(Realization of Trichotomic Variability)
→→→ Tripartite Collection 1 ←←←

Note: This page is not intended to be an introduction to Tripartite Ideology. You must have some familiarity with basic concepts of Tripartition in order to follow the ongoing discussions involving different patterns including the 3 to 1 ratios and digressions into different subject areas which provide analogy and overlap, even though I may provide some modicum of material for the uninitiated.
(Other patterns could be added to the T-shirt, but for the sake of brevity, they are omitted.)While the variability of terms such as Trichotomization, Trichotomy, Trichotomist, Trichotomizer, (etc.) are not yet on the radar of many people, not to mention an absence in the online American Psychological Association (APA) Dictionary, even though the developmental trend of human cognition appears to be headed in this direction; albeit without any formal recognition or guidance from professionals in different fields because of the pervasive usage of dualities, whether consciously acknowledged or not... and this in no way claims that the Realization of Trichotomic Variability will be experienced by all, most, or the majority of people as if someone flipped on a switch whereby the entire population of humanity automatically acquired the perspective... though I would guess that some cultures such as Germans are closer to a collective realization as indicated by their inventiveness in given types of philosophy, art, music, education, literature, industrialization, etc., not to mention a means to collectively unify and mobilize quickly on a scope and scale that no other nation has yet achieved in Modern History. However, the idea of a Third Variable gives some indication that the idea of pattern-of-three thinking does exist in some small measure, but not to the extent being practiced by those of us interested in the Threes Phenomena.
Third-variable problem:
The fact that an observed correlation between two variables may be due to the common correlation between each of the variables and a third variable rather than any underlying relationship (in a causal sense) of the two variables with each other. In other words, when two variables, a and b, are found to be positively or negatively correlated, it does not necessarily mean that one causes the other: It may be that changes in an unmeasured or unintended third variable, c, are causing a random and coincidental relationship between the two variables by independently changing a and b. For example, as the sales of
air conditioners increase, the number of drownings also increases: The unintended third variable in this case would be the increase in heat. See Hidden Variable:
An undiscovered causative variable. When a relationship is found between variables x and y, variable x may erroneously be thought to be the cause of y. However, the cause of y may be a hidden variable z that is correlated with variable x. Also called lurking variable; third variable.
Approaching the topic of "threes" in a global culture where "twos" are widespread, requires speaking of "twos" portrayed as the numerical value "2" alongside familiar words such as dichotomy, pairing, duality, dyad, (byad/biad), couple, opposite, complement, etc., and then using a dichotomous fashion of introducing 3's as a counterpart for further consideration. A 2 -versus- 3 presentation is like speaking of two opposing teams as an operational mindset that has great familiarity and thus is easily understood around the world. Patterns-of-2 are used as basic standards of thought processing and in some way(s) may be followed by an attempted development into a "three" orientation such as found in:
- The Yin/Yang configuration... based on much earlier orientations of pairing.
- There was a later attempt to produce a "3" orientation (called Triads) in the I Ching (Book of Changes)
- The Swastika (right or left turning)... based on the combined positions of 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices.
- This was famously adopted by the later developed Third Reich of Nazi Germany.
- The Binary language of computers... based on the ON/OFF electrical circuit. (Computers are boxes of fast moving on/off switches.)
- A Trinary language is thought to be required for the next generation of (Quantum) computers.
- The Duality based forms of Philosophy... (e.g. Monism/Dualism, Nature/Nurture, Mind/Body, etc...).
- These have largely been replaced by excursions into triplicity such as the 3-part Syllogism, and variations of Monism- Dualism- Pluralism.
- The global standards of Arithmetic/Mathematics... which also are based on much earlier orientations of pairing.
- Attempted Trichotomization of Mathematics is seen in the Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometry, and Boolean Algebra applied to computer language.
- The Persistent Dichotomies in Psychology (as behaviorally applied philosophy).
- Yet, the Increased awareness of the persistence of Dichotomies has not influenced the usage of an adopted vocabulary using Trichotomization.
- The Persistence of Division fomented by Religion, with a prime example annunciated in the biblical verse of Matthew 10:34, and the knowledge that Mohammed carried a sword.
- A later attempt was to infuse a dominant idea of tripartition called the Trinity, found in Christianity and the Trimurti in Hinduism. The antiquity of thought used in Islam and Judaism is indicated by preferences for older forms of enumeration.
- We also have the distinction of 3 Monotheistic religions born in desert environments, begging the question of how they may have developed in different types of environment... if at all.
A life form such as humanity whose biology has several historical episodes in which it developed along a 1-2-3 maturational sequence, (for example, the evolutionary sequencing of the three Germ layers) might necessarily create some notion of a "3rd state" using the language and vocabulary of different eras and environments, while being in a transitory state (such as humanity appears to be sustained in), or have the achievement of a 3rd realization on a basic biological level echo into the psychic domain, whereby we can see multiple examples of some metaphysic of consideration such as Nirvana, god, heaven, higher consciousness, higher realm, higher dimension, ethereal plane, etc... An alternative explanation is that upon seeing different kinds of life forms and yet they all contain the basic triplet code, suggesting that the different kinds of "threes" ideas are themselves a form of mental species which are an extension of the Triplet code (or its originating source), that are subject to extinction or further development in varying niches over time. Species of threes ideas can multiply, divide, give birth, grow, and die out like typical life forms. We can see this not only in threes, but ones, twos, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, etc... though most ideas are not actively enumerated by most people.
It is rather funny, you can speak of Dichotomies and make a short list of examples and will find that most people will not comment that you are engaged in Numerology, Superstition or expressing an OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) episode in your life. However, if you were to relabel the activity as patterns-of-2, (or patterns-of-two) then you are doing something that may be viewed in a negative light. Similarly, you can speak of Trichotomies and list a few, but don't you dare label them as patterns-of-three/3 or produce a list of thousands. Because once you add a number to your ideas, or once your collection reaches a certain quantitative value, then you must diminish it or have it diminished by others for you, and you along with it. You must concede to group pressure and tow the line of the collective ignorance or be guilty of committing an unpardonable sin of expressing an undiluted model of thinking and perceiving commonalities that everyone is somehow, for some reason, obliged to Kowtow to so as to be recognized as being normal; which includes the unspoken standard of being a "commonly recognized" gifted, talented or person of genuine geniusness, or you will make people uncomfortable with your unusualness... and they may not know how to characterize themselves or interact in relation to you... unless they can find a means to undermine and belittle you to their standards... unless of course you take it upon yourself to act like a clown, are exceptionally humble or generous, or engage in eccentricities. And don't say triad or Trinity or Trimurti or you may be viewed in undesirable religious terms. The word triangle may also get you into trouble in some instances, particularly if it has a readily available negative connotation of being a commonplace expression. And it doesn't matter if mathematicians use numbers, to do so out of a mathematical context may get you heckled. Some people are so low in self esteem that they will go out of their way to put you down in an attempt to build themselves up. This occurs not only on the typical school grounds, but in the different terrains of professionals as well... not to mention the dog-eat-dog world of working as a social worker.
To speak of "threes" in a serious, analytical approach, is taboo. Similarity, decades ago, the 3 Great taboo topics of textbook publishing were Sex, Religion, and Social Class. Different subjects in different eras have their own respective taboos and even exist in the medical profession that I can verify by personal experience by going to an emergency room and speaking about my prostate, but no one on staff at the time would do any examination and simply gave me some antibiotics. When I was assigned to a specialist, he conveyed this fact as a bewildering reoccurrence. However, the point is there are some topics which one or another person is not comfortable speaking of. For example, I have several friends devoutly religious but will not speak of their religion to someone who is not a member of their faith... though I am accepted as a person who "doesn't understand" but is considerably valuable to have around in case something needs fixing. True to my nature of being a general specificist, or specialized generalist, I am otherwise called a Jack of Many trades. (Many of them, not all.)
Whereas we have multiple professionals speaking about dichotomies, and may even have begun a list of examples, the idea of Trichotomy has not yet surfaced into their conscious considerations. Indeed, if I am interpreting information correctly, then what one is to be confronted with is a widespread avoidance of talking about threes. Especially in the field of Psychology. You can 'stroll the internet' and find numerous examples of those speaking about some topic in psychology involving dichotomies. (I say "stroll" because a "troll" is a creature who inhabits the terrain underneath a bridge awaiting some passer by, and does not actively search out a morsel to devour.)
Here are a few examples about the acknowledgment of Dichotomies, but please note that none of the authors have moved into the realm of mentioning Trichotomies, because it requires the ability to speak from a position of having multiple references from a variety of sources. (They have a list of dichotomies which can be brought forth from memory, but do not routinely engage in bringing forth a list of trichotomies):
- What Is Wrong With Dichotomous Thinking It Is Time To Think Beyond Dichotomy, by Ellyn Kaschak Ph.D.
- Psychiatry and Its Dichotomies by Renato D. Alarcón, MD, MPH
- Dichotomous Thinking Leads to Entity Theories of Human Ability by Atsushi Oshio
- Dichotomous thinking and cognitive ability by Takahiro Mieda, Kanako Taku, Atsushi Oshio
- Two is a Small Number: False Dichotomies Revisited by Trudy Govier
- Dichotomous Thinking (Definition by the American Psychological Association):
The tendency to think in terms of polar opposites—that is, in terms of the best and worst—without accepting the possibilities that lie between these two extremes. The term has been used to characterize the tendency of people with major depressive disorder to view mildly negative events as extremely negative, but the potential role of such thinking in other conditions (e.g., eating disorders, personality disorders) is also under investigation. Also called polarized thinking.
Please note that there is an inclination to think between two polarities so as to arrive at some "happy medium" and not devise a third option distinctly outside the enclosure of the dichotomy. For example, when we think of peace as the happy medium between two (or more) warring factions, instead of a means to make war obsolete. The human mind has not yet collectively evolved to think in such a lofted state of alternativeness except to engage in referring to it in terms of spirituality or higher consciousness... if not some simplified out-of-body experience. In fact, there are not enough authors to even speak of an actual third option outside the traditional expressions of dichotomy, in order to influence a new generation of thinkers. Unfortunately, the situation appears to be worsening because of an increasing human population and an increasing reduction in resources. Using war or disease or famine as a means to "thin out the herd" is temporary measure that is not taking into account the multiplicative factoring effect which can act as an exponential result from small incremental changes in planetary (Sun- Moon- Earth) activity; thus having monumental changes on human activity, even if humans deny, overlook, or are unconscious of.
And many a Psychologist may speak of dichotomies and the need for going beyond them to effect some measure of a cure/relief for those stuck in the bog of dichotomization, yet they never explicitly move into a discussion of Trichotomization, because somehow to speak of threes is automatically illustrated as an inclusive trio, triad, or threesome... instead of a generalized term for alternative. It is eye opening, jaw dropping and shoulder uplifting that there is relatively no usage of trichotomization when speaking of dichotomies, despite hundreds of examples to use from as an analogy. So much for a global community of intelligent professionals who appear to be wholly unaware of trichotomies. This is such a stark presence of an absence, that it should be used as the title of an era in human cognitive activity much in the manner as we mark different cognitive eras such as the stone age, iron age, renaissance, industrialization, etc... Even though I have noted the present age as the Age of Rationalization, (or Irrationality), one could easily speak of the lack of Trichotomic knowledge, except that it is so far removed from the consciousness of most people, there are only a few who would know what I'm talking about, particular journalists who like to foment oppositions so as to create environments they can write about like an intoxication of their own making, like a home-brewed form of moonshine or snake oil.
They don't know how to analyze, discuss or apply the concept of trichotomization without thinking they must utilize some specific pattern-of-three like Freud's Id- Ego- Superego. To them, to trichotomize is to create a specific pattern-of-three which brings them to a point of differentiated negativity since there is no extant literature on the topic and they can not creatively devise or coin an idea. They play it safe by speaking about the need for going beyond dichotomy because their colleagues and peers are doing the same thing. No one is speaking about Trichotomy because there is no reigning authority in the field of Psychology, or Sociology or any other field of study except for tied to superstition. Because so many resort to some negative assignment of characterization when speaking of trichotomy, we find such references as Numerology, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Superstition, and even religion. They don't want to get into a discussion about something they are appreciably ignorant about and no one in their discipline has step forward to speak of Trichotomization in terms that are rational and reflective of the growing information about the phenomena, and that the existence of a Tripartite World Reality is not a Fairy tale, legend, myth, or as a primary indulgence in religion, mysticism or frivolous esoterica of some purported spiritualism.
Let us look at one example of a currency of thought in the practice of psychology where a pattern-of-three thinking crops up, yet conceals the underlying presence of dichotomization:
3 Types of Dissociative Disorder are currently standardized by the American Psychological Association. {Please note that each relies on the use of one or more dichotomies (nature/nurture, mind/body, self/non-self, normal/different, specific/generalized, adulthood/childhood, etc...)} I denote them with the following Heading so as to more clearly distinguish them from two other examples, which result in the 3 categories of Unintentional, Intentional, Intermediary:
- 3 Types of Unintentional Dissociative Disorder:
- Dissociative Identity Disorder: Dissociative identity disorder usually stems from a traumatic childhood event. A person with this dissociative disorder may feel that "they have suddenly become observers of their own speech and actions, or their bodies may feel different," according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Symptoms listed include frequent gaps in memory, extreme difficulty functioning in social settings, and "the existence of two or more distinct identities."
- Dissociative Amnesia: Dissociative amnesia causes significant memory gaps, often found in people with emotionally abusive childhood trauma. These gaps could relate to specific events or triggers, or (more rarely) lead to the "complete loss of identity and life history," per the American Psychological Association (APA).
- Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder: Depersonalization (or derealization) involves feeling detached from the mind and physical body. You may even feel like you're surrounded by an unreal world. According to the APA, less than 20 percent of people with depersonalization/derealization disorder experience symptoms after the age of 20, which means it usually starts in early childhood.
Source: What Is Dissociation? Experts Explain the 3 Different Types. By Angelica Wilson
The problem with the foregoing, for example, is that there are two other "sets-of-three" types of Dissociative states which can be idealized, if we take a broader look at behavior and permit ourselves the latitude for including variations which many of us are familiar with but do not necessarily place them into a related typological list, though they are routinely viewed in other contexts as separate topics of discussion, relative to the vocabulary of the author and context in which the ideas are being viewed, and not necessarily with an intended psychology orientation. By adding them here in a "threes" context, the idea of a 2 versus (or plus) 3 circumstance may stick out more clearly for some readers as part of an overlooked cognitive patterning where the use of numbers as identification is permitted only in a very small way, or the author might be confronted by those who do not like to be involved with enumerating cognitive profiles for fear of being treated as a person practicing Numerology... Even though such a behavior is quite evident in most of mathematics... but mathematics has been taught to millions of people to be thought of as a "Queen of Science" necessity, and not as a practice of numerology, though many people do and also view it as art, symbolic music, language, science, etc...
- 3 Types of Intentional Dissociation:
- For Religious/Witchcraft reasons to be one with god, Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, etc...
- For Criminal reasons by way of rationalizing the morality of immorality in order to justify engaging in criminal conduct. (The "high" of a crime, of killing, raping, War, Rioting, etc...)
- To attempt to acquire a higher consciousness, out of body (e.g. ethereal) experience, by way of alternative thinking, etc...
- 3 Types of Intermediary Dissociation:
- By way of using some internally consumed substance usually an intoxicant, narcotic or stimulant such as coffee, tea, energy drink, etc...
- By way of some external medium (person, place, thing) such as a ouija board, tarot cards, Astrology, music, fire, bombs, gun play, manipulating others, etc...
- By way of a group (3 or more), by way of a pair (2 people, [2 people on foot, separate vehicles...], etc...), by way of a lone act.
Let's now take a look at a very short list of "threes" as examples for the reader to ponder if they haven't already done so, but overlooked these:
We humans of the present era live in a world which exhibits 3-patterned dominant ideas such as:
- 3 Geometries to the Universe: Flat (linear), Spherical (round), Saddle-shaped (triangular)
- 3 distinct generalized geometries of Tree growth: Linear, Circular, Triangular
- Linear, near the ocean... like palms and banana trees.
- Circular (robust), away from the coast lands... like fruit trees, oaks, maples, etc...
- Triangular, in the mountains... like pine/Christmas trees.
- 3 Families of fundamental atomic particles; 3 basic large particles (Neutrons, Protons, Electrons).
- Triplet Genetic Code
- 3rd planet development (on Earth) for life as we know it.
- 3 life domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes.
- 3 Germ layers.
- 3 primary human origin theories: "Out of Africa" (Recent African Origin), Multi-regional Evolution, The Assimilation model.

- Regular (the lowest octane fuel–generally 87).
- Midgrade (the middle range octane fuel–generally 89–90).
- Premium (the highest octane fuel–generally 91–94).
While I have come across variations of the presently entitled theme of this page, many of them are flowers that will become trampled on by the different herds of humanity over time. Nonetheless, they too are indications of what appears to be a developmental change in human cognition featuring a "threes" theme, that is similarly found in different biological contexts where one threes theme produces another and then another, and is reproducible in terms of displaying a developmental trend involving various patterns-of-three. Permit me to provide two images illustrating the same idea, but are buried in other pages to the extent it might take years for a given reader to come across and thus not get a visual aide to help support my contentions. However, it is important to note that the list of threes on the images are but a handful of examples. A large listing can be seen on this poster: A Threes Reality, poster 1.

Discussions in the field of Tripartition requires an intellectual vocabulary and associated mental constructs which you may be somewhat familiar with but are not accustomed to using conversationally or exercising symbolically in writing beyond primary levels of exploration. In many of my efforts to disclose the ideas of threes which surface in consciousness, I am sometimes exhorted (if not escorted) by my externally projected inner voice to use an artistic form of impressionism that the German term Wunderkammer (Wonder Cabinet) might well assist in identifying what to some may appear to be a hodge-podge of ideas. Imagine then, if you will, all artists, musicians, architects, and assorted tinkerers using written language to express their perspectives instead of the mediums of their usual craft. Would not a painting or sculpture or basket or symphony or cathedral be exhibited in a manner of unconventionality? (Note: the "inner voice" does not accurately describe the recurring spectre who knocks three times very audibly... enough to wake me up, whom I greet very cheerfully.)
I wonder what the reader might think if I described my exploration into the "threes phenomena" as a portrait of reality or as a sculpture of reality, or as a symphony of reality, or as a garden of reality, or as a switchboard of realty, or as a painter's pallet of reality? Or how about the convention of something to do with religion, or magic, or geological stratification?... All of which are intended to be analogies or even metaphors. Whereas if you use mathematics to describe your views, you may automatically be viewed as intelligent, particularly if you can express yourself in several languages. Some approaches to illustration are deemed more intelligent than others and very often conceal nonsense, but the public and public figures buy into such fabrications like viewing some endeavors as art when they can readily be seen as trash. Then again, we see the presence of an effected dichotomy when it is said that one person's trash is another's masterpiece or one person's mountain or obstacle is anther person's mole hill or challenge.
Whereas we have millions of people attending universities, we also have millions who never use their degrees and the knowledge gained may never have a useful application except to bolster one's ego into thinking they are set apart from others who don't have a degree, even when those with little education sometimes find a way to create a bountiful life style in terms of money, position, or influence. The public nonetheless has bought into the idea that a College education is a necessary means of acquiring desirable levels of income if only by being accepted into a club of like-minded others whose collective influence directs some measure of social requirement involving them in a sustainable way, such as theologians and many academically trained professionals who, more often than not, acquire a wide knowledge of multiple subjects that can be advantageously applied to different circumstances... and thus are professional generalists with a specialized title who may have a web page or youtube... offering viewers to comment on and thus use their information, but not acknowledge the contribution... and may even remove the comments so that others will not read them and thus be able to effect some level of concealing the source of an idea to be used in the future.
Imagine an unconventional topic such as "threes" being expressed in the manner an artist works. Or as a construction site of an architect. Or the scene of a traffic accident. Or sterilized like an Operating room. Or the locker room of a sports team. Or the stench of a drunk tank. or the arrangement of cages at a dog pound, you are assigned to clean, after you clean out the horse stalls and chicken coup. Or the divergently arranged sheets of music a person uses when engaged in writing a musical score. Or how about an engine or transmission mechanic displaying a knowledge of threes in the same fashion as they tear down and rebuild an engine or transmission? Or how about a plumber or electrician working out of a truck at a construction site? They may work similarly to other professionals, but each of them has their own methodology and quirks. They do not necessarily follow the game plan one might expect from someone used to writing chapter and verse for a publisher in a given way. The order may be as different as the structure of writing seen in Boys and Girl Scout handbooks.
While this no doubt is the reason some get research grants and others don't (and hundreds of great ideas get overlooked)... because some follow an expected procedure and others don't... and may not be able to because their minds are so creatively divergent they spend their time along corridors of exploration the "stay on the trail" requirement for Grants proposals is a relative insanity to them. While some people are good at paper work and can comply with conventionalized guidelines, others are good at writing but have not been trained to march in straight lines with a uniformed appearance and language. Hence, if you viewed me as a world-renowned artist, musician, or mathematician, or extra-terrestrial, would you give me latitude for not following conventionalized writing protocols, many of which are so automatic and used so widely, they are difficult to recognize even by the more observant pubic scrutiny?
Here are some examples of simplistic "threes" usage in terms of basic lists and conventional applications because the authors intentionally formulated them for this purpose, and is not meant to describe the limit of their "threes" knowledge:
- A Video Introduction to the concept of Threes by Michael Eck and Associates
- Thinking in Threes by Brian Backman
- Why you should think in threes by Brad D. Smith
There are many other examples which fall under a heading such as a "Rule of Three", typically seen in introductory writing or speaking courses, but not exclusively so. An alternative usage can be seen in the "three" being applied to a common orientation in Wicca sometimes referred to as the Threefold Law or Wiccan/Witches' Rede which gives the impression of an old wives tale. However, one must be observant of the fact that many people are experiencing a transition between a two (Dichotomous) model of thought and a three (trichotomous) model of thinking and thus may rely heavily on a pattern-of-two as a part of their analysis since they are more comfortable with this pattern of thinking. While they pay lip service to an acknowledgement of Trichotomy, they have not yet gained an appreciable grasp in terms of relegating it to a dominant orientation of consideration.
This is why Persistent Dichotomies retain such a strangle hold in the teaching of basic Psychology courses while those who have been in the field for many years have established a firm realization that Dichotomous thinking can be detrimental to some people (patients) as practitioners thereof who get stuck in a self-defeating repetition and need to be guided out of their two-patterned thinking rut... except that in some cases, the psychologist and psychiatrist do not know how to play the part of a ancient guide such as for those patients who would benefit from an association with those knowledgeable of spirit guides. Dichotomous thinking in some individuals is linked with a distant archetypal past which requires the Physician to play the enigmatic role of a Shaman or Witch Doctor or spiritualist or ... because this is the realm in which some people have fallen psychologically into by way of their personalized (survival/protectionist) use of an antiquated dichotomous world view that they are oblivious to.
Present day Institutions of learning do not teach students how to think in threes because the instructors themselves are not knowledgeable about the frequency and breadth of this pattern's usage. They have been brought up to recognize the repetition of an enumerated pattern is the exercise of Numerology or the person is expressing some Obsessive-Compulsive disorder. Such comments typically come from Psychology and Mathematics, both of which have a deep history of using patterns-of-two to navigate reality. By acknowledging the widespread occurrence of "threes", the usage of twos in these two subjects become more easily recognized as antiquated patterns of thinking.
If I mention the name Dr. McNulty to a Trichotomist, they know I am referring to his list of threes in human anatomy. If I make mention of ideas involving three worlds, different variations of triple world ideologies (with different labeling) may come to mind, though a person may not be able to list them all. However, let me list a few examples:
- Chairman Mao's Three Worlds
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd world classification
- Hitler's Third Reich
- Triple World (Buddhist view of the nature of reality)
- 3 Realms of Existence (Buddhism)
- Karl Popper's Three Worlds
- Wide spread World War III orientation
- 3 Worlds of Gulliver
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Roman (world) Empire
- Hell, Purgatory, Heaven
- 1st place win, 2nd place win, 3rd place win (as different worlds of recognition)
- Some members of the LGBTQ+ orientation think of themselves as representing the beginning of a new world reality and that they are the 3rd, superior species, (unknowing that the proclivity to think in a 3s direction has a biological precedent but that they represent an eventual dead end offshoot and not the viable mutation they would like to believe they display. Theirs is just another model of a Trisomy being expressed emotionally and psychically instead of in an overt physical fashion such as we see in Downs syndrome.
- Three spatial dimensions of Reality (as our world): Height- Width- Depth (that many try to imagine and use the tool of mathematics to exceed)
- RNA world with 1 helix strand, DNA world with 2 helix strands, Collagen world with 3 helix strands
- 1 and 3-phase electric service as realities of our present world.
- The 3 worlds of Eebenezer Scrooge.
While there are numerous types of references involving the world/reality and the number 3, we can sometimes encounter those wanting to exercise a common model of one-upmanship by adding one or more quantities as if in doing so they are presenting a superior view, though the "3" appears to be the manifest destiny as exhibited in Nature's definitive use of a triplet DNA code, three germ layers, and three families of fundamental particles and not some other enumerated pattern. In order to think in threes, one must adopt a related type of language and corresponding thought processing, just as one does when learning a new job or any task they may pursue for a time. However, those who apparently adopt such an orientation on their own, may seem a bit odd to those who haven't. And these individuals may know only that they are somehow "different" and allow this observation to fester and plague them into acting out, retreating into an inner world, or attempting to create the impression of normalcy by over indulging in activities meant to curb/distract/numb their view of themselves as being different, though they may eventually come to terms with the realization with or without another who accepts them as they are or reiterates a similar vernacular of speech and thinking. However, there will come a time when the dominant orientations of dichotomy seen today in Business, Government and Religion will be the minority in the future.
Back in March of 2018 I made a record of an internet page entitled Tripartite World and Triune Logic v.3.5, by Iain MacAnTsaoir. I can no longer find it as an active page. Luckily I recorded it though there may have been other similar pages which also have been removed for one reason or another. I want to make reference to it so that the reader is aware that at least one other person spoke to the effect of recognizing some version of a Tripartite World Reality. Although the page predominantly speaks of the idea of "Triuness" in relation to the Irish (Celtic) perception of the world, an expanded collection of threes ideas from different subjects clearly indicates that the Irish are not the sole users of such a reality, though many Irish apparently acknowledge the idea while other users of "threes" ideas appear to be oblivious thereof.
In a discussion of a Tripartite World Reality, we Trichotomists frequently encounter various forms of Dichotomy, along with alternative views that may exhibit more than three parts... or at least give the appearance of such but may be the flavor of idealization used by a given advocate and does not necessarily represent the material in the best way. For example, a person may favor the number 7 and seek to arrange a given material in a relative "7" pattern, or at the very least, in a manner that oppose some other pattern such as the 3. Regardless of motivation and enumeration used, they are using a number with words, design, or enumeration.
Having worked in different educational and corrective institutional settings, I made various attempts to showcase the realization of "threes", but frequently encountered those who insisted on a pattern-of-two world view. In fact, it is not too difficult to find someone acknowledging the fact that several mental illnesses (and criminal behavior) are replete with a pattern-of-two organizational methodology sometimes referenced as the "all or nothing", "Black and White", or "My way or the Highway" orientations, though the reader might well add other dichotomies to these three examples. In at least one case we find the use of the word "Bipolar" and the legal idea of sane/insane being used (not to mention the multiple legal doubles which out-number legal triplets, one of which is the well known To tell the Truth- The whole Truth- Nothing but the Truth. Schizophrenia may be defined academically in a three-part way as a chronic mental illness that affects a person's Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors... and is caused by an interplay of Heredity, Environment and Brain chemistry, but its originator Eugen Bleuler described it as having Positive/Negative and Primary/Secondary systems as well as sing the word ambivalence to describe "contradictory" manifestations of impulse, idea, or effect.
While an acknowledgement of Dichotomization is highlighted by different writers in the field of Psychology, they have not yet ventured into an acknowledgement of Trichotomization which exists in different subjects and we can highlight several instances involving biological development, which is important for Psychiatry.
If we use a biological interpretation of threes, we might assume that the different ideas of "threes" ideas cropping up, are like different species which have the common denominator of "three" with respect to DNA. In very many instances of threes examples we see what can be described as a species with an exoskeleton such as an ant with the three divisions of head-thorax- abdomen. In other words, to threes observers the representative "three" is easily visible on the outside of an idea, acting like a skeletal scaffolding.

However, if we are to the use the idea of a skeleton to describe structures of "threes" ideas, let us note and list the three types of skeleton with the intent of also displaying the successive evolutionary development of each, noting how each can be overlooked by the common observer unless they are specifically studying the subject. In other words, those who are not specifically studying the "threes" phenomena may not see the variability and intricacies of how threes can be developmentally and maturationally intertwined.
In addition, for our present purposes, we will allow ourselves some latitude to the extent of permitting the use of a 3rd type type of bone marrow to indicate an awareness of transitional phases of development when discussing "threes", even though several sources exhibit only types as being dominant. (Once again we encounter a variability of perception involving 2 versus 3, though we can also find alternative variabilities such as 3 versus 4 or 3 versus 5, etc... In the present example, do your prefer interpreting bone marrow types in terms of the common dichotomy or as an uncommonly viewed trichotomy?):
- 3 Types of Skeleton:
- Hydrostatic skeleton: Aquatic life forms.
- Exoskeleton: Insects and crustaceans.
- Endo-skeleton: Humans (Vertebrate animals).

- 3 types of bone marrow (with Red and Yellow cited as dominant):
- Red- Most prevalent in infants and children
- Yellow- Comes to replace red bone marrow as we age
- Mixed (or fractioning)- {Inter-mediary Developmental occasions of expression where Red + White is viewed as Orange}.
- 3 types of bone marrow cells:
- Erythropoiesis, the production of red blood cells, is one of the essential functions of red bone marrow. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body, ensuring their proper functioning.
- Leukopoiesis, the production of white blood cells, is another critical function of red bone marrow. White blood cells play a vital role in the immune system, defending the body against infections and diseases.
- Thrombopoiesis, or Platelet production, is also facilitated by the red bone marrow. Platelets are involved in blood clotting, which is essential for preventing excessive bleeding.

- 3 types of bone cells (+ osteoprogenitor = 3 to 1 ratio):
- Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells.
- Osteocytes are mature bone cells.
- Osteoclasts break down and reabsorb bone.
- 3 types of cartilage:
- Hyaline cartilage is the most widespread type and resembles glass. In the embryo, bone begins as hyaline cartilage and later ossifies.
- Fibrous cartilage has many collagen fibers and is found in the intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis.
- Elastic cartilage is springy, yellow, and elastic and is found in the internal support of the external ear and in the epiglottis.
A Tripartite World Reality exists, if only in the imagination of humans... of which there are millions of participants, most of whom are oblivious as to the extent that "threes" are being used.
If we claim that DNA's Triplet code is asserting itself to acquire a larger footing (and thus sustainability) by influencing psychic (mental) representations instead of creating more life forms vying for resources with ever increasing reductions, then the "threes" phenomena is a type of developing biosphere being overlooked by cognitive psychologists, philosophers, and ecologists. Because "threes" ideas have moved into taking up house in different subjects, we can see that some have become the dominant species of a given terrain of intellectual endeavour. The different species of "threes" are effecting changes in the overall psychic terrain of global activity.
However, if it is not DNA's triplet code exerting itself into the domain of intellectual activity, then what is it? While humans in typical psychology classes resort to the dichotomy of Nature and Nurture, what if this is a distraction and there is a 3rd element at play which these words deny us from considering? There are far too many threes examples in different subjects to be a coincidence. Not least of which is the largely accepted view that life as we know it has occurred on the 3rd planet, even if such a position does not stir most people to consider this assumed fact of Nature being that which influences other three-patterned forms. Yet this example alone seems insufficient to explain those ideas which appear to represent Nature being uninfluenced by humans, despite being created by a human mind, such as the threes examples in particle physics.
Yet let us not forget that extraordinary claims may well need extraordinary evidence.
Acknowledging a Tripartite World Reality is one thing, speaking of it is yet another, and writing is yet a third direction. As a Trichotomist, I frequently encounter those who speak about the problems and perils of Dichotomous thinking but have not found a single author who provides an alternative other than to say one should think in non-dichotomous terms. There is no mention of Trichotomous thinking because, one might assume, it is a taboo subject due to the negative comments being levied against those of us who make a list of enumerated ideas, and especially when we apply enumeration to ideas which do not provide a number on their own to the casual observer. Even though students are taught information containing repetitious patterns which can alternatively be described as exhibiting a number value, this is problematic for instructors since students might quickly catch on to the activity of enumerating ideas and thus leave instructors failing to keep up, since they were not taught in such a manner.
While it is not considered to be Numerology when a University counts attendance and the money being brought in, using a Threesological investigation tool of different ideas in different subjects is... because no one is teaching it and the University is not making money off of the idea. Even though enumeration is very much a part of human psychology, developmental biology, and is a basis of logic, it is not viewed as a viable orientation of study since no one thought of it and there are no University sanctioned experts teaching the subject in a university setting— whereby a University can reap some monetary reward there from.
Those who typically do the evaluation of "threes" research are typically unsuited for the task because it is a functionality of higher cognitive activity to sort out numerous examples and make sense of the disparities, congruencies, absences, inter-minglings, intermittancies, overlaps, and in general, the variabilites of the different basic patterns which may or may not be enumerated.
In a Tripartite World Reality we not only are acknowledging a change in human cognitive behavior but we are cataloguing instances of it. We delve into different subjects and analyze the type of analysis being used and whether or not an alternative might be more useful. No less, we plot the developmental trend of different ideas over time as one might plot the course of a species to determine, and possibly predict future changes and viability.
Likewise, with the perspective of a Tripartite World Reality we find ourselves transitioning away from the standards of socialized uses of dichotomy and because of this, may well appear to be strange, different, weird, crazy, psychotic, eccentric, creative, talented, genius, if not exceptional to those we encounter. Each of these words (and others) have been used to describe me while in different settings.
The deeper you walk into the Tripartite World Reality, you acquire a different objectivity. However, sometimes... like being in an environmental setting which resembles a constricted space, the only option is to effect "while in Rome" do what the Romans do in order not to stand out too much and effect a protective measure of required normalcy... as if it were camouflage. The normalcy for some settings is to act and think like a particular dichotomous oriented beast. Psychologists may routinely encounter those who get stuck in a dichotomous framework, unrealizing their patient has been pushed into a given type of deleterious Dichotomous World Reality which is problematic for them. The person needs to be re-introduced to a new reality of realization that they are familiar with due to having knowledge of multiple examples already, but are not accustomed to think about because those in their social sphere and the larger social sphere in which all of them inhabit, requires different measures and methods of thinking in dichotomous terms.
Even though those in the U.S. have a three-patterned government consisting of three branches and many government organizations use three-patterned abbreviations (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc...), these are attempted acts of trichotomization and do not represent the actual functioning of the government and its agencies relying on various dichotomies for day -to- day orientations. It matters not if three-patterned policies are devised because the actual implementation resorts to some dichotomization. The participants and practitioners are not psychologically integrated into functionalized orientations of trichotomization. These expressed "three" patterns are similar to the use of the word "triad" in the Chinese I-Ching were there are no actual triadic structures, just embellished dichotomies. The use of the word "triad" is a projected desire to move beyond the dichotomous thinking seen in the yin/yang profile of thoughts, but the so-called triads are repetitions of the underlying duality of single and double lines.
A clear example of the 3-part U.S. government acting in a two-patterned way is the adoption of a dichotomously oriented political system (Democrats/Republicans), despite the presence of three or more other political parties. However, the 3-government branches very often work in tandem with one another so we have the situation of a 3 in 1 ratio, which is part of the larger Threesological orientation of analysis.
A person can say they understand the idea of a Tripartite World Reality and yet retain a formative reliance on dichotomization. And those speaking about the need for a person to move out of the bog which their dichotomous orientation has stuck them in, are those who are in transition themselves by the expressed fact they are not familiar with a specific non-dichotomous orientation such as trichotomization, though their vocabulary is different. However, it is not that trichotomies do not have dichotomies as part of their structure, the effect of a counter-balance has become equalized to the point of being a dominant character. In other words, the third offsets the combined influence (power/energy) of the other two, and yet remains pliable and malleable so as to adjust itself according to the nature of the two in opposition, whether acting alone or together. [This reminds me of atomic particle, molecular, and cellular behavior.]
One of first things to try in introducing others to the higher order concept of an acknowledged Tripartite (3-part) World Reality is to introduce them to the presence of the lower order concept of a 2-part (Dichotomous/pairing/dualistic) World Reality that they are most likely using on a day -to- day basis, unless of course you are in the presence of someone who utilizes patterns-of-three as an informal type of thinking that you were not aware of and neither were they. The fact that many people choose an alternative to a dichotomous situation may be an indication that a Tripartite World Reality is much closer to a global realization than we are accustomed to considering. Nonetheless, an introduction to a world of dichotomies and then (or in conjunction with) trichotomies may be preferable in some cases.
Acknowledging "threes" in conjunction with other patterns (numerical and non-numerical) is a higher order thinking disposition. As you get deeper into the field of study, any and perhaps all previous preoccupations of a dichotomous model fall by the wayside. They may come to exist as a different terrain that you choose not to live in, even if someone tries to force you to do so... like businesses, governments, and religions which rely on various models of opposition in order to maintain control of a populace trying to grow out of its enforced dichotomous social environment being perpetrated and perpetuated by different institutions whose livelihood requires the public to live by a system of dualities.
Date of Origination: Thursday, 24th October 2024... 3:01 AMDate of Initial posting: Thursday, 24th October 2024... 3:48 AM
Update: Friday, 1st November 2024... 6:43 AM