(The Study of Threes)
Viewers as of July 15, 2024
Let me interject to announce that the American Public is confronted by more hypocrisy by the U.S. Congress and Secret Service by Allowing the Director of the Secret Service to resign and not provide any real information. The Director did not provide the Congressionally requested information and should therefore have been held in contempt of Congress and jailed. But it is standard practice among those in Washington not to comply with a Legislator mandate, even though Congress could make this practice obsolete. Representatives won't do it because they want an open loophole for themselves and all those who are politically connected. The public has to comply, but not them. "We The People" is about collective factions who can wield power, persuasion or offer potentialities in given situations.
And if any supposed truths are later revealed, no doubt the public is going to be confronted by fabrications just as it was during the 9-ll and JFK assassination events, to name but two of multiple others. It should not be an accepted practice to moot an investigation by allowing some desk sitting Executive to resign, and yet no personnel that were actually at the scene of the fiasco are ever similarly "forced into retirement" (with full benefits), or jailed, or much less, executed... no matter how many people have been affected. by behind-the-scenes politics. Those Secret Service at the Event should be fired. They are to blame for not executing the appropriate measures of safety... and not someone sitting at a desk in Washington. Congress and government agencies need to stop trying to dupe the public into believing their nonsense... or the government needs to be overthrown... preferably peacefully but violently if necessary.
One of the reactions of the public is to view the events from the perspective is to claim the Secret Service was part of a Conspiracy, just as it was when J.F.K. was assassinated. The public can't trust the White house, can't trust the security services, and in particular... for the political moment at hand, can't trust Kamala Harris since her judgment was to claim Biden was competent to continue when it was obvious he wasn't. Her comments reek of a level politicized misjudgment that is detrimental to the U.S. government because no one in their right mind would trust her wishy-washy style of managerial conduct. However, not supporting her doesn't mean I support Trump, in or out of the fixed U.S. voting system which is a ludicrous exercise of an Actual Democracy. Her brand of Democracy is a joke... but so is Trumps's. The entire world is laughing at the U.S.... except those trying to get some commercial or strategic benefit.

The 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania is a hero in the eyes of many people. They are sorry he missed in the attempted killing of Trump. Classifying the event as an attempted "assassination" is a misuse of the word when it typically is applied to honorable heads of state... Which neither Trump or Biden, or Harris are. The same goes for most Congressional representatives and multiple security services officers. However, in reflection, according to those who don't like Trump, let us look at some of their considerations, using the language of different government agencies who try to minimize their actions so as to package actual events in more socially acceptable terms. For example, instead of saying killed or murdered, the government says neutralized or collateral damage. Instead of saying War, they say theater. Instead of saying soldiers that kill, they say actors. Instead of saying we have no valid reason for carrying out extended military operations, they say they have found evidence of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), Biological weapons, Chemical weapons, or there is a danger to Democracy (Even though the U.S. is classified as a Republic... which is a watered down, muddied, and bog-filled variation thereof), etc... All the while thinking that they are more sophisticated by using a difference in language.
- He should have enlisted help so as to have multiple shooters in case one did get shot.
- He should have "neutralized" the Secret Service Sniper first.
- He should have prepared for staying alive instead of having a "do or die" attitude.
- He should have attacked Biden and Harris as well (or otherwise).
- He should have attacked any and all Congressional Representatives with 20 years or more service.
- He should have attacked those who fail to remove the stupid Electoral College nonsense.
- He should have attacked those agencies which practice piracy against the public under the old Maritime law of Civil Asset forfeiture.
- He should have attacked those attending the LGBTQ+ gatherings, or the sponsors of such events.
- He was smart enough not to use social media to vent and be identified as a possible perpetrator of a crime.
- He should have clearly understood that the Secret Service personnel are not mandated to Protect the lives of Civilians, meaning they have a Carte Blanche edit to protect and serve the President, first and foremost. Although not written down, the unspoken reality is that the public can be used as a shield, as cannon fodder, as a collective sacrifice.
Then again,...
- His parents should have provided him with siblings.
- His school leaders should have been cognizant of his 'aloneness' and looked for a practiced bullyism by others.
- All gun clubs should be required to have their members undergo psychological evaluations.
- In fact, everyone in society should be periodically psychologically analyzed... yet, who designs the tests and who then tests the test givers?
- Every person wanting to have a child should be required to have a license, just as we do for vehicles and multiple types of machinery.
- Citizens should not be led by the nose by Journalists whose comments allow for the rhetoric that Biden is competent enough to be the sole judge of his own competency. This is as stupid as letting an Insane person judge their own sanity or a criminal judge their own culpability.
- The collective citizenry in a collective Democracy (and not a Republic of Selective Representatives) should be permitted to alter the government that best befits the collected rationality; and yet there is no actual collective Democracy and no actual collective rationality... only a selectively chosen one selectively designed by a selectively chosen few.
- In an Actual Democracy, there is not a Big Government but a Huge one, since a government of, by and for ALL the people collectively Represents the government and do not have their value diminished by a bureaucracy designed by a coterie of wealthy and/or religious patrons, whose members attempt to reduce the size of government (under the phony guise of assisting the public) in order to secure more power in the hands of a few at the expense of the Many. Indeed, the Presidential seal slogan "E Pluribus Unum" (Out of Many, One); refers not to a people sharing equally in available resources, but to those who wish to embolden a few with the most at the expense of the Many. As resources dwindle, this point will become more poignant.
- How do we get rid of a rigged system if not by killing those who families and interconnections are in charge of perpetuating a system which reeks of an antiquated mentality (where multiple exclusions were arbitrated into law by the more wealthy citizen)... and who will not go quietly and do whatever they can, including killing the public, just so their desired inequalities persist?
You think Crooks as being insane? America needs to look in the mirror for its widespread hypocrisy. We see insanity in every single sector of society. Business, the stock market, religion, Education, Legislative policy, the Supreme Court, the Prison system, etc....
So, Thomas Matthew Crooks is a hero in the eyes of many, just as were Genghis Khan, Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun, Vlad the Impaler, The Roman Catholic Church, Hinduism, the Ford Motor Company, Robber Barons, Civil Asset Forfeiture, Small Claims Court lack of automatic enforcement of a ruling, Islam,Judaism, Buddhist Monks, Ted Bundy, The Unibomber, Elementary school shooters, the Las Vegas crowd shooter, Oklahoma bomber, Waco Siege Event (using a tank to kill children), Alexander the Great, The Roman Legions, American and British Imperialists, etc., etc., etc... How else are we going to see who, when, and where they will try to capitalize on a blood-letting event in order to maximize it for some political, economic or call-for-more-funding gain? How else are we to question how someone could get as close as Crooks did to take a shot if not for the incompetency of a Secret Service that is permitted to vet the propriety of its own? How else do we see that the Journalists of the U.S. are asking Old people in Congress whether another Old person is competent, when most of them aren't competent themselves by any stretch of the imagination? And how else are we going to be able to see who feels sorry for Trump (and the others) as a self-centered manipulative tool to sway public opinion?
In the name of God. In the name of Democracy. In the name of Patriotism. In the name of Justice. In the name of the Prophet. In the name of Profit. In the name of righteousness. In the name of this or that religion. In the name of common sense. Yep, I'm sure you can find whatever rationale you want to commend or condemn.
Oh, I see it now. You don't like the use of the word "hero". You would rather Crooks be viewed as an idiot, a sicko, a deranged person that is very different from the average person. Yet, many people hold the same values as he did. They hate that Crooks Missed. Many hard working, church going, law respecting citizens are disgusted by the rigged political system. Out of all the very many presidential candidates they are forced into accepting two charlatans. In fact, many want someone to Kill Biden and Harris. Yet, these are not people you would describe as being sick or deranged, but those with hardening political views who realize America needs a New form of Government... one that is not rigged against the public. They simply have not as yet taken up a more forceful voice. But such a day is coming. In fact, don't be surprised if multiple government agencies are attacked not by one, but by hundreds of individuals more tactically trained than Crooks. What would the Secret Service have done if Crooks was not alone, but that a hundred friends shot at the same time? Or how about a thousand people shooting at Biden and Harris, with half of them dedicated shooters to take out the Secret Service... and all of them not marksmen, not markswomen, but experts... all wearing a shirt with an American flag patch or lapel pin? Indeed, since so many questionable people have received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, let's give one to Crooks. You think the suggestion is stupid? Such is the state of affairs in the U.S. in this Age of Irrationality.
Initial Posting date:Monday, July 15th, 2024... 10:26 AM
Updated: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024... 6:26 AM
Follow up:>/u> Tuesday, July 24th, 2024... 8:25 AM
Herb O. Buckland