The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 19
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Whereas you may think different numbers are all different species (like looking at different life forms), you fail to look deeper into linguistics such as identifying the presence of Word Order which come in varying patterns-of-three for different languages. You also might not view the different species of languages in terms of originating structures such as the 3 main affixes: Prefixes- Infixes- Suffixes, with the commonality of describing affixes having two: (Prefixes- Suffixes) instead of three. Nor might you view languages in terms of the underlying structure of vowels- consonants- suprasegmentals, though others might prefer to look at expressions as: pitch, length, and degree of stress. The point is, whether you describe every number or word as a different type of animal or species, there exist underlying patterns which can be quantified, and these patterns take on an expressed small quantity such as a pattern-of-one, pattern-of-two, pattern-of-three.... The same goes for ideas which can be quantified. I do not see large enumerations being used by the human mind/brain. And yet, all the quantifiable brain/mind expressions also have underlying patterns and make up a suite of cognitive patterns which can themselves be traced back to more fundamental influences.
When some people look at different examples of "threes" they think it is due to some religious influence such as the Christian Trinity or Indian Trimurti. Others may think particularly recurring number patterns (usually, but not always singular), are due to some "cultural" or Sociological, or Commercial influence. And while this is true in some cases, such presumed answers to the question of repetition defy typical explanations, though some want to claim all of everything is due to (a) god. Humanity did this sort of antiquated thinking in the past... I do not want to pursue such a view into the future. On the other hand, we find those who prefer to say that the Triplet code in DNA is the primary and foremost influencer. And because they do not think of a pre-existing (or still existing) pattern- producing influencer prior to DNA, we encounter a wide-spread orientation to cyclical thinking in similar terms. However, in order to get humanity to stop rolling along this course, I am going to have to put a stick in the spokes of this cyclicity. While I have discussed this on multiple other pages, I am going to do so again, albeit it from a different vantage point. If this doesn't work, I will have to turn to efforts that are more Antagonistic, Bestial, Catapulting, Dramatic, Enlightening, Fantastic, Great, Horrendous, Idiosyncratic, Jocular, Kite flying, Leading, Mischievous, Naughty, Opulent, Pestilent, Quintessential, Racy, Sacrilegious, Tempest, Utilitarian, Voracious, Walloping... Then again, I may have to go through the entire alphabet several times in order to get the correct word to describe what I need to do.
Unraveling the Origin of the "Three-pattern" as a phenomena of repetition and heightened levels of orientation by multiple people during different eras from their individualized perspectives, whether academically, artistically, or the multiplicity of randomized curious intellects; it should be acknowledged that attempts to do so typically involve referring to the sighted repetition in what can be viewed as stereotypical references, commonly adjusted to the "three" being portrayed with the language of a given interest and very often combined with the desire to make a monetary profit. Here are examples of common labeling used to describe the recurrence of the "threes-pattern", interspersed with more detailed selections which can be found as the orientations for different subject areas.
However, in pursuing some perspective on the origin of the "three", one can, if the logic of their mind tells them to— ascribe all examples as being influenced by some religion or mythology, but I prefer not to. While many ideas and activities are directly and indirectly related to the influence of a religion, it is rather stupid to think that any religion influenced such examples as there being 3 fundamental particles in physics, or a triplet code in DNA, or the 3rd position of the Earth is the result of some religion, or their ascribed to ownership of a particular view about (a) god. It is more likely that the opposite has occurred. And yet, the multiple uses of a "three" theme, whether a person is aware of their usage or not, appear to be a phenomena forged on the anvil of Earth, by simply noting that... at present... Astronomers are not claiming to see a dominant arrangement or occurrence of trinary star groupings.
When ascribing all things being due to (a) god, we are left with more patterns-of-three for consideration. For example, is (your, their, our) god:
- A man
- A woman
- An it
- A person
- A place
- A thing/entity (biological or otherwise)
- Omnipresent (everywhere)
- Omnipotent (all powerful)
- Omniscient (all knowing)
While some of you may prefer to describe (a) god as a Man (a Father in a place called Heaven) or focus on a sort of Maternal side of the overall equation and thus worship Jesus' supposed virgin mother Mary; what we see is the former trio of considerations are expressed in singularities, though some prefer to discuss religious topics in terms of dualities such as good/evil, moral/immoral, right/wrong, blessed/sinful, etc... Nonetheless, all the ideas express simple cognitive patterns which can be enumerated. And yes, there are those who will play head games with you if you begin discussions concerning basic cognitive patterns involving religion, Numerology, witchcraft, mythology, etc..., and they want to deliberately try to undermine your developing theses. If they recognize your idea is in a fledgling, vulnerable stage of development, they may want to interfere so as to influence you along their self-aggrandizing perspective.
In terms of god quantities, we find there is a 3-to-1 ratio which can be placed into a binary model of categorization such as single numbers and more-than 3 multiplicity:
- Singular gods (such as today's focus on the idea of a single god)
- Pairs of gods (whether related or not)
- Triads of gods
- Pantheons of gods
There are easily observable events in Nature which can account for influencing such ideas.

Yet, it should be acknowledged that there are multiple non-religious 3-to-1 ratios such as found here: 321 ratios A, as well as in Mendelian genetics. Let me also note there is an identifiable 3-to-1 ratio in the chromosomes determining sex. However, you can come across people:
- Discussing the singular Y difference
- Discussing the double XX difference
- Yet never the three-to-one ratio. (Such a pattern has no context for them.)
Likewise, each or collectively all of these cognitive patterns could have been used to influence other ideas with a similar pattern. An example is the adopted use of the Triquetra to symbolize the Trinity. The same goes for some of the Fairy tales, but it can not be certain if all three-patterned stories were directly influenced by a knowledge of and orientation to the Christian Trinity. Like wise for the Trimurti of Hinduism. While it no doubt has influenced the design of multiple ideas, it can be argued that it has not influenced all three-patterned ideas in India. Whereas one might call the Trinity and Trimurti parent ideas which have both directly and indirectly influenced other ideas, they are not also their own parents in successive generations past where other patterns occurred. Indeed, they may have arisen independently of one another because of a similarity of design in the human brain and an overall physiology which responds to environmental pressures (or lack thereof) in similar ways; but they themselves may be the result of a composite of 3 singular ideas in the past or a singular and dual combination. While it seems obvious that both the Trinity and Trimurti arose from a three-phase solar influence of ancient solar worship... or if not worship... then an inescapable impression guiding day to day activities for multiple life spans; this idea is not to be used to suggest all ideas have a similar originating influence. There can be subsequent generations of similarly patterned ideas that arose due to the influence of a minor natural or cultural influence, or arose as an independent creation, much like a mutation.
However, there appears to be a family tree to all our idea patterns. In that family, much as we see in multiple trees and branchings of different species, there can be anomalies, straight-forward descendants, missing links, die outs, inter-family mixings, inter/intra-cultural births, incest, rape, etc... No one has attempted to create a taxonomy of enumerated thought patterns and observed occurrences, because it is a developing science which apparently has to undergo the same sort of fledgling beginnings other sciences have. Whereas Philosophy is at the root of multiple intellectual adventures, it too exhibits underlying simple patterns such as those who speak in terms of 3-part syllogisms, or a 3-part monad- dyad- triad, or a singularity- duality, plurality, etc...
Perceived patterns in numbers are often described as numerology, unless they are applied to other activities thought to be valuable such as constructing a temple, coliseum, airport, stadium, etc..., at which time playing with number and geometric patterns is called Mathematics, and it is force fed to children as part of an education program thought necessary for everyone to know. There are of course those who don't like being confronted by someone with a large memory for a single or multiple number pattern(s), whereby they may be disparagingly referred to as being engaged in an act of obsessive compulsiveness. However, many of us have individual models of deep and consistent interest in something... but those "somethings" are regulated to a hierarchy of importance if it is tied to religion, or commerce, or political power, etc...
The Trinity and Trimurti are examples we might describe as a pattern-of-three and have come to influence other three-patterned ideas, but there are multiple three-patterned ideas which were not influenced by them. Similarly, though we see the triplet code of DNA as a universal theme, we can not say it has directly or even indirectly influenced all subsequent three-patterned biological occurrences. DNA, though it as a "three-pattern", it also has patterns of pairing (amino acids double helix), as well as a 3-to-1 pattern that is more easily seen when we compare it to RNA; where both have three of the same amino acids (adenosine- cytosine- quanine), yet are defined by an individual amino acid U for RNA and T for DNA. These same patterns can be seen in the Trinity and Triumurti. For example there are multiple dichotomies associated with them such as life/death, right/wrong, good/evil, etc... and both are 3 persons in 1 triadic compilation. Yet, this is not to say that the Trinity and Trimurti were directly influenced by the basis for genetics. Yes the patterns are similar, but they arose independently like some parallel evolution. If we look at the pathways of evolution we see the following illustrations:
As for a pattern- of- three existing as independent but an overall historical event, we find that 3 kinds of humans lived together at the same time: "Two million years ago, three different early humans—Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and the earliest-known Homo erectus—appear to have lived at the same time in the same place, near the Drimolen Paleocave System."
When Evolution is looked at in an attempt to denote underlying basic patterns, it is generally described in one (or more) of three ways:
- As a pattern-of-two: Divergent/Convergent
- As a pattern-of-three: Divergent- Convergent- Parallel
- As a pattern-of-four: Divergent- Convergent- Parallel- Coevolution

Here is a more intensive illustration of the 3 Human Origin Models:

Testing Models of Modern Human Origins with Archaeology and Anatomy,
by Tryon, C. & Bailey, S. (2013)
With respect to thinking, the Graduate school of Education of Harvard's Patterns of Thinking project came up with the following 3 criteria:

I wonder if the founders of the Pattern of Thinking project (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation), would consider providing funding to the Threesology Journal for a very complex "threes" video with multiple examples aligned to an integrated philosophy with a descriptive illustration and integration of explication that would no doubt have an immensely far reaching impact on Education. A grant for $333,333,333.33 would do quite nicely.
On several occasions, and this is occurring in multiple subject areas as well as religion; you may encounter a singular idea with or without a label indicating it is a composite structure. A commonly recognized example is the Christian Trinity. Another one is the Indian Trimurti. In past centuries there were multiple triads representing three ideas which were viewed as essential intertwinings such as the Ancient view of the 3 phases (moments) of the Sun labeled as individual gods, or collectively viewed (as a 3-in-1) as the Supreme (Sun God) Ra. One allusion to the three events of the sun is the 3-in-1 concept of Life- Death- Rebirth, or Morning- Noon- Night, Hell-Purgatory-Heaven, etc... Other people prefer to view life with two-patterned distinctions such as the Phoenix and Dragon or Yin and Yang, or their sexuality which begins by attempting to derive other ideas starting from the male/female dichotomy. Historically we find multiplicity being used by females to supplant male ideas such as in the case of 9 as opposed to three in Norse Mythology. In fact, I have come across the dichotomous idea that God is for men and religion is for women. Then again, there are a lot of dichotomous orientations interspersed with direct or indirect references/inferences to triadic formulas, with some people deliberately attempting to create a more-than-two or three multiplicity.
Because I use the word "pagans" to describe concocted ideas created with a direct reference to some easily identifiable Natural event, I view the Trinity idea of Christians and the Trimurti idea of Indians as later-born elaborations of solar worship, sometimes referred to as solar mythology. With the Sun being being so visible and directly dominant in the day- to- day lives of everyone tied closely to nature, it is easily understood as a major influencer of human behavior and thought, and was described by some mythologists in the past as a primary source for multiple ideas which apparently don't reference the Sun at all; leading to a point in time when some interpretations of the Sun were viewed as pure fictions and noted as an item to be discussed with the title "Eclipse of Solar Mythology". Nonetheless, while speculative correlations have arisen, examples from the deep past retain a nakedness of simplicity and innocence which reveal a genuine connection. Take for example the three "moments" (phases) of the Sun known as Dawn- Noon- Dusk from ancient Egypt, which provides one of the Earlier references with a written account. No doubt there may have been a precursor— influence from one or more earlier peoples, I have not come across any historically viable Neolithic or Archaic practices which would suggest they directly or indirectly influenced a later Egyptian theme, though ideas involving duality and plurality may have become solidified as cultural orientations before triplicity and singularity. With respect to the Sun and later Egyptian references to the three phases (dawn- noon- dusk), I have correlated these to the Christian Trinity and the Indian Trimurti:
- Dawn—
(equivalent to Christian "Father" of the Trinity; the Indian Brahma The Creator; and in Norse Mythology as Dellingr):-
- Noon—
(equivalent to Christian "Son" of the Trinity; the Indian Vishnu The Preserver; and in Norse Mythology as Dagr (the day):-
- Dusk—
(equivalent to Christian "Spirit/Ghost" of the Trinity; the Indian Shiva The Destroyer;
and in Norse Mythology I find several gods and goddesses referenced in terms of night and darkness but nothing specifically to the word "Dusk" as a grey area instead of a black ambience):-
- Norse:...
- Life spans of all living things.
- Adopted numbering systems (such as zero to nine).
- Adopted alphabets.
- Memory. Sleep deprivation. Endurance.
- Consumption of food, water, air.
- Elements of the periodic table.
- Feats of strength.
- Pain.
- etc...
- Conservation of charge
- Conservation of momentum
- Conservation of mass/energy
- Conservation of angular momentum
- Conservation of baryons
- Conservation of leptons
In the Christian Theology we encounter the central figure named Jesus, who is sometimes referred to as a god, a messenger, or manifestation of god. In othe words, Jesus is used to symbolize an encaptualization of the embodied Trinity. A similar theme was played out when the noon god Ra was used to encapsulate a singularly defining representation of the overall Sun god.
Binary Star groupings are most often observed and recorded, playing an important role in Astronomy. The ratios of binary systems to triplet and quadruplet systems is 46 to 9 to 2. This suggests the "threes" repetition is Earth based and subject to change as the inter-relationships of the Sun, Earth and Moon change. Unless you want to claim that Astronomers are delusional and can not see a preponderance of trinary star groupings due to an embraced antiquated cultural language of the research discipline, or that the Universe is still quite young and evolving which will later reveal a dominant Trinary star clustering, or perceptions from Earth see only a small fraction of what is actually taking place "out there".
Nonetheless we are (at present) left with a limiting factor in our search for an origination of the three as being Earth based, with observable consequences in the coming centuries, particularly in the face of an active Conservation of Number affecting human civilization. By using this as part of an ongoing intellectual inquiry, the relevance of the "three" as a tell-tale sign of long enduring cognitive activity over millennia in different languages, cultures, and subjects... propose contemplations which can catalogue the changes in human existence and provide a model by which to create a spectrum of predictability and necessity for deliberate change... it at all possible.

With respect to the idea of a limiting factor, many people have recognized various limitations such as:
Yet, no one has defined these with the word "Conservation", as we find it applied to the idea of a closed system as it is used in physics. However, I have applied it to our number pattern usage by labeling such as a Conservation of Number. What I mean by this is that if someone collects different ideas with a given number pattern such as "three" and others attempt to disparage or beat the quantity and quality with some other enumerated pattern such as one, two, four... etc., what is absent is someone stepping back and saying that we are witnessing yet another type of Conservation, just as it is uncommon of finding someone referencing all Conservation 'laws' as a Conservation themselves:
Initial Posting: Oct. 28th, 2024... 5:47 AM