The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 21
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
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- It is a value linked with Down Syndrome:
- Trisomy 21; About 95% of people with Down syndrome have Trisomy 21.
- Translocation Down syndrome; This type accounts for about 3% of people with Down syndrome.
- Mosaic Down syndrome; This type accounts for about 2% of people with Down syndrome.
- It is value used to categorize Genetic Disorders:
- Chromosomal; This type affects the structures that hold your genes/DNA within each cell (chromosomes)
[Human Genome Project]. - Complex (multifactorial); These disorders stem from a combination of gene mutations and other factors.
- Single-gene (monogenic); (single gene mutation.)
- Chromosomal; This type affects the structures that hold your genes/DNA within each cell (chromosomes)
- It is a value associated with the 3 main types of bonding,
(also labeled as Chemical Bonding; Ionic bonding - Covalent bonding - Metallic bonding)- Ionic – 2 charged particles attract each other, strong bonds, electric forces, strongest of the 3 bond types
- Polar – 2 atoms share electrons unevenly, held by atomic and electric forces, stronger than covalent bonds
- Covalent – 2 atoms share electrons evenly, most common, weakest of the 3 bond types

- It is a value linked with Thoroughbred racing:
- 3 foundation stallions: Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian, and Godolphin Arabian (previously, Godolphin Barb)
- 3 Lineal descendants of the foundation Sires: Matchem, King Herod, Eclipse
- 3-patterned Horse betting:
- Win- Place- Show
- Exacta (pattern-of-two)
- Trifecta (pattern-of-three)
- Superfecta; (Straight Superfecta- Superfecta Box- Superfecta Wheel)
- Daily double (pattern-of-two)
- Pick 3
- Scratch (If a horse is scratched, all Win/Place/Show wagers placed via the racing interface will be refunded.)
- Quinella (pattern-of-two)
- It is an Angel Number (Numerological triplets of a single number such as 111, 222, 333, etc...)
- It is an Angel Number configuration (portrayed as doublets, triplets, quadruplets)
- It is an expressed Special Message valuation by way of a 3-patterned organization.
- It is the Number of God (referenced in association with the bible)
- It is the Number of God's Obsessive/Compulsiveness (defined in terms of the multiple "threes" in Nature)
- It is a recurring value seen in developmental biology:
- DNA/RNA nucleotides are Monomers. (ONE)
- DNA/RNA are the only Two nucleic acids in existence. (TWO)
- Nucleotides have (THREE) main parts: Phostphate group- 2-carbon sugar- Nitrogenous base.
- It is the value related to the main types of DNA
testing (2024):
- Autosomal DNA; Contains the segments a person shares with everyone to whom they're related. (both parents)
- Mitochondrial DNA; Traces people's matrilineal (mother-line) ancestry.
- Y-Chromosome DNA; Males can trace their patrilineal (male-line) ancestry by testing their Y-chromosome.
- It is the Number of Spirituality
- It is a Spiritual Number ("spiritual", as referencing religion... is
differentiated from the term "spirituality" though claimed by some to be the same thing.)
Religion (being organized spiritually) versus Spirituality (emphasizing an enlarged openly personalized relatedness to the Cosmos)

- It is the Number of 3 additional Masses given by Latin Catholic Priests on
Christmas Day (Corresponding to Dawn- Noon- Dusk, which corresponds to Father- Son- Holy Ghost/Spirit):
- The Midnight Mass or "Mass of the Angels".
- The Dawn Mass or "Shepherd's Mass".
- The Day Mass or "Mass of the Divine Word".
- It is a favored biblical Number (such as in the Life of Jesus)
- It is the Number pattern of the Beast (666)
- It is the Number pattern of Jesus (888)
- It is the Number pattern of Adolf Hitler (555) (German Workers' Party embership number)
- It is a Writer's Rule-of-three Number
- It is the quantitative Number in multiple Jokes
- It is an Orator's Rule-of-three Number

- It is a rule -of- thumb Number
- It is a Survival Rule-of-thumb number
- It is a Rule-of-thirds
- It is a means of calculating the probability of events that have not yet occurred
- It is the Hook Number (musical repetition), and also as a reference number in multiple songs, in multiple movies, in multiple books
- It is a Guiding Number (related to religion, mysticism, Hermeticism [Hermes Trismegistus{Thrice Great}... as a metallurgical-like amalgamation])
- It is a Number in Particle Physics
- It is a Number of Coincidence (for others, it is certainty, (with 1 time related to chance, 2 times coincidence, and 3 times certainty)
- It is a Number represented in multiple 3-digit or symbolic ways:
- 3.14 (Pi)
- 137 (Physics.. etc)
- Einstein's E = MC2 (Energy equals Mass times the Speed of light squared)
- A2 + B2 = C2 (Pythagorean theorm)
- Social Security Account Number divisions in the U.S. (area number)- (group number)- (serial number)
- etc...
- It is an expressed Obsessive/Compulsive Number
- It is a Number of Superstition (such as bad luck comes in threes)
- It is a Number of Astrology such as: (The Big Three; sun signs, moon signs and rising signs.)
and 3 major Zodiac signs (cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs) - It is a Number of Multiple Laws/Rules:
- Rule/Law of three In Wicca and Paganism
- 3 Laws of Motion (by Sir Isaac Newton)
- 3 laws of Planetary Motion (by Johannes Kepler)
- 3- to- 1 ratio of Thermodynamic laws
- 3 laws of Robotics (by Isaac Asimov)
- 3 Laws of thought/Logic
- 3 laws of Gregor Mendel (genetics)
- 3 Golden Rules of Accounting:
- Debit the receiver and credit the giver
- Debit what comes in and credit what goes out
- Debit expenses and losses, credit income and gains
- Rule of three in Copy Cataloguing
- Rule of three organization in the U.S. Marines
- 3-Day Rule in Stock Trading
- Rule of 3 University Award Distinctions (University grade point requirements may differ):
- Cum laude: Top 20-30% of students or a GPA of 3.5-3.7
- Magna cum laude: Top 10-15% of students or a GPA of 3.8 to 3.9
- Summa cum laude: Top 1-5% of students or a GPA of 4.0+
- It is a Number as part of a 3- numbers collection (3 - 7 -9) in Folklore
- It is a 3- pattern (5-7-9) overlooked by emphasis on one (superstitious) number in a given phrase "The magical number seven plus or minus two..."
- It is the Number of Myth, and Fairy Tales
- It is the Number of Nature
- It is the Number associated with multiple interests (variances occur):
- 3 year residency (if married) before applying for U.S. Citizenship
- College GPA requirement of 3.0
- 3-month passport validity rule: valid for at least 3 months beyond the intended date of arrival, with exceptions and special cases.
- 3-part basic international dialing sequence: International prefix - Country code - National subscriber number.
- 3-value being substituted with the primitive counting value of "Many" which involves the development of a 3rd system:
- Rule of Many;
The proposal from OPM (Federal Office of Personnel Management), at least to some extent, combines two previous systems — the "rule of three" and "category rating" — that agencies have used over the years to determine lists of qualified candidates.
- 3 Constitutional Requirements to run for the U.S. Presidential office:
- Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
- Be at least 35 years old
- Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years
- etc...
In short, none of the foregoing explanations (as well as multiple other references), adequately provide for any deeper insight and realization as to why the number 3 has a recurring prominence (that many attempt to use as a tool for exploiting others). Most accounts do not provide enough information accounting for the presence (or absence) of the number 3 in a variety of interests. Indeed, the presence of number values other-than-the-three would seem to refute the idea that it has any more importance than any other enumerated pattern, unless we look at it in the context of it as an expressed indicator of development that is subjected to constraints of survival in a closed system undergoing incremental deteriorations. Granted, the following is an unconventional explanation which may not sit well with those whose ideological leanings are immersed in a given subject where their many years of attendance has formulated a system of conceptualization best fitting their standards of logic and rationalization which very often makes use of a given vocabulary and symbology for dissection, interpretation, and illustration. Nonetheless, let me provide a different perspective regarding the "3", all the while knowing that a video offering a greater concentration and elaboration of details from multiple subjects is a task long overdue. In as much as I realize this, let me provide a smidgeon of details for the present essay. Providing some inkling as to the widespread usage of a "three" pattern in multiple facets of life, requires the indulgence of observations culled from numerous subjects:
- It is not that we can THINK (or dream or imagine),
- or DO (behaviorally perform),
- or SAY (or write, paint...) some other-than-three fashion, whether we are aware or not...
but, we are being FORCED to adopt/adapt with the use of some "three" model
as a mechanized survival tool that is very often proscribed as a functional
path of compliance we must necessarily traverse due to what appears to be:
- a genetic boundedness of tripletness (the triplet code),
- along with the single strandedness -
- and double strandedness
- as well as a 3rd Non-canonical Strandedness (as an exception, not as a rule)
- a physiological scaffolding of tripartition,
- and a philosophically architectured psychology triangulation...
As an example of strandedness sequencing, revealing a tripartite model of categorization:
- Single stranded (prominent as an "RNA World" instigator of life)
- Double stranded (prominent as a stable DNA model)
- Non-typical poorly viable explorations made by Nature

...which amounts to a disposition, that has been imprinted on us by the Earth's

(Thus requiring a revision of the Shakespearian quote from (As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7):
They have their their Entrances- Performances- and Departures.
And every life in their time may play many parts.
Be it Friend -Bystander- or Foe; Villain -Journalist- or Hero;
Prey -Intercessor- or Predator; Lover or Otherwise..."
It is a theater with a particularized and in some cases, repeating stagecraft, which can be crudely expressed as a type of ownership brand/mark/tatoo used by a rancher as a means of personalized identification and (manufacturing-like) shelf-life demarcation. (And no, I am not referring to the singular "G-O-D" idea that has been perpetrated, pro-rated and perpetuated by the underlying egotism of some religious groups.) Though we can see both unacknowledged and intentional efforts by some to flee the "three" circumstances of their earthly corral by concealing the brand/barcode by one or another method; let it be emphasized that the threeness of our genetics, the threeness of our anatomy, and the threeness of our philosophically-attached psychology give us and all other Earth-born life forms, a distinction we can not run away from. Extra-terrestrials will know we are from Earth because of our branded markers.
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AMInitial Posting: Oct. 28th, 2024... 5:58 AM