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~ The Study of Threes ~

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Communism and Societal Collapse |
ANC Epilogue Page 1 |
ANC Epilogue Page 2 |
ANC Epilogue Page 3 |
what I am proposing that while Marx outlined a series of stages that may be described as the following lineup culled from this page: Marxist Stage(s) Theory:
- Stage 1 – Primitive Communism
- Stage 2 – Imperialism
- Stage 3 – Feudalism
- Stage 4 – Capitalism
- Stage 5 – Socialism
- Stage 6 – Communism
These presumed "6" stages can not only be aligned to exhibit three separate but inter-connected analogies illuminating all forms of presently proscribed Communism not only as an incomplete idea for a presumed-to-be-existing futuristic ideal civilization, but as:
- Two sets of three, like placing a comma after the third number in a mathematical series to create a line of demarcation between the first set involving ones-tens-hundreds and the next set involving thousands, ten-thousands, one hundred-thousands, etc.
- A primitive form of thinking that actually describes a "one-two-many" three-patterned designed dialectic early counting sequence mentality found in early word-referenced enumeration schemes, as does Hegel's dialectic. (Two items are preferentially focused on supported by a third which acts as an "embellishment", a "cosmetic", as a change in wardrobe for two characters set into a scene labeled "third" or "three" or with some substitute reference.)
- A highlighted descriptive of Marx's views as a personalized creative effort labeled by others as an originality... even as an expressed genius; but is actually an immature and incomplete effort produced by a frame of mind living in a time period which exhibited multiple expressions in different subjects that amount to the behavioral acts of adolescents caught with their pants down and hurried to pull them up, while at the same time running away; given the fact that humanity can be shown to repeatedly illustrate ideas in groups-of-three that on many occasions have had to be revised and updated; and that Marx himself did so, in a manner of speaking, in promoting three phases to his brand of Communism.
He is also said to have promoted the following tenets which conclusively describe a distinctively measured (if not anal) preoccupation with controlling those resources (which he did not have in his own personal life), by which the whole of civilization could be controlled, yet under such a proposed system of control, he did not also outline a collective goal for humanity. Without such a stated goal with a logical rationale, the control of such resources and the resulting restrictions imposed on the citizenry, creates a condition of austerity and privation for which the people have nothing else to preoccupy their energy or interests on. It like a group of people conditioned to a given set of freedoms that are to be taken away from them and then expect them to automatically be subjected to some wondrous alternative developmental conditioning process out of which a Utopia is to blossom and mature. To say the least, this is really stupid and smacks of a decrepit appreciation of human behavior. Analogously, you can't take a behaviorally conditioned sustenance providing implement like a bottle away from a child and substitute it with a pacifier and expect it to be happy. Nor can you expect such a child to accept solid food as an immediate substitution of nourishment without misgivings and protestation that was not introduced slowly so as to at least give the impression a choice can be made by being offered alternative foods and the benefits to be derived from a usage thereof.
Marx's following tenets of Communism reek of austerity and impoverization, as well as a sure-fire way to breed dissent:
- Central banking system
- Government controlled education
- Government controlled labor
- Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
- Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
- Total abolition of private property
- Property rights confiscation
- Heavy income tax on everyone
- Elimination of rights of inheritance
- Regional planning
How Communism Works
Marx's views are so often embraced by youth that, like so much immaturity professed in popular songs and linguistically attempted alternatives thereof (such as Rap), the mental contiguity is unmistakable and much be viewed as a like-mindedness to have so much appeal, yet mature thoughts readily interpret not only Marx's views but all other variations of Communism, as a politically jargoned mythopoeic fairy tale containing the many elements of a good/bad dichotomization with its social monsters, social good guys, rights/wrongs, rich/poor, evil paths, religiously intoned "The Way" pontification, fears, hopes, dreams, family struggles, social opera-etic indulgences, and an eventual live-happily-ever-after theme; set into a context of a presumed historical development in order to give it a greater authenticity than it deserves under its presently designed crude and vulgar formulation.
Present Communism is in one sense like a sword having been set aside to be cooled (or a life form to be gestated) after being smelted (a womb is sometimes referred to as an oven), awaiting an edge, a hilt and final polish (awaiting its final touches of development). However, such an analogy, such a metaphor is incomplete without fully suggesting the present expressions of Communism as a piece of raw ore awaiting the metallurgical knowledge of someone who is enabled to "pull the sword from the stone", as the namesake story is often characterized as being metaphorically reflective of. While different variations of Communism have been attempted, thus presenting us with the view that different techniques of smelting have been tried, they have not been adequate in producing that which is desired (like a musician after the perfect note, or a mathematician after a new type of mathematics, or an architect, poet, and artist after a new design expression, or a scientist seeking a break-through in computing, chemistry, or understanding of the cosmos, or am anthropologist seeking the missing link, etc...); because they have misunderstood the origin of the ore itself. Marx's historical rendition is but another amalgamated triplet-constructed wives tale concocted from bits and pieces of hearsay, imagination, gut feeling and overall supposition. While this is not to say his amalgamation is totally wrong, it does suggest that his descriptions are exaggerated doodlings of a nonetheless inventive mind obsessively directed by the era in which his frame of mind was placed, and would not have likewise occurred in the same fashion had he been born earlier or later. And though one may argue this might well be the case for Leonard Da Vinci, Newton, Mozart, Mendel, Einstein and many others described as geniuses, it is a point that should be mentioned so as to be recorded as having been said and not dismissivley taken for granted. Though we can assume from his sustained interest and efforts that Marx did make an honest effort to set the historical record straight and thus create an intelligible consciousness and credibility to an analysis of human commerce, community and cooperation by utilizing what he thought was a scientific approach, his inclinations were set forth in a time when Alchemical traditions still prevailed in so much of everyday thinking, (as do the many superstitions of the past today, including the perception held by some that the world is flat...), despite genuine attempts to produce more honest interpretations by way of a deductive reasoning set forth by Hegel and those before him, that was itself an unrecognized practitioning participant in ancient ideological methodologies, which unknowingly linger due to the antiquity of so many of the words and ideas we use today.
To give but one example, the human mind has devised the concept of a "third eye" to promote and promote by interest and simple ideological consideration of the possibility of existing; that some humans are endowed with the capacity to see further than those who look with their two eyes. They interpret, as a means not only of explanation but justification and thus defense against any who might want to suggest their "difference of opinion" (and/or thus perhaps associated behavior) is the result of some disease, some demon, something to fear and thereby condemn and perhaps thrown into a bog, or burned, or crucified, etc., unless it can be defined by terms to be recognized as that revealing some qualitative superiority that we of today might label as some super, some ultra, some god- or goddess-bestowed gift or talent, or genius. The latter having three distinctions described as potential genius, genius, and rare-genius. The word also has an ancient origin With the word "genius" having its roots with an association to ancient fertility practices as can be interpreted from the following Britannica Selection, which can be viewed as referring to the male penis, the phallus in the form of a snake and the vulva or yoni yantra by way of the Juno label. Indeed, as noted in the following, cults are often created for those who are thought of as being a genius and their places of work, birth and burial are frequently venerated as being sacred. Not only is this true in the case of Marx, but others in different subject areas, with ludicrous forms being expressed for political, entertainment and flash-in-the-pan music-aligned persons, places, and things.
Genius, (Latin: "begetter"), plural Genii
In classical Roman times, an attendant spirit of a person or place.
In its earliest meaning in private cult, the genius of the Roman house-father and the iuno, or juno, of the housemother were worshiped. These certainly were not the souls of the married pair, as is clear both from their names and from the fact that in no early document is there mention of the genius or iuno of a dead person. The genius and iuno were probably the male and female forms of the family's, or clan's, power of continuing itself by reproduction, which were in the keeping of the heads of the family for the time being and passed at death to their successors. In this as in all forms of his cult, the genius was often conceived as appearing in the form of a snake, although he is also shown in art as a young man, generally engaged in sacrificing. At every wedding a bed, the lectus genialis, was made for the genius and iuno of the husband and wife, and its presence in the house was a sign of matrimony.
Owing to the rise of individualism and also to the prevalence of Greek ideas concerning a guardian spirit, or daimon, the genius lost its original meaning and came to be a sort of personification of the individual's natural desires and appetites. Hence the phrases indulgere genio, genium defrudare, signifying, respectively, to lead a pleasurable life, and to lead a stingy life. The development, however, did not stop here. The genius came to be thought of as a sort of guardian angel, a higher self; and, as the Greek daimon was sometimes rationalized into the individual's character or temper, so also the poet Horace half-seriously said that only the genius knows what makes one person so different from another, adding that he is a god who is born and dies with each one of us. This individual genius was worshipped by each individual, especially on his birthday. A few inscriptions even mention the genius of a dead person, as Christian epitaphs sometimes speak of his angel.
To show reverence for the genius of another or to swear by it was a mark of deep respect; hence, it is not unnatural that the genius of Augustus and of his successors formed objects of popular cult. Thus, to worship the genius Augusti avoided affronting the feeling against worshipping any living emperor, which remained fairly strong in Italy; for, of course, all genii were divine and might properly be worshipped.
As with the Greek daimones, there was a vast variety of genii, or guardian spirits—those of places, genius loci, including buildings (genius balneorum, etc.), and of corporations of all sorts, from the state (genius populi Romani) to small bodies of troops, guilds of tradesmen, and so forth. A very curious development is that one sometimes heard of the genius of a god, even of Jupiter, or of the iuno of a goddess.
Source: "genius." Encyclop&ealig;dia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.
Whereas the first three in the above grouping of six clearly demarcate a period of history prior to the present day form of Capitalism, the next set of three portray different practices of Capitalism beginning with what can be described as a period of an initial foray into the adoption of a Democracy. In other words, the 4th named item in the above list could and should rightly be named Democracy with the word "Capitalism" in parenthesis, though one might argue that the labeled "Primitive Communism" should also contain the words Socialism and Democracy as part of the ongoing sibling rivalry that is taking place today. All three of them were born to the same frame of mind as a family unit, Sociologically thinking about developmental cognition... as a 3-in-1 ensemble.
First Phase- with three stages that overlapped and have extended to some degrees into the present day modern era. In other words they did not occur like an electric switch being turned on and then off. They are more like campfires with smoke, flames and embers that have not been fully extinguished. And let us note the absence of such terms as Anarchy and Libertarianism.
- Stage 1 – Primitive Communism, Democracy, Socialism Capitalism
- Stage 2 – Imperialism (such as might be labeled Monarchicalism, Fascism, Emperor, Empress, Caliph, Caesar, etc...)
- Stage 3 – Feudalism, Monarchicalism, Fascism, etc...
Second Phase- with three stages of human cognitive exploration that continue to overlap. (Like three brothers or three sisters trying to prove their worth by different models of authoritarianism such as by way of falsified or phony practices thereof presented and packaged with varying illusions and delusions.)
- Stage 4 – Democracy (Present day or Modern forms of democracy-styled Capitalism
- Stage 5 – Socialism (Present day or Modern forms of socialism-styled Capitalism
- Stage 6 – Communism (Present day or Modern forms of communism-styled Capitalism
Note: it is hypocritical for someone to claim to be anti-Capitalism while promoting a Communism that is itself dependent on it. Likewise, a similarity is seen in Atheists whose anti-god or anti-religious stance becomes preached as a substitute religion. And as a third example, those who claim to be against a Big Government yet promoting a Democracy exhibiting the idea of a "peoples government", are particularly naive when a peoples government entails the entire citizenry which may involve several hundred million people. Several hundred million people is a Big Government.
Third Phase- This is where human cognition develops into an increasingly comprehensive awareness of the deficiencies that Democracy, Socialism and Communism present humanity with and the need to promote the ideology of a Cenocracy (New Government); which forcibly articulates the practice of all three as a single entity of mutual benefit to adopt the best attributes of each. Capitalism has arrived at an advanced stage of development whereby it is viewed and practiced as the tool which it is and "Big Government" is realized as a beneficial assessment that the whole human race constitutes one large fraternity and Sorority..
- Stage 7 Democracy develops an irrevocable policy of equality for the distribution of resources to benefit all of humanity.
- Stage 8 Socialism develops an irrevocable policy of fraternity for the acceptance of all peoples as a merited totality of enfranchised individuals.
- Stage 9 Communism develops an irrevocable policy of Liberty for all to be embraced in a collective appreciation for their individuality and what this provides for the increased valuation of human progress as a collective orientation decided by the collective, and not any single entity who sees themselves as the best representative, the best vicarious illumination of a greater ideal, as individuals and institutions in business, in government and religion have doe to the detriment of humanity with their persistent scape-goating tactic to conceal their own inadequacies, their own deficiencies, their own integrated self-defeating designs.
Marx's ideas are a preliminary. They are not the conclusion of some supposed Universe or God-directed idea labeled as a dialectic framed as if it were THE logical standard by which all of human cognition is able to achieve its utmost possibility. It is not an imperative syllogism by which all must orient themselves towards like religious zealots who are provided a text and are to read it with a literal sense of a sacrificially sacred patriotic duty from which no deviation is permitted, and that interpreted conventions of practiced ceremony are to be adopted or else one can not possibly reach the achievement of producing some semblance of a Heaven on Earth. Such a thought process is ludicrous and has been embodied long enough in different variations as suits the cultural impositions of language initiated propositions of truth which become venerated as if they were an infallibility.
When Marx views humanity as an organism, thus presenting himself as a type of natural, or nature-based historian and scientist, the usage of terms related to nature, to human... that is, biological development, and that which might be described as an eventual maturity of humanity that only a Communism can provide, is understood in the different associations being used along with the terms insanity, sanity, and hyper or super-sanity.
- One being related to nature... specifically the Sun and its usage in German lore to which Marx may have been familiar with in some passing and cultural symbolic affectation. However, this specificity does not dismiss other nature phenomena such as the Moon as an object of cultural usage in antiquity. Nor does it keep the reader from using some alternative natural phenomena which might be directed towards some present day nature orientation such as biology or physics, unless they have a preference for some defined dynamic occurring in some other subject area in a real or metaphorical way. Using the Sun or Moon are rather obvious choices (to me) since both of them are viewed as having a tripartite reference in some instances, though let us include tides as well... and again, let me emphasize that other phenomena of nature could be substituted for these examples.
- The Sun has three "moments" or "phases" or "periods" (etc.) called the Dawn- Noon- Dusk. However, in one description of the Kongo Cosmology, we find that a 4 moment Sun is illustrated as a Kongo Cosmogram, that actually portrays a 3-to-1 ratio that those in the ancient Kongo did not have the sophistication to illustrate, though in their own language equivalency, denoted as 1) dawn (birth), 2) noon (life at its fullest), 3) sunset (the end of life's journey), [and, finally, for those who lead exemplary lives, a second dawn (rebirth)]
- The Moon has three "moments" or "phases" (new, quarter(1st and last), full) or "periods" (etc.) called Waxing (beginning partial)- Full- Waning (ending or diminished partial... like the "diminished" attribute used in music, with "argumentation" perhaps attributable to growth or complete "expressions" of the moon's presence or emergence). The New Moon was once referred to as the "dark" moon, which by today's calculations has a duration of between 1.5 and 3.5 days, depending on its ecliptic latitude. (Dark Moon). While four or more phases are sometimes counted as the "dance movements" of the Moon, they can be aligned in terms of a 1) Dark/Silent/Absence period, 2) period of partiality 3) Full Moon.
- The Tides have three "moments" or "phases" or "periods" (etc.) called Diurnal, Semi-diurnal, Mixed, which can be illustrated with three types of waves:

Note: in the following references to the times of day (related to the Sun's presence or absence), need to be footnoted with the following:
The German language has three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter, where the word for 'the' can change. English used to have these but they were lost. (The presumed "complexity" in the German language can be viewed as an "embellishment"... a type of linguistic cosmetic or stagecraft wardrobe representing a combative or "one-up-man-ship" exercise.) German also uses four different cases, which describe the function of a noun in a sentence, where the word 'the' will change depending on case and gender.
The correct usage of the (3-letter) word "the" is as follows:
- Masculine:
- Nom = Der
- Acc = Den
- Datum = Dem
- Gen = Des
- Feminine:
- Nom = Die
- Acc = Die
- Dat = Der
- Gen = Der
- Neuter
- Nom = Das
- Acc = Das
- Dat = Dem
- Gen = Des
- Plural
- Nom = Die
- Acc = Die
- Dat = Den
- Gen = Der
- Nom refers to the nominative case, which is the subject of the sentence.
- Acc refers to the accusative case, which is the object of the sentence.
- Dat refers to the dative case, which is the indirect object of the sentence.
- Gen refers to the genitive case, which usually indicates possession.
The following is from: Times of Day in German (Notice that the word Dämmerung is used for both dawn and dusk, denoting any form of twilight.)
Words associated with the morning:
- die Dämmerung (pronounced: day mer ung): dawn, dusk, twilight
- der Sonnenaufgang (pronounced: zone in owf gahng ): sunrise
- die Frühe (pronounced: froo uh): early morning, dawn
- der Morgen (pronounced: more gin): morning
- der Vormittag (pronounced: for mit tahg): morning (literally meaning before noon)
Words associated with the afternoon:
- der Mittag (pronounced: mit tahg): noon, mid-day
- der Nachmittag (pronounced: nahk mit tahg): afternoon
- der Spätnachmittag (pronounced: shpayt nahk mit tahg): late afternoon
Words associated with the evening:
- der Abend (pronounced: ah bend): evening
- der Sonnenuntergang (pronounced: zun in unter gahng): sunset
- die Dämmerung (pronounced: day mer ung): dawn, dusk, twilight
Words associated with nighttime:
- die Nacht (pronounced: nahkt): night
- die Mitternacht (pronounced: mit ter nahkt): midnight
Date of Origination: Sunday, December 22nd, 2019... 12:28 PM
Initial Posting: Saturday, February 1st, 2020... 12:59 PM
Herb O. Buckland