→→→Tripartite World Reality 1 ←←←
ID Investigators as of November 10, 2024
Yes, if you look for patterns you can find them. Much like when you have your mind on a type of vehicle you can more easily spot them. However, if we were to make a count of all the available types of vehicles, we would encounter a limit. Just like we find a limit to the number of elements in the periodic table and every single alphabet, including the 0-9 lineage of numbers. With respective to recurring cognitive forms of enumeration, we can see that some numbers appear to have a more frequency of usage than others, like the usage of the letter "e" being dominant in the game of scrabble. All of these are recognizable patterns which may exhibit a different quantity, but the quantities nonetheless exhibit a limitation. Whether you prefer the number 2 or 7 or 13 or whatever, you are working with a limitation which needs to be compared side by side with other patterns of routine usage. Using a graph, you will notice distinct differences but that all told, we are dealing with an overall CONSERVATION OF Number related to a survival requirement that appears to be changing over time, but we will not know this unless myself and others take the time to make a record of the patterns. Even if in a thousand years my as yet untested assumptions are faulty or wrong, we humans need to know this in order that we can say that Yes... we did consider it.
By utilizing a pattern-of-three typology model, let me bring an alternative view of Intelligent Design mixed with Evolution and multiple other subjects. While many people in their respective interest in a given subject have sought out fundamentals, one must wonder why it is that we have only seen very small sketches of a Pattern-of-three profile typically dealing with religious topics, mythology, fairy tales, writing instruction, speeches, superstition, Numerology and selective groupings in a specific genre such as cartoon characters, a given sport, and those compilations which are copycat renditions by those who make an attempt to compile longer than the typical handful of examples taken from history, slogans, and various memorabilia covering bits and pieces of different subjects, and yet never speak to the fact that their list is such a compilation of multiple others' similar efforts. In other words, many people who present a public list of "threes" (or some other pattern) do not openly state that either the list is of their own making or the result of a compilation of one or more other-than-themselves sources.
Those who speak of an Intelligent Design don't bother to provide their own itemized design to enhance elucidation and instead argue against other designs which are thought to contradict their own summations and contentions, such as that denoted as Evolution; as if Evolution described THE design of biology specific to the development of humanity, when it actually expresses the vague overview of a possibility that has garnered some evidence... similar to the efforts of those extracting information from the bible and declaring that the recording of an historical event somehow means the whole content of the Bible is thus correct, when it is but a Metaphysical hypothesis which relies on the speciousness of words such as faith and belief as if they were synonymous with truth, while Evolution ranks as a bona fide theory because of its subjection to thousands of testable queries.
Whereas both the Bible and Evolution provide us with chronologies of development, identified facts of historical occurrence does not support any contention that the overall idea proposed by Religion or present Science, reveal a substantive value of being an absolute truth. Whereas other chronologies exist such as that expressed by geology, it is not without its controversies. The same can be said for weather prediction, causes for climate change, and even trends in fashion, music, art, mathematics, astronomy, warfare, etc... Each of them have their chronologies from beginning to some future point, with multiple digressions sometimes encountered. In short, they are histories whose errors are not the result of any inherent fault but the fault of interpretations, representations and reception by other experts and the general public.
Sometimes we even come across a bit of history that has been overlooked by both experts and the general public who therefore do not initially know what to make of information which is easily understood as a rational and logical correlation by being so obvious as to be a cause of quietly expressed astonishment in the form of a momentary befuddlement of readjusting the contour of one's mental alignment with the reality which they have incorporated as some sort of standardized truth accepted by millions, and yet may reject the information for awhile to see whether any of the experts they routinely go to for verification of their ideas have made mention of it. If they haven't, then a new idea may be readily dismissed. Such is the case not only for the ubiquity of "threes" and the 3-to-1 pattern for which a timeline can be established in conjunction with already established chronologies, but the oversight having been made by geologists who create charts and posters describing life forms occurring over vast expanses of geological time. What is missing? The correlation of how fast the Earth was spinning at those different moments in history when significant biological events were taking place. The situation is so obvious and distinctive once pointed out, it should be a point of embarrassment for all the so-called experts and instructors of such chronologies.
Let me provide two variations of the same idea because of their relevance to the present threes design-ation:

Call it pseudo-science, call it idiocy, call it simplistic correlation or call it whatever you want, but we must address the possibility that Evolution may have a time-line specificity fixed to the rate of the Earth's rotation rate, by which predictions of future events may be secured. And along this course we can map out recurring developmental patterns due to regression, overlap, reversal, mutation, digression, multiplicity, enumerated incrementalism, punctuation, gradualism, etc., whether you describe them as the act of god or the act of Evolution; or defined as god's use of evolution or evolution's use of god expressed as a drama of the human psyche that is in a primitive stage of development.
Trying to describe developmental cognition can be described in a type of antiquated human scenario: It is like more modernized humans called Cro-magnons having to deal with the behaviors of Neanderthals who were relatively peaceful but generally practicing an antiquated ideological standard of perception and conclusion regarding reality, which created multiple ideological handicaps in the landscape of cognitive development; which creates the necessity of configuring insulated cultural environments of separatism, revealing just how much the human mind is attempting to evolve without resorting to base behaviors such as experimental sexuality that tried and failed many times in the past because physiological constraints dictate a simple orientation for survival purposes for the species and not simplistic emotional concerns of personalized limitation such as expressed by old, middle-aged, and young adolescents who join the Narcissitic gang called the LGBTQ+ whether as a practicing member or in a supportive role.
With respect to the present pattern-of-three model of analysis, it is an hypothesis with the added feature of an as yet unrecognized (by others) testability to endow it with the status of being a Theory which, once established... will become a recurringly testable fact (like Evolution and other Sciences) that will be refined from its presently crude/fledgling state... as we move further into the future. (It is so new that the word "Trichotomization" does not even exist in the vocabulary of Psychology, though many older reflective psychologists are aware of the preponderant usage of dichotomies being used in the various approaches of teaching and patient care.) What is being described is a developmental trend of human cognition over long expanses of time where various models from different subjects reveal a recurring consistency, just like we see thousands of different life forms and yet all have the same underlying pattern of a triplet (DNA) code which also occurred in a maturational development way, though other patterns are collectably available as supportive evidence. (Origin and Evolution of DNA and DNA Replication Machineries) A simple analogy is to think of it in terms of a metamorphosis, where identifiable changes can take place, but is not guaranteed due to health, environment, underlying biology, etc... (And yes, variations of the list exist elsewhere at this site and others):

- 3 geometries to the Universe developed by humans and crafted by using mathematics: (Flat- Spherical- Saddle-shaped)
- The temperature of outer space is colloquially referred to as 3 degrees.
- The human brain is colloquially referenced as being 3 pounds in weight.
- More than 3,000 human brain cell types have been characterized.
- Around 30 trillion cells in the human body.
The old English ynce was defined by King David I of Scotland about 1150 as the breadth of a man's thumb at the base of the nail. To help maintain consistency of the unit, the measure was usually achieved by adding the thumb breadth of three men—one small, one medium, and one large— and then dividing the figure by three. During the reign of King Edward II, in the early 14th century, the inch was defined as "three grains of barley, dry and round, placed end to end lengthwise." At various times the inch has also been defined as the combined lengths of 12 poppy-seeds. Since 1959 the inch has been defined officially as 2.54 cm. ("inch." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.)
Introduction to 3 -to- 1 ratio references using common ideas:
- 3 to 1 ratio political reference: 3 acres and 1 cow.
- 3 to 1 ratio New Testament (Triple tradition) Biblical reference: 3 Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), 1 idosyncratic gospel (John)
- 3 main rocket engines to the (1) space shuttle.

- 3 to 1 ratio of dimensions: 3 spatial (Width- Length- Height) and 1 Time dimension.
- 3 to 1 ratio of fundamental forces:
- 3 included in the Standard Model frame work: Strong, Weak, Electro-magnetic
- 1 not included in the Standard Model: Gravity
- 3 families of fundamental particles developed by humans and crafted by using mathematics:
- Leptons - Quarks - Bosons (according to the Standard Model of particle physics)
- Electron - Muon - Tau (particles which characterize the 3 families)
- 3 families of particles based on decay rate: Stable- Unstable- Highly unstable.
- 3 large particles (Protons- Neutrons- Electrons)
- 3 X 3 arrangement of quarks for Protons and Neutrons
- 3rds fractionation used to describe energy consolidations in particle species:
- UP quark flavor = 2/3rds.
- TOP quark flavor = 2/3rds.
- CHARMED quark flavor = 2/3rds.
- DOWN quark flavor = 1/3rd.
- BOTTOM quark flavor = 1/3rd.
- STRANGE quark flavor = 1/3rd.
- 3 Main forms of radioactive emissions: Alpaha- Beta- Gamma
- 3 manifest large objects of space: Sun- Earth- Moon
- 3 spectrums of solar Emissions affect life: Dawn- Noon- Dusk supported by a duality: Night/Day
- 3 historical conceptions of the Sun's daily passage: Across the sky (Linear)- Over the sky (Circular/Dome)- Triangular (seen more clearly with time-elapsed photography).
- 3rd planet (Earth) is only place Life originates on (so far as we know).
- 3rd planet has three basic divisions: core- mantle- crust
- 3 colloquial terms to describe Earth's terrains: Land- Sea- Air
- 3 historically noted weather phenomena correlations: Lightning- Thunder- Rain
- 3 to 1 ratio of directions: North- South- East (and) West.
- 3 to 1 ratio of written mathematical notation: Ones- Tens- Hundreds (comma) Thousands...
- 3 groups of eight main cloud families divided on the basis of altitude: ("cloud." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2013)
- High clouds, found at heights of 13 to 5 km (42,500 to 16,500 feet): are cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus.
- Middle clouds, 7 to 2 km (23,000 to 6,500 feet), are altocumulus and altostratus.
- Low clouds, 2 to 0 km (6,500 to 0 feet), are stratocumulus, stratus, and nimbostratus.
- A cloud that extends through all three heights is called a cumulonimbus. A cloud at the surface is called a fog.
- 3 biologically significant Strandedness distinctions with a 1- 2- 3 expression:
- Single Stranded RNA- with a triplet code.
- 3 main types of RNA: Messenger RNA (mRNA)- Transfer RNA (tRNA)- Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
- Double Stranded DNA with a triplet code.
- 3 main types of DNA: A-DNA, B-DNA, Z-DNA
- Triple Stranded Proteins (made of amino acids).
- 3 stop codons in amino acids are UAA, UAG, and UGA, and the 1 start codon is AUG. (Which can be referred to as a 3 to 1 ratio.)
- RNA with its single strandedness is thought to have come first (called the RNA world)... with a triplet code.
- DNA with its double strandedness is thought to have come second... with a triplet code.
- RNA and DNA both use the same three amino acids (Adenosine- Cytosine- Guanine), with RNA having the additional Uracil and DNA having Thymine. (this can be referred to as a 3 to 1 ratio, similar to that pattern seen in Mendelian Genetics.)
- Proteins apparently followed next in the developmental line of successive development that we might playfully call a (poker? old maid? rummy?) card game. Proteins have 3 folding structures (secondary-tertiary-quaternary) and 1 non-folding structure (primary). This can be referred to as a 3 to 1 ratio. In a deck of cards we have 3 face cards (King- Queen- Jack) and 1 non-face, but equally powerful Ace card.
- Collagen's triple strandedness (connective tissue protein) followed afterwards.
- 3 main amino acids make collagen: Proline- Glycine- Hydroxyproline. These group together to form protein fibrils in a triple helix structure.
The Christian concept called the Trinity is sometimes expressed as a 3 -to- 1 ratio: Three persons in 1 Godhead. In primitive counting sequences we may note that any quantity beyond the "2" value may contain the concept of more, heap, pile, much, a lot, Many... Hence, the value of 3 or more was connected with some language equivalent expression of "Many". We see this expressed in the E Pluribus Unm phrase found on the US Presidential Seal which is Latin for "Out of Many, One." Hence, a variation of the 3 to 1 ratio is revealed just as we encounter it sometimes on advertisements for vehicle tires: Buy 3 tires get 1 free. We also can see this in the 3 colors (Red- Yellow- Green) used in 1 Traffic light. Another example is the holding of 1 pen or pencil with three fingers to write with. Additional examples may be seen here: 3-2-1 ratios a. However, it should be understood this is not an exhaustive compilation. Multiple others exist and may be referenced as a "four" or some other multiplicity that has not been scrutinized in search of a possible alternative arrangement because this idea is not part of a typical teaching or learning curriculum.
An attempt to explain the recurrence of major patterns-of-three and the 3 -to- 1 ratio by producing a testable hypothesis by way of a very simple idea is presently being rejected by both Evolutionary theorists and Theologians; with the latter being consumed by the conjectures of faith and belief or some model of grandiose metaphysics; and the former being consumed by the minutia of chemistry in terms of chemical Evolution which overlooks the value of the irradiating Sun and Fast spinning Earth, along with the much closer Moon at the time. Intellectually and visually you need to travel back in time when the Earth's Rotation was much faster. This fast rotation under the Sun, in the presence of a much closer Moon, created the condition of a 3-patterned strobe light effect from the Sun's three distinct phases known as Dawn- Noon- Dusk. While those involved with chemical evolution experiment with different ideas about early environments, they have not tried a 3-patterned strobe light effect, or a stationary light source with an accelerated base of experimentation, even though they may use a centrifuge in their laboratory.
The triple strobe-light effect was coupled to a two-patterned night/day sequencing event. The three phases/moments in 1 Sun constitute a 3 -in- 1 impression not only on early, photo-sensitive biological materials but later on for those groups of people who were oriented to the Sun, and thus were psychically influenced to recall those biologically earlier solar impressions. Hence, I am describing the idea of the Christian Trinity as a metaphor being used to unknowingly describe the influence of the Sun on early human thinking that was not conscious enough to recognize their ideas reflected the impression of the Sun.
While there was no "brain" as we know it on early biologically "focused" macro-molecules, this is not to say that events of billions of years ago are not "recalled" in terms of the underlying pattern out of which life arose. A simpler analogy is to speak of those who claim to have memories of the womb where the brain is developing. The absence of a brain in early development does not necessarily forego the possibility of recalling a former experience in biological terms. In fact, all of biology is a series of memories about evolutionary development. If cells forgot how to divide, there would not be life as we know it.) For whatever reason(s), some groups have become (re-)awakened to the 3-part impression having occurred billions of years ago on basic biological substrates that influenced the triplet code we see in DNA. While other patterns can be seen or imagined to have existed, they did not create the sequencing of patterns we can not make out as being apparent steps, however crude and amateurish one might think the present illustration is.
It matters not if biological materials came from outside the Earth, when they landed on the Earth they became successively "branded" into complying with the 3-patterned dictates of the sky god called the Sun. However, this then suggests life on Earth may be dependent on a 3-patterned solar-type of influence for venturing far into space, or the triple patterned genetics of life as we know it will become unraveled. While other patterns are available, they are not that important for sustaining our present kind of biological life. For example, we could be removed from an environment where there exists a pattern-of-seven such as the color spectrum, without suffering death. Not so with the case of duality and triplicity, though we could create dichotomization within a triple design. A doublet code does not provide us with the present currency with which we pay the cost for living in the present environmental circumstances.
- 3 main cell types: Prokaryotic cells- Eukaryotic animal cells- Eukaryotic plant cells.
- Triplet Microtubules: Found in the cytoplasm of cells that help maintain cell shape, move organelles, and separate chromosomes during cell division.
- 3 Types of Microtubules found in centrioles and cilia: Singlet- Doublet- Triplet:
- Singlet Microtubules: A canonical Microtubule with 13 protofilaments.
- Doublet Microtubules: Made up of two tubules, one complete with 13 protofilaments and one incomplete with 10 protofilaments.
- Triplet Microtubules: A cellular organelle called the basal body is made up of nine Microtubule triplet blades.
- 3 main classes of spindle Microtubules: astral, kinetochor, polar (or interpolar).
- 3 Types of Microtubules found in centrioles and cilia: Singlet- Doublet- Triplet:
- 3 domains of life: Bacteria- Archaea- Eukaryotes
- 3 basic forms of Bacteria: Sphere-shaped (cocci), Rod-shaped (bacilli), Spiral-shaped (spirochetes).
- 3rd domain gives rise to 3 Germ layers.
- 3 Germ layers give rise to animals from earth worms to humans. (Endoderm- Ectoderm- Mesoderm)
- 3-part organizations in human anatomy have given rise to multiple threes ideas:
- 3 most commonly used anatomical divisions: Coronal - Sagittal - Transverse planes
- 3 races idea (African- Asian- Caucasian)... is now disputed and replaced by a model of multiplicity.
- 3 social classes division (Upper- Middle- Lower)... is frequently added on to with sub-divisions.
- 3 distinctive approaches to come to terms with changes (with respect to the I Ching): (Chinese Philosophy of Change (Yijing) [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy])
- The cosmological approach.
- The rational humanistic approach.
- The divination approach.
- 3 Medieval Guild divisions: Master- Journeyman- Apprentice.
- 3 Ages of early Tool/weapon making: Paleolithic- Neolithic- Bronze (for Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. ["Bronze age"; Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.])
- 3 Cultural stages aligned with ancient tool/weapon making: Stone age– Bronze age– Iron Age.
- 3 Generalized stages of Primate development towards emergence of humanity:
- Post primate Homini (upright walking, small brains).
- Pre Homo Homini (upright walking, larger brains).
- Homo "tribe" (strong, resourceful, inventive, explorative... and then becoming stay-at-home technology dependent couch potatoes).
- 3 named Great Greek Philosophers: Socrates- Plato- Aristotle.
- 3 named Great Chinese Philosophers: Confucius (Confucianism)- Laozi (Daoism)- Hanfeizi (Legalism).
- 3 primary types of energy found in biological systems:
- Chemical energy; stored within chemical bonds.
- Kinetic energy; is the energy of motion.
- Potential energy; is stored due to an object's position or structure.
- 3 main types of energy utilized by cells:
- Chemical energy (stored in molecules like glucose).
- Electrical energy (used for nerve impulses).
- Mechanical energy (used for movement).
- 3 primary sources of energy for cells (3 stages of cellular metabolism):
- Carbohydrates; (fiber, starches, and sugars).
- Fats; (lipids); (3 main types of lipids: triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols.)
- Proteins; (3 main classes which correlate with typical tertiary structures: globular proteins, fibrous proteins, and membrane proteins.)
- (these molecules are broken down within the cell to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the usable form of energy for cellular processes).
- 3 primary energy carrying molecules for cells:
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH).
- Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FADH2).
- 3 divisions of the brain and related genes:
- Fore-brain, Pox 2/5/8 gene
- Mid-brain, Ox gene
- Mid-brain, Hox gene
- 3 Models of symmetry in the animal world: Assymetrical- Radial- Bilateral.
- 3 Models of Feeding in the animal world: Herbivore- Carnivore- Omnivore.
- 3 Divisions to insects: Head- Thorax- Abdomen.
- 3 body plans: Acoelomate- Coelomate- Pseudocoelomate
- 3 Human male & body types: Ectomorph- Mesomorph- Endomorph.
- 3 body types in the Portrayal of the Buddha: Fat- Medium- Skinny.
If you look at language we can cite the use of a 3-part (linear) Word Order, consisting of a Subject- Object- Verb, but not necessarily in this arrangement. Yet, while there are other patterns-of-three to be culled such as the consonants- vowels- suprasegmentals, we also need to look at the mechanism of Hearing. If the ear were constructed with a different dominant pattern, we might well have a different type of speech/language/vocabulary and thought process.
- 3- tiered cosmos where god is in the 3rd realm: Underworld- Earth- Heaven
- 3 roots and 3 wells connected with the Norse Mythology of the Cosmological Yggdrasil tree.
- 3 roots, 3 wells of ancient Norse cosmology tree called Yggdrasil
- Humanity seeks the 3rd realm by way of 3 great Monotheistic religions having been born in desert environments.
- Christianity (with the idea of a Trinity: Father- Son- Holy spirit/ghost)
- Hinduism (with the idea of a Trimurti: Brahma- Vishnu- Siva)
- Islam (no similar major triadic structure noted, use of older enumerations)
- Christianity references 3 divisions of reality: Heaven- Purgatory- Hell
- Hinduism has the concept of tri-loka, which is a division of the universe into three parts (with seven divisions): Earth (Bhuloka), Heaven (Svarga), and Hell (Naraka).
- Islam has 3 main dimensions: (The goal of Islam is to have the body, heart, and mind perform optimally, and Muslims believe that these three
dimensions lead to that.)
- Islam: Outward submission to the will of Allah.
- Iman: Faith, belief, or trust.
- Ihsan: Perfection or excellence.
- Buddhism has its 3 paths: Mahayana- Theravada- Vajrayana (multiple other tripartitions exist)
- Daoism (Taoism) has 3 basic virtues: Compassion- Frugality- Humility, which are known as the Three Treasures or Three Jewels.
- Single Stranded RNA- with a triplet code.
- Jainism has its 3 jewels: Right faith (samyagdarshana)- Right knowledge (samyagjnana)- Right conduct (samyakcharitra)
- Shintoism has its 3 most important kami: Izanagi- Izanami- Amaterasu Okimaki, (aka as the Three Precious Children)
- Wicca has its 3-form Hectate and 3-fold Karmanic rule
- Zoroastrianism has 3 core teachings: Good thoughts- Good words - Good deeds:
- Humata: Good thoughts, or the intention to follow Asha, the right order of things.
- Hukhata: Good words, or the communication of that intention.
- Havarashta: Good deeds, or the realization of that intention in action.
- Ancient Egypt had multiple triad figures:
- Osirian (or Abydos) triad of Osiris (husband), Isis (wife), and Horus (son).
- Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu.
- Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem.
- Elephantine triad of Khnum (god of the source of the Nile river), Satet (the personification of the floods of the Nile river), and Anuket (the Goddess of the nile river).
- Solar Representation triad: Sun-god Ra, whose form in the morning was Khepri, at noon Re-Horakhty and in the evening Atum.
- Greek/Roman Mythology has its triads: (3 fates, 3 furies, 3 gorgons, 3-headed dog, etc...)
- Fairy tales has its sets-of-three: (3 bears, 3 pigs, 3 billy goats gruff, 3 kittens, etc..); some of which are 3 to 1 ratios:
- Three (large to small) bears... plus Goldilocks
- Three (triplet?) pigs... plus a wolf
- Three Fiddlers... plus Old/Ole' King Cole
- Thoroughbred horse racing has 3 foundation stallions: Goldolphin barb- Byerly Turk- Darley Arabian.
- 3 direct line descendent Thoroughbred heirs: Matchem- King herod, Eclipse.
- 3s being a common theme among religions is acknowledged by a few (example: Significance of 3)
- A World War III is a preoccupation for many
- Etc... etc... etc...
St. Augustine's Philosophy: | Memory ~ Understanding ~ Will |
Comte's Philosophy: | Great Being ~ Great Medium ~ Great Fetish |
Hegel's 3 Spirits: | Subjective Spirit ~ 0bjective Spirit ~ Absolute Spirit |
Plotinu's Philosophy: | One ~ One Many ~ One and Many |
Aristotle's 3 Unities: | Unity of Action ~ Unity of Time ~ Unity of Place |
Sir F. Bacon's 3 Tables: | Presence ~ Absence ~ Degree |
Thomas Hobbes's 3 Fields: | Physics ~ Moral Philosophy ~ Civil Philosophy |
Immanuel Kant's 3 Critiques: | Pure Reason ~ Practical Reason ~ Judgment |
Averroes's 3 Commentaries: | Little ~ Middle ~ Great |
Karl Marx's 3 isms: | Communism ~ Socialism ~ Capitalism |
Woodrow Wilson's 3 isms: | Colonialism ~ Racism ~ Anti-Communism |
Hippocrates's Mind Disorders: | Mania ~ Melancholia ~ Phrenitis |
Emile Durkeim's 3 Suicides: | Egoistic ~ Altruistic ~ Anomic |
D. Liesman's 3 Social Characters: | Tradition-directed ~ Inner-directed ~ Other-directed |
Erich Fromm's 3 Symbols: | The Conventional ~ The Accidental ~ The Universal |
Pythagoras's "fusion" idea: | Monarchy ~ Oligarchy ~ Democracy (into harmonic whole) |
M.L. King Jr.'s "Middle Road": | Acquiescence ~ Nonviolence ~ Violence |
Kierkegaard's 3 Stages: | Aesthetic ~ Ethical ~ Religious |
Husserl's 3 Reductions: | Phenomenological ~ Eidetic ~ Religious |
St. Augustine's 3 Laws: | Divine Law ~ Natural Law ~ Temporal, or positive Law |
Witness Stand "Laws": | Tell the Truth ~ The whole Truth ~ Nothing but the Truth |
Titus Carus's 3 Ages: | Stone Age ~ Bronze Age ~ Iron Age |
Feuerbach's 3 Thoughts: | God, 1st Thought ~ Reason, 2nd ~ Man, 3rd |
Magnus's 3 Universals: | Ante Rem ~ In Rem ~ Post Rem |
Max Weber's 3 Authorities: | Traditional ~ Charismatic ~ Legal-rational |
F. de Sausure's 3 "Signs": | Sign ~ Signified ~ Signifier |
Charles Pierces 3 "Signs": | Qualisign ~ Sinsign (token) ~ Legisign |
John Keynes's 3 Eras: | Scarcity ~ Abundance ~ Stabilization |
George Mead's 3 Distinctions: | Self ~ I ~ Me |
Thrasher's 3-group Gangs: | Inner Circle ~ Rank & File ~ Fringers |
Abe Lincoln's 3-For-All: | Of the People ~ By the People ~ For the People |
Jesus Christ's 3 Praises: | In the name of the Father ~ Son ~ Holy Spirit |
Samuel Clemmons' 3 lies: (Mark Twain) |
Lies ~ Damned Lies ~ Statistics |
Thesis ~ Antithesis ~ Synthesis Indulgence ~ "Middle Way" ~ Ascetism Major Premise ~ Minor Premise ~ Conclusion Contradiction ~ Excluded Middle ~ Identity Principal | ||
"God-ology": Omnipresent Omnipotent Omniscient |
"Metaphysics-ology": What is real How change comes What is mind |
Marxian "Dialectology": Unity of opposites Quantity & quality Negation of negation |
Epistemology: How we know What is truth What is mind |
Axiology: Nature of good Nature of beautiful Nature of religious |
Ontology: Quality (1st-ness) Relation (2nd-ness) Representation (3rd-ness) |
Source: Threes Listings, column 5
The foregoing is just a handful of examples. There are multiple others: Tripartite World Reality.
And your initial argument is what? That there are other patterns of enumeration to be culled from different subjects? To which I ask if you have actually made an effort to catalogue them to see which ones and how many and to what are the referencing? If you did, you would then also notice there is a Conservation of Number to the extent there are only a very few enumerated patterns being used, thus suggesting we humans and other life forms are being subject to a force adoption of this as a survival mechanism, and that we can identify the culprit effecting the enforcement.
Does not a recurring pattern of human cognitive activity suggest an Intelligent Design or are we looking at Stupidity? Or is it stupidity only because someone off the street (so to speak) identified an easily recognizable pattern that so-called intelligent experts surrounded by Institutions, awards, and multiple Intelligent colleagues have overlooked? What do you call it when hundreds of millions of people have overlooked a recurring pattern that is present in everyday life? Mass Insanity? Mass stupidity? Mass ignorance? and yet believe in stupid two-patterned religious, political, business ideas, as well as traditions of dichotomization?
Because we can see instances of a 1-2-3 maturational development trends, it is not far-fetched to consider that the human psyche may follow suit in some fashion of expression, if only to speak of a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd stage by way of allusion, or descriptively without an accompanying number but expresses a step beyond the conventional. If this is the case, then the widespread uses of dichotomy might well have an awakening notion of a trichotomy that is called Nirvana, Heaven, Valhalla, Happy hunting grounds, Higher consciousness, to be one with god, to be one with the Buddha, ethereal plane of existence, alternative dimension, superiority, Third Reich, Third Rome, Three Worlds, three tasks to be performed (seen in Fairy tales but sometimes practiced outside of them as a real life requirement), etc...
Humanity has and is developing different models of alluding to the internal drive to reach a third type of consciousness but while some get closer, most do not achieve it because not only are environmental conditions not appropriate for the development, but a largely exercised plethora of dichotomization in present day society is a hindrance.
When we can see the development of biology and human cognition developing over time and illustrated by using simple enumeration, we are ultimately confronted by the question of origination. And if we find that the origination is the planetary activity of three elements: Sun- Moon- Earth, we are thus confronting religion once again to rethink its position on what is meant by god and the place of humanity in the larger scope of the Universe, when we note the presence of an articulable pattern of successive development where digressions, reversals, mutations and punctuations can be documented, assigned, and explained.
Using a pattern-of-three as a tool for investigation, dissection, compilation, illustration, experimentation, philosophizing, and creating mathematical-like formulas, can be useful in the hands of someone who has been using the craft for awhile. It does not matter if you view the craft as some sort of crude basket weaving or finger painting or shrunken head collectivity. Practitioners of different crafts can provide insight even if the result is eventually described as being wrong. Dead ends can be useful, just like bad math formulas, wrong chemical mixtures, poor carburetor adjustments, stupid download mistakes on one's phone or computer, drinking and eating too much, etc... Mistakes, wrong turns, running into obstacles, etc., can provide the proverbial wisdom of Hindsight is good Foresight if it leads to Insight. An example of this 3-part idea is here: Hindsight, foresight and insight: three lenses for better policy-making by ANZSOG (Australia and New Zealand School of Government).
Typically, humans begin cataloguing perceptions and identify what they believe to be are patterns... and afterwards may eventually develop a preliminary system of categorization such as the Binomial system... or Bible, or Book of numbers, or Koran, or Instruction/training manual, or textbook, or dictionary, or Encyclopedia, etc., which may enable them to see other patterns... sometimes. But if someone comes up with a newer pattern which more comprehensively incorporates collections of multiple other compilations, including those which are considered sacred or the standard usage, it may well be treated as Darwin's on the Origin of Species book in an environment where various religious zealots existed. Or similarly be received as Galileo Galilei's idea of the Earth not being at the center of the Universe, in the very egotistical atmosphere of an age that viewed one's religion, one's concept of god, one's people, one's country and one's planet as the Center of the Universe. Imagine designing a design that incorporates multiple designs, like an artist or musician or mathematician who compiles multiple art or forms of equations into a single compilation whose coherency may or may not have to be illustrated by a simple follow-the-numbers or trace-the-dots explanation portrayed using step-by-step pictures.
We humans look about the world and create the notion that there is order, disorder and proportions thereof. At one time in the distant past, humans created the idea of multiple gods to explain the presence of perceived experiences such as clouds, weather phenomena, the ocean, etc., and thus claimed the gods were all powerful, all knowing, and existed everywhere, but were not all loving, caring or considerate, because of existing evils. Hence, gods were though to be vengeful, but could be appeased, like a child who could do or say something so as not to be punished. Hence, the gods could be unpredictable. However, later on in history, humanity came to adopt the egotistical idea embraced and practiced by the Jews that there was only god and that they were the chosen people to inhabit a chosen land. Thus, the idea of one god came into vogue, but the same dispositions which were given to multiple gods was now attributed to one god.
However, Albert Einstein of particle physics fame said that God does not play dice with the Universe, yet no one has openly asked why not, with a follow up chorus. Einstein is sometimes treated like the King without clothes on or as a supernatural being... that died. Why can't god do as he, she, it wants? Why can't god do whatever, whenever, wherever? Such as gamble with human lives, if not with all of life? Indeed, why in the world does such a supposed god of the Universe need religion or faith from humans? What is so great about humanity if only its oversized ego and self-importance?
Humans look about the world and discover what they think are patterns and may well claim the supposed patterns seen in Nature (by humans) are not human made, but are made by something superior to humans and that something is intelligent because humans think the perceived patterns represent intelligence based on some presumed repetition. Which begs the question of whether an absence of a repetition can be viewed as an expression of intelligence. In any respect, humans think there is an intelligent design created by an intelligent designer. While this is not an issue with many people, the problem arises when this simple and straight forward idea is compounded by a lot of nonsense called religion and religion tries to not only own the Intelligent Designer but claim what this designer can and can not do and how the designer works. And then such idiocy is compiled into a book and the items within the book are said to be "god's will" to be imposed on everyone according to the dictates of those who claim or are claimed by others as representatives of their god. It's no wonder people turn to Science or mathematics, or reject various teachings.
If a new pattern comes into view it is either claimed to be a revelation to be controlled and owned by some religion, or related to that which is to be rejected, by both Science and Religions because it can only be understood in terms used to react negatively or dismissively... because to embrace it as a possibility requires revisioning of doctrine to comply with a new perspective, thus revealing faults and inconsistencies of both science and religion. Using actual events and objects which have occurred in history does not validate a text that is being used to convey an outdated view. For example, events of actual history recorded in a religious text does not make the whole of the text just as accurate. Being innocent and regarded valuable by association infants and jewelry can be just as silly as being viewed guilty by association with a person who has committed a crime but served out a prison sentence. If this were true then all religious which speak of the devil are just as guilty because to know the devil and evil means a person has been associated with such... directly or indirectly.
Yet, can an intelligent design occur by accident? What about unintended intelligent consequences? Is one more intelligent if they study religion, or some other subject needed to make a living as a mechanic in an automotive industry? Is it more intelligent to know of god and less intelligent to know of the Devil? Is it more intelligent to study flowers or pollinating insects or both more than the weather? Indeed, what is intelligence and therefore intelligent design? Can you recognize intelligent design if you are not intelligent or the word intelligent is not in your vocabulary? Are you more intelligent if you study the world's religions or the world's sciences? Or did some past religious text writer understand the importance of non-religious knowledge and incorporate the view that some god instructed them to include the need for non-religious study in a religious text, whereby later generations allowed for instruction in other subjects, so that future generations would not do away with hypocritical religious nonsense?
So what if humans discover 3 laws of motion and 3 laws of planetary motion and Einstein uses a three-patterned equation to express the mass to energy equivalency formula (E = M times C2)? What does it matter that life exists on the 3rd planet from a source of energy that some humans have referred to as a god? And should it matter that life uses a triplet code in DNA or that there are 3 life domains and that the most Intelligent creature called humans arose by way of the third domain (Eucaryotes) and 3 germ layers? And should it matter to us that human anatomy is replete with patterns -of- three? Is this design or a coincidence? If it is a viable design pattern, then why aren't those advocating for an Intelligent design using it in their argument... if only because it is a pattern seen in evolution as well as the history of religion.
God can play dice with the Universe if god wants to, or use specific types of patterns. God doesn't need religion, humans do. God doesn't even need humans since their are multiple other life forms... if life is at all important, and not the result of some experiment or accident. No less, god can use whatever god wants, such as Evolution, war, chaos, peace, life or death. And yes, god can use music, art, mathematics, physics, etc...
Those who preach for the idea of Intelligent Design to be taught in schools to replace the idea of Evolution, are just as silly as those who preach Evolution as a definitive absolute and not as a widely accepted view that might be replaced in the future with a better understanding of life whose views are testable and do not have to rely solely on some metaphysic called belief or faith. Evolution can well be part of an Intelligent Design, just as Intelligent design can be part of Evolution, with or without ridiculous religious beliefs dependent on a world-view of dichotomization. Evolution has multiple looking intelligent designs just as does Physics and Mathematics, music, art and dance. We humans refer to our perceptions and categorizations as Intelligent because we think we are.
They call it Intelligent Design, but use the designs developed by Science to bolster their claim, mixed with religion when it suits them, and do not produce their own. Where is the Intelligent Design of Intelligent Design, without resorting to the illustrations already established by other subjects? I could say the "threes" phenomena is a design, except the adherents of both Evolution and Intelligent design have no idea what I'm talking about. For both camps claiming Intelligence, and yet the Evolution advocates would call the pattern-of-three a model of Numerology and those in the Intelligent Design camp would resort to some religious explanation of triads, mythology, fairy tales, and the Trinity or Trimurti. One becomes too specialized and the other too generalized. And by doing so, they both remain tunnel visioned. Whereas both use patterns-of-three in their explanations, they do so by standing on a pedestal of duality. And they have no idea what I am talking about... even if I point out their usage of three-patterned exercises as part of their method of illustration.
Page Originated: Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 ...5:05 AM
Initial Posting: Thursday, October 31st, 2024 ... 7:43 AM
Updated Posting: Monday, November 11th, 2024 ... 6:08 AM