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~ The Study of Threes ~
Hybrids page 1 | Hybrids page 2 | Hybrids page 3 | Hybrids page 4 | Hybrids page 5 |
Hybrids page 6 | Hybrids page 7 | Hybrids page 8 | Hybrids page 9 | Hybrids page 10 |
Hybrids page 11 | Hybrids page 12 Playmate God |
Hybrids 13 Economics 1 |
Hybrids 14 Economics 2 |
Hybrids 15 Economics 3 |
Hybrids 16 Economics 4 |
Hybrids 17 Economics 5 |
Hybrids 18 Economics 6 |
Hybrids 19 Economics 7 |
Hybrids 20 Language 1 |
Hybrids 21 Language 2 |
Hybrids 22 Language 3 |
Hybrids 23 Language 4 |
Hybrids 24 Physics |
Hybrids 25 |
Hybrids 26 | Hybrid 27 |
Visitors as of 30th July, 2021

In pursing different topics involving basic functions and forms, strategies, plans, origins, etc., from the different structured disciplines of various subjects, one must ask if they are truly looking at fundamental culture of nature or simply the fundamental nature of culture. Whereas this is a dichotomy and we muse on the possibility of establishing some centralized insight, we can not be sure... since even the language and assorted symbols (in math, chemistry, physics, philosophy, etc...) are the result of ourselves being embedded in a culture. And even if we are at the fringe of a culture with our ideas, supposing that we are viewing nature in its more raw form, others that come to share our views thus help to establish this once external view as an internal view... and those who come afterwards and look from a vantage point external to such an established perspective that was once on the fringes of acknowledgement and later acceptance, thus repeat the cycle through time. It is a cycle like a wound spring stretched out as we proceed along the path of that we think to label as time.
Whereas we are quick to label hybrid creatures created by past civilizations as cultural artifacts, are not all our subjects hybrid creations of ongoing cultural perspectives... even though an individual or group working alone and unrecognized by the feeble journalists who attempt to dabble in history, then comes to be acknowledged because their ideas, their efforts are lauded as being important and thus others jump on their train of thought to create a multi-car vehicle rumbling down a similar track? We then have a cultural activity of multi-sub-disciplines as hybridated models, with different heads, tails, claws, teeth, tentacles, appetites, etc...
Yet, are we getting to the most pristine of truth for a given interest as it occurs in actual nature, or simply occurs as a cultural flavoring of some topic currently in vogue, whereby we come to realize multiple people not connected with an institution perforce to express personal opinions as if they have some assumed level of expertise? And what if they are someone existing on the fringe of a topic as a pseudo-scientist or other investigator whose ideas will become some future established truth that present experts might well shun because an opinion is being expressed that differs from their own? It is not uncommon for someone holding onto a fringe perspective has been found to have a progressive idea or make mention of that which is the trailhead of an important discovery that some well-established expert comes to exploit and never once gives mention as to the origin of their impulse for pursuing a given perspective. Their idea thus becomes a hybridated model from the perspective of another, yet the other is not provided with the recognition they actually deserve.
The many flavors of Communism, Democracy or Socialism (for example), can serve as a description of multiplicity and thus hybridization; and overall politics can serve as an example of acknowledging recurring reversals in government ideology as well as the inter-connected activities of the Stock Market with its highly visible trends of reversal that we commonly describe as a bull or bear market. Political, Business, and Religious hybridizations are creatures of our time, as they were in the past. They are also indications of reversals in action... in motion. Just as we see in the very many dichotomies of mathematics, science, sports, careers, writer's block/creative output, military gains/retreats and static "hold the line" pronouncements, hunting/fishing expeditions, etc... It is not known if this will be the case in the future since the present conservation of behavior allows for such grandiose multiplicities of hybrids formulated as dichotomies (not being described as reversals but cycles)... and yet we need to take into consideration there may be changes in the processes of current constraints of ideological orientation being applicationally influenced by nature (due to the incremental deteriorations of:
The Sun is burning out. Despite what some scientist's say about the Sun being stable, one needs only to recall how many times we have been told that electrical problems (electronic equipment), have been disrupted by Solar emissions and that they occur on a regular basis at different times and places... most of which are not recorded nor even commented on (at least one might assume this is an actual scenario not only with the sun but other environmental phenomena as well). Whereas one can speak of the cycle of sunspots, there are other solar emissions whish occur as well, not to mention variations in the irradiation of the Earth due to atmospheric changes such as an incrementally deteriorating Ozone.
- Solar Storms Are Back, Threatening Power Grids and Satellites by Brian K. Sullivan, May 22, 2021, 6:00 AM MDT
- Geomagnetically Induced Currents: A Threat to Modern Power Systems by David T.O. Oyedokun, Pierre J. Cilliers, in Classical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization, 2018
- NASA Study Finds Increasing Solar Trend That Can Change Climate March 21, 2003

The Earth's rotation is slowing. Everyone knows the adage "The straw the broke the camel's back", which is one sense can be stated as: "(I)t describes the minor or routine action that causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction, because of the cumulative effect of small actions." Most of us in reflection may well recall a time in which a simple alternative word, gesture, change in direction or choice meant the difference between a favorable and unfavorable outcome. A split second here, an impulse there... and many other incremental instances have or could have made a greater difference... again, either good or bad. In some instances we figuratively kick ourselves for making a wrong choice such as on an exam, though the correct answer was actually considered a first choice, but second guessing caused us to choose wrongly. And this may be where and when one bad (or good) choice was compounded by another and another which may have caused us to be in the wrong (or right) place at the wrong (or right) time. Events can snowball out of control (or into control). Similarly we may think of a Domino Effect alternatively labeled a chain reaction (typically identified with atomic particle collisions or billiard ball interactions), or the commonly misunderstood notion called the Butterfly effect, though most people have some sense of the meaning and occasion to say they have the gist of it. However, for the present topic about the Earth's rotation incrementally slowing, incremental changes can take place in behavior, in society, and on smaller levels such as in genetics; which humans are not collectively noticing. While I believe their are individuals who have sensibilities and sensitivities which enable them to see incrementally small changes, they may not know how to label them in a context which provides for them and others a means to establish a working framework and further application for some meaningful comprehension which others might come to appreciate.
It is also of importance to note that the further we go into what we call the future, more slowing is occurring and that in the past, the rotation rate of the Earth is believed to have been much faster; bringing to the fore the idea that when we map out the rate of rotation for the arrival of humanity, we find that it was early in the 23 hour rate, suggesting that humans may be rotation rate specific. In other words, the physiological design of present humans requires a specific rotation rate and that somewhere below this and somewhere above this value, the human species as we know it can not survive... requiring a new species to evolve or humanity to become altogether extinct.
However, new data collected over a few decades indicates that the Earth's rotation has been speeding up, and the reason(s) why are uncertain.
- Why is Earth rotation accelerating? Since Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) measurements started, four decades ago, Earth’s rotation has been accelerating. by Alfredo Oliveira
- Scientists say Earth is spinning faster than it has in decades by Doyle Rice, USA Today, 6:01 AM ET, Jan. 8th, 2021
- The Earth’s Rotation Is Gradually Slowing Down The length of a day millions of years ago was shorter than today. by Nathaniel Scharping, Mar 12, 2021 2:00 PM
Here's a scenario based on the views found here:
When a day lasted
four hours by Richard Meckien - published Mar 16, 2016 02:55 PM - - last modified Jun 04, 2019 11:41 AM; Rights: Original version in Portuguese
by Mauro Bellesa... and here: Planet Earth Through the Ages,
with some added commentary. I created a hybrid illustration tying the information together as a means of attempting to describe what was taking place
on Earth during a particular rate of rotation:

I worked on the idea of rotation rates several years ago using different mathematical models I rummaged from different sources, and came up with different rates of rotation which were intended to display more instructive incremental changes. However, using an old calculator not equipped to do billions of years, I ended up with multiple guesstimations which do not coincide with the information from the above link concerning the data compiled by the planetary scientist Takanori Sasaki. Nonetheless, here is the guesstimations I compiled which led me to the idea that humanity's appearance during a certain rotation rate suggests that the species may be rotation rate specific: Are Humans Rotation Rate Specific?... page 1.
Curiously, as i sketched out in the above image, the rates of slowing do not follow a uniform pattern... that is if we can assume that the rotation rate, despite fluctuations, will nonetheless exhibit a uniform pattern with smaller numbers, or we will have to calculate smaller incremental rates occurring over relatively shorter periods of time. In other words, the above information says that the Earth's rotation rate was in the 4 hours per day range, and then about one billion years later (i am of course using general approximations), the rotation rate was 12 hours long. We should have a graph which displays the 7 periods of 5-6-7-8-9-10-11 hour rates occurring over the singular billion year period. Then again when another billion years elapses, we find that the rotation rate is 18 hours in duration, meaning that the 5 periods of 13-14-15-15-17 should likewise be given a decipherable spot on our graph. After this rate of rotation, in another billion years, the rotation rate is now 21 hours long, meaning that the v2 hourly values of 19 and 20 are not given a due accounting. In another billion years, we come to a rotation rate of 23+ hours. In other words, the rate of rotation is slowing and could suggest a temporary fluctuation or that we are reversing course. In other words, we are at the peak of rotation rate slowing and now the pendulum is going to swing back towards a faster rate of rotation. If this is true and it is also true that humans as well as other life forms are rotation-rate-specific, the idea that humanity appears to be "dumbing down" and towards earlier bestialities... except this time with what knowledge and tools we have, what then will be the species which evolves?
If prior to 4.5 billions years ago the Earth was spinning faster than the 4 hour day, and then the rate of reduction was accordingly faster due to whatever factors we can find to determine causality, and following this the incremental slowings over the Earth's development up to today have a limit... like a 24 hour clock before a reversal takes place much like a Geomagnetic reversal. With the current observations that the Earth's rotation rate is increasing... if this is not a fluke but a precursor to a more sustained occurrence, then we need to include this as a variable in our equations of planetary behavior. In addition, because geomagnetic reversals are said to be statistically random, so may be the rates of rotation slowing and speeding over periods of time that have as yet not been calculated with the idea in mind that such an occurrence is a cyclical event which may have duration periods and intensities that are not known because they have not been on our radar of planetary behavior observations.
We scientifically "scrunch" a 24 hour period into a 5 or 6 or 7 billion year time period. We compartmentalize the notion that the Earth's origin occurred sometime within a given time frame and thus have asked ourselves Where did the Earth come from? or more generally asked as "when did the Earth arrive on the scene of planets?" While it is claimed that the Earth arrived in the 4 1/2 Billion years ago range, and that we then crunch the development of a 24 hour rate into this time scale, we do not customarily think that the rate of the Earth's rotation has reversals as well as stops and starts... or at least periods of idle. It is like having the capacity of reverse in our vehicles while looking at a street light which does not display an indication for reversing. We stop, idle and go. No reversal, though we have the capacity for such and regularly make use of this capacity. Dynamic process can have this same ability just as math equations do, but we generally look upon mathematics as a street light and not a vehicle. We typically use mathematics configured as a streetlight and not as a personally constructed vehicle which may take on the properties of being a hotrod, luxury car, junker, or otherwise. Likewise, we need to look at planetary behavior as both a streetlight and vehicle. So too must we view DNA and particle physics in such a way. For example, I have seen mechanics use expensive tools in a static stop, idle, go fashion, while another mechanic's thrown-together box or shelf of tools in a dynamically flexible application where reversals are accepted as a given. Such mechanics can make usage of different tools to accomplish the same task while a presumed professional with so-called expensive professional tools gets miffed if they can not easily access "the right tool for the right job". The professional might well use a 1/2 inch open-end wrench whereas a shade tree mechanic will use a crescent wrench, a "pair" of channel locks, vice grips, pliers, a socket wrench to remove a bolt or nut, not to mention the application of some penetrant, hammer and chisel, torch heat, curse words, or even stick of dynamite if the bolt or nut are being difficult to remove.
With respect to mechanics, flexibility and the expansion to contraction activity of the Universe's origin subjected to scrutiny in terms of its relationship to the development of the Milky Way galaxy then the Sun, then the Earth, then the Moon and then successive biological developments set to a comparison with geological phenomena; the timing of events in relation to one another that can afterwards be associated with the rate of the Earth's rotation aligned with human observation and recording... I see what might be described as an earthworm or slinky movement. In other words, there is an elongation at the beginning, and then successive compartmentalized compactions from one end or spectrum to another. Such is the action of waves as one might see when dropping a pebble in a "closed state" pool of water where the edges become compacted with successive waves. If not a closed state, then some obstacle. This is what the compaction of time events in a time life of earth's rotation rate set into the framework for the development of the Universe reminds me of... A contracting wave pattern which oscillates in a tunneling fashion as the planets move through space. In effect, creating a type of worm hole that is being burrowed in real time. The peristaltic, worm-like wave movements of a slinky toy occurring on a linear course and not a tumbling-down-the-stairs or head-over-heels type of scenario so often illustrated by animators, so one has to refer to a presentation of a longitudinal compression wave to provide some semblance of that being visualized:

Longitudinal and Transverse waves

In the above image we have the (somewhate arbitrary) values of rotation rate coupled to major life events illustrated as:
- 4.6 billion years ago = 4 hour day length
- 3.6 billion years ago = 12 hour day length
- (1st evidence of life 3.6 billion years ago)
- 2.6 billion years ago = 18 hour day length
- (emergence of photosynthesis 2.5 billion years ago)
- (emergence of Eukaryotic cells 1.7 billion years ago)
- 1.6 billion years ago = 21 hour day length
- (emergence of multi-cellular life 1.2 billion years ago)
- 600 million years ago = 23 hour day length
- (emergence of early humanity 400 - 700 million years ago)
The values of 4, 12, 18, 21 and 23 can be seen. And yes, we can fudge around with the values according to this or that theory. Yet the point I want to make is that there is an interesting numerical correlation to be made when we look at the "magic numbers" of particle physics (mentioned on the previous page in this series). I add a previously created image in order to show the values of:
Atom magic numbers | Nuclei magic numbers |
2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86 | 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 |

The Earth is just a big particle. If we view the magic numbers of particle physics as mile markers (so to speak), then we need to look at magic numbers in relation to rotation rate as specifiicities with some meaning... as if demarcating special event periods, despite the routinization of choices which do not portray these values. As a final note, if we put all three sets of numbers together we get: 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 18, 20, 21, 23, 28, 36, 50, 54, 82, 86, 126. Make of it what you will.
Inconsistency in an activity otherwise described as a cycle, may be due to the activity of "changing hats" in that at one period they may act as a static streetlight exhibiting incremental changes which can affect the behavior of those or that which are symbiotically attached (like drivers are to streetlights telling them what to do... despite those frequent anomalies or mutations which don't abide by the dictates of streetlights or signs); or they don the cap of a vehicle or pedestrian where reversals as well as more flexible direction changes and momentum can be accomplished. A 24 hour period in the rate of rotation may be a hump, bump, or hole in the road that a given driver must decide is the best way to navigate the "obstruction", impediment, or detour-in-behavior-causing presentation. While some drivers may accelerate, just as the Earth is doing, another driver might slow down, or go around the presented obstacle. And so, let us ask, what obstacle is the Earth confronting to cause it to speed up along its path? Is the 24 hour a deadline, a closing period, a time when the carriage turns back into a pumpkin? What is the Earth confronting to make its rotation rate speed up? Is something dragging it down like a headwind causing the pilot to increase speed? Is the Earth racing against a curfew? Is it increasing speed to get over a hill, after which it can reverse speed and even brake due to a large and extended slope with a high terrain grade? Such is the case for the current behavior of mathematics as well, to describe new developments such as a new type of mathematics... noted as being created by the energy expended by those of a certain youthful age range... as well as in the corridors of philosophy, where much creative and enlightening work is accomplished at a later age.
Is the Earth (planetary activity as well as the phenomena we call time, space, matter, etc...) more like the road being traveled on or the vehicle itself... with or without a "conscious" being in the vehicle as a driver or mere passenger? Is the vehicle synonymous with a particle and the road a wave? Is the road uni-directional, bi-directional or 3+ directional? Are natural laws fixed into presenting a given observation because the observation point is fixed? Is the road straight, curved, downhill, uphill, with or with detours and obstacles? Does the vehicle have an ability to change course, speed, momentum as well as reverse? Is it a multi-terrain vehicle as opposed to the concept of "all terrain" which belies the fact of limited use and accessibility, such as not being able to fly, float, enter into space or time travel?
Can the differences perceived in planetary, particle, etc... behavior be deduced by imaginatively using an analogy such as a vehicle and roadway, where changes in so-called cycles and usual activity are like a changes in the road and/or vehicle's disposition because of external/internal events?
Can time, planetary/particle activity be overburdened (overloaded, over stressed, degenerated), overheat, get a flat tire, or have its brakes fail requiring it to take a "runaway ramp" or alternate course? Can time, planetary/particle activity be overturned or take a nose dive into a fluidic situation (like a car ending up in a lake)? Can planetary, particle and other phenomena act as if the driver fell asleep at the wheel, or has to push the vehicle because it ran out of gas? Can the dichotomous vehicle/road analogy be used as an imaginative tool to account for fluctuations in otherwise (seemingly) stable behavior? If change, if fluctuation is a natural occurrence, what is causing the naturalness? How wide a spectrum of behavior will we permit to be part of our presumed "normal range" of activity classification?
If we use a streetlight analogy, do we make allowances for variances in how long or short a given range is on or off? For example, if a given behavior occurs (goes = green light) for a period of 12 minutes before changing to yellow (slow down and stop to idle) which is 3 seconds long before changing to red (stop) which lasts for 9 minutes, if the light values change, reverse course or alternate in a given way that is atypical to what is thought to be normal, do we adjust (adapt) our findings to this, or seek to bring the light back to functioning in a way we call normal, usual, typical or even Natural law?
For the discussion at hand, let us ask: If we are expecting the Earth to slow down in its rotation as it has presumably done for billions of years (without anyone or evidence being recorded to suggest otherwise), and then "all of a sudden" encounter a period in which the Earth is speeding up, are we inclined to think of it as a fluke, a possible temporary condition, or representative of an unusual circumstance detailing a circumstance that we can intervene in... yet not think of it as a reversal? Since we have not yet reached a definitive 24 hour day, despite making a query on the internet asking "exactly how long is a day?" which returns with the response "about" 24 hours (being presented by a Nasa article no less!), the exact figure of 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.9998990 seconds due to the Earth's increased rotation rate, suggests that the value "24" is like a hill that is causing the Earth to increase its speed... if not to get over it, then at least maintain a close proximity to.
The Moon is receding. the effects of the moon such as the tides, churning of ocean waters, and lunar rhythms slowing down due to the incremental absence of the moon, is like processes coming to a standstill which brings to mind a hugh centrality of activity coming to rest in a single place... though that place is a planet-wide territory. other ideas such as a singular world order, singular apocalypse, singular grand unifed theory in physics, singular world currency, and other ideas of singularity (sometimes referred to as uniformity)... suggest that the practice of present day multiplicities will be compressed or compacted somehow.
If there is no external planetary activity stirring up life forms, many of them may well perish, but what of those who tend to adapt to the absence of the Moon or don't need it much now, at least in any current undestanding of how much is influenced by the Moon? If there is no external act to stir behavilr, does the actor take over the activity themselves in some artificialized capacity? Whereas the initial compensations might be large attempts, these may dwindle over time to much smaller expressions as further adaptations are tried and take place.
The idea of humanity "comming together" instead of being churned apart by lunar (and solar, etc.) forces, may be said to be true in the expressed idea of those creating some scenario (such as an alien attack) which will force humanity to come together as one in order to fight off a singular foe attacking the multiplicity of human activities; even though I personally think that some form of collective "horde" is on its way, with its scouts already here in a form we most likely take for granted and would not think to imagine it as a fore-runner of a much greater threat pursuing a singular course towards the Milky Way galaxy. (Like a virus or viruses for example?.. though we think all germs are solely manufactured on Earth... without proof to the contrary.) To me, this implies that those on the outer rim of the galaxy will experience the horde first and this should be a focus of research to detect "anomalies" on the outskirts of the galaxy, except that we do not have an actual baseline of what normal activity on the fringes of the galaxy are and should be. Therefor, detecting "anomalies" will be difficult, but not impossible. As the horde moves inward, this may result in a fusion to create an implosion. And though this illustration may seem fanciful to some, it is an impression I can't shake, however crude it may be in its details and interpretation. The impression was so deep that I wrote a rather lengthy poem about it and activities involving a particular trope of humans. It falls on the hills of two other lengthy poems which do not specifically note the horde, but from which ideas were transplanted onto the 3rd poem. The first poem actually started out as a reference to E. A. Poe's The Raven and the second involved a type of follow up to S.T. Coleridge's the 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'... which came to branch off into its own story about a Group of select people hunting down the meaning of symbols found on stones. Overall, the three poems can be viewed as an inter-generational succession (3-headed hybrid).
- Why the Moon is getting further away from Earth BBC News, 1st Feb. 2011
- How close was the Moon to the Earth when it formed?
- What Happens as the Moon Moves Away from the Earth? March 1, 2013

Now to continue with the previous orientation of hybridization...
Let us assume for the moment that the human mind did not initially engage in mental activity involving some form of hybridization, yet efforts to explain something unknown may well have required the usage of some analogy to secure some reasonable explanation later on. (I am speaking of early human forms preceding Cro-magnons and Neanderthals.)
In terms of ancient peoples, the act of adding a piece of wood to a piece of stone to make a better pounding instrument is a form of hybridation. Because the human body is assembled as a conglomeration of hybridizations and nature itself such as the solar system is a formula of hybridizations, one must wonder how much of human thinking is a reflection of such influences. No less, what models of hybridation will be created as the influencers of nature on the solar system level further deteriorate? Is there an underlying system with a blueprint that the human brain is receptive to if it is prepared (such as having an interest in a subject), and we can come to ascertain what the schematic is and predict future hybridizations... though those hybridizations may be specifically useful only when environmental condtions and the human species are developmentally right?
Interpretations involve acts of hybridization such as in the case of making one decision over another and supporting it with the rationale compatible to the circumstances. If we assume motion picture representations of social activities concerning primitive peoples of the past are true, in the case of clan or tribal members wearing attributes of different animals (feather, furs, skulls, teeth, claws/talons, etc., for rituals or day-to-today pretended emulation— then we see an instance in which the human mind had transitioned into the use of hybridization with intent and not merely by accidental combinations.
Let me forcefully note that whereas humans have practiced acts of multiplicity, there is a trend which pronounces the development towards creating a singularity out of multiplicity... indicating that humans are being constrained. Once such example is the idea of a single God established from the practice of multiple gods. In a sense, ancient religious leaders who forced the idea of a single god onto the public which used multiple gods, can be interpreted by suggesting that early religious leaders were like the physicists of today who are clamoring for the public to think in terms of a single Unifiying idea, or those who are peddaling the notion of singularity this or singularity that. Whereas we once had schools which had students with multiple ages (called the one-room school house), we of today practice a dissemination... a multiplicity. However, conditions may change which require the usage of the old one-room teaching tactic once again. Internally we have atomic activity with its three-patterned makeup and genetics (in terms of DNA, RNA, Microtubules, etc...) which is three-patterned structured, and the external three events (the aforementioned Sun, Earth, Moon), all bearing down on our behavior.
But not all patterns-of-three are actual entities in function, though in appearance very much so. In some cases we have embellished dichotomies and even embellished singularities, and those triplicities which function as a 3-in-1 formula. Hibridization can take multiple forms and persuade us to think one way though there exists an underlying theme which unifies the ideas.
Here are some examples:
- To tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth (A three-pattern with a singular focus.)
- Major Premise- Minor Premise- Conclusion (A three-pattern with a dichotomy forming a singularity.)
- Home-Sweet-Home (A three-pattern illustrating a 3-in-1 idea).
- E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One), describes a 3-in-1 idea if one recalls that the word "Many" has been used to describe 3 or more, in the context of a historical review of primitive counting concepts involving stop and start episodes related to cognitive development.
Whereas on the outside a three (or other) pattern may give the appearance of a given type of enumerated idea, it actually sports something other than one's first impressions. Hence, in this sentence we see that it started out with a Three idea, followed by a suggested dichotomy, then ended with a singularity:
- Outside appearance of three.
- Is something other than a three... thus describing an alternative or dichotomous possibility.
- First impressions refers to the concept of "1"
The foregoing is a hybrid of three views related to a single idea of the "three" presenting us with an alternative interpretation where the notion of dichotomy can be used as an analogy or metaphor and need not be taken literally.
If we review some commonalities of thinking which many of us take for granted, we find (for example) the scenarios of:
- 1st impressions, 1st born, 1st place
- 2nd wind, 2nd sight, 2nd place
- 3rd wheel, 3rd times the charm, 3rd place
Date of Origination: Friday, 30th July, 2021... 6:38 AM
Date of Initial Posting: Monday, 1th October, 2021... 7:29 AM