Revelation page 6
~ The Study of Threes ~

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ANC Prologue Page 1 |
ANC Prologue Page 2 |
ANC Prologue Page 3 |
ANC Prologue Page 1b |
ANC Prologue Page 2b |
ANC Prologue Page 3b |
Communism and Societal Collapse |
ANC Epilogue Page 1 |
ANC Epilogue Page 2 |
ANC Epilogue Page 3 |
In developing the case for establishing criteria to support the development of a New Communism, and examination of the three rivalrous siblings (Communism, Democracy, Socialism) is undertaken from the perspective of using different models by which to examine the conditions for which they are or aren't being used in contemporary efforts to establish a coherent social self-governing equilibrium. Similarities and contrasts are compiled to create distinguishing features and thus admits to an effort to re-establish a footing for the viability of using a Communism as the dominant form of governance which can bring about the penultimate exercise of progressiveness and not merely a practiced status quo observance and day-to-day exercise dominated by some notion of equality brought about by an equal distribution of goods and services, as if this and only this model of equality will provide the means by which humanity may achieve its greater goals and not merely a global activity of deference to some mediocrity to be sustained by a supposed majority that has no interest in seeking out the assumed greater achievement and rewards experienced by those whose personalized efforts to transcend their physical, emotional and mental abilities come to realize an enhanced sense of self and worth.
Indeed, a New Communism seeks to present the case for exercising a collective effort to create conditions under which the greater human potentialities can be achieved and transcended and not merely mused upon as a supposition entertained by those suggesting the existence of a greater place; be it called a Utopia, Heaven, Dimension, or otherwise to be noted in some fictionalized accounts of imagined disposition by various writers.
Because Communism is suggested as being superior to both Socialism and Democracy... as well as all other formulas and functionalities of considered social self-governing ideologies; this transcendental representation can be explained as a pseudo-religion of Marx and Engles. Though historical documentation has defined their position as eschewing the contemporary religion of their time, their mentality—suffused with the noted widespread interest in occultism volkish (folkish) ideas of what we today might well describe as a "Return to Nature" or return to basics or return to fundamentals being experimentally practiced by multiple professionals in their era— substituted the then-in-vogue language of these "New Age" dispositions which were thrust amongst the effervescent energy which accompanies impulsive experimentations that combine old or ancient ideas analytically adapted to the currency of intellectual activity of a given era such as the highly motile 19th and early 20th centuries... that many of us today have encountered by a time period at both the close of an Old Century and the beginning of a New Century often described by socially sensitive individuals as an enigmatic feeling of change about to or is taking place; thereby creating a sustained preoccupation with alternative forms of transcendentalism portrayed in a "New Scientific Genre" of supposed superior examination and explication which exemplifies an enhanced Sociology and Economics perspective but is, on a psychological level, an expressed Narcissism on the part of Marx and Engles that competed with other flavors of expressed Narcissism aimed at creating both leadership icons and aligned cults.
The Marxist-Engles and alternatively linked Communist tastes are different pools of supposed transcendentalisms. The Narcissims, conveyed by the language of one politically focused Narcissistic endeavor seeking to displace the others as the only god-like reality are all apparitions of mental distortion. They are often exacerbated by real, imagined— neurotically or psychotically entertained deprivations, degradations, disparagements, disadvantages, displacements, disenfranchisements, denials, and other-wise defined discriminations that are personally embraced and magnified into a larger-than-life monster which others come to imagine as THE foe that they too must combat. The language of such political obsessions become entangled in multiple intensifications created... real or imagined... by one another perceived impoverishment which acts as a substitute narcotic or mantra and drum beat, creating a cult-like orientation found to be intoxicating by others.
Interestingly, in proposing the idea of a "New Communism" as a "Cenocracy" (New Government), one of the prominent ideas proposed by a Cenocracy is the adoption of a "Peoples Legislative Branch" constituting the practice of a "Peer Review Process" or Jury duty system of governance, though there are some alterations to the design used by the court system in both functionality, empowerment and how the members of the Peoples Legislative Branch are to be selected— by way of a randomness that involves a personal application of one's name to a list from which participants are to be randomly chosen.
Very often we see that Legislative bodies are not the originating sources for change, but the instruments used by those who force legislators to make changes. Politicians are not typically very visionary. They like to take credit for another's vision or be viewed as having some sort of insight to enforce the appeal of an insight generated outside a legislative body, but they most often exhibit either a mediocrity of perception or some model of idiocy, insensitivity, inarticulation, imperceptibility, and otherwise ignorance to actual conditions under which the majority experiences. Without help from some middle class faction, from whence come astute legal minds, far-reaching philosophical considerations, as well as the geometry, mathematics, physics, and various artistic visionaries, architectural drafts can not be created with the practicality of a mechanical blueprint drawing. The lower class needs to convince the middle class to take up the charge in their account, so that they too can be more fully rewarded. They must be lead by the hand if necessary, that the life in which they are now leading and living is the hoped-for realization of a greater enlightenment which is possible and theirs for the taking if they would only reach out for the brass ring thereof, instead of continuing to chase their own tails in a circularity designed by a system of government that this antithetical to the realization of a talent, a giftedness, and genius creating era of a New Renaissance which surpasses all that which history has heretofore experienced.
The usage of the word "equilibrium" is the telling point for introducing the notion of internal and external forms and functions of equilibrium. For example. We have recognized that internal ear, called the Vestibular system, is used to establish some measure of equilibrium for the body (let us label it with the word "state"). However, what is not fully acknowledged with any definitive labeling or widespread recognition, is that ideologies represent external forms and functions for establishing some measure of equilibrium. The Vestibular system is that which arose as an "emergent property" from earlier biological processes which experienced a revolution, a renaissance, an enlightenment from its predecessor biological processes. Yet, unlike the body which had to wait millions of years for conditions to unfold so that a tediously slow process of evolution could meander its way into being an expressed mechanism by which the development could take place, humanity can create an external environment whereby conditions can be created in a much shorter time frame so that a New Humanity can come into being... though necessarily so, oppositions may be made by those who are fearful of change, just as humanity would be if it could pay witness to unannounced or unfamiliar, or unexpected changes taking place inside their bodies during development.
- A state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
- Equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
- Mental or emotional balance; equanimity:
- Chemistry: the condition existing when a chemical reaction and its reverse reaction proceed at equal rates.
- Biology Dictionary
- The condition in which all acting influences are balanced or canceled by equal opposing forces, resulting in a stable system
- The state of balance or static; the absence of net tendency to change
- Reflective Equilibrium (Philosophy)
- One of the earliest iterations of reflective equilibrium comes from the philosopher John Rawls. Rawls wrote extensively about issues of justice and fairness. He wanted to understand how we justify our different moral principles. Rawls thought that people had a sort of moral intuition, kind of like an internal belief about whether something is right or wrong. For Rawls, the goal of moral philosophy is to try and guarantee fairness for everyone as much as possible. We should try and make moral decisions that are the best for as many people as possible. If we're rational actors, then we'll make our choices based on what's good for the greatest number of people.
- Reflective Equilibrium: iewed most generally, a "reflective equilibrium" is the end-point of a deliberative process in which we reflect on and revise our beliefs about an area of inquiry, moral or non-moral. The inquiry might be as specific as the moral question, “What is the right thing to do in this case?” or the logical question, "Is this the correct inference to make?" Alternatively, the inquiry might be much more general, asking which theory or account of justice or right action we should accept, or which principles of inductive reasoning we should use. We can also refer to the process or method itself as the "method of reflective equilibrium."
- Dynamical Systems Equilibrium: An equilibrium of a dynamical system is a value of the state variables where the state variables do not change. In other words, an equilibrium is a solution that does not change with time. This means if the systems starts at an equilibrium, the state will remain at the equilibrium forever.
- Music Term: Balance: Musically speaking, balance is the relative level of two or more instruments, voices, sounds, etc. in either a live or recorded mix, as through a mixing board, or achieved by placement of musicians in a hall, and by musicians listening to one another, so that dynamics blend well to the ear. In other words, to even out the volume levels of audio so that they do not interfere with each other but rather sound complimentary to the ear.
For example, imagine if you will the reactions of a developing fetus (if it had a consciousness perception), if it paid first hand witness to its development and the changes in consciousness under went accordingly. No doubt it might well be overwhelmed, exhilarated, frightened, concerned or even adventurous... No doubt the person might individually, or collectively with other fetuses in contact with one another, might label, might define, might describe the experiences as a Revelation, as a Revolution, as an Enlightenment, as a Eureka! Both internal and external crescendos of development occur. This is what those advocating a Communism and to a lesser extent Socialism, are trying to impress upon the public, but their deductions which formulate their conclusions is based on faulty reasoning, owing to the fact that the information being compiled is truncated, abbreviated and otherwise insufficiently absent in many subject areas. Marx's usage of a history outline, developed during a time when Ernst Haeckel had developed his biogenetic law (stated as "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"), which was subsequently found to be a partiality of truth; should itself be recognized as a partiality of truth.
People want to blaze new trails because of the possibility. Like Heaven, like Shrangri-la, Like Utopia, or wealth, or a home, or a vehicle, or a career, or a job, or a relationship, or a sports record, or a position, etc... And though some will not want to venture forth, they must be disposed not to get into the way of those who want to begin the exploration into a New Communism... as well as being supplied with an incentive for supporting the efforts of those who do. Let those who want to stay behind keep their governments so long as they don't try to force us from giving up hope or detouring (interfering) from our efforts to create a New Communism beyond the planet Earth. Let them retain their idiosyncratic politics and policies. Let them have their unjust laws and unequal distribution of resources. Let them continue with their war-mongering philosophies. As we let them have theirs, so to must we be allowed ours. Any interference must be viewed as a declaration of war. For in supporting us in our efforts, we support theirs in exploring the Universe.
With respect to the internal equilibrium or balancing mechanism of the inner ear or vestibular system which can be itemized, but a look at the overall ear in order to define the presence of a recurring pattern needs to be identified for those readers who may be well-versed in Sociology, Political Science and discussions involving economic considerations involving political practices, but are only vaguely familiar with physiology, much less the usage of biology and anatomy as an analogical metaphor by which their appreciation of life's processes from an enlarged perspective play an inter-active role:

While the above image is meant to focus on the recurring "patterns-of-three", other readers might want to pursue countering the presentation by providing an image which focuses on some other pattern... but, that when all the patterns are taken into stock, we come to recognize the existence of a limitation in the quantity and quality of patterns. The "quality" necessarily being provided for in terms of monalities, dichotomies, triplicities,... etc., within which exists the presence of the dialectical.
Interestingly, when we begin to identify external forms and functionalities of equilibrium "adjustments" being made to the "state' (society), we begin to catalogue enumerated ideas. Unfortunately, many of these represent what can be viewed as ancestral structures of human cognition and consciousness, in that they are formulated in a dichotomous fashion as that which is expressed in the example of the Yin and Yang Chinese model. It is part of an ancient cognitive model and should be relegated to the status of a vestigial cognitive "organ" (organization). The idea that the dichotomous but dialectical nature of the Yin/Yang ideology is to be viewed as a cognitive example of an antiquated design, comes from the presence of cognitive structures which organized biological and physiological events into groups-of-three such as the progressive three Germ layers and the progressive nature of the RNA → DNA → Proteins, as well as the organization of all life forms into a three Domain system consisting of the Archaea, Bacteria and Eucaryota; though one might find alternative enumerated systems and designs. Nonetheless, one of the overall points (involving limitation of cognition representing a conservation of effect involving an imposition due to an incrementally deteriorating environment that Communists nor Sociologists are taking into consideration) still remains.

These examples of cognitive models are a means by which the consciousness of humanity can be liberated from the old dichotomy presented in the antiquated Chinese Yin/Yang formula, that was adopted much later by European thinks and provided in alternative philosophical forms and functionalities called dichotomies, though it is not certain how much of an influence the Chinese model provided ancient Western Thinkers with, and thus the need for considering the presence of an originality on the part of these later thinkers in their own contexts. However, it should be noted that the attempt to acquire either a conscious or unconscious liberation of some earlier cognitive form can take on alternative trials and tribulations such as the attempted liberation of being chained to reflexes, impulses and so-called "drives" of intellect, emotion and physiology. One of which is sexuality, another is eating and still another is artificialized inebriation that many theologians and philosophers have wrestled with along with various artists of differing genres and their intellectual counter-parts in the different subjects humanity has experimented with.
Let us take for example the attempted liberation from their assumed traditional role of mother, wife, girlfriend... and otherwise supposed androgynous position next to a man. While some practice varying forms of personalized celibacy, others think to gain some supposed personal growth, development and consciousness expansion by way of not denying themselves sexual activity, but engaging in non-conventionalized models of practice. In effect, such models are like varying social experimentations of seeking some liberation through the opposite of denial by engaging in whatever with whomever they are impulsively drawn to, or are drawn by. For example, acts of Lesbianism and Homosexuality are either conscious or unconscious practices of indulging in activities which are felt to be exciting, emotion intensifying and otherwise a liberation from that though to be physically, emotionally and/or intellectually experienced by engaging in a supposed traditional role with a member of the other sex.
However, when one is not interested in such exercises of alternatively suggested physical and emotional morality (or immorality) where mental activity is customarily diminished to simplistic equivalencies of would-be intelligence and logic that have been rendered inert; the intellectual domain of exercises takes on a prominent role in a person's life. Unfortunately, the old paradigms usually come to the fore in that we frequently witness the usage of some dichotomy that is intellectualized via some embellishment by being alternatively relabeled such has with the word "dialectical". A dialectical is a dichotomy, is a flavor of the old Yin/Yang variety of polarizations that is garbed in different linguistic raiment to suggest that it is not a pattern-of-two but a pattern-of-three, since the idea of a conclusion, of a supposed "answer" to the presence of the two is achieved by that which is being labeled a "conclusion". An underlying mental gymnastics-like configuration is taking place which expresses a subtle mathematical formula suggesting a 1 + 2 = 3. Similarly, we are seeing this same antiquated mindset with those who advocate present formulas and functionalities of Communism, Democracy and Socialism. Instead of seeing them as versions of the three shells game or the rock-paper-scissors betting scheme, they are being presented as some higher ideal. Indeed, Communism is often represented by its advocates as some sort of conclusion, with Democracy and Socialism representing either stepping stones, developmental stages exhibiting growing pains that humanity has no choice but to experience, and that there is no alternative consideration to be advanced because it alone is THE WAY to salvation, to liberation, to the greater enlightenment to be possibly achieved.
To present considerations of Communism, Democracy and Socialism, there relevancy is based on an exclusivity of language and models to be taken into consideration for any discussion involving humanity. The labels "State" "Property" and "Production" as well as society, economics and government, must be narrowly defined in terms of Sociology and Political Science. To involve biology, physics, mathematics, music theory, philosophy and multiple other genres of intellectual consideration is assumed to be an idiosyncrasy only because present advocates of the three ideologies are functionally illiterate in the languages thereof and lack the visual perspicuity to recognized interactive patterns with which humanity lives on a day-to-day basis. Like primitives discussing the topic of social organization as it pertains to their specific clan, while sitting amidst a larger terrain in which multiple clans exist. Analogically, this is like a single department in a corporation thinking to devise an ideology for the entire company to embrace, without the members of the committee having an appreciation of the other departments... a behavior which so often expresses the activities occurring in the U.S. Congress.
To simply say one can not know everything and that there is no one having the ability to think expansively in this regard, is yet another expression of those who want to increase the relevance of their own ideas through the attempted exclusion of other views. And yet, when we do give license to different views being expressed, those who are in one way or another selected for the position of assuming some role in the amalgamation of such ideas, very often resort to some discrimination, prejudice or bias that is not applied usefully for the benefit of all.
By way of an analogy between Pancho Villa of Mexico who had no formal education but learned to read and write as well as having some recognized military strategy prowess, I would like to use him as a point of expressing one model of liberation-through-revolution compared to the liberation-through-revolution model advanced by Marxist-loving Communists. One of the reasons, it is said that Poncho Villa left Mexico city after liberating it, was that his ideology based on the experiences of running smaller villages, placed him at a disadvantage when trying to run the much larger Mexican City economy. It was too difficult for him to apply his limited knowledge to "the realities of the big city," so to speak. Likewise, I am trying to convey that the ideology of Marxist communism and the many offshoots, is too limited in scope for an application to the whole of humanity. While his model was an attempted amalgamation of more elements and an improved categorization as well as enlarged appreciation of multiple elements needing to be taken into consideration to be a world-class socio-political model that can be realistically applied in a practical manner beyond previous attempts for using a commune-istic approach as suggested by earlier clan, tribal, and monastic practices, Marx's (and Engles') model, along with their offshoots, are like those wanting to play a child's card game of Fish or Old Maid when the reality of the family life in which they are a part of is a larger game-board complexity. Unfortunately, the child is not yet ready to learn how to play the board game. It is the same when speaking to a variety of those still advocating the old models of Communism and Socialism. As the old song goes concerning maturity: "Go away little girl, You're still living in a (fantasy) paper doll world".
With the presence of an internalized form and functionality of a recognized with a numerical formula, let me again state more plainly for those who have not yet recognized the presence of an external form and function, though I already gave three examples. Let me itemize them as patterns-of-three, noting again that a reader might want to apply their own numerical values and provide their own list. It is not that we can't alter the number layers, it is simply that the human mind is attempting to liberate itself from the old Yin/Yang duality, through either gradient models, models of complexity, embellished stages, elaborate diagrams, etc., even though the formula can still be recognized on a simply level for those whose perceptions and interests find comfort with them. It's not that a pattern-of-two or one can not be recognized, but alternative patterns as well, but that there is an overall limitation to the patterns being used and this limitation is what the New Communism is trying to advance as a necessary consideration to be incorporated into the design which all present models of political configuration overlook. One must utilize the primitive notion of opposition in order to bring people up to speed in both recognizing and utilizing the notions of internal/external forms and functionalities of equilibrium as well as the labeling and application of terms such as State, Property, Production, Private, Collective, etc., with similar internal/external forms. Analogically, the usage of the two-patterned on/off reality of the electrical circuit for the development of the computer came before the application of a triplistic model of Boolean logic. Likewise for the development of the three-layered transistor coming after the two-terminal vacuum tube, and the double-socket electrical outlet being replaced by a three-socket model, and the presence of a three-phase electric service (along with a one-phase, thus providing us with a 3-to-one ratio).

Date of Origination: Saturday, January 18th, 2020... 4:32 AM
Initial Posting: Saturday, February 1st, 2020... 1:34 PM
Herb O. Buckland