells: Red blood cells ~ White blood cells ~ Platelets

3 major cell types that surround the stem cells in the Drosophila: Ovariole ~ Terminal filament cells ~ Cap/Inner sheath.

3 potential sources of stem cells for transplantation are available through NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program: Marrow ~ Peripheral blood stem cells ~ Umbilical cord blood stem cells.

--- NMDP Stem Cell Sources ---

3 different methods of reproductive cloning of mammals:

  1. "Twinning"
  2. Roslin Technique, or the nuclear transfer method
  3. Honolulu Technique...

--- Cloning Bioethics- ORW ---

3 generations of genetically identical cloned mice were produced by a team of scientists at the University of Hawaii (publicly announced In July of 1998). It is called the Honolulu technique and is accredited to Teruhiko Wakayama and Ryuzo Yanagimachi.

3 types of cells were initially used by Dr. Wakayama: Sertoli cells ~ Brain cells ~ Cumulus cells...

--- Honolulu Technique ---

3 different types of stem cells:

  1. Embryonic Stem Cells (ES)- are the most fundamental of the stem cells and are found in the early stage embryo (before implantation). These cells have the ability to develop into nearly any cell type, however, they cannot develop into a living organism. These cells are derived from cells of the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and cultured into specific cell and tissue types.

  2. Embryonic Germ Cells (EG)- originate from the reproductive cells (germ cells) of fetal cadaver tissue and have properties similar to ES cells. These cells are derived from fetal tissue following elective and spontaneous abortion and in-vitro fertilization.

  3. Adult Stem Cells- are similar to embryonic stem cells but may have limited potential compared to stem cells derived from embryos or fetal tissue.

--- UNM School of Law BioEthics ---

3 kinds of cells in the body: Normal ~ Primitive ~ Cancer

3 types of thoughts in our brains' universe according to Joe Ballenger Jr.:

  1. DATA
  2. Knowledge
  3. Wisdom

--- Data, Knowledge, Wisdom ---

3 types of tires are available for most scooters:

  1. Solid rubber tires
  2. Pneumatic tires
  3. Foam-filled tires

--- Scooters Help ---

3 major kinds of Solar thermal conversion systems, also called solar concentrators, use one or more reflectors to concentrate solar energy to extremely high levels:

  1. Parabolic trough systems
  2. Parabolic dish systems
  3. Central receivers

--- Solar Energy ---

3 types of Bocce shots (an Italian version of lawn bowling):

  1. Bowled delivery- The bowl is delivered underarm to run along the ground and end up as near to the pallino as possible.
  2. Raised bowl- The bowl is delivered underarm through the air to end up as near as possible to the pallino.
  3. Throw- The bowl is thrown underarm into the air after a run-up, the objective being to displace with the pallino ball or an opponents bowl

--- Bocce task card ---

3 main types of Photovoltaic cells cells:

  1. Monocrystalline: Monocrystalline silicon cells are made using a single crystal, sliced into wafer thin cells. These cells are the most efficient with a light to electricity conversion efficiency of 13-17%.

  2. Polycrystalline: Polycrystalline silicon cells are made from silicon cast in a mould and sliced into wafer thin cells. These cells are less efficient than the monocrystalline cells 11-14% due to electrical leakage at the grain boundaries between the various sizes of the crystals.

  3. Amorphous: A silicon layer is deposited as a coating, only a few microns thick, onto a stable substrate usually glass. The efficiency of this type of cell is only 6-10%. Light induced degradation can decrease the efficiency of the cell further to efficiencies stabilizing around 5-7%.

--- Test 2 ---

3 types of water wheels:

  1. Overshot- Overshot wheels (the traditional thought of water wheels) are used where water falls from a great height but is slow moving.

  2. Undershot- Undershot wheels are used in fast-moving water. The water passes under the wheel and pushes blades, which turn the wheel. This could be connected to heavy machinery in factories.

  3. Horizontal- Horizontal water wheels were used to grind grain into flour. Grain was placed into the top of a funnel-shaped container, called a hopper, and fell down between the millstones. Horizontal wheel needed fast-moving water to be effective.

--- Hydroelectric Power ---

3 types of public water systems defined by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency:

  1. Community Water System(CWS): A public water system that supplies water to the same population year-round.

  2. Non-Transient Non-Community Water System(NTNCWS): A public water system that regularly supplies water to at least 25 of the same people at least six months per year, but not year-round. Some examples are schools, factories, office buildings, and hospitals which have their own water systems.

  3. Transient Non-Community Water System(TNCWS): A public water system that provides water in a place such as a gas station or campground where people do not remain for long periods of time.

--- EPA Water Systems Facts ---

3 draft registrations during World War I:

  1. 1st- on June 5, 1917, was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31.

  2. 2nd- on June 5, 1918, registered those who attained age 21 after June 5, 1917. (A supplemental registration was held on August 24, 1918, for those becoming 21 years old after June 5, 1918. This was included in the second registration.)

  3. 3rd- on September 12, 1918, for men age 18 through 45.

--- WWI Draft Registration ---

3 types of combat rations used during the war II by B. Michael Berger: Cs ~ Ks ~ Ds

--- WWII Military Rations ---

3 tissue types in plants: Ground ~ Dermal ~ Vascular

3 Types of Plant Tissue:

  1. Parenchymal- cells are found in the plant's stem and roots, especially in areas where the plant is actively growing. Cells that photosynthesize, store food, or secrete or transport materials are parenchymal cells.

  2. Collenchymal- cells are longer and have thicker cell walls than parenchymal cells do. They help to make a strong, flexible support framework that holds the plant up.

  3. Sclerenchymal- cells give the plant support and strength, but they are much more specialized than collenchymal cells. Sclerenchymal cells have very thick cell walls that often contain a substance called lignin, which makes the walls strong. An interesting fact about sclerenchymal cells is that they are dead and can no longer divide by the time they are old enough to be part of the support fibers. Parenchymal and collenchymal cells are alive when they become mature and can still divide to form more cells.

--- Three types of plant tissue ---

3 to 1 ratio of tissue types in Animals: {Epithelial ~ Connective ~ Muscle}...{Bone}

3 coat types recognized for "fancy" rats:

  1. The Standard (straight)
  2. The Rex (curly)
  3. The Satin (shiny)

--- AFRMA- Fancy Rat ---

3 basic types of airguns (rifles and pistols): Pneumatic ~ Spring-piston ~ CO2

Three types of (drinking) glasses recommended for a cocktail party or wedding reception:

  1. A tall tumbler for soft drinks and beer.
  2. A multi-purpose glass for wine and mixed drinks.
  3. Flutes for champagne.

  1. If your party lasts longer than three hours you should plan on serving a meal.
  2. The average cocktail party or open house with hors d'oeuvres last two to three hours.
  3. If your invitation has no ending time your guests will expect a meal. If you are planning to serve a meal at your afternoon party it should start no earlier than 1PM and end by 5PM. (With the average being "about" 3PM.)

--- Announcing Your Engagement ---

3 items customarily worn in white water canoe/kayak racing:

  1. Safety helmet made of high impact plastic or fiberglass
  2. A life jacket
  3. Synthetic, tight-fitting, water-resistant fabrics

3 basic boat hull types: Flat (linear) ~ Curved/semi-(circular) ~ V- shaped (triangular)

3 quantity variations designating kayak type: Single ~ Pairs ~ Fours

3 days before competition and again after each race, are when boats are checked to make sure they meet specifications.

3 basic methods of simple water craft propulsion:

  1. Rowing- is a reverse, acquired mode of propulsion.
  2. Paddling- a direct, natural method.
  3. Poleing- use of a long pole.

Note: Using the above criteria, the old "Row - Row- Row your boat, gently down the stream..." song-expression should correctly be: "Paddle - Paddle - Paddle your boat, gently down the stream..."

3 kinds of water vessels may typically come to mind when the word "canoe" is mentioned:

  1. The Indian birch bark- (the bark sewed over a wooden frame).
  2. The dugout- a hollowed log.
  3. The kayak of the Esquimau (made of skins sewed together and stretched over a frame of bones).

3 canoe types are clearly marked and distinct, the one from the other, of those used in civilization:

  1. The Canadian open canoe- holding two or more persons, for sporting, carrying heavy loads, and for general lake, river and rapids navigation, handled with the single blade paddle.

  2. The Rob Roy canoe- holding one person, decked, double-bladed paddle, adapted for cruises.

  3. The Nautilus [3 or 4]- not quite as good in either of the special fields covered by the other two, but still quite capable of much that the others are, and adding to this good sailing qualities, which neither of the others possess.

Some of the information on canoes was adapted from:

--- Vaux-Canoe Handling ---

3 three types of boats used in slalom racing:

  1. The single kayak (K-1).
  2. The single canoe (C1).
  3. The two-man canoe (C-2).

--- Canoe/Kayak Equipment ---

3 basic types of modern day canoe hulls: Fiberglass ~ Foam sandwich ~ Aluminum.

--- Repairing large holes in Canoes ---

3 quantity variations designating raft types: 1 person raft ~ 2 person raft ~ Many person raft

3 types of canoes built by the ancient Chumash peoples: The plank canoe ~ The dugout ~ The tule balsa canoe

--- Chumash Culture ---

3 main types of canoes were used by the Twana speaking people (tuwa'duxq, said to mean "people from below" or "a portage"):

  1. The largest commonly known as the Chinook canoe.
  2. For transporting large amounts of cargo, the large canoes were lashed together and used as a type of ferry.
  3. For salt water travel, canoes were outfitted with mat sails when winds were favorable.

--- Land of the Twana ---

3 main types of off-shore floating platforms for drilling:

  1. A "spar" platform consists of a single, large diameter, vertical cylinder supporting a deck.
  2. A floating production system (FPS) consists of a semi-submersible unit equipped with drilling and production equipment.
  3. Tension leg platform (TLP), and this is what was used for the Mars field development. (Most popular floating platform in the Gulf of Mexico.)

--- Van Kirk Testimony ---

3 main types of isomers: Structural isomers ~ Geometric isomers1 ~ Enantiomers.

--- Three types of Isomers ---

3 basic kinds of music that the Culkin (Irish) dancers will dance to: Reels ~ Jigs ~ Hornpipes

--- Wolf Trap ---

3 main types of substances that can be made to produce a large volume of gas very suddenly which result in an amount of energy in the expanding gases that may be used for a number of industrial or military purposes:

  1. Mechanical explosives- depend on a physical reaction, such as overloading a container of gas until it bursts. They are little used except in specialized mining applications where the release of gas from chemicals is undesirable.

  2. Nuclear explosives- a nuclear chain reaction takes place in a sudden uncontrolled manner, releasing energy almost instantaneously. This is used for bombs and occasionally for mining.

  3. Chemical explosives- most explosives used are of this type.

--- Xrefer- Explosives ---

3 basic kinds of solar power, all based on simple concepts of collection and storage:

  1. To get electricity- "photovoltaic" panels use silicon to collect sunlight, and a converter turns power into alternating current, while batteries store energy for later use.

  2. Solar hot-water heating systems- used by President Carter at the White House, use pipes filled with solutions similar to anti-freeze; they run from the roof to a tank where, like coils, they warm the water.

  3. The third way to use the sun is to draw heat into the house through south-facing "passive solar" buildings.

--- Yahoo! Groups Messages 30 of 58 ---

3-patterned basic noun definition of paint:

  • A pigmented (solid component) liquid.
  • Applied like a light film.
  • To protect and beautify surfaces.

3 general categories of paint substances: Pigment ~ Resin ~ Solvent.

3 types of "Do-it-yourselfers" paint applications: Rollers ~ Brushes ~ Paint Pads.

3 basic types of paint brush bristles:

  1. China Bristle, recommended for oil or alkyd based paints, stains, varnishes, shellacs, enamels, and fine finishing paints.

  2. Polyester or Polyester/Nylon Blend Bristle, for all types of latex paints

  3. Nylon Bristle, recommended for latex paints, but not for hot, outdoor work. Nylon bristles tend to lose stiffness.

"Three" (or multiples thereof) used in determination of brush/roller width:

  1. Large areas: Walls, ceilings, exteriors, etc. 3"-6" wall, flat.
  2. Detailed areas: Doors, cabinets, shelves, furniture, etc. 1"-3" angular or flat.
  3. Hard-to-Reach Areas: Window sash, eaves, molding, woodwork, etc. 1"-3" angular or round.

3" to 9" (three inch to nine inch) wide is the size of rollers generally used, with the 9" (3 X 3) a common household choice (mainly because this is the size most often found to be purchased.)

  • 3 "P's" procedure for painting: Planning ~ Preparation ~ Painting
  • 3-step "P's" application for many surfaces: Putty ~ Primer ~ Paint
  • 3 "B's" paintable surface areas: Brick ~ Block ~ Board
  • 3 "C's" puttying surfaces: Crevices ~ Chips ~ Cracks (a child might say Creep holes)
  • 3 "G's" of protective "clothing" accessories: Goggles ~ Gloves ~ Gases(fumes) mask
  • 3 coat surfacing: Primer~ 1st/undercoat~ 2nd/overcoat (some people will not use a primer but they may instead wipe/wash the surface clean.)
  • 3 warm colors: Yellows ~ Oranges ~ Reds.
  • 3 cool colors: Greens ~ Blues ~ Purples.
  • 3 large surface paint areas: Floors ~ Walls ~ Ceilings
  • 3 paint "sheens": Flat~ Semi-gloss~ Gloss
  • 3 things to avoid exposing the skin to: Overspray ~ Liquid solvents ~ Vapors.
  • 3 items commonly used for paint cleanup: Rags ~ Sponges ~ NewsPaper

3-step preparation for painting new wood: Sanded smooth ~ Wiped clean ~ Primed with enamel undercoat. (If we add the final painting step, we have a 3 to 1 ratio.)

3-step rule-of-thumb for determining the amount of paint needed:

  1. Type of paint.
  2. Kind of surface.
  3. Amount of surface

--- Paint ---

  • 3 "E's" of most work routines: It's Empty (without a goal, deadend, etc.) ~ Time to Eat ~ I've had Enough (time to quit).
  • 3 "F's" of some jobs: This is Fun ~ I'm really Fast ~ It looks Fantastic!
  • 3 "H's" of some jobs: Let's Hurry to get this done ~ It's too Hot to work ~ We need help
  • 3 beverages frequently compared for differences in caffeine: Coffee ~ Tea ~ Soft drinks
  • 3 birds sometimes confused in references: Black birds ~ Ravens ~ Crows

3 to 1 ratio of Jello main ingredients:

  1. 1 of 3. Gelatin- is made up of a protein called collagen that's found in cow & pig hides, hooves, bones, and connective tissue.
  2. 2 of 3. Artificial sweetener-
  3. 3 of 3. Food coloring-
  4. 1 of l. Water

3 main ingredients to Scotch Malt Whisky: Malted barley ~ Water ~ Yeast

3 years minimum maturation in an oak cask is the legal requirement for a whisky to be described as Scotch whisky.

3 things identified as being sought by false and fabricated (1) racist, (2) anti-gay, and (3) anti-Semitic "hate crimes" perpetrated by the "victims" themselves:

  1. To gain sympathy.
  2. Advance a political agenda.
  3. For monetary gain.

--- Crying Wolf: Hate Crime Hoaxes In America ---

3 human volunteers permitted Jeffrey Hillman, a professor of oral biology at the University of Florida in Gainesville, to spray a prototype bacterium onto their teeth as an experiment in fighting tooth decay. It has worked on rats and has also worked on his three volunteers.

3 self-administered oral health measures: Brushing Teeth, Using floss, Using Mouthwash.

Your Questions, Comments or Additional Information are welcomed:

Herb O. Buckland