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~ The Study of Threes ~
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Hybrids page 6 | Hybrids page 7 | Hybrids page 8 | Hybrids page 9 | Hybrids page 10 |
Hybrids page 11 | Hybrids page 12 Playmate God |
Hybrids 13 Economics 1 |
Hybrids 14 Economics 2 |
Hybrids 15 Economics 3 |
Hybrids 16 Economics 4 |
Hybrids 17 Economics 5 |
Hybrids 18 Economics 6 |
Hybrids 19 Economics 7 |
Hybrids 20 Language 1 |
Hybrids 21 Language 2 |
Hybrids 22 Language 3 |
Hybrids 23 Language 4 |
Hybrids 24 Physics |
Hybrids 25 |
Hybrids 26 | Hybrid 27 |
Visitors as of 30th July, 2021

Economics is a hybrid that can cut into different segments and each part becomes an entity unto itself, playing the role of advocate and/or antagonist. Competing companies each attempt to effect the best form of economic philosophy they think will help them prevail as the top most winner on whatever playing field they plant their flag.
If competing parties want to curse at each other, or fight, or spit at one another, they must do so in a purportedly acceptable means and level of behavior (defined as civil or necessary) which acts as a means of concealing the otherwise murderously aggressive interests and intentions. And acting as a referee, the government (or a religion or United Nations or World Court, etc...) wants to get its fair share (or comparable equity) of any winnings while not having to suffer any losses due to whatever policy may be impositionally opposing on their rule-of-thumb characterizations. This is why the Military/Industrial complex carry out a separate agenda beneficial to both and yet is enabled to circumvent the government's three potential antagonists: (The Executive, Judicial, Legislative branches which are an interchangeable hybrid, as a creature sometimes with three heads acting as one and at other times a creature with two, or three or a multiplicity of different (both featured and unfeatured) agendas, thus entailing functionalities which may not be complimentary to itself, the business community or the people.)
Similarly, when those in the stockmarket apply terms from different subjects such as psychology or philosophy from which is derived a supposed metaphysics of stockmarket insight to be bought and sold as a commodity to those who might not listen to a given individual's presentation by which they can make a profit off of. Whereas the stockmarket is a hybridization, it is not understood as such because it entails the grasp of mythologically aligned references to be accepted as a serious form of cartoonized conceptualization and used as a linguistic tool to both interpret and translate... as well as being understood by those whose vocabulary are generally focused on the use of dichotomies with an underlying double-entry in-the-black/in-the-red singular interest; to the extent that defining the stockmarket in terms of a dichotomous orientation in which two or more subjects are combined such as the Thinking fast and slow idea in which the Israeli psychologist Daniel Kahneman is said to have bridged some supposed gap between psychology and economics. Someone else coming out with a view which is defined as "bridging" some contrived gap between two or more supposed disparate subjects would no doubt be considered for the Nobel prize as well... that is if the Nobel Prize committee is not infused with a political agenda as well at the time.
Economics has its classical dichotomies which are synonymous with basic hybrid forms seen in mythology. While more complex or compounded creatures are developed in later eras, it must be noted that there is a limit as to how many different combinations are used to design hybrid creatures, though some may exhibit multiple version of a single limb such as the tentacles of an octopus. We can have a multi-armed or multi-eyed creature, or a creature such as Medusa with hair that portrays multiple heads of snakes; but we do not customarily see multiple multiples. Though they are not impossible to create, and some may go out of their way to create one; the fact remains it is not a "universal" commodity of everyday thinking or usage. Just like the occasion for the existence of multiple gods in the past as a routinely developed gesture of the human psyche by those who lived in relatively closed (non-global) societies, the trend in later times when globalization of information spread forth, was to compartmentalize into a one-only god concept and not fragmentize the product called god. While local economies may adopt their particular variations and labeling, the underlying model does not change though the brand name has.
Similarly, the trend (as attempted before in history A History of Universal Currencies by Bryan Taylor, October 27, 2020), is the development of a single world currency and quite possibly a single world stock market venue... if only the particularities in given environments can be worked out into singular compartmentalizations which requires an alteration of how humans collectively hybridate their perceptions, as has been done to some extent in Religion with the concept of a single God and Physicists are striving for in the idea of a (single) Theory of Everything. However, none of them are collectively viewing the behavior of looking for a cognitive singularity as an indication that the human species is being subjected to conditions which are forcing such a conservation in their orientations, and that this influence may be an artifact of the type of environment humans are subjected to but need not be... if only we would remove ourselves from the incremental deteriorations of the Earth, Sun and Moon.
Though humans mix and match colors, there are only so many colors. With respect to different languages, from 2 to 11 types have been recognized linguistically: (Red, yellow, pink and green: How the world's languages name the rainbow). When we speak of basic colors, we designate 3 additive: (red, green, and blue) and 3 subtractive: (cyan, magenta and yellow). (What is the difference between a subtractive color and additive color? by Ben Davis). Though blood types have been mixed and matched, the overall types are referred to as the ABO blood typing system. (Everything you need to know about blood types), which distinguishes the four (3-to-1 ratio) categories of ABO and AB (within which we also find both positive and negative designations.) As a final example let me note that in theatrical exercises we find only a handful of plot types recurring again and again, under different languages, costumes, players, settings and time periods. Hence, the limitation signals the presence of a conservation which shows signs of compression by the fact that ideas are taking on a similar theme by different writers, playwrights and script writers. In some instances, a western civilization's point of view as a singular standard that is being misinterpreted to mean that a Western perspective is become dominant, instead of realizing that the adoption of a singular perspective represents an unrecognized influence on the human psyche is at work causing the fusion, just as occurs in the Stockmarket and designs of governments which incorporate multiple types of governing ideas as a hybridization which may be labeled as Monarchy, or a Communism, or a Democracy, or a Socialism or whatever is dominant in a given cultural setting... yet the underlying practice is a centralization of ideologies representing yet another example of the compression the human psyche is undergoing.
Though the stock market has multiple listings, if one takes a closer look they might well be framed in terms of the types of mythological hybrids, the process of creativity, or the handful of theatrical plots which are routinely pointed out. Depending on one's frame of orientation based on numerical preferences which may or may not be linked to cultural influences of interest, we can nonetheless enumerate the types of enumeration being used as a tool of categorization formulas of limitation. In some cases, those with an inclination to view everything in a sexual orientation, some listings may appear to them as being suggestive of sexual activity, such as (the-made up-for-this-moment-example of:) introduction, foreplay, arousal, climatic interludes, finalization. Whereas smaller or larger compilations are possible, as an illustration, the superficiality of it is useful. The take-away is to realize that not only is human cognition being used in a very limited way but that it is being forced to replicate the same orientations as part of a behavior which we can describe as a conservation that I believe is being forced upon humanity because of the ongoing incremental deteriorations of the planet and solar system as a would-be survival mechanism with a definite ending story of extinction if we remain here. Also notice that some of the categories in the lists are themselves expressed dichotomies. Also notice that the lists are themselves repetitions by fact of the position in which the listed items occur in the same positions on different lists.
Let me further note that the items in the lists appear to have been the result of similar instructions and influences as well as a standardized way of looking at life's acclivities involving human behavior. It is interesting to see how very limited (or extravagant) one can idealize what they think they see occurring in human activities. Whereas one might list over a thousand types of plot, this is not the rule of thumb most people go by. It is an oddity of thought much in the manner of someone engaging in a one-upmanship activity. For example, you ask a crowd of people to tell you their favorite number which you categorize on a chalkboard, only to come across an individual who provides a number you do not display, as a means of expressing themselves as being both different and unique.
- There are no common references to only one kind of plot.
- There are no common references to two kinds of plot, though the dichotomy of life/death might be used. However, in the six basic plots example, the author refers to the dichotomy of rise/fall representations. However, there is the idea that the two basic types of plot are Comedy and Tragedy as mentioned here: The 7 Basic Plots: Tragedy by Liz Bureman
- 3 basic types of plot: Types of plots; (other types of enumerated plots are also
- William Foster Harris, in The Basic Patterns of Plot, suggests that the three plot types are the happy ending, the unhappy ending, and tragedy.
- 3 types of plots: Climactic, Episodic, Non-sequitur, Introduction to Theatre (Plot)
- Another theory which you might have learned in school says there are four types of plots. Here is my take on them:
(1,462 Basic Plot types)
- Dramatic – the traditional chronological story, with a climax and a resolution.
- Episodic – chronological but less linear and more loose, often made up of separate character-based episodes instead of a single story.
- Parallel – two chronological stories are woven together. The focus may shift back and forth from the events of one character to the other.
- Flashback – not chronological: events from the past are sometimes presented after events of the present. This can be interesting but confusing.
When looking at the list of four plot types, I am reminded of the lists seen when descriptions of memory and the creative process are described. For example, with respect to memorization:
- 2 memory types: Internal/External (Typically used in describing computer memory aside from RAM/ROM, or primary/secondary labels).
- 3 memory types: Working memory, Short-term memory, and Long-term memory (In computers we find three as: RAM/ROM/Secondary).
- 4 memory types: Sensory, Short-Term, Working, Long-Term (In computers one might describe four types of memory chips: RAM, ROM, CMOS and flash).
With respect to the stages described for the process of creativity, we also find alternative (but closely resembling) lists such as for example:
- Five creative process stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, evaluation, and verification. (How to Improve Creativity: The 5 Stages of the Creative Process)
- Six creative process stages: inspiration, clarification, distillation, perspiration, evaluation, and incubation. (defunct link)
- This is awesome, This is tricky, This is shit, I am shit, This might be OK, This is awesome (This list is for those who have more time to image what they think the creative process is than actually being involved with creative thinking. It is like a writer's block they keep circling in the hope of glimpsing some morsel to nibble on. The 6 stages of the creative process.)
- Seven creative process stages: intention, incubation, investigation, composition, clarification, correction, completion. (What are the seven stages of the creative process? by Ben Davis, December 16, 2018)
- Eight creative process stages/steps: Ask, Learn, Look, Play, Think, Fuse, Choose, and Make (Creativity Is Hard Work: These 8 Steps Can Help!)
Let's now return to the types of plots, though the foregoing examples of memory and the creative process give the impression of being plots exercised by the brain.
- Five types of plots:
- Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
- Six types of plots: The Six Basic Plots and the Dramatic
- Rags to Riches (Rise)
- Riches to Rags (Fall)
- Man in a Hole (Fall, then rise)
- Icarus (Rise, then fall)
- Cinderella (Rise, fall, rise)
- Oedipus (Fall, rise, fall)
- Wikipedia: The seven basic plots:
- Overcoming the monster
- Rags to riches
- The quest
- Voyage and Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth
- Eight basic plots: Storytelling in Earth sciences: The eight basic
plots by Jonathan Phillips
- Though the list is not exhaustive, and acknowledging that multiple or hybrid plots and subplots are possible in a single piece, eight standard plots are identified, and examples provided: cause-and-effect, genesis, emergence, destruction, metamorphosis, convergence, divergence, and oscillation.
- Nine basic plots: The Seven...Actually Nine Basic Plots According to Christopher
Booker by Glen C. Strathy
- Overcoming the Monster
- Rags to Riches
- Quest
- Voyage and Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth
- Mystery
- Rebellion Against 'The One'
- Ten forms story types that can be interpreted as plots: The 10 Types of Stories and How to
Master Them by Joe Bunting
- Adventure
- Action
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Romance/Love
- Performance/sports
- Coming of Age
- Temptation/Morality
- Combinations
Let me reiterate the point about the presence of a "conservation of thought processing" taking place in the stock market despite the numerous listings which might well be categorized with a small quantity of similar "plots" or story lines, and that as being illustrated in the foregoing, there are only a small assortment of quantified references being used to illustrate the same or similar themes being perceived and written by humans. The small quantity represents that not only is a conservation present, but persists as a narrative about human cognition attempting to fend for itself under environmental conditions which are incrementally deteriorating. As resources continue to decline due to an increase in population, a greater measure of conservation in thought processing will and is taking place. By reducing the ideas of Economics to an acknowledged repetition of dichotomies such as supply/demand, in-the-red/in-th-black, profit/loss, winner/loser, rich/poor, solvent/insolvent, etc., the persistent usage of the same dichotomous orientation (though with different labels), both resurrects former ideological creatures and keeps alive their hybridated offspring; offering humanity a stalemate to any inclination to progress beyond the usage of economics as a tool for survival and development of human potential.
Likewise, when looking at other instances of Nature engaging in activities we can describe as involving a diminished capacity or conservation, we find the presence of a triplet code in DNA/RNA and that the quantity of strands connecting amino acids is two... though one might think that there could be thousands... yet Nature opts for a conserved quantity. Similarly, cell construction is either labeled a bi-lipid structure or having a trilaminar appearance. Clearly this is a game of semantics in some respects, though labeling something with respect to a particular elemental object can be beneficial to some researchers who prefer to see the world in a binary setting as opposed to any other form. Our human understanding of Natural phenomena routinely cites such conservations as 3 laws of motion, 3 laws of planetary motion and 3 basic (large) particles of atoms noted as the Proton- Neutron- Electron, though smaller particles called Quarks are said to be "three" conserved as well. When we look at the table of chemical elements, we see yet another exercise by Nature to conserve, though we humans can artificially create a few different elements and have done so in some instances referred to as ( Artificial elements.) Artificial elements are also referred to as being Man-made or Synthetic Elements.
It is particularly interesting that in all the Universe, we have only a handful of elements... unless this quantity says more to the limitation of human thinking than it does to the reality existing beyond human perceptions, contemplations and comprehension. In all societies, we have concepts of singular gods, though individual families in some cultures have had an individual god; thus describing a situation for the existence of numerous gods which out-number those of Ancient Greece, Rome, Norsemen and other tribal, clan or select group ensemble of gods. Some people today pray to Jesus or Mary instead of the One God. In other words, they live by a personal code of a personalized religious figure. The point being is that they are practicing a conservation of thought processing. Instead of believing in multiple gods, they believe in one or singular gods for a singular emotion, activity, or group of bunched-together perceptions which an individual for one reason or another links together. In a sense, only a few gods have become domesticated, and a person's singular god may well play the part we have seen in some children who have an invisible playmate they confide in to and share all secrets with. In fact, some invisible playmates are viewed as already knowing everything the person knows because they are always nearby.
Yet, we see a similar activity in the fact that we humans have only focused on the domestication of a very few animals, and that many a garden may have but a handful of food-bearing plants the gardener likes. We humans focus on a few or even one or two, and can provide plausible rationales for doing so. So too do we see this activity of conservation in the fact that only a very few items are used as main food crops, despite the availability of hundreds more...No less, economics comes in and is used as a type of conservation tool of measurement and husbandry to weed out the best performers. Economics as a type of husbandry should be acknowledged, along with the presence of several dichotomies, though various flavors can be described in the types of stocks being issued and I define as Monotonomy, Di/Bitonomy, and Tritonomy. Such a reference will be further noted later on.
When contemplating the development of Economics thinking, we see that it has metaphorically followed the sequence of the "One Field, Two field and Three-field" system of agricultural improvement, except that (as can be seen in the types of stocks as outlined in this page), there is a practice to retain old forms of thinking as well as using later models of compartmentalization. An unrecognized emphasis for relying on a two-based (preference for dichotomies) orientation appears to be the dominant economics perspective, as if Economics (and other subjects) incorporates a preference for using the old Two-field system of planting:
- One-field system; also known as the (Open-field system): The open-field system was the prevalent agricultural system in much of Europe during the Middle Ages and lasted into the 20th century in Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Under the open-field system, each manor or village had two or three large fields, usually several hundred acres each, which were divided into many narrow strips of land. The strips or selions were cultivated by individuals or peasant families, often called tenants or serfs. The holdings of a manor also included woodland and pasture areas for common usage and fields belonging to the lord of the manor and the religious authorities, usually Roman Catholics in medieval Western Europe. The farmers customarily lived in individual houses in a nucleated village with a much larger manor house and church nearby. The open-field system necessitated co-operation among the inhabitants of the manor.
- The Two-field system: was used as an agricultural organization in Europe and the Middle East in early times. Arable land was divided into two fields or groups of fields; one group was planted to wheat, barley, or rye, while the other was allowed to lie fallow until the next planting season to recover its fertility. After cropping the first group of fields was turned to fallow, with the livestock permitted to graze on the stubble and enrich the soil with their droppings. Beginning about the 8th century, between the Loire and the Rhine rivers, the two-field system gave way to the more sophisticated three-field system.
- Three-field system: three-field system, method of agricultural organization introduced in Europe in the Middle Ages and representing a decisive advance in production techniques. In the old two-field system half the land was sown to crop and half left fallow each season; in the three-field system, however, only a third of the land lay fallow. In the autumn one third was planted to wheat, barley, or rye, and in the spring another third of the land was planted to oats, barley, and legumes to be harvested in late summer. The legumes (peas and beans) strengthened the soil by their nitrogen-fixing ability and at the same time improved the human diet.

Land that is plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production. Example: "incentives for farmers to let the land lie fallow in order to reduce grain surpluses". (Definition from Oxford languages; google search term "fallow")
Date of (series) Origination: Friday, 30th July, 2021... 6:38 AM
Date of (this page's) Initial Posting: Thursday, 18th November, 2021... 10:26 AM