The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 15
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
If I list a theory that you don't like to the point of rejecting it without any consideration at all because of some psycho-motional (emotional/psychological) adoption, don't look at the contents, look at the enumerated structuring. Right or wrong it's still represents a cognitive pattern. For example, some people don't like the old 3 part racial classification of Africans- Asians- Caucasians and will argue against it even being mentioned, though it is a widespread part of human knowledge. I could careless whether you like it or not, it remains a pattern of thought, right or wrong, good or bad, and regardless if you cite multiple texts to support your alternative view against it. It nonetheless exists as a part of the psychology of humanity which has developed over time. In some instances you will see that those who have generated an idea may have an interest in a given pattern, yet the content of their idea can be evaluated with an alternative pattern. In other words, just because the originator of an idea, or someone presenting a revised perspective uses a given pattern, doesn't mean the material can not be placed into an alternative category which best befits the information... at least according to the person doing the review of the review and the original. Let us take an example of the Pentadactyl limb. You can focus on the five fingers and toes as noted persons in the past have done, or you can view it alternatively as an overall three part structure applicable to yet another idea such as sociology:

So, do we count the Pentadactyl limb idea as a "five" idea and a "three" idea, or only as a five idea because it is the more familiar to most people? Granted we may not be able to reconstruct the patterning of thought processing for every person who has ever lived, including those in prehistory whose tyhpes of self expression were put into cave paintings, tools, and left-over burial remnants, but we can collect and collate multiple views from different subject areas in order to plot changes over time. Whether this will represent an actual picture of human cognitive activity or some other characteristic not yet defined, the material gathered may well be of some service to those in the distant future.

While some readers would prefer that I "cut-to-the-chase" with respect to spelling out the origin of the "three", the problem is that not all of the examples I encounter, in their own context, have the same origination. For example, some have been influenced by the idea of the Christian Trinity, and others by the Indian Trimurti, but others are not. While they may belong to the same tree, I want to know what the shape of the tree is, and what is the potential for growth in any given direction. Will branches fall into disuse, will new roots take place, is the tree replantable elsewhere in the Universe or does it belong to an already existing forest whose seeds sometimes waft on the streams of space and fall onto potentially viable planets? Or is it Unique? A one-of-a-kind occurrence?
With respect to those multiple cases where we see recurring patterns such as those designated with a "three" reference... let me assert that it as been noted many times before that there are other patterns to take into account. Yes I see ones, twos, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, etc... And no, I cannot tell you why the "3" got stuck to me in childhood and stayed with me like a faithful pet. Though I sometimes overlook how long I have been pursuing the topic, the chance meeting of someone from childhood often brings to the fore the comment about me being interested in threes. Imagine, one of the most stark memories of me in the minds of others, even after decades of not seeing one another, is my interest in threes. So please, by all means, start your own collection of a given pattern(s) if you want to argue against my interest and opinions. And while you're at it, look at your one or more patterns in the context of other patterns and attempt to adopt the perspective of different experts in their respective fields. In other words, are you viewing your pattern(s) from the perspective of an analytical psychologist, mathematician, musician, artist, grocer, cyclist, theologian, botanist, butcher, baker, candlestick maker? How about from the perspective of a mechanic, architect, plumber, bank robber, banker, song writer, politician, Numerologist, or professor of Literature?
Yet, in as much as I could continue with the digression of discussing patterns in a general context, let me get back to the topic of threes as an architectural branching system:
While on the subject of trees, let me propose, by way of analogy, that a search for the origin of the "threes phenomena" (which involves other patterns as well), can be viewed in terms of a biological model of development. The idea of a tree with branches has been used frequently, yet it too can be subjected to an originations search in an effort to describe the when, where, why such an image came to be used as a common theme. Whereas the first idea (for the Western World) may be in the Garden of Eden Biblical realm from which the infamous apple was plucked from the tree of Knowledge,... but whose description is particularly sparse as to its trunk, branches and foliage, other ideas from other cultures might also speak of similar ideas for the origination of people, if not all of life. Take for example the notion of a world tree, which presents us with different ideas, but the Yggdrasil tree of Norse Mythology is particularly telling to the point one might consider that the Norse mindset was in some ways future bound. The description of the tree as having three roots and three branches leading into nine realms gives the impression of being astonishingly percipient, so long as one makes allowances for it corresponding to the level of development of weaponry at the time. In other words, it is a rough image, but quite decipherable, but not meant to be taken literally in our age.
While there have been others who have come up with their own description of compartmentalizations to encompass the many kinds of life forms, ranging from single to multiple divisions, the idea proposed by Carl Woese, called the Phylogenetic Tree of Life has been used quite extensively. It contains 3 branches but speaks of a single Last Common Ancestor (abbreviated as LUCA), which should not automatically cause the reader to think that the 3 branches of this life tree has only one root. The last ancestor apparently came from DNA's triplet code, which may also have a single originator, or perhaps a 3-root beginning. The overall point being is that the idea of a tree to diagram life may also be used to diagram the origination of the "three" (as well as other patterns.) For an initial installment of the idea, let it be proposed as containing three overall domains such as Religion (the oldest), Culture (the middle child), and Science as the baby of the family. While you might want to juggle these around with respect to your own logic, the need for some starting point is necessary for any drawing board sketch to be shared so that others may provide their own view points.
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From the simple to the more complex expositions of branchlets from the named three domain branches. While the image in no single case that I have found exhibits the idea of a 3 root system nor the idea of foilage or even flowers, seeds and fruit as part of the tree metaphor, let us keep these extensions in mind, as well as considerations involving the possibility the metaphor should be a bush, or more simpler plant form, with the notion of a tree better used to describe a third generation of Evolutionary growth commensurate with the ideas of positions, places and themes dealing with a higher consciousness, upper realm, beyond the normal ken, Nirvana, Heaven, Staging platform, etc...
It can be understood that present day knowledge of biology is extremely more complex than the views once discussed by early Naturalists such as ancient Greek Philosophers whose inquiries into reality consisted of very basic ideas:
- Socrates: the physical world we live in was just a mirror image of things that are false.
- Plato: the world of physical objects and the world of Forms.
- Aristotle's binomial Classification: He grouped the types of creatures according to their similarities: animals with blood and animals without blood, animals that live on water and animals that live on land.
Many people in the past did not try to group their observations of Nature into any systematic formula. And if they were to view the Binomial system in use today, they might well have thought that such a system of identification was impossible because there are too many life forms and too many variables. But this is true for any present day system of organization. If you were to present those of the deep past with a poster of life aligned with geological time scales, it might well be overwhelming and appear to be the work of a genius or madman. Yet, such accomplishments having occurred in multiple subjects tends to incline humans to an arrogant position of self-reflection in that no one else except for a noted professional in a given field is capable of generating anything new. The exception being the undiscovered math genius or musical prodigy.
Even in present day language theory there remains the view voiced by Noam Chomsky that there is no way to map out the intricacies of language development over the centuries because there are too many variables. So when an authority figure says something is so, millions of people jump on that bandwagon and play the same tune, and will do whatever they can to make sure everyone plays this same type of cognitive theme about language. And forbid anyone suggesting there is a need to begin devising a system for understanding cognitive development by analyzing the variations of human expression viewed in terms of first applying a system of enumeration... however crude its initial steps may be, and then collating them in terms of a developmental stratification over time and place. Whereas many today will voice the opinion about complexity and variability and lack of fossilize evidence of human cognitive activity, such an effort must nonetheless be taken up if only to eventually indicate it as a fool's errand. This is the only way the collective knowledge of humanity may well benefit from it instead of it being an unknown because no one wanted to try it. When we accept that present day cognitive activity is in a primitive state of development and may well mature over time, such an effort as being undertaken by a Threesological approach may serve as a necessary artefact to be uncovered in centuries to come, because it helps those in the future come to understand other "languages" of human conceptualization.
For the present, let me use the simplest model with the idea of it as an introductory conceptualization and as we move forward, there will be a need for more extensive elaborations of branchlets being applied to mark the presence for the different models of the "three" along with the conceptual uses and appearances of other patterns of ideas and perceptions as part of the human tree of conceptualization. For example, where do we place the idea of a triplet DNA code on the tree as opposed to the appearance of triangular-shaped stone tools and then religions ideas progressing along the usage of different religious formulas such as:
- A single god, a single heaven, a single hell, a single purgatory...
- pairs/dichotomies/dualities (hermaphrodites, hybrids, twins, etc...), binomial nomenclature... yin/yang, binary...
- plurality such as collective pantheons of singular multiplicities,
- triads, Trimurti, triangles, triple concepts, (pyramids as four triangles), etc...
The need for developing a tree (or other visible architectural scaffolding) to place human conceptualizations in the order to which they occur and develop, mutate or even go extinct, is quite necessary, though my efforts are in this day and age quite crude and quite unfashionable in current contexts where the human mind/brain is being investigated. Nonetheless, fledgling attempts are necessary... whatever the final species of development such a venture may evolve into. Yet, let me include the view that while the 3 domains of life does not exhibit the idea of overlapping roots, branches, etc..., a tree of conceptualization must include the idea, though for the sake of visual clarity they are kept separate, but need not be when attempting to discuss the placement of minutiae, which may crop up from time to time.

As an example of a singular idea, let us use the view of the Christian Trinity though the Indian Trimurti could be used as well as any Egyptian Triad. The point to be made that while each of them have influenced other ideas with or without a three configuration, they too are subject to an analysis. For example, did one or more of the Egyptian triads help to influence the Christian Trinity and Indian Trimurti, or was a "3-configuration mindset" par for the course of human thinking in religious terms? Or did they all arise from some other non-religion source? If you claim that (a) god(s) or extra-terrestrial was the influence, these ideas must also be shown on your branching model.
Did religion breed culture and then science, or did culture breed religion then science? Can there be religion without culture as would be suggested by a single person detached from any group living alone in the wild and contemplating this and that which they observed and otherwise experienced? If on the other hand you conceive of religion as a type of thinking that can be produced by individuals, groups... and then also as a commulative national orientation, we thus have the bare model of three potentialities which can be enumerated:
- A one Individual's self-created religion/philosophy developed without knowledge of any other idea or bits and pieces of other ideas.
- A two-person, two-group orientation (wether complimentary or devisive).
- A multi-person orientation as we might see in a culture or nation... however they see their collective self.

There is a Recurrent Resonating Resplendency feature in the Universe as seen from Earth. It is known by several names. Some people have referred to it as a subtle energy, the concentricities of an echo (like a pebble dropped on a pool of water), a reverberation, an oscillescopic murmur, a radar blip, and still others have expressed it as an undulating cascade that may occur on one or more of our physiology's sensory channels... whispered or otherwise, but is not limited solely to humanity since there are multiple other life forms with their own particularities of sensory reception and state of impressibility. Though the foregoing 3 examples seem hardly sufficient to express the variegated dimensionality of humanity's imaginative thought processing, they will suffice as stepping stones into the chasm of interconnected explorations you are about to enter. In all cases, however, there is what can be described as a modulated (variable) trebling effect created by human physiology's concordance of sensory impressions which are trained to label and interpret manifested impressions into criteria relevant for a given era, age and cultural disposition.
Along with this variegation is the practice of using percentages (as is the case in particle physics with its own rule-of-thirds practice) as well as configurations where points of demarcation are used to selectively indicate a division exists to mark of three items from one (3 to 1 ratios) or more others whose own value of three is thus seen to repeat the cycle. This can be viewed as a form of punctuation in linear scripts.)
?- In grammar, there is a rule of thumb to use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more.
- In mathematics, commas are used to set off series of three numbers: 123,456,789
- In fairy tales, there sometimes are 3 similar characters set against a dissimilar one:
- 3 bears and Goldilocks
- 3 sisters and the prince (Cinderella)
- 3 fiddlers and Old king Cole
- 3 pigs and the wolf
- etc.
The use of "fractionations" such as in music notation, speaks of the presence of a naturally occurring mental calculus (which can be refined by training) that is evident in human thinking and takes on different forms of expression and analysis... and may metaphorically be described in martial arts terms of belt coloring, with the red belt signifying a higher rung position than other colors by some standards of evaluation... an evaluation which frequently embraces the tenet that a student of martial arts adopts the view that, like Japanese Judo, it to be treated as a holistic sport blending the 3 elements of mind, body and spirit into 1 ensemble of executables.
Analogously, we can find different levels of thinking related to the martial arts belt colors grading system in all subject areas. For example, there are Red belts in religion, in philosophy, in sports, in coaching, in baking, in child rearing, car racing, acting, etc., though many of these have their own grading systems. Though respective members in their respective groups may share in a rank-and-file system (that need not be itemized or even commented on), a system of enumeration can be applied, if not only implied, even if steps are taken to preserve some declared equanimity, such as the 3 branches (Legislative- Executive- Judicial) of the U.S. government, as well as the attempted equanimity between men, women, and those who are inclined to think of themselves as an autonomous non-binary defined orientation sometimes described by some of them as the representation of a more advanced, more enlightened, and thus superior 3rd species... which is consistent with the usage of a primary- secondary- tertiary advocation of a 1-2-3 successive evolutionary development. It is a frame of conceptualization we can pay witness to occurring in multiple activities where three main components are addressed to exhibit an ever increasing level of accomplishment like the bronze- silver- gold Olympic medals or the 3rd Reich of Germany, or the idea of a 3rd Rome, or the 3rd Armor division that was eventually led by (reincarnation believing) General George Patton in World War II, or the Triple crown of horse racing, or the various other models of triple crowns being anointed in activities such as:
- Triple Crown of (not) Rodding
- Triple Crown of Cycling:
- The Giro d'Italia general classification.
- The Tour de France general classification.
- The UCI Road World Championships Road Race.
- Triple Crown of Hiking
- Triple Crown of Motorsport
- Triple Crown of Surfing
- Triple Crown of Acting
- Triple Crown Fast Pitch
- Triple Crown Volley Ball
- Triple Accredited Business school
- Alfred Nobel's Rule of Three
- 3-drug combination for lethal injection
- Triple Crown Classic of Draft Breeds (Belgians, Clydesdales, and Percherons)
- Triple Crown in (U.S.) Football (The triple crown is a term used in
football to describe when at the end of the regular season, a player leads the league in three statistical categories.)
- Three positions typically vie for the triple crown:
- Wide receiver: Lead the league in receptions, yards, and receiving touchdowns.
- Running back: lead the league in rushing attempts, rushing yards, and rushing scores.
- Quarterback: Lead the league in passing yards, completion percentage, and passing touchdowns.
While Triple Crowns and other 3-patterned ideas may not formally be enumerated in the sense of 1st, 2nd, 3rd,... many observers view them as a triad, just as one might apply the term to the 3 divisions of the guild system in Medieval Europe:

Another type of guild system I encountered decades ago while working in a grocery store involved a 3-tiered management team of Manager- Assistant Manager- 3rd Man. While perhaps not used today, they exhibit a common 3-tiered architectural design which undergoes periodic refurbishments sometimes requiring elaborate scaffolding, depending on the complexity of operations. Here is one example in a more modern setting:
The three levels of management in most organizations are:
- Top-level management, mainly responsible for overseeing all operations. (aka administrative management)
- Middle-level management, responsible for executing plans and policies. (aka executive management)
- Low-level management, responsible for direct task execution and deliverables. (aka supervisory management)
The exact set of tasks that each level of management is responsible for highly depends on the organization's size and scope, with proper coordination between them usually being crucial to the success of the organization.
The point with listing various Triple patterns is to point out, that is if I need to at all, that there is a recurring... or at least copycat orientation to reach some defined summit of "three" as an epitome of achievement. If such a pattern exists in all of us yet we are not attached to conventional models of activity which may exhibit a triple crown of sorts, then the path, rules of thumb, and achievement standards may well take place in multiple other types of three-patterned activity.
If not by way of a three-patterned idea such as The Way, The Truth, The Life, then perhaps an expression such as "I Love You" or "Home Sweet Home". Since one's person's castle may be another person's garage or shed, the sense of a Euphoric accomplishment... or the expectation thereof described as peace, wisdom, safety, wealth, freedom, love, etc., define a common state of mental activity that needs to be investigated for its origination as part of a (let us say) "three-process" so as to discover whether it is due to an environmental influenced which is undergoing an incremental change (such as deterioration); thereby enabling us to identify and predict future behavior that might otherwise be described as a state of Euphoria, for which at present, we might identify three possible causation influences (by lumping medication and substance into one category):
- Disorder-induced euphoric moods: There are a number of mental health conditions that can cause euphoric moods including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and some brain disorders.
- Drug-induced euphoric moods:
- Illegal Substance-induced euphoric moods: Drugs that have euphoric effects activate the brain's reward system, which reinforces their use and makes them addictive. Some substances that produce feelings of euphoria include LSD, psilocybin, cocaine, methamphetamines, ecstasy (MDMA), ketamine, some benzodiazepines, heroin, codeine, fentanyl, and marijuana.
- Legal Medication-induced euphoric moods: Prescription medications, such as opioid pain relievers, and nitrous oxide.
- Activity-induced euphoric moods: Euphoria can also result from natural rewards and from social activities. The effect of endorphins is maximized by activities that are synchronized with other humans such as performing music for people, exercising with others, laughing with a friend (or alone in regards to a memory), or having sex, or being in love.
The topic of love... that is, in making one blind or alternatively described as being "boy or girl" crazy, perhaps to the point of rashness and frenzy, may well suggest to some that Love is a very deeply intoxicating drug. Indeed, even the topic of love can be intoxicating for some. While the believed in intoxications of Love are accepted to the point of being taken as a fact and thus taken for granted, overlooks the phenomena of love as a possible "third emotion" or third mental/emotional activity which can sky rocket a person into a state of Euphoria akin to a believed in higher consciousness, or at least some imagine semblance thereof. Interestingly, the idea of Love being (something or other) connect with a 3rd type of pinnacle achievement can be seen as a developed three-patterned idea by Robert Sternberg who (in 1986) portrayed an idea he developed called the The Triangular Theory of Love with three components:
- A strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something.
- A strong feeling (such as anger) that causes people to act in a dangerous way.
- Strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone.
Initial Posting: Oct. 24th, 2024... 8:00 AM