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~ The Study of Threes ~
3 to 1 ratio of
"UFO" objects:
Aircraft | Natural | Astronomical | Other |
Planes |
Birds (solo or flocks) |
Stars |
Neon signs |
Helicopters |
Lenticular clouds |
Planets |
Fireworks |
Advertising planes |
Noctilucent clouds |
Meteors and bolides |
Flares |
Model aircraft |
Fires |
Comets |
Spotlighters |
Hang-gliders |
Atmospheric inversion layers |
The Moon |
Emergency vehicles (flashing lights) |
Parachutes |
Mirages |
Sun dogs (parhelia) |
Car headlights |
Kites |
Ball lightning |
Moon dogs |
Beacons |
Satellites |
Sprites and jets |
Searchlights |
Weather balloons |
Earth lights |
Hoaxes |
Helium-filled balloons |
Blimps |
Hot-air balloons |
3 most common misconceptions about UFO reports according to J. Allen Hynek as reported to Science Magazine in 1966:
- Only UFO "buffs" report UFO sightings.
- UFOs are never reported by scientifically trained people.
- No UFO has ever been picked up on radar or by meteor-and-satellite-tracking cameras.
3 categories of distant-range UFO reportings by J. Allen Hynek:
- Nocturnal lights- (those UFOs seen at night)
- Daylight Discs- (those UFOs seen in the daytime)
- Radar/Visual- (those UFOs observed on radar accompanied by visual sightings)
3 categories of close-range UFO reportings by J. Allen Hynek:
- Close encounters of the first kind- (UFO seen at close range but no interaction with environment occurs.)
- Close encounters of the second kind- (Similar to first kind but physical effects of animate/inanimate material is noted.)
- Close encounters of the third kind- (Presence of UFO occupants in or about the craft is reported.)
3 qualifications a person must exhibit to be considered an alien "abductee," according to Mark Rodeghier:
A person must be-:
- Taken against his or her will-
- From terrestrial surroundings-
- By non-human Beings.
3 additional characteristics of an alien "abductee" by Mark Rodeghier:
The "beings" must take a person to-:
- An enclosed place,
- Non-terrestrial in appearance, that is
- Assumed or known to be a spacecraft by the witness.
3 further characteristics of an alien "abductee" by Mark Rodeghier:
In this place they must either be-
- Subjected to a physical examination
- Engaged in communication, verbal or telepathic
- Or both.
***Mark Rodeghier also adds that such experiences may be remembered:
- Consciously, or
- Through methods of focused concentration, such as hypnosis.
- (H.O.B.: and I will add a third avenue-) Unconsciously, episodically, whether concentrating or lulled into catatonic-like moments of "other-worldly" preoccupations arising from and for reasons that may not be understood nor recognized by the person at the moment of occurrence, but may surface into a realization at a later time.

3 tiers to David E. Jacobs' "common abduction scenario matrix":
- Primary experiences- which involve procedures that the aliens perform the greatest number of times on the greatest number of people.
- Secondary experiences- which occur less frequently.
- Ancillary experiences- those involving specialized sexual procedures or irregular procedures that happen infrequently to the abductee population as a whole.
(The above information on J. AllenHynek, Mark Rodeghier, and David E. Jacobs was taken from pages 7-17 of C.D.B. Bryan's book "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind" published by the Penguin Group, 1995.)
- 3 simple eyes (ocelli) in a triangular form between many adult insect compound eyes.
(It has not been determined what these are used for.) - 3rd eye in humans is referred to as the "mind's eye."
- 3 eyes appeared in early fish (called the light-sensitive pineal gland in humans).
- 3 eyelids in the Tuatara, Crocodilians and most birds.
***In contrast to the "three" criteria of Indo-Europeans, the following link illustrates a "two"-patterned reference with respect to the types of Japanese ghosts:
3 ghost types from one Indo-European perspective:
- An actual ghost/spirit that has completely separated from its former host body, i.e., lived on the earth plane in a previous life.
- An OBE type, one in which the spirit or ghost is that of an entity still living on this earthly plane.
- A mental image, resulting from a stressful circumstance such as war, murder, suicide, etc...
3 ghost types from another Indo-European perspective:
- Orbs- These are by far the most common kinds of ghosts that occur in photographs.
- Ectoplasm- This is also common like orbs.
- Human form of spirit.
***We can view the Human form as linear, the Orb form as circular, and the Vortex portal as triangular.
3-patterned UFO sighting on 11 August, 2002:

Approximately 6:30 AM |
West Valley City, Utah, USA |
Excellent. Clear blue Sky. No clouds, no birds, no planes, no high flying jets, nothing. The morning Sun was behind me. |
Walking (after jogging). |
Excellent. I do not drink, smoke, or use narcotics. |
No one else was jogging nor walking nor driving nearby this morning. I would not have had time to take a picture even if I had had a camera with me. |
DESCRIPTION: It was like observing a stone being skipped across a lake and each time it touched the surface of the lake it made a large splash. The splashes are analogous to the three very bright (flash bulb intensity) flashes I saw. From beginning to end, the duration lasted about a second and the distance of the travel was about the length of a 12 inch ruler if one held one sideways at arms length. This was not an aircraft, since I am used to seeing aircraft overhead due to the close proximity of the airport. Nor was this a balloon, fireworks, or flock of birds. If it was a meteor hitting the atmosphere, it was a huge made-for-Hollywood example that would have been an excellent scene in a science fiction movie. If it was an alien's craft and they were using the sequences of flashes to send a message via Morse code, the on- off- on- off- on... can be translated as being dot- dash- dot- dash- dot... which means End Of Message. It is the same Morse code that the dawn- interval- noon- interval- dusk... expresses. |
Here's another example of one of my own UFO encounters (this time I had a camera):
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Variations of Linear - Circular - Triangular "formulas" being used.
However, it must be noted that how such an observation is stated, can give more credence to the idea of Charkas or more credence to Crop Circle formations. If we say Crop Circles resemble Charkas, this gives an impression that the Charkas have some sort of confirmation to an assumed significance or to some unknown phenomena with Indian-based spiritual ramifications. On the other hand, if we say that it is the Charkas which resemble Crop Circle Formations, then we imply Crop Circles have a credence greater than the Charkas. If we prefer to give equal significance to both after reading the above, it merely means you are a reader engaging in alterations of written semantics in order to suggest a superiority of interpretation to what is being written. Yet, a few readers may intimate to themselves that both interpretations may be wrong.
The use of pictographs may mean that the "Crop Circle Makers" mis-interpret humans to be in the primitive evolutionary developmental stage of right-hemisphere dominance which requires the usage of pictures because more sophisticated forms of communication are thought to be beyond our developmental grasp. Our languages and written symbols are too elementary for them to convey more sophisticated ideas because we haven't given any indication that we are willing to evolve into an advanced evolutionary stage by changing our ideological environment which would provide the necessary "womb" for this new genesis of a "hybrid" race.
It should be noted that "Crop" circles occur in "Crop" fields. Crops such as Maize, Wheat, Barley, Oats,
Rice and other cereals which are humanity's most important food crops and are known as Monocotyledonea plants, which have 3 chromosome pairs. |
Some say that crop circle formations are a recent (modern day) phenomena while others say that there are indications of crop circle maker visitations inscribed on rocks, pottery, cave walls/ceilings, and may have even been inscribed on the skin in the form of various tattoos by ancient peoples. Some even argue that if the crop circle makers were present during the age of Australopithecine, primitive hominids may have imitated the crop, snow, rock, etc., "circle" formations with a stick or finger in sand, dirt, or mud, all of which quickly vanished with time. Others claim that pictures found in old medieval manuscripts such as is shown here, indicate someone investigating a crop circle within the constraints of their abilities to do so and the culture in which they live during a given time period. |
![]() --- Crop Circles --- |
However, there are some who would look at the above image and say that it merely shows the way this person worked in their field (or the field of a landowner), much-like the different patterns seen on modern day lawns after it is cut. While some people will mow a lawn in a linear fashion, others may choose circular or triangular variations, as well as combinations thereof. |
Some people might even want to consider that the petroglyphs found in Peru (and elsewhere), are variations of the same phenomena which create the crop circle formations of today:
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--- Nazca Geoglyphs- Peru --- |
Other observers have remarked that the modern-era crop circle formations have become progressively more complex, which suggests to some that the crop circle makers are like one or more individuals with some artistic talent that have been forced, assigned, or taken it upon themselves to find time to practice their craft. With respect to being forced by social pressures, it is like someone with artistic talent who is placed into prison which restrains various forms of behavior that would otherwise lead them to commit criminal acts if permitted a free rein of expression. The period of incarceration acts like a form of pruning shears to curtail the "expression" of one form of (criminal) behavior from growing, whereby a more desirable, less criminal behavior is permitted. However, such development of an artistic expression is only possible if the individual is rewarded in some way to pursue such an endeavor, such as with internal or external praise.
If the formation of crop circles are designed by one or more individuals who are pursuing the practice of an artistic expression and are not writing out some type of dictionary with symbols characteristic of a non-human mindset, we must consider that the infrequency with which such expressions take place in public view, if not merely to conceal a human (or non-human) identity, is so that humans will not bother them by looking over their shoulder. Humans may be nothing more than pesky flies, ants, and mosquitoes that are attracted to crop circle formations like insects attracted to some pheromone. It takes some artists quite awhile to get used to being watched while they are at work, yet many artists never get used to it and may even stop creating if people bug them about their work. This would be one good reason for one or more "private" artists to find different places (but similar mediums?) to practice "sketching," out different ideas.
However, just because we humans interpret some significance to crop circle formations doesn't mean the crop circle makers themselves do so in an equivalent manner. Whereas many individuals interpret the formations as having some great significance, and go to great pains to find commonalities of expression in music, mathematics, physics, religion, etc., as if in doing so they not only persuade themselves in believing there is some significance, but that such commonalities also help to persuade others whose interests lay in music, or mathematics, or physics, or religion, etc., to accept the commonalities as evidential proof that there is great significance, and yet the crop circle makers themselves may only be doodling or scribbling. To them, crop circle formations may have as much relevance to some enigmatic "truth" as do the lines created by someone mowing a lawn, washing and waxing a vehicle,or planting vegetables while pulling weeds in different ways on different days.
3 common references to the origin of the crop circle makers:
- From Earth or is the Earth itself (geophysical/cosmological processes).
- From an Extraterrestrial source (a specific entity or item thereof).
- From an Inter-dimensional source.
Looking at the Nazca geoglyphs which are viewed by some as being merely large size petroglyphs, it may be of some interest to divergent thinkers to examine them from a different metaphorical perspective. One museful approach is to say that the reason the forms are so large, is that the originator(s) wanted observers to see the "Big Picture." Take for example the image below which to most people is interpreted to be an insect in general and a spider in particular, though I have not encountered anyone identifying it as a specific type of spider to be found on Earth:

---Nazca Lines ---
However, if we interpret the "Big Picture" in a macroscopic way, we might see the "spider" image as an artist's rendition of the Earth's geomagnetic lines (notice the Earth is in the "heart" [thorax] position):
![]() --- ISTP Sun-Earth Connections Event --- |
![]() --- Mission to Geospace --- |
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Perhaps we have been looking at the "Big Picture" of the Nazca Lines with a small minded perspective. Maybe we need to consider that the images are microcosmic portrayals of macrocosmic events, whether or not the original artist(s) were cognizant of their efforts as being expressions of such. Or, like the peoples of ancient cultures that memorized constellations of stars/planets by using a type of dot-to-dot game from which arose pictures of familiarity to them in their respective cultures, the artist(s) of the Nazca lines made "Big Pictures" to emphasize looking at the images from a holistic appreciation of circumstances that are "larger than life," just as are the geomagnetic lines "bigger than conventional life," which is symbolically replicated in a small way by the "bigger than life" images seen on motion picture theater screens.
(Note: those that did the actual work of making the lines may have been forced, "persuaded," or "encouraged" to do so and there was only one or a handful of people who actually had the image of such figures in their mind(s) that may have been created by drugs, poor nutrition, or some other means that distorted conventional perception to make the "artist(s)" more "receptive" to self-manipulation of their own interpretations of such perceptions brought about by varying states of physiological changes of an intermittent or prolonged duration of different intensities.)
Here are some other theories concerning the Nazca Lines:
G. von Breunig |
He believed that the lines were part of Olympic games and that the running footraces created the lines. |
E. von Daniken Australian Writer |
He believed that the lines were runways for alien spacecrafts. The faces of aliens were represented by the masks found on Nazca pottery. |
Maria Reiche German Astronomer & Mathematician |
She spent over 50 years studying the Nazca Lines. She believed the lines predicted positions of the sun, moon, planets and stars. It was an astronomical calendar that helped the Nazca people determine the best times to plant and harvest crops. The lines also showed their knowledge of geometry. |
Paul Kosok American Geographer |
He believed it was the largest astronomy book in the world. The sun shone directly down the path of one of the lines on the winter solstice. Other lines were points on the horizon were astronomical objects set and rose on important days. |
William H. Isbell |
He believed they were created by work gangs organized by the Nazca society and that they were used for ceremonial and religious activities. |
Johan Reinhard Archaeologist |
He believed they were sacred pathways, connected to their water source and to the mountain gods they worshiped. The forms represented the features taken on by the mountain gods. He explained that the figures were large so that the gods could see them. |
Dr. Persis B. Clark Archaeologist & Geoglyph Expert |
He believed that the lines led to aqueducts and underground wells. Most of the line centers were along river banks, tributaries and bases of mountains—where the water drains off. The walking of the lines became a ritual and were therefore considered sacred. |
And additional source:
--- Going Round in Circles ---By Dr. David Whitehouse
Earliest known date of page modification: Tuesday, 24th November 2015... 11:04 AM
Most Recent Update: Tuesday, 8th May 2018... 6:35 AM
Herb O. Buckland