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~ The Study of Threes ~
Hybrids page 1 | Hybrids page 2 | Hybrids page 3 | Hybrids page 4 | Hybrids page 5 |
Hybrids page 6 | Hybrids page 7 | Hybrids page 8 | Hybrids page 9 | Hybrids page 10 |
Hybrids page 11 | Hybrids page 12 Playmate God |
Hybrids 13 Economics 1 |
Hybrids 14 Economics 2 |
Hybrids 15 Economics 3 |
Hybrids 16 Economics 4 |
Hybrids 17 Economics 5 |
Hybrids 18 Economics 6 |
Hybrids 19 Economics 7 |
Hybrids 20 Language 1 |
Hybrids 21 Language 2 |
Hybrids 22 Language 3 |
Hybrids 23 Language 4 |
Hybrids 24 Physics |
Hybrids 25 |
Hybrids 26 | Hybrid 27 |
Visitors as of 30th July, 2021

If someone is born without a body part which most people have, we might be inclined to say they are deformed, have a mutation or are a genetic hybrid. Hence, loss of or lack of a common entity (physical attribute) or activity (behavior) might well be described as an anomaly in terms of hybridization, though more common responses are usually of a negative connotation leading to unfortunate stigmas, ostracisms, and perhaps acts by others to remove the offending item, idea, or person/animal/insect... (situation).
The point I want to make here is to include variation of cow's milk and how it is used as well as proportionally offered by manufacturers for purchase by consumers who may use one or more products for individualized applications:
Milk By-Products Utilization by Syed Mansha Rafiq and Syed Insha Rafiq
The dairy industry processes raw milk into an array of products including butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, ghee, condensed milk, dried milk, ice cream, etc. and produces various by-products including buttermilk, whey, ghee, and skim milk. These dairy by-products have high nutritive value and have found applications in many food industries as well as nonfood applications. Buttermilk which is a by-product of butter-making is used both in liquid form (fermented to produce a beverage chaas) and dried to be used as an ingredient. Whey, a by-product of cheese and paneer manufacture with high nutritive value, has been utilized in the preparation of products like sports drinks and beverages. Whey is also used in the preparation of certain types of cheese like ricotta. Skim milk which is a by-product of cream manufacture has been used to produce flavored milks and certain type of cheeses like cottage and quark cheese. Ghee residue from ghee manufacture has been used in the preparation of sweets, cookies, and chocolates. Casein and casein derivatives are mainly used in bakery and confectionary. In addition to these food applications, whey proteins (WP) and caseins have found applications as packaging films.
What Happens to Milk Before You Buy? Most milk sold in stores is pasteurized and homogenized. (How to Buy and Store Milk by Janet Arusa Fuller, June 4, 2015
- Homogenization is a mechanical process that breaks down fat molecules so the milk stays, well, milky smooth. Non-homogenized milk separates into layers. You’ll see it labeled as "cream top," or something similar.
- In pasteurization, milk is quickly heated and then cooled to kill harmful bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. Ultra-pasteurization takes that up a notch to a much higher temperature, resulting in an even longer shelf life, up to six months for an unopened, shelf-stable carton, Andrews said. Some say ultra-pasteurized milk tastes a bit different, "more cooked," she said.
In speaking about how milk... for example, is sold in terms of quantity for general consumption (and not larger applications where bulk quantities are used), we also need to speak briefly of the hybridization in which milk has been transported in the distant past as opposed to later glass bottle door-step deliveries and then by way of using wax coated paper cartons so as to keep the light from diminishing the content of vitamins. In the United States, one can easily see the usage of labeling such as "whole milk", 1%, 2%, and fat free... not to mention organic milk (supposedly free of harmful additives and processing methods), as well as so-called almond milk, coconut milk and milk sugar. And even if one were to drink milk straight from a cow, what the cow consumed in the production of the presumed "natural milk" may have been laden with added-in vitamins, minerals or pesticide dusted grains. Hence, what a certain type of cow eats can create a variation of the milk that another person in another country drinks because of differences in the type of cow, type of feed, and even social attitudes towards milk usage. In short, we are seeing activities of hybridization taking place in many different types of human activities, and not merely fanciful storybook or motion picture recreations of mythological creatures. Indeed, the way we of today gather and consume milk and its by-products might well be viewed as mythological creations by those who might be unfamiliar with such items and have a set view of what is meant by milk and its usage.
If a person is grown up drinking goats or camels milk, and then were told that some people drink milk from an animal called a cow, would not the scene bring to mind the possibility that the person was being confronted by a fanciful creature and tale? Much like those scientists who declare an animal extinct only to be told of one existing, do they not harbor the suspicion of being confronted by a story-teller? Are not tales of Extra-terrestrials (Aliens) thus far viewed as a myth with different models of aliens being illustrated? Nonetheless, whether fanciful or true, it is a fact that the idea of hybridization is taking place as a cognitive exercise which may or may not make its way into a practice of everyday usage... be it some technology or some superstition still being practiced?
Though one may look about and say there are millions of hybrids when stock of all subjects is taking place, but they do not also look below the surface in an attempt to recognize what basic pattern(s) exist as a recurring currency of human cognitive activity. Whereas it is rather easy to count the quantity and quality of body parts used in ancient mythological creatures, discerning the same values in present day electrical and mechanical systems may be difficult for some because they have not been introduced to nor made a personal effort to identify basic formulations... or else wise... see the skeleton below the garments of language, of mathematics, of ideas which sprout different vocabularies. For example, whereas most people have some knowledge of different languages, they may not be familiar with the idea of Linguistic Typology

We do not customarily see different types of feet, or tails, or heads, or ears, or hearts, or lungs, etc., on hybrids. Whereas we can see multiple interacting parts such as when we open up the hood of a vehicle or peer into a cell with a microscope, we do not see... for example, several different types of batteries, alternators, or even imaginative science fiction designs without some sort of symmetry, conservation, and functionality, much less lack of form... though the lack of an apparent functionality in what are termed vestigial organs or parts in the human body involves the need for a broader definition, or at least an appreciation that while there may be form, there need not be an apparent functionality. (Example references: Vestigial organs); 5 Useless Body Parts; Vestigial Organs.
In a sense, hybrid formulas, whether viewed as fanciful or not, can be viewed in the same sense as vestigial body parts that are thought to have at some earlier period to be a necessity. Hence, they are thus vestigial formulas of cognitive proceeding that has not been subjected to a critical analysis, itemization, nor identification. Whereas we may have a vestigial body part that becomes totally useless, are we to infer that humanity will never again revert to an earlier form of life where such a part is needed? Is this true for the types of hybrids created by fanciful ideations which artists and sculptors create?
Conventional ideas about hybridization should not lead us to dismiss the combinations of number references such as 32 + 42 = 52, or the abbreviated Pi reference of 3.14, or the image of Tesla with a reference stating he held the numbers 3,6, 8 with great reverence, or the famous three-part E = MC2 of Einstein:

Let me briefly provide a reference to both human and dog hybridizations:
...Homo sapiens managed to settle in this unforgiving landscape around 30,000 to 40,000 years ago, and around 10,000 years ago, they brought their dogs. While that might suggest our species is especially rugged or adaptable, we now know that neither the people nor their pets toughed it out alone—both cribbed DNA notes from other species in order to adapt. Either before, during, or shortly after their migration to the plateau, H. sapiens got friendly with Denisovans, while their domesticated dogs interbred with Tibetan wolves. And from those hybridizations, both picked up adaptive variants of the EPAS1 gene, which encode version of the protein that help their bodies, and especially their blood, cope with lower levels of oxygen. “You have the exact same [phenomenon] between dogs and wolves as you have between humans and Denisovans,” explains Rasmus Nielsen, a geneticist with the University of California, Berkeley. "It’s so cool."...
...For example, while scientists have known for more than a decade that modern humans carry sequences from ancient hybridizations with Neanderthals and Denisovans, more recent analyses suggest there are other ancestors haunting our genomes. Discovering when and where species of humans interbred with and interacted with each other will tell the hidden stories of our past and help us understand why H. sapiens is the only hominin species left alive today. And we’re just one case—“There are instances where these kinds of events are even more profound, even more dramatic, in other species,” says Sriram Sankararaman, a computational biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has studied ancient hybridizations in humans...
(The Extinct Species Within by Christie Wilcox, Aug. 6th, 2021)
At this point let me note that the activity of hybridization can present us with the notion of progress... just as the word "evolution" or "change" do in different contexts. Now let us exchange the phrase "notion of progress" with "illusion of progress". Much like when a person rearranges the same furniture in their house or gets a different hair cut or buys a "new" set of clothes, shoes, vehicle or house. No less, traveling to some place different from our usual routine can give us the impression of change, of progress, of personal development... like changing our minds or performing some alternative task which is not our customary inclination. It is one thing to think about humans being involved with activities which give them illusory results, it is quite another to engage in a bit of anthropomorphism and consider that all of life participates in such an activity... whether life is defined as animate or inanimate.
With respect to hybrids found in automobiles, it should be noted that the current usage of the term "hybrid" is being strictly applied to vehicles being referred to as a gas/electric duality. However, it is particularly stupid to limit ourselves to such a narrow definition simply to coincide with a commercialize effort for advertising. By not limiting ourselves to such a Capitalistic orientation, we find that the word "hybrid" can be applied to alternative fuels being used. The narrowness of the word "hybrid" by current business standards is appreciably ignorant for our purposes of making an effort to analyze recurring patterns in human thinking processes being referenced as a "Standard Cognitive Model".
The usage of "hybrid" to be solely used to describe a single dichotomy for a given product, is rather a minor example when we speak of all the vehicle enthusiasts who have mixed and matched parts and designs, though such labels as hotrod, funny car, experiment, concept, conglomeration, concretion, synthesis and contraption (doo-hicky, thing-a-ma-jig, whatchamacallit, thingamabob) may well be used instead of the word "hybrid". Different seats, lights, engines, wheels, tires, instrumentation, etc., have all been altered from time to time, creating a hybrid in the tradition of those ideas which were previously noted as Monsters in ancient lore... though even we of today have our "Monster trucks"... typically meant to reference an exaggerated height due to oversized tires and accompanying supports. Nonetheless, when speaking of a standard cognitive model of humans, the idea of hybridization can not be limited to ancient dichotomization of human/animal creatures nor the narrow-mindedness of a commercial effort to sell a given product. However, let us note in passing that even automobiles are frequently given a human name (or simply referred to with a male or female genderization) and subjected to varying types of anthropomorphism such as the two headlights viewed as eyes, the grill viewed as a mouth or the four tires as feet, hooves, paws, or claws... in some instances.
In what may be described as multi-appendaged or multi-talented or sports diversity, we can cull an example from those who singularly engage in multiple events, in contrast to numerous individuals gathered together to engage in singularly separate sporting events held in what is described as a Multi-sport event, such as the Olympics or individuals players playing singular positions on a team in a contest called a game. For example, while we do not label a one-event person as a "Mono-athlete" engaging in a Monoathlon, we do have various Marathons and other team sports, as well as several multi-sport events all with the "lon" suffix:
- Biathlon: Combining cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.
- Triathlon: Combining the events of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances. (Offered in the Olympics.)
- Duathlon: consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and then another running leg in a format similar to triathlons.
- Quadrathlon: Four events.
- Pentathlon: Five events (Offered in the Olympics)
- Aeronautical pentathlon: Six events
- Heptathlon: Seven events (Offered in the Olympics for women)
- Octathlon: Eight events
- Nonathlon: Best nine scores out of ten events; (rowing)
- Decathlon: 3-day Olympic event with ten contests.
- There are no regularly scheduled events with more than ten contests. Hence, we see yet another expressed cognitive limitation. Hybridization is a label which expresses a formula of limitation by way of combination. Even the arrangement of protons, neutrons, and electrons in any of the limited types of elements is an expression of limitation. However, is this a limitation which actually exists in nature or in the nature of our particular/peculiar form of thinking?
We also have the labeling of Mega Event which discusses more than just the sporting events themselves: What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes
Hybridization takes many forms. We find it when people engage in:
- Mix and Match clothes, drinks, hairstyles, music, friends, food, sexual partners, plants, animals
- Architectural styles
- A sandwich is a hybridization. For example, the typical hamburger is made of different elements.
- A "suicide" drink of teenagers (where multiple flavors of soft drinks are combined)
- Gift giving (How many different kinds of toys, shoes, hats, gloves, kitchenware, etc., have you bought?)
- Mixing and matching artistic mediums
- Orchestras are hybridizations.
- Vocal ensembles (such as choirs) are hybridization
- Games
- Political ideas
- Holiday decorating
- Sports equipment usage
- Educational pursuits
- Cooking and baking
- Child rearing
- Mixing the wrong plants together
- Trying to match-make two incompatible people
- Teaching, instructing
- Using tools
- "Junk" drawer, box, shed, etc... ("junk" alternatively described as stuff, odds and ends, etc...)
- Employment
- Dating
- Entertainment
- Rearranging furniture in one's living space.
- Etc...
As a child growing up in the pre-electronics game age, we used to play a variety of games throughout the day and week. However, I don't recall playing board or card games nor basketball or baseball, until my pre-teen years. I do not recall any bicycles in my neighborhood, except for those connected to carts used for delivering ice cream.
- Hide and go seek (or the variation "Three 7s are 21, go sheepy go")... one of several counting games
- Strut miss Suzy (play acting)
- Red rover, red rover
- Mother May I (one of several games of chance or risk taking)
- Red light/Green light
- Junk hunting (our version of treasure hunting)
- "Gondoleo" (a game a younger brother and myself made-up for mystery and intrigue)
- Ghost hunting
- Kick the can
- Fishing without a pole
- Rock climbing at a nearby man-made" rock formation at the Ohio State University
- Collecting Money from a wishing well (near the rock formation)
- Koolaid stands (to sell koolaid on Main street)
- Vacuum tube testing... (playing with old radios, phonographs and television sets)
- Museum exploring (Natural and Geological/dinosaur museums)
- Jumping off flat roofs onto parked cars
- Swing the Statue
- Hoola hoops, marbles, yo-yos (there were no frisbees)... skate-boards (with thin boards and metal wheels) were a college kids pastime
- Sword fighting with sticks
- Potato gun shooting
- Water pistol shooting
- Rubber band gun shooting
- Army (instead of cowboys and Indians, since there were lots of WWII army equipment available), as well as the coal lanterns which looked like cannon balls which we envisioned as bombs.
- Games of chase/tag
- King of the hill
- Mush ball instead of soft ball
- single, Double and triple rope jumping
- Open-ended cardboard boxes were used as tanks to roll over the terrain with.
- Stereo console television boxes (which were long), were used to build two and three-story forts.
- A playpen (which could be twisted and turned), was used as a time machine in an attic.
Farms and gardens are varying expressions of hybridization, just as are experiments when mixing breeds of dogs. However, when someone attempts to hybridize the usage of ideas and words in conversation, they may be subjected to a given environment where the standard is to effect a narrowness of speech and ideas. Indeed, one might well be viewed as either a genius, a creative thinker, or even weird..., crazy, or stupid if those present are not flexible in their thinking and usage of different terms as well as analogies for self-expression. If one has an above-average I.Q. but no one in their social sphere does, then their attempt to discuss a topic outside the expected norm may be viewed as something to be avoided, even if it means to react violently to the person making a view which requires a greater comprehension. Some people do in fact exhibit a type of "super-sanity" in which the form of hybridization of ideas and knowledge which occur typically in a given context may be quite different than those who are expecting familiarity in all discussions.
A person who is experiencing either a prolonged, intermittent, or short-term level of "super sanity" in which their mind traverses into areas of ideas and vocabulary which are not conventional, may either be looked positively upon as someone who is intelligent, or in some negative way. There may even arise moments when someone realizes that an individual is acquiring a greater level of intelligence but that they don't want them to, and will try to undermine any of their efforts in this direction. If they aren't called stupid, crazy or insane, they may be subjected to someone who actively attempts to interfere by getting them interested in or hooked on something which distracts them along a course which makes them vulnerable to manipulation or even personally detrimental, such as in the case of criminal activity, substance abuse or socially acceptable activities which are little more than dead ends, cul de sacs, detours, illusion, delusion or other labyrinthine digressions which expends time, effort and finances with fruitless occupations. Lots of people are set up for failure by those who notice their fledgling attempts to acquire greater knowledge and feel some satisfaction by keeping someone down at their level of ignorance.
A person's brand of hybridization may be the acquisition of knowledge, experience and applicable behavior from multiple subjects. The phrase "jack of all trades" (master to none) aptly applies to the level of intelligence some people have. It may well be a hodge-podge accumulation of bits and pieces of information that my never be fully developed, but becomes a working knowledge by which they navigate the different types of information which is perceived and reacted to. Yet, in all cases, regardless of a supposed "many" or much knowledge, it should be pointed out that all hybridizations exhibit a limitation. Similarly, as noted on other pages, when we take stock of all the favorite and feared numbers, we see that the lists are actually quite short, with some numbers being the overall favorite of larger groups of people than other numbers. The same goes for the types of food we eat, beverages we drink and clothes we wear. And even though one may be a Master at some subject, their knowledge is shallow in other subjects. Such instances reference limitations. All forms of hybridization are expressed limitations.
When we reference a creature with multiple eyes or limbs, such items are expressed limitations. For example, if we say a creature has 10,000 eyes, this quantity, when compared to all the other quantities being used by the different kinds of hybrids (or non-hybrids), is a limitation. One can not be fooled by the "10,000" quantity, since it must be viewed in the context of counting all the values being used to describe multiple eyes. In other words, there are only a few multiple eye creatures. There are not 10,000 kinds of 10,000-eyed creatures. There may be one or two. likewise, when we speak of one-eyed examples, we find the references of one-eyed creatures such as giants, but no multiple kinds of one-eyed creatures. The same goes for any body part. Whether we have a multi-limbed god, or devil or alien, or whatever, what we are confronted with is an overall small listing. Even if we counted all the multi-limbed, eyed or ability person, place, or thing from every genre of consideration since the beginning of time, the overall count is quite small.
Hybridization exhibits a recurring cognitive model of limited imagination. Not every part of every creature nor mechanism nor perception is routinely mixed and matched. While there are multiple variations, the overall count of the variations is limited. Another word for limitation is conservation. Humanity is being forced to be conservative in its thinking. Imagination is a resource which is dwindling, and therefore must be a variable we apply to our equations of attempted survival, even though the current scheme of survival is forced to endure incremental depreciations from the Sun (its energy is burning out), the Earth (the slowing rotation is affecting the geomagnetic field), and the Moon (which is receding and thus affecting the ocean tides).
Hybridization exhibits recurring cognitive patterns, which when highlighted, can be used as an equation to be applied to all contexts. There are only so many patterns the human mind recurringly uses. By defining them and observing them over time and distance, we will be able to monitor the changes in human mental activity as the currency of resources continues to depreciate. If one or more patterns become dominant over those which were formerly dominant, we need to account for this in terms of survival and usefulness... in order to establish whether or not humanity is engaging in a form of "creative" experimentation that someone in authority thinks is most viable, but has historically proven to be a recurringly used dead end... but those in authority are unable to distinguish fundamental patterns being embellished by superficial ideologies.
Will the basic patterns of hybridization either real or imaginative change as the overall environmental pressures change? Will they increase, decrease, or exhibit their own model of hybridization? While many people are familiar with the existence of dual identifies such as Superman and Clark Kent, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, male/female Androgyny, bipolarism, tow-faced, double-standard, hypocrites, forked-tongue, etc.., we do not typically reference such characterizations as examples of a type of recurring hybridization or cognitive model.
All our subjects being taught are hybridizations. There are no "true" forms. All of them are representations of accumulated knowledge and not knowledge which sprung up or was born as it is without modification. Modification is hybridization, even if we don't acknowledge the combinations of different perceptions which were used to develop that which we follow or believe in. Chemistry, physics, mathematics, music, art, sports, etc., are all expressed hybridizations. So too is all of life. All of our electronics is the result of hybridization, but such a view is not a common reference. History is a story of hybridization, just as are the rings of a tree. The internal combustion engine is the result of hybridizing multiple ideas. So too is our action of dressing or setting a table for a meal. Hence, let us entertain the notion that the very concept of god, of life, of the Universe are just different references to hybridization. And yet, what is the cognitive spectrum of all hybridization? Is there only a handful of patterns like the colors of a rainbow or the mixture of fruits (tomato), vegetables (pickles and lettuce) and meat which make up a conventional hamburger? Whereas we may typically call it layering, let us all not be shy to use the word hybridization... unless of course the usage of such a word sets into motion extenuating circumstances of further consideration one is not contemplatively ready for, because such a usage makes available alternative kinds of thinking that we would much prefer to avoid because we else wise find ourselves amidst the terrain of an unrealized territory of existence beyond the conventional grasp of perceptibilities.
Even so-called "pure" mathematics is an expressed representation of hybridization. So is every single type of government. Just like the market place, they both represent a hybridization by way of accumulation and accommodation. No less, water is a hybridization of hydrogen and oxygen. It is a hybridization by way of proportionality. Just like gun powder, and the concept of (a) god. If a god is not exhibiting a hybridization of physical attributes or abilities, then it can not be understood in human terms. Humans think that a god is pure, but such so-called purity requires multiple qualities such as being omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Humanity's concept of (a) god requires a hybridization of qualities, of attributes, of abilities... just like many supernatural creatures who may have the same qualities of humans but in a greater degree... thus describing hybridization by way of a quantitative sense. Some attribute is always lesser, greater, less advanced, more advanced or alternatively exaggerated for a given context. The human god is not god unless it is hybridized by humanity. Likewise, there is no pure subject taught at any University. All University courses are expressions of hybridization. Teaching methodologies and forms of analysis are all hybridizations. Indeed, every child born is a hybrid of two hybrids born in hybrid social contexts.
Let's take a moment to discuss Hybrid food from a broader than conventional inclination typically associated with the subject. While there are numerous articles, which I randomly chose the foregoing at random, the idea of hybridization needs to be viewed in a much larger analogical context of appreciation, such as for example, seen in the writings of those who include information from multiple topics due to the fact that many readers have a broader knowledge than what is implied by someone teaching or learning a single subject is a traditional sense of accepted dogma.
When we engage in the listing of hybrid foods we eat, we notice that some are seedless, which may be referred to as being (mostly born) sterile like the Mule (male) and Hinny (female), offsprings between a horse and donkey. Cross-breeding frequently produces genetically weaker offspring, though we should include the view that even if something is genetically viable and does not procreate, this is the same thing as being non-viable in actual terms. Hence, those who engage in same-sex partnerships are non-viable offspring. They are, in a sense, hybrids due to changes taking place with the human species trying to survive in an incrementally deteriorating environment. As with children, so should we look for an increase in sterile ideas and activities in all subjects. While such ideas like same-sex orientations can fulfill a role, the overall quality does not assist in providing a sustained progress or usefulness for future generations. Changing customs and laws to provide for such a preference of these types of sterile life forms is detrimental to the long-term viability of the species. Indeed, we need to see the LGBTQ for what it is... as a hybrid organization of hybrids, detrimental to the overall survivability of the human species unless they would sacrifice themselves for the good of the species' sustainability. This doesn't mean some of them don't have something to contribute, but most of them don't, including their genetics due to their preferences.
While not all hybrids are born sterile... that is, without seeds, some are. While hybrids are the result of genetic modification, it is not due to intentional efforts implement by humans which are termed GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). The environment, diseases, foods and beverages, prolonged exposures, etc., can all be factors which contribute to the development of a hybrid plant or animal. While we tend to think that a person's sexual preference is due to their choice, current psychological and sociological standards of examining the human condition do not provide us with an exact science to determine why a person is the way they are. While individual researchers and examiners can be quite good at understanding a person, such an ability has not become established as a tool by which anyone can pick up and use to detect the whys and hows a person is the way they are. Personal skills at detecting human conditions is not like a screw driver, hammer or saw that one can pick up and use with any expected reasonable effectiveness at accomplishing a desired task.
Some foods and agricultural activities that are considered hybridization:
- Examples of hybrid fruits include seedless apples, varieties of dates and kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes, seedless persimmons and seedless watermelons, among others. Common hybrid vegetables include beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, celery and cauliflower. Other hybrid foods are hybrid beans, nuts and seeds. These may include cashews, almonds, oats, rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes and most beans. Hybrid herbs examples are goldenseal, ginseng, echinacea, chamomile, aloe vera, nutmeg, comfrey and garlic. (Hybrid Foods)
- In agriculture and gardening, hybrid seed is produced by cross-pollinated plants. Hybrid seed production is predominant in modern agriculture and home gardening. It is one of the main contributors to the dramatic rise in agricultural output during the last half of the 20th century. The alternatives to hybridization are open pollination and clonal propagation. All of the hybrid seeds planted by the farmer will produce similar plants, while the seeds of the next generation from those hybrids will not consistently have the desired characteristics. Controlled hybrids provide very uniform characteristics because they are produced by crossing two inbred strains. Elite inbred strains are used that express well-documented and consistent phenotypes (such as high crop yield) that are relatively good for inbred plants. (Hybrid Seed)
- Today, somewhere around 99 percent of U.S. corn is grown from hybrid seed. The same is true for wheat, soybeans, grain sorghum, cotton, peanuts, and many other crops. (The Science of Hybrids)
- Hybrid meat products are foods in which a portion of meat has been replaced by other plant-based ingredients and more sustainable protein sources. (Hybrid Meat)
- Alien/Human hybrids portrayed in Science fiction... though the "Alien" portion frequently exhibited the same number of appendages as humans do... as well as appeared to be human with some exaggerated quality such as big or pointed ears, claws for hands, some extra or heightened sensibility... etc...
- Demi-gods are god/human hybrids.
- The concept of Yin and Yang is a hybrid of human intellectual activity.
- Janus of ancient Roman is a hybrid theme of two directions.
- Hybrid Beasts in folklore
- Dichotomizations such as the concept of a god and devil are expressed hybridizations. They frequently occur in the same context of discussions. Hence, they are an amalgamation representing a type of cognitive activity.
Some people appear to have what is referred to as an aptitude for deciphering a person's personality and mode of thinking, though some untrained persons also exhibit what is sometimes described as an intuitive appreciation of the human condition... and might well have been selected to be a sooth-sayer if they had been born in a former are. A lingering trait which references an assumed ancient ability is frequently referred to as an "Old Soul", yet because we are in a culture where three-patterned ideas resonate widely in different topics, I am inclined to produce the notion that we have three types of souls: Young, Old, and Ancient. Most have a young or youthful soul, Many have an old soul, but only a few have an Ancient soul. All three of which can be interpreted in terms of the word reincarnation, which in effect is a label synonymous with hybridization... particularly in term of multiple lives, (perhaps) the most notable being the one associated with the Dalai lama of the Tibetan Buddhist faith. However, the idea of reincarnation is one of those ideas (such as god and morality) that religions try to own, but others feel that this definition of reincarnation is much too narrow. In a sense, the idea of a "blood line" for a given human kingdom, or religion, or business, or even stock of animals such as the racing Thoroughbreds, can be viewed in terms of hybridization... or presumed selective breeding... as in the case for how elections and judicial activities are carried out (and yes, in all so-called democracies... even in the United States.)
Here's some links for examples of different hybrids for those who want either a short refresher or initial appreciation. In several cases, hybridization is the expression of a dichotomy such as the concept of a Hybrid Computer which is explained as one comprising both digital and analog capabilities, though all computers are actually hybrids in that they involved the compartmentalization of multiple ideas and components like the organelles of cells. Indeed, if we view a single computer as a single cell, then the concept of a truly sentient entity will require billions of different computers placed into a "body".
- Alternative Fuels Data Center
- List of Hybrid vehicles
- Hybrid animals that are actually real
- What Are Hybrid Plants? An Overview Of Most Popular Breeds
- Hybrid and Distance Learning Math Teaching Strategies
- Hybrid sport
- Hybrid thinking
- Meta-ethical theories, hybrid
- 30 of the Most Mythical Creatures From Myths, Legends, Folklore and Fairytales
- List of legendary creatures by type
- 7 gender-bending animals in the animal kingdom
- Insect Hybridization and Climate Change
- Multiple Mixing and Hybridization from Magma Source to Final Emplacement in the Permian Yamatu Pluton, the Northern Alxa Block, China
- What would you mix and match to make the perfect car?
- 1 Beautiful Mixed Horse Breeds
- Natural Hybridization
- Overview of Food Ingredients, Additives & Colors
- 35 Easy Mixed Drinks Anyone Can Master
- Examples of dual identity
- Sequential comparative hybridizations analyzed by computerized image processing can identify and quantitate regulated RNAs
- Developmental anomalies in Drosophila hybrids are apparently caused by loss of micro-chromosome
- Effective Instructional Models for a Hybrid Schedule
- The hybrid model for concept development: its value for the study of therapeutic alliance
- Globalization as Hybridization
- Hybrid Warfare
- Hybrid Threats and the Constabularization of Strategy
- Bad Guys Know What Works: Asymmetric Warfare and the Third Offset
- Hybridization in human evolution: Insights from other organisms
- Nucleic acid hybridization
- Definition of Cultural Hybridization
- Are Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables Agricultural Wonders?
- ETC...
Is there some underlying pattern to the development of all, most or some hybridizations which can be ascertained as we do for other subjects? Can we thus, when seeking some supposed new approach use such a pattern to create an assumed novel approach? Are we thus looking at... but not seeing a recurring pattern to all supposed novel approaches obscured by labeling, context, language or other go-between medium of interpretation and explanation? Whereas we may be inclined to think that hybrid ideas in different subjects are thus different, are we over-looking a common theme which our vocabulary is getting in the way of identifying? Is not mathematics... that is, numbers... just another language which is monumentally helpful in many areas, not necessarily useful when trying to develop a way of thinking which surpasses mathematics? Mathematics for many, is just another ancient Latin or display of Runes. It may in fact be too rudimentary, too simple for the mental ability of some people who can think "higher" thoughts, but current social systems are akin to living in the ground in darkness?
For example, we might start off with describing some simple observations such as the usage of a pattern involving the head, the limbs, the eyes, tails, teeth, and ears. And while we may say a person has the heart of a lion and the memory of a Billy goat or elephant, let us note the absence of many body parts and other attributes. Whereas we may say the system of nerves are like electrical wiring of a car, and robots are said to be "on the drawing board" to mimic many human abilities, we are failing to see that we are engaging in a type of thinking which is expressing a recurring limitation of imagination. Too often we see science fiction ideas expressing common human themes, with intelligence and the concept of (a) god with set parameters of consideration. If the reader argues that we think in human terms because we are human and must relate existence in such a perspective, that is the point to be made. It is a recurring theme which is a pattern that is a variable which is not actually being included in an equation meant to describe an other-than human type of sentience which is... for lack of a better term, superior to human repetitions caused by the (recurringly) incremental deterioration of the Sun, Earth and Moon. If we accept the idea that Einstein is quoted to have said that “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”, then, we must force ourselves to recognize our recurring habituations in designing hybrid formulas and provide ourselves with the ability to free from them, if needed... and not for the purpose of creating social situations which manipulate everyone to think alike so as to make the "masses" more amenable to control without the use of brute, ideological, or chemical restraints. An example of this is to not let business, nor government, nor religion be the primary leader nor motivation for the acquisition, interpretation and use of perceived opportunities and other resources.
Date of Origination: Friday, 30th July, 2021... 6:38 AM
Origintion of this page:
Date of Initial Posting: Thursday, 17th March, 2022... 12:25 PM