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~ The Study of Threes ~
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The following references were culled other websites regarding the number 3 or have "three" as a focus, though other labeling may be used. Please give all respective authors their due credits. Links are provided as supplied in context.
Scoring 500+ on the GED Essay
by Patricia Wyche Post
Winter 2011, Progress

ow can a student skyrocket from a 440 on a GED subtest to a 520? That can happen by scoring a 3 instead of a 2 on the essay portion of the Language Arts, Writing Test.
Sounds easy enough. But anyone who has taught writing in an adult education class knows the task is monumental indeed.
A useful tool in helping students accomplish this feat is Brian Backman’s book "Thinking in Threes: The Power of THREE in Writing." Originally published by Cottonwood Press (recently acquired by Prufrock Press), this concise reference book includes many memorable, fun, and effective ways to help students write with more focus, better organization, and greater substance.
Here is an abbreviated list of the steps Backman recommends when faced with any writing task.
1 Turn the topic into a question.
Topic: The benefits of regular exercise.
Turned into a question: What are the benefits of regular exercise?
2 Brainstorm: Come up with 10-20 answers to the question.
Write down every answer that comes to mind without comment or criticism.
3 State the answer in threes.
Essay answer: There are three important benefits of regular exercise.
4 Think about details, examples, or rationale to support each idea or answer. The support must meet three criteria: It should be relevant, specific, and varied.
5 Choose three ideas that are the easiest to support. Put them in order.
If the answer requires sequencing, use transitional words that suggest time.
If the answer asks for a description, start describing from one particular location, then systematically move from one point to another, describing each area in succession.
If the answer calls for reasons, effects, or qualities (as this question does), arrange the ideas from least important to most important.
6 Write a thesis statement that is a three - pronged, parallel, preview of the paper. (These terms are carefully explained in Thinking in Threes.)
There are three important benefits of regular exercise. Exercising improves a person’s health, it improves a person’s looks and it improves a person’s attitude.
The basic outline is now created. The thesis statement, along with an ample supply of ideas generated from brainstorming, forms the skeleton of the essay.
7 The first paragraph is the Introduction, but do not write it first. Since the paper has not been scripted, an introduction cannot be written. Skip a few lines and come back to this.
8 Write the body of the essay, following this pattern:
- Give details about the first idea in the first paragraph of the body.
Most significantly, exercising improves health because it is good for the heart, the lungs, and the immune system. Studies have shown regular exercise lowers the risk of heart attack. Along those same lines, some doctors have prescribed exercise rather than high blood pressure medicine.
- Explain the second idea in the second body paragraph.
Additionally, exercising improves looks. Excess weight comes off, so clothes fit better. When muscles are stronger, posture improves. And when posture improves, a brisk peppiness in the step causes a person to appear youthful and vigorous.
- Support the third idea in the third body paragraph.
Most importantly, exercising almost immediately improves a person's attitude. After a stressful day at work, having a change of scenery by running, jogging or playing basketball with friends gets a person's mind off his worries and helps him refocus. This turns an otherwise difficult day into a fun-filled evening.
9 Write the introduction. Briefly state the three ideas in the order presented in the paper.
In today's youthful culture, everyone wants to live longer, more productive lives. Exercising is one the most beneficial ways to get more out of life. Many who have tried it have found that exercising improves their health, their looks, and their attitude.
10 Write the conclusion as the fifth paragraph. Reference each idea that was mentioned in the introduction, using slightly different wording. Do not add any new ideas in the concluding paragraph.
With all these benefits and more, it is no wonder that more and more people are finding the elusive "fountain of youth" through exercising. As a result, their lives are healthier, happier and fuller because they chose to exercise.
After learning the Thinking in Threes process, students approach their writing assignments with much more confidence. Armed with a strategy, their writing becomes more focused, organized, and meaningful. And, in the long run, learning to write well will mean much more than an additional point on the GED essay.
Patricia Wyche Post is an adult education teacher with the Norfolk Even Start Family Literacy Program.
H.O.B. note: G.E.D. essay graders were taught to recognize the usage of a three-patterned organizational format that Education systems in the U.S. (and elsewhere) utilize... though the recognition may be clothed in expecting certain content patterns to be portrayed which overlay the underlying sought-for basic three-part scaffolding. It is a syllogistic (Major Premise - Minor Premise - Conclusion/ Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis) formula that most readers and writers are not necessarily conscious of, but make some "semblematic" (semblance) effort thereof (thereto). The "Thinking in Threes" methodology is but one means of assisting a writer to make a conscious effort at utilizing even if they remain, for the most part, unaware of the underlying syllogistic alignment... For "Threesological" research, the overlaying content very often resembles the various camouflaging techniques used by life forms. And as such, life forms themselves are a type of camouflage for the underlying triplet pattern DNA which is, itself, a type of camouflage for the underlying three-patterned atomic structure.

There are 3 basic types of question:
- Yes/No Questions (the answer to the question is "Yes" or "No")
- Question Word Questions (the answer to the question is "Information")
- Choice Questions (the answer to the question is "in the question")
1. Yes/No Questions
Auxiliary verb | Subject | Main verb | Answer Yes or No | |
Do | you | want | dinner? | Yes, I do. |
Can | you | drive? | No, I can't. | |
Has | she | finished | her work? | Yes, she has. |
Did | they | go | home? | No, they didn't. |
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past | ||||
Is | Anne | French? | Yes, she is. | |
Was | Ram | at home? | No, he wasn't. |
2. Question Word Questions
Question Word | Auxiliary verb | Subject | Main verb | Answer Information | |
Where | do | you | live? | In Paris. | |
When | will | we | have | lunch? | At 1pm. |
Who(m) | did | she | meet? | She met Ram. | |
Who | has | run | out? | Ati has run out. | |
Who* | ran | out? | Ati ran out. | ||
Why | hasn't | Tara | done | it? | Because she can't. |
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past | |||||
Where | is | Bombay? | In India. | ||
How | was | she? | Very well. |
*When who is subject there is normally no auxiliary verb in past simple and present simple.
3. Choice Questions
auxiliary verb | subject | main verb | OR | Answer In the question | ||
Do | you | want | tea | or | coffee? | Coffee, please. |
Will | we | meet | John | or | James? | John. |
Did | she | go | to London | or | New York? | She went to London. |
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past | ||||||
Is | your car | white | or | black? | It's black. | |
Were | they | $15 | or | $50? | $15. |
These pages show the three basic types of question. There are other types of question, for example:
H.O.B. note: One might want to argue, on philosophical grounds that while the basic Verb can be portrayed in a dichotomous (two-patterned) past and present profile, a third "future" perspective might instantiate, at the very least, a consideration for defining a "two" and "three" orientation. No less, the usage of the "Exception" examples might also lead one to further consider that there is a 3 to 1 ratio (alternative) description. (The 3 basic sentence types to 1 exception.) Three to One ratios abound in a variety of subject areas, though not readily recognized. The following link provides some examples:
ASK ( |
Home All Categories Education & Reference Words & Wordplay Resolved Question |
I have always heard the adage that things happen in threes. Deaths, 3rd times a charm, etc., can you think of any more?
Question/Statement posed by Variety51602008-03-17 08:13:58
Best answer (out of 6), chosen by asker:
Answer provided by Yaybob:
3 Billy Goats Gruff3 Coins in a Fountain
3 French Hens (song)
3 Days of the Condor
3 Bones in the Human Ear
3 Miles in a League
3 Old King Cole's Fiddlers
3 Bronte sisters (Charlotte, Emily, Anne)
3 Goals in a Hat Trick (hockey)
3 Little Pigs
3 Bears in Goldilocks
3 Sheets to the Wind
3 Times a Lady
3 Minute Egg
3 Piece Suit
3 Feet in a Yard
3 Books in Lord of the Rings
3 Ring Circus
3 Ships of Christopher Columbus
3 Sheets to the Wind
3 Books in a Trilogy
3 Witches in Macbeth
3 Heads on the Dog Cerberus
3 Little Kittens They Lost Their Mittens
3 Wheels on a Tricycle
3 Stooges
3 Blind Mice
3 Wise Men
3 Legged Race
3 Ring Circus
3 Wheeler
3 Point Landing
3 Cheers
3 Strikes & You're Out
3 Cornered Hat
3 Is A Crowd
3 Dimensional
3 Faces of Eve
3 Mile Island
3 Musketeers
3 R's
3rd time's a charm
3 Cheers
3 Bee Gees
3 Branches of US Federal govt (RIP)
3 Sides of a triangle
3 Capitals of South Africa
3 Races in the Triple Crown (horse racing)
3 Angles in a Triangle
3 Cousins of Donald Duck: Huey, Dewey and Louie
3 Dog Night
3 Ring Circus
3 Alous (Matty, Jesus and Felipe)
3 Kennedys (John, Robert and Teddy)
3 Trimesters in a Pregnancy
3 Flavors in Neapolitan Ice Cream
3 Bean Salad
3 To Get Ready (and four to go)
3 Stars in Orion’s belt
3 Parts To An Atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
3 Caloric Sources: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins
3 Quarks in a Baryon.
3 Primary hues in white light red, green, and blue.
3 Parts to the Personality: Id. Ego, super-ego
3 Earth Divisions: Core, Mantle, Crust.
3 Rock Formations: Igneous- Metamorphic- Sedimentary.
3 Times A Lady
3 Bags Full in Baa Baa Black Sheep
3 Barleycorns in an Inch
3 Hands on a Clock (with the Seconds Hand)
3 Is a Crowd
3 King Lear's Daughters (Regan, Goneril and Cordelia)
3 Colors in the Flag
3 Legged Race
3 Men and a Baby (movie)
3 Minute Egg
3 Card Monte
3 Great Pyramids at Giza
3 on a Match
3 Point Basket
3 Miles in a League
3 Men in a Tub Rub a Dub Dub
3 Holes in a Bowling Ball
3 Balls on a Pawn Brokers Sign
3 Colours in a Set of Traffic Lights
3 Lines in a Haiku Poem
3 Life lines in Who Wants to be a Millionaire
3 Leaves on a Shamrock
3 Minutes in a Boxing Round
3 Scruples in a Dram
3 Teaspoons in a Tablespoon
3 Valves on a Trumpet
3 Shakes of a Tail
3 Megajoules in a Kilowatt Hour
3 Laws of Motion
3 Legs on a Milking Stool
3 Monastic Vows (Poverty, Chastity and Obedience)
3 Points for a Field Goal in (American) Football
3 Penny Opera
3 Ring Circus
3 Wise Men, Casper, Melchior, Balthasar
3 Tenors (Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti)
3 Gorgons (Medusa, Stheno and Euryale)
3 Greek Fates Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
3 Roman Graces: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia.
3 Parts to a Chimera: Lion Head, Goat Body, SnakeTail
3 Roman Furies Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone
3 Greek Harpies: Aello, Ocypete, and Celaeno.
3 Times Peter denied Christ.
3 Body Types: Endomorph, Mesomorph, Ectomorph
3 Ring Notebooks
3 Notes in a Triad (chord)
3 Bases in a Codon
3 Domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucaryota
3 Germ layers: Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm
3 Species of Homo: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens
Cu*m Laude, Magna Cu*m Laude, and Suma Cu*m Laude
Frankencense, Gold and Myrrh
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Hegel’s Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Of the People, By the People, For the People
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Faith, Hope and Charity
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Paper, Rock, Scissors
Peter Paul and Mary
Winken, Blinken, and Nod
Snap, Crack, and Pop
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Small, Medium and Large
Alvin, Simon and Theodore (chipmunks)
Ready, Aim, Fire
On Your mark, Get Set, Go
3C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3C may refer to:
In astronomy:
- 3C, the Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources, an astronomical reference series
In business:
- 3C Network (, the Consumers, Contractors & Carriers Network in the U.S. Roofing Industry
- Long March 3C, a 2008 Chinese orbital rocket
- 3C Records, a record label
- 3C (radio), a defunct digital radio station
- Team 3C Casalinghi Jet Androni Giocattoli, a defunct Italian professional cycling team
- 3C, the IATA code for defunct American airline RegionsAir
- 3C Certificate(China), China Compulsory Certification
- 3C Product(China), Computer, Communication & Consumter-Electronics products
In computing:
- Three Cs (Compulsory, Capacity, and Conflict), three categories of CPU cache misses
- 3C, or Computer Control Company, Inc., a pioneering minicomputer company (1953–1966)
- Agile model: 3C (Card, Conversation, Confirmation)
In genetics:
- Alpha-tubulin 3C, a human gene
- 3C, or Chromosome conformation capture, a technique used in molecular biology
In places:
- Stalag III-C, a German Army World War II POW camp for Allied soldiers near Alt-Drewitz
See also
Updated Posting: Saturday, 17-June-2007... 4:28 PM
Newest Update: Sunday, 04- August -2019... 1:12 PM
Herb O. Buckland