God's Tripartite World Reality
God The Numerologist 1 | God The Numerologist 2 | God The Numerologist 3 |
Seekers of God, since 12 Oct. 2024
God's biblical identity is revealed as "I am" in Exodus 3:14, which also describes the Mathematical designation of Pi. Analogously, it also references the birthday of Einstein which is March 14th.
"'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentenceā? (Though some opt for the word "go" as the longest.)
- I am. = 3 letters plus the period punctuation.
- Go! = 2 letters plus the exclamation punctuation.
- I? = 1 letter plus the question mark punctuation.
Hence, we have a 2 versus 3 controversy that can be seen Elsewhere (as a repeating cognitive pattern):

- Cell membrane description: Bilipid layer or Trilaminar.
- Binary star clusters versus Trinary star clusters as being dominant.
- Dualities/Dichotomies/Binaries as being more prevalent than Trialities/Trinaries/Triads.
- Binary computer language versus a Trinary Lanugage for quantum computing.
- Yin/Yang Duality versus I Ching Triads (which are actually embellished dualities masquerading as triads).
- Persistent Psychology Dualities versus Triadic models and schemas.
- Basic dualities underlying Mathematics versus imposed philosophical triads of logic such as Trigonometry, Boolean Algebra (And- Or- Not gates).
- Arithmetical pairing versus Pythagorean Theorem (which predates Pythagoras).
For those of you who come to cite the "Trinity" as a special example of god, and those who claim there are There are Wondrous Trinities Everywhere please note that a very many people have discovered that it is a tradition of thought not found in the New testament, and that although some have claimed allusions to it in the Old Testament, the point to be made is that the currency of "three" as an adopted central topic arose later in the Christian church from its origins in the 1st Century AD... based on the amended, redacted, and embellished teachings of a supposed figure called Jesus whose skill as a carpenter that one might interpret as being common place, since his skill is not given much attention, but would have been a viable source of analogy if he had been gifted in such an enterprise, and later writers had such an ability to utilize.
The following information comes from a general Google search using the terms "The topic of the Trinity arose when?": The topic of the Trinity arose among early Christians in the mid-second century and later, as they attempted to understand the relationship between Jesus and God based on their scriptural interpretations and existing traditions; the concept was further developed and finalized at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, where it was officially articulated as Christian doctrine.
(3) Key points about the Trinity's origin:
- No explicit mention in Bible: The word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible.
- Early Church debates: The doctrine of the Trinity emerged through discussions among early church fathers as they tried to explain the biblical texts related to God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
- Council of Nicaea: This council is considered the pivotal point where the concept of the Trinity was formally defined and established as Christian belief.
Previous generations of religion adherents, such as seen in Judaism, were oriented towards a usage of "four" and "seven" (with elemental configurations of "five" in some instances), to go along with the multitude of dichotomies seen also in philosophy. The usage of larger numbers, if not paired with the fingers and toes such as used in different numerical base systems (5 (Quinary; Indigenous tribes , 10 (present day), 12 (Egyptians), 20 (Mayans), 60 (Babylonians)...); have not survived the test of time in most cases as a dominant orientation extending outside one's immediate field of reference, and often reflects the multiplicity of a small number. And yes, other numbers can be cited which differ from this list, depending on one's proclivity towards a given number. In other words, one might conjecture that the adoption and usage of the Trinity developed in conjunction with a development in human brain maturation... that has not yet fully matured.
Along with the "3" the notion of "3 in 1" (three persons in one god) arose as a defining characteristic of the Trinity, that might be viewed as a "4" with the allowance of some imaginative exploration as some artists are inclined to do; such as for example the once brimmed hat of pagan field workers use to block out the sun that was adopted by artists to depict a shining halo that eventually became viewed as a standard of religious iconography. As described in the Origination of the three series, the Trinity is a rendered after-image effect of the Sun's influence over distant time. The Sun has 3 individual "moments" (phases: dawn-noon-dusk) that are not only separate expressions of the 1 (sun), but collectively represent the 1 as well in terms of a fusion. The fusion effect of the Sun's Three is taking place as it expands and the Earth's rotation slows from its billions of years ago 3-patterned strobe-light effect on biologically receptive materials.
There are multiple examples of the "3 to 1" ratios referenced as 4, and some examples that remain overlooked, much like the "3" and "4" pattern sometimes identified in the value of "7" such as the Trivium and Quadrivium: The trivium consisted of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, while the quadrivium consisted of arithmetic, astronomy, music, and geometry...
- RNA/DNA (both have the same 3 amino acids: adenosine-cytosine-guanine) and 1 separate identity: Uracil/Thymine.
- Proteins can be viewed as having a primary-secondary-tertiary-quaternary structure, or as a 3 -to- 1 ratio of differentiated structures.
- Gasoline pumps in the U.S. typically have 3 grades of gasoline and 1 grade of diesel, though more or less types may be sometimes found.
- 3 X's and 1 Y chromosomes:

If you prefer the ideas of patterns-of-four you should at least be aware that they can also be viewed as patterns of 2 by 2 and 3 to 1 (or 1 to 3... + - ÷ X).
In some cases you may find an early usage of the "three" as a dominant theme in an old religion, most of which are no longer extent. One might presume that this is due to an early arrival of a developed brain (or segment thereof ) in an era it was not well suited to (but testing the waters, so to speak) in terms of lacking available information we see today in multiple subjects. In other words, like many readers today, many people in the past had difficulty fitting in because they were ahead of their time, just like the insights of some pagans, witches, artists, musicians, biologists, physicians, etc., many of whom were ostracized or executed because of the difference in thinking from the status quo.
In some cases you may find an early usage of the "three" as a dominant theme in an old religion, most of which are no longer extent. One might presume that this is due to an early arrival of a developed brain (or segment thereof ) in an era it was not well suited to (but testing the waters, so to speak) in terms of lacking available information we see today in multiple subjects. In other words, like many readers today, many people in the past had difficulty fitting in because they were ahead of their time, just like the insights of some pagans, witches, artists, musicians, biologists, physicians, etc., many of whom were ostracized or executed because of the difference in thinking from the status quo.
As such, the usage of a "three" organizational methodology springs up more so in later developments of old religions or newer religions such as the Mormon church hierarchy. Mormonism is a later born religion in contrast to many older, traditionally established perspectives which did not strive to have a large commercial (fiscal) footprint as does the Mormon church (Its tentacles are in many businesses funded by tithings). We also can pay witness to this increased usage of "threes" in revisions of Buddhism over time, because many of its adherents allow themselves to be open to alterations upon new realizations. A person who gets an overriding impression to write about the "three"... such as myself and others... may not be able to describe why it took such a precedence in thought for a period of time, when previous uses of time were focused primarily elsewhere. An example is the discussion about the Trinity in the context of Jungian psychology by Max Derrat): The Psychology of the Trinity (Why "3" Shows Up Everywhere in Religion).
The impression and illustration are an excellent example of how the "three" can be manifested, analogous to how DNA becomes expressed by way of a new species having arisen when the environment is suitable for possible viability.
As another example of someone discovering the "three" and developing a lengthy philosophical conjecture, we find Erik Vertzvet's Trinities in Everything who has come up with a theory of colour applied to Jungian Philosophy/psychology.
While expanded variations of the "three" topic are becoming more prevalent, many of the authors are not aware of the topic of threes being an area of research that others have pursued, but not necessarily in terms of religion. If they had an interest in biology or physics, or architecture, etc., their perspective might well reflect this.
There appears to be more excursions into a three dominant theme of perception and interpretation being made in different venues of consideration. One might venture to say that it is analogous to the beginning stages of a Cambrian Explosion, with the different variations of threes ideas like different species finding some semblance of viability in a given environmental niche. Alternatively, we might describe this occurrence as the emergence of an expanding triplet (genetic) code finding more ways in which to ensure its viability, regardless of which species is the vehicle of transport. The triplet code is being expanded into various expressions of the "three" by way of the human psyche... typically beginning with a reference to the most manifest examples such as those found in Religion, Mythology, and one or another subject a given person most often comes into contact with as exploratory stepping stones, be it physics, biology, art, music, mathematics, history, etc... Time will tell which varieties of "threes" expression become manifest into an enduring lineage like the ascent of humanity itself. The absence of a dominant three theme in the minds of most people suggest the type of functionality their brains rely on in the present era, may not be what is best for a future era. Hence, the brain of most people apparently are not making it to the "three" (as a) developmental milestone humanity might be described as venturing into... like an early hominid stepping further and further onto the Savanna landscape out of the jungles of early primate thinkers.
As an aside note:
In some cases the "three" theme is expressed biologically as mutations such as in a Trisomy, of which there are three common types:
- Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
- Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome).
- Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).
The reason for such a recurrence is thought to be due to some malformation but we could interpret this otherwise as a biological trait that is seeking the correct environment so that a person with three chromosomes does not produce a mutation but a viable advantage. Yet, no one knows what kind of an environment would be needed in order to transform a 3-chromosome development into a survival advantage without causing a disability.
If we describe the three most common Trisomies as a present day undesirable Trinity, then we might also describe the three dominant food staples as a desirable Trinity:
- Rice
- Corn/Maize
- Wheat
If your preeminent orientation is oneness with God, then the destruction of all religious/philosophical texts, temples, churches, synagogues, Mosques, etc., and other associated relics... will have no lasting affect on you. However, if your attachment to such things has weakened or even replaced your preeminent interest with god to the point one might describe god as having been buried within the darkest recesses of consciousness where common investigation and excavations can not resurrect the deepest considerations of conviction to god, however god is named or evaluated in the context of one's own perceptions of experience and internalized wisdom; who will be left to comfort the many millions of people that have not actually lost their way, but never actually began the journey to find their way to such an expansion of conscious realization?
How do you resurrect a god that has been killed by thousands of years of well-meaning but misguided religious teaching? If all the world's goods are turned asunder yet the people remain, how will they know you speak the truth of god if all they have ever relied on as evidence are the falsehoods of superficiality? Like those who are incarcerated and are thought by the public in need of rehabilitation, yet they were never actually habilitated into society in the first place... such is the case for millions of believers in religion and/or spiritual philosophy. They have never actually been subjected to an habilitation of seeking god as a personal commitment of exploration, whether full time or as they are accustomed to doing so in periods of contemplative reflection. They don't know how to, and neither do their religious/spiritual leaders. They have relied on relics, rituals, recitations (songs/chants), and scriptures in the context of a socialized setting called a religion as the means to identify with a figure called God, which they know only by the specious contact of a superficial consciousness which can not even recognize the simple fact of a Tripartite World Reality. If and when called upon, how will you teach of God without relics, rituals or a socialized religion where song, sermon and sainthood takes central interest? What is to transpire when all those and that now defined as sacred, become identified as sacrilegious to a truer identity of god just beginning to unveil in the consciousness of humanity?
If you are one who can review a list of three-patterned references from different subject areas, and realize you are paying witness to a simple association with a complex meaning, then and only then may you knock upon the door to this reality. But if you someone who sees only Numerology and has no further interest because your life's work has been indulged along other trails, then you might well be one who feels threatened by the introduction because it suggests to you that you are in the presence of an Intelligent Design that is not limited to seeing the Universe in line with your particular Academics, despite any and all rewards and social recognitions your have received. Yes, the very idea of an Intelligent Design is interpreted by you and others to think in terms of (a) god, and this god supersedes any and all sciences. You hate the idea of a simple pattern being revealed and suggesting some underlying reason attributed to a figure called god, because your use of mathematics, reasoning, and science tells you that there is no need for a god-like figure to be in charge of or as the Grand Architect. If not a god, then by what reason can be attribute to the recurrence of a pattern with a content exhibiting multiple basic functionality of life and other natural phenomena?
If you and your colleagues suggest a fundamental pattern of reality based on specialized criteria from your respective fields of research and instruction (where repetition can be a highly persuasive influence of divining supposed truth); reinforced by your preferred brand of mathematics and in your view agreeing with some Natural law like that found in the laws of thermodynamics... the fact there are three types of systems based on the type of law and exchanges: open systems, closed systems, and isolated systems, is a point that becomes oblivious to your considerations because your logic springs from an unrecognized usage of a basic 2-patterned mathematics and probability you are focused on the 2nd law of thermodynamics... but the "2" mindset is overlooked.

Surprisingly, other types of basic energy are "overlooked" (not subjected to a process of listing enumerated correlations for comparison of basic cognitive patterning) taking place in biological processes:
- 3 primary types of energy found in biological systems are:
- Chemical energy; stored within chemical bonds.
- Kinetic energy; is the energy of motion.
- Potential energy; is stored due to an object's position or structure.
3 main types of energy utilized by cells: - Chemical energy (stored in molecules like glucose).
- Electrical energy (used for nerve impulses).
- Mechanical energy (used for movement).
- 3 primary sources of energy for cells (3 stages of cellular metabolism):
- Carbohydrates; (fiber, starches, and sugars).
- Fats; (lipids); (3 main types of lipids: triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols.)
- Proteins; (3 main classes which correlate with typical tertiary structures: globular proteins, fibrous proteins, and membrane proteins.)
- (these molecules are broken down within the cell to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the usable form of energy for cellular processes).
- 3 primary energy carrying molecules for cells:
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH).
- Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FADH2).
Acknowledging a Tripartite World Reality is a step closer to God. You may not believe in its existence despite all the evidence, thus we ask only that you accept it as a Reality of Consideration among your other contemplations in your relationship with god, whatever those terms may be. Though you may prefer not to believe in a topic such as god because you reference it in relation to religion, scriptures, attendance at church, songs, chants, and other presumed sacred paraphernalia of jewelry, garments, prayerful behaviors; it matters not. Believe or not believe in the topic of god. Call the topic a higher consciousness or superior spirituality, or foremost universal essence, or the truth of all truths. Nonetheless, in your own way, with your own vocabulary, and the limits or extent of your knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and genius, you have some conceptual regard for that which is beyond yourself. As such, in your lifetime you have recognized and sought for one pattern or another. So, please permit those of us who have become aware of a Tripartite World Reality a list of three-patterned ideas from different subjects place in a sequence which strives to acknowledge a time-line of development in the history of human thinking about the origination of the Universe, life, and different aspects of ideological interest. If you come away thinking it is a coincidence or that it is Numerology, your interpretation and motivations will no doubt come under question.
Just as many come to realize the existence of the Christian Trinity, The Indian Trimurti, the Ancient Egyptian triads, the Triunities of myths, legends and literature, and the multiple Rules -of- three which play out in different personal interests, so too are you offered the view of a different Reality in the offering. What you make of this reality will determine its course of construction as it weaves its way into every subject, sector. and soliloquy. Metaphorically speaking, it is a dot-to-dot, follow-the-numbers jigsaw puzzle that will not only map out the future course of Humanity moving 3-steps closer to god, but also provide a landscape portrait never before seen of an intellectual abode which similarly came to divide the consciousness of early humans with later arrivals; and like the constellations for a past history of thinkers who came to influence the world, the world awaits your insights, your artistry, your creativity, your talent, your genius. You are unique and one of a kind. So please, come forth and examine the evidence as only you can. As such, in the present fledgling development of an acknowledged Tripartite World Reality, we of the present age are the earliest star gazers (so to speak), not yet having fully connected the dots nor created the awaiting image for the yet greater appreciation. You are being called upon, will you answer the door to the three knocks, or let this opportunity pass you by?
Because there are numerous (patterns of) "three" in Nature, and God is said to be the originator of Nature, one must ask if God is a Numerologist, since in showing multiple experts in different fields a list of three-patterned references of Nature (as observed and recorded by humans), they claim it is an exercise in Numerology. Every reader has got to see for themselves a compiled list of threes which do not simply focus on religion, mythology, three-part money making schemes, fairy tales, sports, cartoons, contemporary movies, etc... I so often encounter those with extensive academic training unable to make an excursion into the possibility that their professionalized subject area of study and research requires a vision outside the barrier reefs in which they typically cast their nets of examination. Take for example the following short list of threes describing ideas humanity observes and in multiple cases, uses mathematics as a tool of confirmation. Is it numerology, and therefore god is a Numerologist, or is something else going on that so-called professionals become dismissive of because they did not see the simple pattern themselves and that it is a pattern that, when fully analyzed, provides a substantive argument against multiple currencies of ideas in different subject areas?
Date of Origination: Saturday, 12th October 2024... 9:08 AMDate of Initial posting: Saturday, 12th October 2024... 1:19 AM
Updated Posting: Wednesday, 23rd October 2024... 5:06 AM