The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 13
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
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H.O.B. Note: "Beyond" can be interpreted to mean the "three", though others may prefer to think in terms of another pattern, which nonetheless is a thrid option as well. While Buddhists use an abundance of three-patterned orientations, and at least in one case an active attempt to go beyond patterns-of-two called the state of duality or non-duality which is asserted by yin/yang believers to be The Most Basic paradigm of existence; and 3-step pathway configurations are put forth as a viable method; they are not taking in enough information from multiple subjects in order to make a comparison with a similarity of pattern thinking existing with different formulations. Simply put, they don't see the "three" in its many guises and "mazel" (maze-like) configurations. This indicates that the basic enumeration (and not necessarily content) of the Buddhist manner of thinking is far more widespread than Buddhist monks or others are contemplating or even perhaps willing to acknowledge, because it means that it is part of a group and the group is not part of their beliefs.
In simpler terms, Buddhism is but one flavor of drink you would encounter at a convenience store offering multiple drinks at one (ideological) location. They are too caught up in Buddhism to see that the underlying pattern being used far and wide by many people in different subjects has a comparable similarity of BASIC structuring because of the way the human brain is commonly wired. This commonality has not been labeled and should not be labeled in Buddhist, or any religious/ or eastern philosophical terminology as a supposed definitive that it uses to define the labelers as being viewed as preeminent leaders or that their ideas are that to be most preferred. Millions of people are caught up in their institutional trappings because they like and want to be a part of a group... and many will sacrifice anything and everything to remain a part of the group, or provide for a permanent expression of their loyalty, even if it means giving up their property, their fortunes, their name, their morality, and even their lives. It is not the supposed ideal that is being espoused by one or more leaders, but the communal fellowship that is being adhered to.
In fact, they may think that a given belief, a give patriotic orientation, a given pledge of allegiance is worthless, but they go through the motions and can be quite convincing, but are not truly receptive to the beliefs representing a sought after goal of superiority, however it is defined or clothed. They just want to make a living and will go along with whatever is the dominant nonsense they are able to maneuver themselves into, be it a business, government, or religion... Many of the presumed faithful may have started out as quite sincere, but events along the way created ideas and emotions which came to question the validity of a given belief. Yet, having acquired an upper berth and income of importance, they remain and perform their required duties until they are able to retire and remove themselves from observation or inquiry in order to avoid any form of inquisition... unless the office they hold affords them a means to conceal away and still perform their duty as in required on an intermittent basis. More disbelievers are arising because more people do not see any real progress being offered by any religious or spiritual philosophy. Arguments to the contrary do not hold up under honest scrutiny.
It is not a crisis of faith, or belief, or consciousness. Human consciousness is fine and heading along the path it has been distracted from by Business, government, religion and spiritual philosophies that were not meant to be permanent, but temporary solutions to the growing pains of a developing consciousness having to deal with a variety of uncertainties. Yes, patterns-of-one, patterns-of-two, patterns-of-four, patterns-of-five, patterns-of-six, patterns-of-seven, patterns-of-eight, etc. have and remain useful in their limited capacities. While some were more important in the past due to the knowledge base of the general public and/or leaders, such importance has become less valuable as the consciousness of humanity has continue to develop and will thus require new interpretations to once again prepare it for yet another and another developmental trend in the centuries to come. And yes, some people are more consciously aware of the subtleties occurring with the changes in human consciousness, to the point they may at times become overwhelmed and feel they are experiencing a revelation or Eureka! moment that they define from a personal perspective as being monumental, though in telling others who are not having a similar episode of experience, will not understand... will not comprehend, and may react negatively or nonchalantly to the information... or they may try to exploit the person's state of vulnerability and create a situation that offers an uneven gain for those they have divulged their unique perception to.
For a metaphorical reference, see: Oasis of Spirituality
Metaphysics, Mysticism, and Magical thinking typically involve using dichotomies (right/wrong, good/bad, etc...), some of which may be subjected to a juggling act where tripartition (patterns-of-three) are used, and thus should be labeled as embellished dichotomies and not actual triads. All of them incorporate antiquated ways of thinking... but at least Buddhism is trying to reach beyond itself to a greater truth, but does not yet realize that Buddhism is like all the rest— a temporary perspective that must eventually fall by the wayside for a more advanced understanding. However, there are too many believers who are clinging onto it to provide them with a comfortable fellowship; and want to avoid making progressively extensive changes, much less invite conditions favoring some spontaneous leap of change like that perceived in biological circumstances, just like governments, businesses, sports clubs, motorcycle gangs, criminal gangs, Medical Associations, Military units, etc... While an organization can grow from its membership, but only if its members are truly on the same page of forward thinking. Memberships don't want massive changes to occur if it means a complete change in leaderships and even positions for underlings.
Unfortunately this is not the case in most instances. Particular memberships can be a barrier, a heavy anchor to development, growth and exploration into uncharted territory. Such is the case for every religion and spiritual philosophy. While members can recite and even mimic beliefs and scripture, they do not have the yearning to seek beyond the confines of their practiced beliefs. They believe such beliefs to be a permanent answer to all their questions, or at least provide a means of eventually reaching such an understanding. While many members may see a clearing up ahead, they do not take advantage of it to step forward, and instead turn away from it because they do not immediately see anything familiar, and may interpret the lack of familiarity with a desert, or an ocean, or some mountain, cave, chasm or even abyss. They have no interest to explore and neither do any of their contemporary members who are quite satisfied where they are. Like the later apes of humanity's evolutionary trek who were on the verge of transcending their troop if only they were to drop out of the tree and move onto the savanna, most preferred to stay in the shadow of a familiar tree and known jungle (despite its many problems) where their typical comfort zones exist. If anything, this is the crisis of human consciousness. A fear of the unknown to step forward... at a distance from the familiar which are the contemporary beliefs in all subjects.
Some people like traditional flavors, and create communities favoring such a perspective as seen in some small town restaurants/diners. Others can not stand such flavors and others reject all the flavors altogether and may turn to some alternative such as one of the three staple alcoholic beverages: Beer- Wine- Liquor. Others may favor one of the three staples of tobacco: Cigarettes- Cigars- Pipes, or use other drugs for one or more of the three reasons: To get high, To get mellow, to get low.
Far too many have taken up seeds from the basic pattern that we can analogously call a weed or uncultured grass that becomes cultivated an pruned and groomed to promote their interpretation of a basic cognitive pattern they eventually turn into a commercialized exhibition frequently attached to some notion of expressed flowering, be it botanical (such as the lotus and rose...), sexual (such as motherhood, fertility rites, etc..), ideological (such as philosophy, politics, economics, etc...), symbolical (such as writing, calligraphy, mathematics and chemistry), technological (such as architecture, ship building), etc... That to which I am describing is in a very crude form of growth that has been taken up by Buddhism and subjected to a Buddhist refinement like a basic crop being used to provide one kind of culturally important staple. It feeds, it nourishes and planted by different people. Yet, Buddhism is but one way of utilizing the this weed and cultivating it. Use of the word "weed" in this context is to provide some semblance of an underlying human cognitive patterned development that is cultivated in different ways by different people in different places in different eras according to the prevailing survival requirements. Yet, it still remains in its rather crude and fledgling state of existence... yet covering more ground as time passes.
What I am speaking of is the exploitation of the basic cognitive patterning of humanity by different ideologies, the worst of which are in business, government and religion/philosophy, with or without a god or singularly significant leader, though groups of board members in businesses are akin to the pantheons of gods in ancient times. While some ideas such as Buddhism say they strive for purity, for truth; their beliefs, like all religious beliefs, are efforts to subjugate the primal thinking pattern of humanity that is and has been undergoing evolution-like development which can be identified with enumeration. In many instances, the distinctive ideas of smaller grouped primitive peoples (sometimes called Pagans) had/have achieved greater clarity for understanding the reality they are exposed to than others, and thus have their ideas confiscated, stolen, or bribed away and then placed into servitude for larger groups, as is all too clear for many of the beliefs in Christianity which is an amalgamation of multiple views from multiple sources, some of which were gathered and tapestried by women who played a major role in fashioning Christian belief though their significant contributions are typically suppressed or at least not spoken of. The beliefs in Islam and Judaism are also tapestries of ideas from within and outside their immediate cultures.
While Buddhism does seek a clarity, all the rituals and stepping stones being presently offered are to help its members cross individual ponds, and not the desired lake nor ocean. Buddhists have got to look past their own beliefs and not supply a convention of knee-jerk interpretation as an explanation. They need to look past the jungle foliage of their own languages in order to peer into the next clearing in their personal journeys. Otherwise, the exercises of their mind will plateau like so many exercise routines being used for weight loss. And the weight loss of consciousness is what many seek. Those burdens, those misdirections, those incongruities which act like a labyrinth, maze, or gauntlet; analogously referred to as spinning ones wheels, stuck in the muck, or bogged down. It is a cyclic model of thinking which rituals and customs can bind one too. While advantageous for those who seek shelter in a cave from which to peer out of at the workings of the world and be comforted by routine, it is not for those whose internal voice compelling says to step forward. To forge a trail that has not yet been traversed, for they are a trail blazer who see the lone star, the light at the end of the tunnel, and see the path of the drumbeat no matter how it may echo off the distractions of the world.
The path to which I speak of is beyond any and all paths of Eastern philosophy and western religion. It exists in this world and yet leads one away from it into a new realm. It is not a Heaven, not a Nirvana, nor a state of bliss where you might think all glorified religious and philosophical leaders have journeyed to. For such places are mere way stations that you must go beyond. Surely though you are obliged to participate in some common throng of occupation for a given livelihood in a given era, but you realize you are meant for something else that need not be labeled that which is greater than yourself, because it is yourself in a truer form and formula of expression. Reaching Heaven, Reaching Nirvana, Reaching all that may be ascribed to a Buddhahood or Sainthood is achieved easily enough, if that is what your true self is formulated for. If not, your journey requires you to walk past such accomplishments which are not yours to acquire anyway, because their memberships are closed. The belong to the creators of such ideas and ideals. You need not accept them or "buy into them" as the appropriate destination for your unique self, that needs in every respect to maintain a solemn humility. You need not brag of a greatness which exudes from you and is easily detectable by those whose own personal self-reflections see a kind of kindred spirit in search of the three stones or 3rd stone upon which to stand and move forward away from them.
Everyone must learn to step beyond their religion and philosophy, however named or practiced, though the biological creature that you are seeks the comforts of the flesh by way of various cajolings and manipulations. While such is advanced by multiple perspectives, they do not include themselves as that which you must strive to mature beyond also. They do not recognize their ideas and ideals as the babblings of an innocence which all members must strive to mature beyond, though some prefer to stay behind in their institutionalized cribs (or wombs) and point outwards for others, though all the while binding millions to stay within their boundaries and pay homage as well as tithing, because religions and philosophies of these kinds like to present themselves in a perpetual state of pregnancy. Severing the umbilical cord of one's religion or philosophy may be painfully difficult for some, but it is necessary so that cutting the umbilical cord of Mother Earth will be that much easier. It is time for humanity to cut the umbilical cord and leave the crib.
All religions and other-wise named Eastern Philosophies (with Buddhism straddling both East and West) can be viewed as either being in the crib or womb of human consciousness development. They are self-absorptions and self-consuming, like a predator awaiting the next prey to consume into its views. They are expressed states of perpetual pregnancy for an infant consciousness awaiting to be born but is being prevented by a process of intentionally slowed progress initiated and integrated by way of a distort menagerie of ideas which develop a world view... a presumed reality, by way of the nutrients it can or can't absorb because of the cultural era and heritage to which they are subjected. Dedicated types of garments worn by adherents are akin to swaddling clothes attached to one or more pacifiers and baby bottles with even stronger versions of the same binding nutrients they were forced to absorb in the womb. Though a few enter a childhood of consciousness, most don't. Most are afraid and many would deny having any fear because they are oblivious to that potential age of consciousness which they were born with, yet so many have suppressed for so long that it has become more of a vestigial shadow than an actual breathing organ of their thought processing in moments of self reflection, self evaluation and self revelation.
They never let such a part of their consciousness develop because when it first began to utter is uncommon sounds, they were subjected to one or another denigration by not complying with accepted standards of thinking. A consciousness born to roam, wander and test the boundaries of commonplace sanity is not very welcome in the face of strict disciplines or disciplinarians like those found in every single subject that has become institutionalized or commercialized. Freedom of consciousness is only permitted in the barnyards and farms of domesticated constraints. However, it is an idea that is too often misconstrued by those thinking in terms solely related to physical restraints of one kind or another, when it is meant as an analogy for the realm of consciousness without any physical attributes being attached in an anthropomorphic way. While people may not go to church and say they aren't a believer, yet they carry the baggage of one or another religion and philosophy with them where=ever they go. Their consciousness wears the marks of the shackles they have worn for many years of their life and continue to be engraved (like someone putting their initials in wet concrete) by the peripatetic meanderings of the ever resounding barks of the institutional dogs which bay ever so loudly in the moonlight due to leaderships that have created vast psychiatric nursery wards with differing methods by which to call its membership to eat, to pray, to rest, to war, to dance, to sing, or otherwise... and yet to study, if study is one's vocation to do, a single doctrine, with all others to be studied as an anecdote, or conversational subtitle, or foot-note or as marginalia to their own adopted textual beliefs.
While the above ideas may be profitable for those enlightened souls venturing among the clouds of metaphysics, they are just words and opinions to others. They see little value for themselves if it does help them provide for their families such as being able to exploit such ideas for a book, for a movie, or other means of acquiring a tangible income. They may easily understand the analogies and metaphors, but it is little more than conversation that might be considered when one has time to contemplate such ideas. Otherwise, they get in the way of making a living which brings in an actual income to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves and their family, as well as provide for Health, Education and Transportation concerns. They want to know if a supposed higher plane of consciousness (or studying the threes concept) with help to increase their day-to-day livelihood as a certainty they can be assured of, and not merely words that may seem good and logical which do not provide anything but a moment's digression even with a questionable entertainment value. They want to know where exactly is the 3-stone path spoken of with different ideologies attached, like a road which they can drive their vehicle on. They do not want to play an adult's version of the child's "wait and see" game.
Nor do they want to play ideological games of hopscotch, swing the statue, red rover- red rover, Mother May I, Hide- n'- Seek, dodge ball, kick ball, chase, etc... They're tired of the checkers, chess, and multiple card game techniques employed by one another Metaphysician, be it a Buddhist, Islamist, Christian, Shintoist, Jew, Bahai, etc... Otherwise all of it is a bunch of nonsense. All that anyone can actually experience is the here and now. While thinking of some exalted position, state of achievement, place of exaltation, may cause one to become euphoric as if they are in love, it's a state of mind caused by one's body chemistry. It is easier to be duped into thinking of some possibility if it is an accepted practice by others, though the larger the crowd the more difficult it is to identify a collective mental illness. However, the conclusive point to be drawn is that the recurring usage of a "three" a a major participant in ideas pursing some believed-in "higherness" and that we can see this on a practical biological level in several instances, expresses the opinion that biology may also have its own system of philosophies and religions and practical exercises as it is developing a higher stage in evolution.
While this too is a metaphysical assumption not meant to be taken literally, it is of imaginative interest to suggest that what we humans are engaged in while we seek a "higherness" to our circumstances (however defined), frequently using discernible basic cognitive patterning such as the "three"; in some fashion this may well mimic that which is felt on a more basic biological dimension of evolutionary activity. And if early biological constituents of these processes were experiencing (let us say) these "growing pains" (or milestones of biological development), does human activity on the macroscopic level somehow reflect the microscopic level(s)? In other words, for example, as biology developed into a single, then two, and then three Germ layers, what were biological processes experiencing? Did or do these processes somehow concentrically (or otherwise) reverberate into more complex expressions and eventually into the psychic domain of humans as human physiology can apprehend and express them? Surely, one might imagine, there were some semblance of growing pains on the microscopic level of biology as the triple code in single stranded RNA was established and then again was being formulated in the double stranded DNA...and that maybe later biological processes came to reflect the developmental stages— breakthroughs and lasting achievements as plateaus from which later developments also followed a possible three-patterned pathway which eventually became an indelible name branded on the hide of subsequent developments to the point it has achieved a grand expression... an enlightened stage of development that human consciousness has adopted as a basic image to which is attached ideas and ideologies relevant to the time and place of generation; much like the three growth patterns we see in species showing similar characteristics. (for example, three body plans of sponges, three-part structure of insects, three-divisions of the Pentadactyl limb, etc...) Yet, does biology actually account for all patterns-of-three, or only a portion?

Source: Devil's Advocate page 26.
If we look at a generalized scripting of development, we might use the following criteria for humans (knowing that there are other ways of viewing it):
3 areas developmental psychologists often divide human development :- Physical development.
- Cognitive development.
- Psychosocial development.
- Infancy through childhood; physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
- Childhood into adolescence; physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
- Adolescence into Adulthood; physical, cognitive, and emotional development.
On the smaller biologically active cellular level, we find that all animals from Earthworms to Humans develop from three germ layers called the Endoderm- Mesoderm- Ectoderm, and belong to the Eukaryote line of evolutionary descent.
One must wonder how far an analogy can be taken... Can we view the point as having any merit if we subscribe to the consideration that upon reaching the first Germ layer stage there was an expression of marked gleefulness in biological activity like that of a 1,000 year interval? And that leading up to such a milestone of development the different biological processes involved all reacted with what we humans might describe as a period of anticipation and pronouncement of an awaiting Golden Age? And yet, present studies of the Eukaryotes from the Protista through the Diploblasts to the Triploblasts suggest there were leaps in development towards more cellular complexity and not intermediate transitional stages:
...The conservation (parsimony) of the major features of cellular organization and the existence of a large set of genes that are conserved across eukaryotes leave no doubt that all extant eukaryotic forms evolved from a last eukaryote common ancestor (LECA)... ...Phylogenomic reconstructions show that the characteristic eukaryotic complexity arose almost 'ready made', without any intermediate grades seen between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic levels of organization. Explaining this apparent leap in complexity at the origin of eukaryotes is one of the principal challenges of evolutionary biology.... The key to the origin of eukaryotes will undoubtedly be found using comparative genomics of eukaryotes, archaea and bacteria.
Source: The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics by Eugene V Koonin

- Profera: Sponges
- Diploblastic Animals: Cnidarian
- Difference Between Diploblastic and Triploblastic
- Protist Evolution
With so many patterns-of-three as dominant features of Buddhism (and Mormonism), it clearly has the psychological markings of later born peoples where patterns-of-three appear to be more pervasive. Three-patterned thinking individuals in the past might very well be viewed as a person(s) whose consciousness developed beyond the commonality of two-patterned thinking as seen in the yin/yang, and an updated profile of thinking in twos is the use of the label "triads" to express an underlying desire to move into a three-patterned way of thought processing, but was an expressed embellished duality:

Optional source: Tripartite Phenomenology
For another example, earlier thinking peoples had singular names that were later replaced by two names and the convention of today is to have three names, though the older practices are still in effect for some places, people and contexts, and in many cases we use first names only or some abbreviated substitution. People transfixed on earlier cognitive profiles (for whatever reason) found it sufficient (perhaps due to tradition or business practices) to have a singular "three"-based orientation such as the Christian Trinity or some Triad that may be interpreted as a myth by today's standards; yet were very real to the people in the past. Later ideologies adopted to earlier named religions and philosophies tend to incorporate more three-based ideas and/or functionalities which come to displace any former preference. Hence, while a belief such as Mormonism doesn't focus on the Trinity, if you look at its functional structuring today, you will see multiple three patterns, denoting its origination of a later era. Whether these were manifest in the fledgling beginnings of Mormonism, I don't know.
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AMInitial Posting: Oct. 22nd, 2024... 9:50 AM