The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 12
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Right out of the Horse race starting gate into the Batter's box atop the Basketball key, let me say that neither the Christian Trinity or the Hindu Trimurti, nor the ancient Egyptian triads, nor the Greek and Roman Mythological groups-of-three, nor threes in Fairy tales, nor the ancient Chinese valuation of three, are the prime instigators of the presumed first and foremost originator of the "threes" phenomena in our lives:

Like early Naturalists trying to devise a scheme by which to catalog different species after hundreds of different examples from different collectors became known, this is the case for the threes phenomena; which is a general term referencing the presence of underlying cognitive patterns being identified at present by the use of enumeration. However, the eventual adoption of a Binomial Nomenclature by previous collectors and anatomists of earlier generations appears to "Threes Researchers" as being rather humorous and misplaced when trying to apply it to their research. Nonetheless the usage of a common name and then a Latin Binomial name is itself a pattern-of-three, despite the distinct name of "Binomial" as that which is focused on when in discussion thereof. However, I would reference this as an Embellished Dichotomy if it were called a Triad.
Along the way it became apparent that there were similarities of designs by which particular designations were made to group different life forms such as in to insects, plants, reptiles, fish, primates, invertebrates/vertebrates, herbivores- omnivores- carnivores, birds, etc... In short, different groupings have been made over the years with an overall result of dividing life into three Domains called the Archea- Bacteria- Eucaryotes. With respect to "threes" research you will encounter those who are lumping different examples under headings such as Fairy tales, religion, Mythology, physics, book titles, rules-of-three, three laws, etc... No one has even yet proposed the creation of a more sophisticated manner in which the phenomena of cognitive patterning can be addressed, but I will do so later on. There is a lot of information to cover and no academically trained way to approach it. It must be done off-the-cuff (informally) so to speak, with bits and pieces of criteria for addressing a multitude of issues taken from different subjects as part of an analogical process; much like rummaging through a junk yard, yard/garage/estate sale, flea market, barn, shed, attic, basement, and even the kitchen drawer, toy box, vehicle glove box (or beneath the seats), tucked away shoe or hat box, if not by some would be believed in treasure map.
Similarly, what would you do if you come across a treasure map? Tell others? Ask for assistance? From whom? Would they have one or more ulterior motives if assisting you? Will they regard what you to be a treasure with the same respect, or think it mere old junk to be tossed aside? In short, how do you approach a subject if it is almost entirely brand new, except for some off-handed remarks and cataloguing by others over several centuries, and few if any of your contemporaries have any interest because they can see no immediate monetary value in it, though short a term entertainment value is appended as they would give to any aside noticed distraction?
In short, we can take some interesting cues from different subjects, but they will necessarily have to be modified and not allowed to dictate the direction of investigation which may not follow the path that one or another game plan for some other subject used and uses to align its information. A "tree of descent" providing examples of descent must be modifiable itself. Like many biologists and other scientists and investigators in other fields, they may have a working idea but will modify it (eventually) to fit the results of their findings. Whereas while we currently have a Standard Model of physics, this is not to say some present or future discovery or new insight will not require its modification.
Although "threes" research is in its fledgling stages of development, it will eventually mature because the term "threes research" is merely the avenue I've taken to uncover and unravel repeating cognitive patterns occurring over time. Just because I may mention the word "three" repeatedly with illustrations, doesn't mean I am ignoring other patterns as if to place the "three" in a position to be used to support some particular commercial venue like religion, numerology, astrology, or other business venture with trappings and language meant to obscure the real intent of promoters trying to acquire some financial gain or position of manipulative empowerment. Though you may hear lofted arguments from anyone of them, they do so only to try to secure a greater footing for manipulating the values of those who are susceptible to being conned.
While there are multiple Threes patterns to choose from in the past in an effort to seek out a candidate for the supposed single originator of all threes patterns, and these may well have had an enormous influence moving forward, though not necessarily in one or more obvious three patterns that are easily identifiable, or even recorded by some method... some are remembered as a three-pattern due to later associations by observers and chroniclers. Thus, we are confronted with the situation of a later model of a three constructed by poet-historians, or military-historians, or politician-historians, or Medical-historians, or Jack-of-all-trades historians, etc... but during the time of independent events, particular "threes" were not widely recognized to the extent of being what we might use the labels denoted as, "triad", "triunity", or even "threesome" for. An example of this are the referenced 3 Unifiers of Japan:

Although they were contemporaries, we don't see the appellation of "Triad" or "Trinity" or other "three" grouping title attached to them. While they were influential, and may well have produced later threes- events, we cannot accurately place them and such events correspondingly unless we understand and comment about this type of "three" distinction. Another Far Eastern example is that of the three Great Chinese philosophers attached to monumentally pervasive philosophies:

While there are other philosophies and philosophers which became prominent, let us assign the well-recognized Buddhism to its origination in India, not China, thereby straddling somewhere in the middle between Europe and the Far East (as seen from my Western vantage point). Another example of an observed "three" today that did not necessarily exist in the past with such a definitive title, is the case of the referenced Three Great Great philosophers known individually as Socrates- Plato- Aristotle. Years ago with there was a widespread use of the word "SPA" on business signs advertising exercise businesses, I would use them to recite the three names in this fashion: "Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle who taught Alexander the Great".

Whereas Ideas can play a major role in shaping the contents of a psyche, we often find that the psyche, (that is the mind) of humans continue to display a handful of conceptual "grids" that may be easier for some readers to grasp if I use the comparison with the child's game of hopscotch instead of graphing paper used in a mathematics class. Sometimes three major ideas can play a role, whether or not they are explicitly referred to as a triad, or are actual named triads having been recognized such as those of Ancient Egypt; though they are typically without an encompassing philosophy. Some three-patterned objects have or are a group of three ideas while other three-patterned objects are simply the objects themselves being collated with other three-patterned objects though none of the characters in any triad of Ancient Egypt nor any Myth-assigned triad of Ancient Greece, Rome, etc., provided any philosophical view of their own. However, they also continue to provoke centuries of three-patterned ideological orientations.
Yet, while on the subject of triads of figures, another one should be mentioned though it is not a customary observation nor used as a descriptive to be labeled a triad. This is the body image of the Buddha statutes seen in different parts of the world. On the one hand the obese one is well known, but the very thin and medium-build figures may not be familiar to some readers. While no doubt prescriptive of the culture in which they sit, or stand, it is of value to point out that in the present era we too defined three body types called the Ectomroph- Mesomorph- Endomorph. Also, note that their depictions are of either standing or sitting and not swimming, not walking, not sitting on a horse, etc... They are in sedentary positions. Everyone sees this but no one is providing any discussion because to do so is viewed disrespectful. Nonetheless, the fact that the Buddha is in the image of its originator Siddhartha Gautama, said to have been born to a wealthy family that he turned away from upon seeing so much suffering; may be nothing more than the same story telling nonsense we have heard when people speak of Jesus, Mohammed, Hitler, Kim Jong Un (North Korea's dictator), and numerous other historical figures. One would think that an industrious people as the Indians and all peoples basically are, that their leaders (spiritual and otherwise) would be shown in industrious positions instead of as proverbial arm chair or couch potatoes wearing the same garb (suggesting poor hygiene) and exhibiting certain (contorted) body positions (suggesting disease or nutritional deficiency). If a person is particularly old, having a sedentary mode of living may be understandable, but not someone that is portrayed as young or in their middle ages. The reverence paid to all leaderships must be questioned.

Let's take a look at how often patterns-of-three can be described for a Buddhist orientation, suggesting that there is an underlying accountability taking place for a "threes" impression being used to point believers in a similar direction, but the description and definition of that to be achieved is inaccurate because the overall philosophy is providing an allusion to that poorly understood while proclaiming the content of such views are truth. Buddhism as well as all religions and philosophies are metaphors of a developmental trend in human consciousness where the "three" is the only discernible figure on a sign post, so the remaining marks are interpreted according to the whims of different travelers who chance upon or deliberately seek out the same path according to the customs of their language. However, while many plainly see the number "3", others perceive a 7 or 4, or whatever their inclination is. In their efforts to decipher the rest of the sign post, they imaginatively see whatever they are predisposed to and then align it with some attempt to secure a better living for themselves, as defined by the notion of "better living" within their cultural context.
They really can't read the sign correctly and may refer to it as "signs" (in the plural) depending on how often they reposition themselves to the sign. None of the present day religions or philosophies seeking the "greater" this or that (as defined by their customs), can read the sign correctly because they view it too sacred to mess with, and thus won't even clean it off for a greater clarity due to it being dusted by the centuries of travelers who have passed it by, typically misreading it and going in one or another direction that is absent of what they truly seek as to what they truly need. While all mis-directions are not bad nor wrong, they simply are not that which is the cumulative three... which is not heaven, hell, nirvana supreme knowledge, supreme goodness, or any other such-named place or human defined ability, spiritual or otherwise. The "cumulative three" is beyond all these. Beyond all present day conceptions of god and truth and consciousness. And yet, upon being reached, will be found to be a way-station with yet another signpost for those who so desire it. But it is not cyclical, and has nothing to do with the notion of reincarnation.
However, on the topic of Reincarnation and my analogies to biology, the idea of there being life after death described as a The Third State That Lies Beyond The Boundaries Of Life And Death; seen in cells after the death of a living being. The suggestion that this represents an "after life" stage of potential developmental progressiveness is a consideration that what is taking place on the macroscopic psychic level of humanity is a type of reverberation from the microscopic level expressed in a way conducive to the means by which the present state of human consciousness can express the cellular occurrence in terms consistent with the soft and hardware humanity is made of. Do we call this a type of cellular reincarnation that takes hold if the necessary conditions (environment, etc.) are viable for sustaining redevelopment into an alternate sphere of existence? And yet, the philosophies dealing with the idea of rebirth, of reincarnation, of are obsessed with using various anthropomorphic illustrations and allusions to something that may well use various physical forms of adaptation to prevailing circumstances during the time time cellular rebirth or regeneration process begin after life.

In such a case, then the lineage of pre-hominids as well as the hominid line of descent are expressions of this formula of reincarnation that can be plotted in different ways of explanations such as vibrations, mathematics, music, art, architecture, etc... So too does the life cycle of a person. It represents a type of reincarnation using a physical dimension which creates notions of alternative life sometimes called a higher consciousness, which is basically achieved as we mature and acquire knowledge with experience. It's a fact, not some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. Using physical illustrations assists us with presenting metaphysical notions into something that is tangible and there for provides some measure of testability. Yet to speak of reincarnation that is absent from a physical realm, may be imaginatively creative in its composition, it provides no actual proof, no matter how we juggle the numbers and symbols in our equations. Far too often and far too seriously are are physical positions coupled with similar models of mental positioning as if this somehow provides an enhanced permissibility to achieve a supposed higher plane of existence by way of a certain model of believed in reincarnation, when all it amounts to is opinion with nothing actual to show for all the showmanship, however sincere, honest, forthright and serious a person is in their dedications to a practiced routine.
Even if the "third state" of biological activity turns out to not be what some are considering, it does have the value of being yet another instance of a cognitive three pattern.
- 3 Types of Buddha in the Nikaya, Mahayana, and Vajrayana traditions:
- Samyaksam Buddha (often simply referred to as "Buddha");
- Pratyeka Buddha;
- Sravaka Buddha;
- 3 Baskets of Buddhism, also known as the
Tripitaka, are the three main sections of the Buddhist scriptures:
- Vinaya Pitaka (Basket of Discipline): Deals with rules and regulations for monks and nuns.
- Sutta Pitaka (Basket of Discourses): Contains discourses delivered by the Buddha.
- Abhidhamma Pitaka (Basket of Ultimate Things): Focuses on ultimate concepts like Mind, Mental-factors, Matter, and Nibbana.
- 3 overall pillars of Buddhism:
- The Three Marks of Existence: Impermanence (anicca), suffering or dissatisfaction (dukkha), and not-self (anatta).
- The Three Jewels: The Buddha (the yellow jewel), the Dharma (the blue jewel), and the Sangha (the red jewel).
- The Eightfold Path: Grouped into three essential elements of Buddhist practice—moral conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom.
- 3 Marks of Existence are three characteristics of all existence and beings:
- Aanicca; impermanence.
- Dukkha; commonly translated as "suffering" or "cause of suffering", "unsatisfactory", "unease".
- Anatta; without a lasting essence.
- 3 Types of Buddha in the Mahayana Buddhism:
- Dharmakaya (body of essence): The unmanifested mode and the supreme state of absolute knowledge.
- Sambhogakaya (body of enjoyment): The heavenly mode.
- Nirmanakaya (body of transformation): The earthly mode, the Buddha as he appeared on earth or manifested himself in an earthly form.
- 3 authoritative texts of the Madhyamika school:
- Madhyamika-sastra (Sanskrit: "Treatise of the Middle Way").
- Dvadasá-dvara-sastra ("Twelve Gates Treatise") by Nagarjuna.
- Sataka-sastra ("One Hundred Verses Treatise"), attributed to his pupil Aryadeva.
- 3 Ways of Expressing Human being are manifestations of the Eternal by the Buddhist Monk
Nichiren (known as the sandai-hiho ("three great secret laws [or mysteries]")):
- The first, the honzon, is the chief object of worship in Nichiren temples and is a ritual drawing showing the name of the Lotus Sutra surrounded by the names of divinities mentioned in the sutra (discourse of the Buddha).
- The second great mystery is the daimoku, the "title" of the sutra; Nichiren instituted the devotional practice of chanting the phrase "Namu myoho renge kyo" ("I devote myself to the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law").
- The third mystery relates to the kaidan, or place of ordination, which is sacred and belongs to the "Lotus of the Good Law."
- 3 Ideas Buddhist religion is based on: (In the four Noble truths, a
3-to-1 ratio can be seen as well as the needed reversal of positions of #s 3 and 4)
- The Four Noble truths
- 1st Truth; Identifies the presence of suffering.
- 2nd Truth; Determine the cause of suffering.
- 3rd Truth; a Dichotomy: End of suffering on Earth, or obtained in a state of spirituality called Nirvana.
- 4th Truth; Charts the method for ending suffering.
- The Four Noble truths
- Karma; based on the duality of good/bad actions being similarly returned to you. A 3rd or centrist model is Neutral Karma.
- 3 Karmas:
- 1st Karma: one’s kayakamma.
- 2nd Karma: one's vacikamma.
- 3rd Karma: one's manokarmma.
- 3 Karmas:
- 3 Lives” theory: refers to a person’s past life, present life, and afterlife.
- 3 worlds between life and death:
- The world of desire.
- The material world.
- The spiritual world.
- The Cycle of Rebirth; Six planes of existence called 3 fortunate realms and 3 unfortunate realms.
- Eight fold path is divided into 3 categories:
- Morality
- Meditation
- Wisdom
- 3 Main Branches of Buddhism:
- Theravada ("Way of the Elders"): Follows the earliest recorded teachings of the Buddha.
- Mahayana ("Greater Vehicle"): Emphasizes compassion and the concept of the bodhisattva.
- Vajrayana ("Diamond Vehicle"): Also known as Tibetan Buddhism.
..."Madhyamika thinkers thus strongly emphasize the mutations of human consciousness to grasp the reality of that which is ultimately real beyond any duality".
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AM
Initial Posting: Oct. 22nd, 2024... 6:38 AM