The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 9
Origin of 3s Hunters as of 10/17/2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
While all patterns are important as a subjective element of consideration, both the individual and overall collective, need to be applied to some attempt to collate the different patterns into a system of categorization under a heading such as "Cognitively Perceived Patterns"; as a general rule from which to begin, knowing that this rubric, this title, this heading, may well change one or more times as we pursue and grasp a greater comprehension of the phenomena whose study may present us with additional understanding of that which is all the more difficult to be derived— if we use only singular or a few singular instances of a larger availability. Analogously, while a few gold coins may stir a few different ideas, a much larger collection might well be thought of in a grandeur theme of possibility. Using words such as "Psychology" or "Philosophy" or "Metaphysics" and multiple other conventional subject headings does little to provide an incentive for further exploration beyond that already known, though at the era of initial development such words did suffice. In the present context and era, let it be noted that they are perceived as possible stumbling blocks to a greater comprehension because along with traditions of language usage can come traditions of ideas that can produce a cyclicity of understanding where any perceived "newness" is the product of mere reinterpretation of old ideas and nothing contextually different is being offered.
Some observers come to recognize a given pattern related to occupations or a given context and time period and do not make allowances for migrations of thought processing changing hands by way of different languages. Thus, the idea of a "three" may not be permitted to be interpreted as having any correlates in any language. Though this is an atypical case, the problem becomes more manifest when an observation of pattern in one subject is then applied to another subject where the pattern is not an identical twin, and may in fact appear to be an entirely different animals until basic structures are identified and compared. An example of this type of difficulty is seen in the Christian model of a Trinity where any attempted mention of a correlate with some other religion and culture's triad of gods is viewed as a coincidence of simplicities but is substantially different in overall ideology. The situation gets worse if one remarks that the "Nature" of the Christian Trinity is that it arose from a Natural event. Hence, the word Nature and Natural, though they have the same roots, are interpreted to mean unbridgeable distinctions.
Multiple observations are due to more recent threes orientations by people in the living public, such as in the naming of an actor or actress whose middle name is included. Yet, such a practice of naming conventions needs to be distinguished from older ages in which one or two names was sufficient, unless a given person's ego wanted to express a pedigree by providing multiple names expressing family, occupation, and geographical region. And let us not overlook that we of the present are privy to the development of the idea for using three names, which may or may not persist into future generations. While the ancient Romans used a three-part naming convention, this does not appear to be the convention for multiple other ancient cultures, at least I am not familiar with any scholarship in this particular area of research. General accounts yes, but none that are especially tailored to a cross-cultural examination beyond a simple comparative method.
The tria nomina was an important aspect of Roman society, as it allowed individuals to be identified not only by their personal attributes but also by their family and social connections. The ancient Roman Tria Nomina consisted of three names: the praenomen, nomen, and cognomen.
- The praenomen was the first name and was used to identify individuals within their family.
- The nomen was the family name, which indicated a person's gens or clan. (The Roman clan, or gens, describes a close-knit familial group of aristocratic descent that wields considerable political, social, and economic power.
...methodological flaws are apparent with the comparative approach of the Roman gens with the Attic genos. Rather, C.J. Smith suggests a heuristic strategy between the two to arrive at three important conclusions:
- First, our preconceived ideas of the genos derive from obscure notions of the gens.
- Second, the derivation of genos relies largely on contemporary historical developments.
- Third, ancient writers offer conflicting and confusing accounts behind the aristocratic origins of the genos that have been conveniently smoothed over and idealized by modern scholars.
- The cognomen was a nickname or personal identifier that distinguished individuals within their gens.
Here are some examples of threes patterns which one or another observer may have made to establish a larger investigative interest:
- Fairy tales (3 bears, 3 pigs, 3 kittens, etc...).
- Thoroughbred horses and racing; (win- place- show, 3 foundation stallions, trifecta, etc...)
- Ancient Egyptian Triads
- The Osirian (or Abydos) triad of Osiris (husband), Isis (wife), and Horus (son).
- The Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu.
- The Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem.
- Greek and Roman Myths (3 fates, 3 furies, 3 gorgons, etc...
- Poseidon (Greek) and Neptune (Roman) both held a trident
- Zeus (Greek) held a trident but Jupiter a thunderbolt
- Science/Nature (3 parts to an atom, 3 parts to the eye, 3 laws of motion, etc...)
- Three names for Assassins (Due to journalists and Historians) (Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, Muhammad Abdul Aziz, formerly known as Norman 3X Butler, etc...
- Three-named Celebrities
- Known by 3 names or 3 initials
- ETC...
Those observers of threes repetitions in the past that have provided some publicized account. have collectively contributed to a growing list of examples ranging over multiple centuries. However, in many cases, making the observation and speaking of it to the extent of recording such an observation for future generations are different qualities. To these we might then include making use of the repetition to assert a point of opinion, regardless of the subject, though references to particular subjects should also be catalogued as a category. The origin of the numerical value "three" by our present day accounting method may have initially been viewed in terms of providing a quantity more than two, such as in the proposed generalized ancient counting scheme of "1- 2- Many". When the "3" arrived at its own separate psychologically defined identity is not actually known, but might be inferred when the quantity of "4" was introduced into human conceptualization. Hence the 3rd element in the 1-2-many sequence represented a cognitive limitation that was stepped beyond by the addition of a 4th, next-in-line place holder element. However, our system of Notation which separates the ones-tens-hundreds from the thousands and its duo of associates (thousands + ten thousands + 100 thousands) with a comma, may well be a left over or even poignant reminder of the earlier counting scheme that may have remained with humans for multiple generations before mental processes developed a conceptual context and grasp of an identity past the 3rd place holder. Yet, there is no evidence, so we engage in a type of speculation called "educated guesstimatation"... or in other words, our best guess.
Since I do not know how to read ancient texts or rune characters, I can not say for certain that a particular translation by those who claim they can read such languages, are actually interpreting and correctly expressing the presence of the "3" value or inferring it from cognitive predilections. Such a footnote of caution needs to be appended to research, in any event. Likewise for interpreting what may have been on the mind of a cave-wall artist or day-to-day tool craftsman, such as fashioning a triangular-shaped tip. Was it a conscious effort of describing a "3" in a geometric form, or is this a mere imaginative way of reading into a medium? Surely, one might interject, the first triangle-shape seen on a rock was due to some happenstance geological circumstance, or some accidental tossing of a stone that was retrieved and found to contain a triangular shape.. or that such a shape was prolific in a given area of exploration by a given tool maker.
As such, from this perspective, all the "threes" ideas found in the following examples of subjects are thus supposed to be expressions of the Trinity:
- Human anatomy.
- Biology: (such as the Triplet Code in RNA/DNA; Three germ layers: Endoderm- Mesoderm- Ectoderm; three types of body plan symmetry: Assymetrical- Radial- Bilateral; three types of eating plan: Omnivore- Herbivore- Carnivore, etc.).
- Particle Physics: (three large sub-particles: Protons- Neutrons- Electrons; Three families; Atomic decay radiation: alpha, beta, and gamma; etc...).
- Stock Market: Bench Mark Indexes; (3 most common broad-based market indexes:
- The S&P 500 index represents the 500 or so leading U.S. large-cap companies.
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) represents 30 large-cap leading U.S. companies.
- The Nasdaq Composite index represents approximately 3,000 NASDAQ-listed stocks.
If I ask you what the origin of the Christian Trinity is, you might say God. I on the other hand would say you are wrong and afterwards reply that it was created by people who were influenced by the ideas of other people back in time who were influenced by other people further back in time. However, no one kept a record of the encounters as they transitioned over time... at least not in the sense as one might keep a ledger detailing the minutes of a board meeting. Nonetheless, there are some basic reference characteristics which provide a tell-tale indication of an influence in centuries past, which one might say reads like an ancient observer of Nature:
- God is three distinct persons. Father- Son- Holy Spirit/Ghost
- Each of the distinct persons are god.
- The three persons are one god.
Now, take the same ideas and apply them to an early system of observing the Sun:
- The Sun has three distinct phases. (Dawn- Noon- Dusk)
- Each of the distinct phases are the Sun.
- The three phases are one Sun.
As a relevant aside note, the planet Earth is a "3rd position" example but has not been linked with any named 2nd or 1st position object as the precursors to its standing. Indeed, the formation of the Earth is told in a way that very much resembles a Fairy tale, because no one actually knows how it came to be. While many have speculated, using the knowledge and instrumentation at their disposal, it is mere guesswork, despite any consensus from like-minded colleagues they may have. However, if we look at the Earth and describe its typically generalized structure of having three parts named the Core, Mantle, Crust, we might think of a 3-part developmental trek occurring as a snowball gathering layers as it rolls along a ground covered in snow. Yet, this would me that the Earth either rotated only three times to get its three layers, or it was confronted by a situation in which there was no more snow on the ground to get another layer. Whatever the case one might imaginatively describe, I can not help but to further speculate that the Earth is the 3rd generation of a process we of today do not yet understand. Yet, the fact that it is the 3rd planet upon which life as we know it has arisen, creates a level of curiosity which must be followed upon discovering there are multiple three patterns in biology, and different ideologies outside of biology as well, including non-"three" and non-numerical patterns intermixed.
A non-intelligent person will always reach for a religious explanation such as the concept of a "god". A more intelligent person will seek an alternative explanation which they may claim is the chosen path or tool or instrument of a god, such as the ancient formative notions attached with Mathematics (as numerology), Astrology (as star gazing), and Astronomy (as dot-to-dot geometry). A further later intellectual approach may either be a total dismissiveness to the idea of a god and seek answers in an established serious academic subject with fringe interpretations. Eventually you might find someone who values all opinions but categorizes them all as being alternatives that may or may not have one or more grains of truth. The type of god humanity describes need not use one subject to provide an interpretive explanation to a species that is not that far removed from a jungle environment of the past. Like a book with 3 pages of code, we need to look for repeating patterns in order to attempt a decipherment. One of these patterns come in various costumes with different labels, but is widely recognized as a "3".
I can't begin with the phrase "In The Beginning" because this is too premature at the present stage of investigation. Nor can I use "Once upon a time" because I don't yet know if it was only once. And yet we are met with the historically fashioned dilemma posed in a dichotomous model metaphorically described as the chicken and ego controversy. Indeed, what came first, the chicken or the egg? What came first, a pattern or a number? No less, since we are dealing with examples framed by language, we need to ask what no linguist has yet done, and that is what came first... Infant Babbling or Language? Or were unintelligible utterances of an infant or the groans and yells of a woman giving birth the precursors to language? Are such behaviors language? While we might not understand what is being expressed, such utterances as a toothache produces are quite communicative. And the responses of trying to alleviate the pain are a type of communication... a tit for tat sort of scenario involving a mother and child. An Ow! receives and Ugh in return as an illustration of language primivity.
Countless people have expressed the opinion of Nature speaking to us, if only we knew how to appropriately listen and respond. Patterns are exhibited by Nature but only a few come to appreciate them enough to develop a system of intelligibility to be communicated with others through a conventionalized language because they think of language in only one way and need others to interpret such things as weather patterns. Medicine is replete with a literature addressing the signs and symptoms of both health and injury or disease. A medical practice in part, is to acquire a grasp of this essentially non-verbal language and interpret its different dialects. And at one time, the idea of "signs" became so important that select people took up the position of divination for an entire clan. Even today there are those who take upon themselves or are chosen to interpret the supposed word of god as declared by past views described as revelation. Similarly, we have stock markets with analysts, and various analysts in positions both inside and outside governments. While some call them different types of speculators, others revere their positions and opinions.
Astrologers, Astronomers, Chiropractors, Race horse owners, the Federal Reserve, academic, political, and product polls or surveys, and multiple other activities all rely on some measure of educated guesswork alternatively described as guesstimation. While some people achieve a more consistent level of interpretation and predictive ability about past, present and future events, they are all versions of past soothsayers, prognosticators, and alternative thinkers; with noted particular personalities in the past named the 3 fates, 3 furies, 3 gorgons, and yes, the 3-headed dog or 3-headed serpent whose heads duplicate if they are chopped off. In all cases the "pro"-fessionals and "proto" (pseudo)-fessionals look for and analyze patterns. All such practitioners are frequently rated by how much money is attached to their abilities or the value of the prestige they carry in a given setting. Some may be jerks with the proverbial rocks for brains, but their position in a valued profession at least makes them a professional jerk idiot, as compared to a jerk without some measure of respectable social standing or significant mental qualification.
And for those thinking I am engaging in a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, they are very wrong. It is more to the point that I am engaging in an "Obsessive-Compulsive Order", just like so many others who practice at a sporting or other craft, be it Archery, Angling, Art, baking, basketball, basket weaving, contraption building, cat burglaring, cartooning, fencing, cattle rustling, arm wrestling, etc... Yet, it doesn't control my day or lead to unwanted thoughts which prevent me from doing multiple other chores and duties. I am not particularly bothered by my interest in threes, but I am taken aback by the lack of referencing so-called psychology and mathematical professionals don't also supply a positive perspective along with their negative ones regarding a numerical repetition. While three is a number frequently cited by those discussing obsessive compulsive disorder, I have not found any study which details all the numbers used by Obessive-Compulsive individuals, and whether the number 3 or some other number is dominant in all cultures. It may be the case that a different culture's obsessive-compulsives use a different number pattern. It would make for an interesting dissertation if it were combined with other ideas I have in mind. (And no, someone reading this is not going to plagiarize my idea and claim it to be their own, so I will refrain from speaking of the other ideas to be compared with.)
If we talk about an Obsessive-Compulsive Order in which enumeration is involved, then every mathematician is guilty. So are accountants. And so are those who keep numerical statistics of a sport. How about those working at Wall Street or banks? And so is a supposed god(s) that instilled the repetition of a triplet code in life.
To me, the search for the origination of the "three" is like searching for the origin(s) of Mathematics, or Medicine, Surgery, prisons and prison reform, technology, farming, photography, warfare, religion, art, music, philosophy, accounting, Satanism, book printing, tool making, and all other interests which require an attentive repetition on the part of multiple individuals in order to establish and maintain a given repetition to the point it becomes denoted as a profession, or at least an acceptable hobby. While some professions are not as respected as others such as Astrology, Numerology, Witchcraft, Divination, etc., and are referred to as fringe ideas, they nonetheless exist and are repetitively practiced, often with the intent of making money or providing some other creature-comfort gain.
With respect to the number 3 as a particular quantitative count that is sometimes viewed as a quality, I have encountered multiple people who have shown some interest in the value as a recurring pattern that they too have made a collection thereof. Sometimes someone looking into the supposed reason for the frequency will encounter a negative opinion from the Mathematics or Psychology galleries of perspective, which causes them to turn away from any further pursuit of the "threes" phenomenon. The voices of such peanut galleries can be listened to but need not be taken to heart as a deterrent, since both of them stand on the shaky ground of using Persistent Dichotomies... a value less than the trichotomy. While both have old histories, they also share the commonality of being comparable to the two-germ layer of developed life forms called Diploblastic organisms, and may therefore be described as an earlier evolutionary models of thinking, or disparagingly as Jelly fish. Clearly the more advanced life form lineage are the Triploblasts, with a usage of three Germ Layers.
While this is not to say that less evolutionary advanced life forms (analogous to earlier models of thinking) are not valuable and still have a place in the overall food chain, it's just that too much of a dependency on bottom feeders (of any evolutionary lineage) keeps humanity married to this way of life and seeks to sustain an overall lifestyle guaranteeing the repetitive cycle of being held down by such lesser models of development; with Mathematic's penchant for calling a non-standard interest in numbers a type of Numerology and Psychology's penchant for an "over-standard" interest in any idea or object being labeled an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can not begin to understand how devastating it is to read such negative commentary about the number three when you are three years old reading the morning paper before heading out to the world of playing in a sandbox.
All joking aside, since I am aware of triploblastic bottom feeders as well, the point is that if one is truly interested in a subject, let us say to the core of one's very being because it has a frequency of appearance in one's life that is uncommonly sustained over decades and even made multiple appearances in different forms in childhood, they should not allow initially perceived negative opinions of so-called professionals be obstructions which can not be overcome, since they may be arm chair idiots who may not be able to rebuild an automotive engine for high performance, nor wire, plumb, scaffold and construct an entire house on their own... or for that matter fix a stuck toilet. So, let's continue with my Obsessive-Compulsive, Numerological Ordering of the Number Three...
Since the human brain is said to generate all our ideas, to ask what was the first "three" will probably be labeled in terms of some fundamental natural event such as the three parts of an atom called the Proton- Neutron- Electron. However, someone studying particle physics might say that more fundamental to these (at least for Protons and Neutrons), are the 3 quarks which come in six flavors, but as the following illustration shows, these six can be listed as a 3 X 3 model, based on fractionated charges. Others might claim that the reason "3" is so prominent in dynamic social instances is because the Universe actually does come in three different geometric shapes, depending on one's location in making a given observation of deductive reasoning.

If I may be permitted to use a bit of imaginative speculation... If we view the "saddle" as a quonset hut, and the Flat as a concrete building pad, by putting the saddle on top of the pad or the flat under the hut before it's constructed, we create the necessary supportive structure for the (vehicular) ball to travel through, thus establishing an inter-galactic spatial tunnel.
In such a case (of having 3 existing types of Universes) we need to consider that while the human brain can conceputalize three different possible shapes to the Universe, it can not as yet grapple with the possibility of there being a 3-in-1 configuration which coincides with the numerous other 3-to-1 ratio ideas having cropped up in different contexts for different sensibilities, due to the similarities of brain functionality shared among all humans, which makes mass marketing of production and assembly line products possible. (The brain is a similar type of organ effectively using similar underlying patterns according to a given individual's focus of attentive application.) It also is an organ which has been described with three general parts (hindbrain- midbrain- forebrain), as a Triune brain, as an organ covered with 3 meninges (membranes/coverings: Pia Mater- Dura Mater- Arachnoid process), and connected to a common auditory-dependent language system with multiple patterns-of-three, such as for example 3 semi-circular canals used for equilibrium (which keeps a bipedal mammal from toppling over). Incidentally, the three shapes to the Universe idea involves a flat- spherical- and saddle- (a sort-of triangular) shape. (But whichever god is riding in that saddle, he or she or it may have corralled the breed of that dark horse from the land of day- evening- or night-mares.)
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AMInitial Posting: Friday, Oct. 17th, 2024... 3:44 PM