The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 23
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
With respect to the Mind, we can also find several tripartite references:
- 3 divisions of the mind: the conscious mind - the subconscious mind - and the unconscious mind.
- 3 divisions of Consciousness: Pre-consciousness, Consciousness- Post, or Super/Supra- consciousness.
- 3 divisions of elevated consciousness:
- Super, still retains a direct physical bond with common consciousness
- Supra, it may vacillate an inter-connectivity with Super-consciousnes, but its ideation differs from consciousness.
- Suppostional, that which many strive for and consider to exist in a detached "beyond the ethereal horizon".
(Beyond any and all states of Buddhism or any Eastern Philosophy, including the Western obsession with a singular
god figure perpetrated and perpetuated by Desert- born religious ideas.)
- 3 models of Sanity: Insane- Sane- Super/Hyper-Sane
- 3 models of the mind/body/soul interactivity: Average/Common- Above Average/Talented- Genius/Gifted
- 3 Models of consciousness based on present day "testable" (Laboratory, Faith, Hunch..."3rd person") phenomena:
- Involving what may be described as (continental) Integration (collision/collusion) models, Global models, Independent (island) models.
- Involving Emergent property models, Flux or Slag models, Reverberation/Oscillation models.
- Involving a God/Goddess presence, an Aura or Astro-projection model, a Primivity of mind/brain development.
- Consciousness produced by Neuronal correlates based on 3 categories: Motor neurons- Sensory neurons- Interneurons.
- 3 types of glia in the brain: Oligodendrocytes- Microglia- Astrocytes.
- 3 types of glial cells (alternatively described as): Astrocytes- Oligodendrocytes- Ependymal cells.
- Consciousness based on Electrical Activity thresholds (non-magnetic field resonations though other emergent properties suggested).
- Consciousness based on Electro-Magnetic fields, ...that the digital information from neurons is integrated to form a conscious electromagnetic information (cemi) field in the brain. Consciousness is suggested to be the component of this field that is transmitted back to neurons, and communicates its state externally.
- a 'Reptilian,' or 'R-complex' formation.
- a 'Paleomammalian' formation, or limbic system.
- a 'Neomammalian' formation.

If we move into the realm of ideas concerning that exterior to ourselves, for example, "Coincidentally" we (historically) have 3 recurring ideas of planetary system: models of Astronomical Phenomena (even though multiple other ideas of the solar system may have been thought of by one of your ancestors, yourself or the next door neighbor's scientifically minded dog):

Ptolemaic Model
The Ptolemaic model known as the Geocentric model, was developed by an Egyptian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. It came from the Greek words geo meaning Earth
and centric meaning center. This model explains that the Earth is the center of the universe and everything else revolves around it. Each planet moves in a
circular path called epicycle which moves around a larger circular path called deferent. The moon revolves around the Earth followed by the other planets.
Copernican Model
This is also known as the Heliocentric model developed by a Polish mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus. It came from the Greek words helios meaning sun and
centric meaning center. This model explains that the center of the universe is the Sun and that the majority of the planets revolve around it. Also, the
epicycle moves in an elliptical motion not circular. The moon revolves around both the Earth and the Sun while Earth revolves around the Sun.
Tychonic Model
This model was developed by a Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. It was the combination of Ptolemaic and Copernican models. This explains that the planets of the
Solar System revolve around the Sun but the Earth is the center of the universe. The Sun, due to its massive size, attracts the remaining planets and drags
them along its revolution around the Earth - like metals attracted to a magnet! Simply put, the Sun revolves around the Earth and the planets revolve around
the Sun.

And... instrumentally coincidental as well, we find that there are 3 basic shapes (geometries) to the Universe, though others are postulated as well:
Life is subjected to an ENFORCED participation with the "three" pattern as a prerequisite survival tool by an incrementally deteriorating planetary system which has been exhibiting an influential 3-patterned strobe-like irradiation effect— as a result of the Earth's rotation which is slowing down and causing the 3-part influence of the Sun's 3 "moments/phases" called dawn-noon-dusk, to effect a type of "fusion" impression which life in its multiple facets has already begun to exhibit in different models. I call these examples a 3 to 1 ratio, though others prefer to call them patterns-of-four or a quartet, quaternion, etc... Each life form responds to changes in the solar influence (as well as absence thereof) within the scope of its ability to do so. The influence can take place in a geometric or other form, consistent with a particular life form in question during a given era.
Despite all the illusions, delusions and rationalizations humans are known to create or be subjected to in an effort to delete, obscure, deface, (or embellish, abstract, contort) and otherwise change the prevailing "three" reality, they can not do so... even if we come to an understanding of the "three" origin. For example, how do we not create life without a triplet genetic code? And even if we manage to do so, what do we do about the three-patterned influence of the Sun's 3 moments/phases, and its eventual 3-to-1 fusion that will be more impactful as the Earth's rotation continues to slow?

For example, instead of exhibiting a "3" a life form may exhibit a triangular configuration such as the V-shaped flight formation of migrating birds, or the (Bi-layered) triangular mound of some "higher" termites (using a 3-part mixture of: soil, termite saliva and dung), or a triangular shape with more than three sides called pyramids (Egyptians had difficulty dimensionally portraying accurate side views of figures with depth, so they turned the upper torso), or a Native American Teepee, or V-shaped engine blocks, or triangular boomerangs, etc... (If the image of a 3-pattern comes to mind but the number doesn't, how would you portray it?... use an "M" like a two-humped camel, or an "E", or a "W" or construct a 3-legged stool or a 3-tong pitch fork, or tricorn hat, or 3-branches government, or develop a 3 out of 4 or 5 toed foot that may be a 3-in-1 fusion like the horse's hoof, or 3 main University degrees, or employ a 3-medal worldly sporting event called the Olympics, or breed all thoroughbreds from three horses, or develop an idea of 3 families of fundamental particles...?)

It is not that we can't conceive of something that is an expressed other-than-3 form or formula, it is just that we are FORCED by our environmental circumstances which has configured our genetics and physiology to comply with the "3". Whether the form of the "3" is good or bad, it is still a 3-form or 3 formula. Analogously, just because there are multiple Chess pieces, each with their own "personality" and interactive capability among their peer group, does not erase the fact that all of them are subjected to the existence of an underlying 64 squares configuration in which there are three directions which they may move: Horizontally- Diagonally- Vertically. No less, despite some readers having engaged in making the correlation between the "64" squares of chess/checkers, the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching (Chinese) Philosophy and the 64 amino acids (with the 3 -to- 1 ratio of 3 stop and 1 start codons; including the 3 -to- 1 ratio found in Mendelian genetics}... the question remains as to why such correlations exist as fundamental patterns.
However it is of need to interject the comment that the I-Ching Triads are actually embellished Byads. One has to look at the development of conceptualization in different subjects in different eras and different places in order to contemplated the correlations of development which take place. In other words, the I Ching triads are expressions of embellished binaries/dichotomies/dualities due to the level of development of the ancient Chinese with a parallel to be found in Western civilization's use of symbolic logic called Mathematics.

Source for Mendelian 3 to 1 ratio example:
It doesn't matter that Mathematics conjures up a notion of multiple dimensions (string theory says 10 dimensions), we still live in three... or if you prefer, a 3-to-1 ratio of dimensions by citing 3 spatial and 1 time. If we look at the named four fundament forces: weak, strong, nuclear, gravity, we could group them as 3 dichotomies:
- Strong/Weak (existence of neutrons viewed as a consequence of these two different nuclear forces
- Nuclear (...a force that acts between the protons and neutrons of atoms.)
- Gravity (...describes the resulting interaction between two masses)
We could view them as 3 forces (According to relativity, gravity is not considered a force. And according to the Standard Model, Gravity is not included.) Or we could view them as a 3-to-1 ratio: {strong- nuclear- weak} + {gravity}. However, it is important to note that present concepts in physics may well change as we get further into the future. Also, there is no guarantee that the atomic physics of today will remain standard. The structure of the Atomic particle family may well change similar to the dynamics of families on the biological level.

It doesn't matter if your favorite number is 7 or 13 or 15 billion, you still live in a world where you end a sentence with a period, or a guestion mark, or an exclamation point. You also observe a 3-colored traffic light and pledge allegiance to a 3-colored flag (in the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, etc...), and though there are several hundred languages, there is the underlying commonality of using a subject- object- verb... mix or match as you will; in what is referred to as Word Order, that may be fluid (dynamic) or static (variably unchanging).
The "three" appears to be an Earth-specific product since one after another Astronomer cites Binary star systems as being the most dominant. And though biological materials may be prolific in outer space, these precursive necessities of life do not mix and become life until they are subjected to a three-patterned strobe-light effect in an Earth-like environment. In other words, it doesn't matter if the sand, rock and cement materials for life came from someplace outside the Earth. While on Earth they became subjected to a fast spinning Earth billions of years ago which acted like a laboratory centrifuge situated beneath a 3-patterned solar irradiation effect. It represents a specific type of mixing event... similar to that in many baking circumstances. Hence, we see a universal triple genetics code from which sprouted a 3-germ layer architecture for the "higher" (more complex) life forms [from earth worms to humans], from which we get multiple physiological expressions of the "3", such as the three-patterned forms in Anatomy.
Currently, no theory explains all the fundamental forces - gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force (interaction), and weak force (interaction).
The modern theory to explain the electromagnetic force is known as the quantum electrodynamics; the theory that explains the electromagnetic and weak interactions together is known as the electroweak theory; and the theory that explains the strong interaction is known as the quantum chromodynamics. The theory that aims to merge the electroweak theory and the quantum chromodynamics to explain the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions together is known as the grand unified theory but has not been completely successful yet.
The gravitational force is a completely different beast altogether. The best theory for gravitational force is still Einstein's general theory of relativity but it does not merge well with the theories of other interactions. The name proposed for the theory that will explain all the four interactions together is the 'Theory of everything' but there is no definite evidence that such a theory exists - we just speculate that it should exist. (Unified Theory review by Aarone)
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AMInitial Posting: Oct. 28th, 2024... 6:07 AM