page D

Researchers as of 12/2/2019
Pages in the Language Threes series | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | A | B |
C | D | E | F | G | H |
Some expressions have different spellings of which I provide only a few examples. Other expressions can be found in a variety of contexts (movies, magazines, conversations, radio, television game shows, Billboards, etc...) enabling the usage of the different genders. And still other expressions may have slang characterizations based on mood, time of day, age and gender of whomever is speaking, to whom spoken, etc... Some of the examples are new, others are old, and still others may or may not have widespread familiarity. There are some examples that may be culturally specific or era specific that could be mis-defined, such as:
- All fired up- generally means angered, but can also mean heightened enthusiasm.
- Fly by night- refers to a person who does things in a stealthily manner.
- You're outta' gas- meaning out of petrol or out of energy/supplies/answers/excuses, etc.
It is also a common practice to use the word "she" in much the same manner as one would use the word "it" when referring to a non animate entity such as a land/water/air vehicle, storm, or anomalous condition with respect to an uncommon circumstance such as to say "She's coming down!" when a cave in is occurring.
You will have to use your own imagination when substituting I, You, We, They, Us, Them, Me, Ours, Theirs, He, She, It, etc., in the various examples, though I do provide a few representations of these variations. And yes, I do take expressions out of context. You will also have to alter punctuation endings since many expressions are interchangeable as questions, exclamations, or simple statements. It should also be mentioned that many of the expressions are placed in the list because they appear to be part of a widespread, collectively used repertoire of repeatedly used utterances as determined by my own experiences, though some readers have different experiences (and memories) that would influence them to create a different form of list... if they were so inclined to make one. Also, some of the examples are the result of mispronounced expressions made by those who do not speak English well... for whatever reason.
In some instance we might hear a 3-patterned expression such as "Your Lucky Day" while at another time we might hear "It's your lucky day." The deletion or addition of the first word "It's" would make the 3-patterned example a 1 to 3 (3 to 1) ratio. Instead of making a list of such examples, I have been using the ... (3 dots/ellipses) to indicate that, on occasion, there may be one or more additional words or that the expression is sometimes heard in a type of isolated moment from a larger expression.
However, let me provide a few examples. (Remember that the first word is sometimes deleted when the rest is being expressed).
And- many happy returns
And- your point is?
Do- the decent thing
Do- you believe me?
Do- you miss it?
Hello!- How are you?
Hi!- How are you?
I- didn't see anyone
I- didn't think so
I- don't need any
I- guess you're right
I- haven't the foggiest
I- hope your right
I- love the house, coat, car, shoes, etc...
I- made you look
I- told you so
I'd- be happy to
I'll- be glad to
I'm- an innocent bystander
I'm- just killing time
It- could have been
It- looks like it
It- must have been
It- seems that way
It- sounds about right
It- sounds like it
It- takes all kinds
It- works for me
It's- a safe bet
It's- a sure bet
It's- about the same
It's- all for nothing
It's- always a pleasure
It's- good to go
It's- hard to say
It's- hardly worth mentioning
It's- in the bag
It's- just a name
It's- new to me
It's- not fast enough
It's- not my job
It's- not a problem
It's- not my/our problem
It's- not worth it
It's- on the house
It's- out of bounds
It's- plain and simple
It's- so screwed up
It's- strictly hands on/off
It's- such a shame
Let's- check it out
Of- course I can
Of- course I have
Of- course I'm right
Of- course I'm sure
OH- but I do
God- Bless her/his/Their soul
God- Rest her/his/Their soul
Let's- see what happens
See,- I told you
She's- a woman scorned
So,- we meet again
Someone/Somebody- get the phone
The- game is over (this also has a two-part reference: game over)
There's- nothing like it
They're- fussin' and fightin'
Well,- I never did
Well- maybe it is
We're- good to go
What's- fair is fair
Why?- What's going on?
Yeah,- I guess so
You- better watch out
You- and who else?
It must also be noted that I am not including those references which include 3-patterned expressions that involve in part, or in whole, a non-verbal activity. For example, someone might shake their head twice before saying no! Another person might do the same for a reply of yes! Another example would be a person waving goodbye three times. Another might shrug their shoulders, roll their eyes, make a face, or exhibit some subtle physiological response such as a muscle twitch, change in blood pressure, etc...
There are other three-part reference expressions that re-occur on a frequent basis in movies, which may or may not be a part of contemporary linguistic utterances. For example, "The Drawing Room" can sometimes be heard in some old movies as a reference to a place one or more others are being directed to. Another, more contemporary (in America) re-occurring phrase is "The Back Yard" or "The Front Yard." While there are accompanying words in which these expressions make up a sentence, they are nonetheless composites of re-occurrences that should be given mention.
You will notice that there are three dot "ellipsis" accompanying some of the expressions. This indicates that the recurring phrase generally occurs with one or more ideas that may or may not be fully articulated. For example, someone listening to another person discuss one or another topic may comment "You don't say." While some readers may want to include the three dots will all the forthcoming expressions, I did for just a few in order to let the reader know that recurring three-part phrases may be accompanied by one or more other topics, depending on time, place, and persons involved.
Aaw, don't cry ...A fresh start A God Send A has been A little help!... A little longer A living legend A lone wolf A- lot better A mere formality A never was A perfect fit A real hero A real winner A wiser heart A walk-in closet A wise choice A woman's intuition ...A woman scorned A year later... Abort the mission ...About the same Accidents can happen Accidents do happen Accidents will happen Action at last Afraid of what? ...After a fashion After the fact ...Against my will Age before beauty Age Breeds Aches Ahh, together again Ai Yi Yi! Alive and Kicking All but finished All by myself All engines stop All Fired up All for nothing All I'm saying All in All All in time All is forgiven All is lost All is well All my life All of 'em All of it All of them All of you All of us All or Nothing All right All right All right All set now All the time All the way All these things All these years All things considered... All this time All too brief All too often All you want Allah is good Allah is Great Allah is Halla Almost too perfect Almost too perfectly Alright, be careful Alright, come inside Alright, go on Alright good work Alright, I promise Alright, I'm going Alright, let's go Alright, they're coming Alright, we're off Alright, you too Always a pleasure Am I interrupting? Am I right? Am I wrong? Amen to that An empty box An empty bucket An empty can An empty life innocent bystander unhappy boy unhappy girl unhappy man unhappy woman awkward age ...and all that And another thing... And everything else And in return? And that's final And that's it??? And that's that ...And then some ...And to you And we will And with you? And Why Not? And you will And you're alive Another lovely evening Answer my question Answer the question! Answer the phone Any day now Any further questions? Any last request? Any more questions Any other questions? Anything else ma'am? Anything else sir? Anything is possible Anything you say Anything you want ...Apparently I can't Approach with caution Are they alright? Are they asleep? Are they awake? Are they done? Are they OK? Are they through? Are we clear? Are we good? Are we set? Are you afraid? Are you alright? Are you asleep? Are you awake? Are you blind? Are you certain? Are you coming? Are you comfortable? Are You Crazy? Are you crying? Are you dead? Are you done? Are you dumb? Are you dying? Are you free? Are you going? Are you guilty? Are you happy? Are you hungry? Are you hurt? Are you IN? Are you kidding? Are you leaving? Are you lonely? Are you mad (crazy)? Are you married? Are You Nuts? Are you OK? Are you prepared? Are you ready? Are you right? Are you satisfied!? Are you scared? Are you serious? Are you set? Are you sorry? Are you stranded? Are you stupid? Are you suggesting...? Are you sure? Are you thirsty? Are you through? Are you tired? Are you up? Are you wrong? Are we done? Are we ready? Are we there? Are we through? Aren't they now Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you coming? Aren't you done? Aren't you finished? Aren't (ya)you going? Aren't you hungry? Aren't you ready? Aren't you scared? Aren't you sore? Aren't you sweet Aren't you thirsty? Aren't your tired? Around the corner Art Imitates Nature As am I As are you As do I As you are As you like As you please As you were As you will As you wish Ask my aunt Ask my brother Ask my cousin Ask my dad Ask my father Ask my mom Ask my mother Ask my nephew Ask my niece Ask my sister Ask my uncle Ask you doctor Assault and Battery Assume all responsibility Assume Firing Positions! Assume the position! Assume your position(s) At any rate... At ease Gentlemen At your command At your instruction At your order At Your Service Attention All Passengers Attention on Deck! Attention to Orders! Aw, forget it Aw, shut up! Aye Aye Captain! Aye Aye Sir! Back it up! Back over there Back to nature Back to you Backward and Forward Bad for us BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge) Be A Man! Be A Woman! Be careful, OK? Be my guest Be right back Be right in Be seeing you/ya Be that way Bear with me Beat the bush Because I can Because it's true Because nobody asked Because We can Bed and Breakfast Before- During- After Been "Eye- Deed"? Beg- Borrow- Steal Behind the door Belay that order Believe in me Believe you me Bell- Book- Candle Best be going Bet I could Better be careful Better be cautious Better get going Better run along Better take cover ...Better than anyone Better-Than-Expected Better than most Better than what? Better than who? Better watch out ...between the lines Beware of Cat Beware of Dog Beware! Teenagers inside Bide your time Big fat deal! Bigger is Better Bite your tongue! Blah Blah Blah ...Blaze of Glory Bless my soul Blood for Blood Blood- Sweat- Tears Blow it off Blow me down Boat for sale Borrowing Brings Sorrowing Both I guess Brace for impact Brains before brawn ...Brave new world Break it up! Breaking and Entry Bring her home Bring her in Bring him in Bring it here Bring it home bring it in Bring it on Bring it up Bring them here Brush your teeth! Buck the trend Bucking the trend Buddha is Ahddub Build it higher Build to suit Build yourself up Built to last Bury him alive Bury The Hatchet Bury them alive Business as usual Business is booming Business is Business Business or Pleasure? Busy Busy Busy ...But, confound it... But even so But I didn't But I do But I forget But I forgot ...But I will But I'll go ...But, I'll pass ...But it's doable ...But it's not But it's over But's it's perfect But it's pointless ...But not anymore But nobody's perfect But nothing's perfect But of course! ...But thank you ...But thanks anyway But that's ok But they're afraid But, which one? But, who cares? ...But, why bother? But, you can't But you did But you didn't But you promised! ...By all means By for now the book By the By... By the way... By this point... By your leave Bye for now California or Bust Call an ambulance! Call before coming Call me later Call me sometime Call the cops! Call the law Call the police! Call your doctor Call your shot Calm and Collected Can anyone help? Can I drive? Can I smoke? Can he go? Can he help? Can you hold? Can you talk? Can we talk? Can she go? Can she help? Can they go? Can they help? Can we go? Can we help? Can you dance? Can you help? Can you read? Can you really? Can't blame her Can't catch me Can't I look? Can't I see? Can't I go? Can't I help? Can't it wait? Can't tell you Can't they help? Can't we help? Can't you help? Can't you knock? Can't you read? Can't you see? Can't you sleep? Can't you wait? Can't we talk? Car for sale Case is closed Cash and Carry Catch my drift? Catch your breath ...cause it does ...cause we will Certainly I will ...Chamber of horrors Change of plans Change of Venue Change the course Change your clothes Charmed, I'm sure Cheaters never prosper Check it (this) out Check the lights Chug-a-lug Class is dismissed Clean this up Close the door! Close your books Close your door(s) Close your eyes Close your window(s) ...cold hard fact... Come and eat! Come back inside Come back safely Come back soon Come Come Come Come get some Come here boy! Come here doggy! Come here girl! Come here kitty! Come my girl Come off it! Come on back Come on down Come on in! Come on out Come on outside Come on over Come over here Come over sometime Come to mama Come to papa Come up here Come what may Come with me Coming for lunch? Consider it done Consider it given Construction Area Ahead Continue at will Continue Entry Process Cool- Calm- Collected Cool your heels Cost benefit analysis Cough it up Could be better Could be dangerous ...Could have been Couldn't be better Couldn't help it Couldn't help myself Count me in Count me out Count your blessings ...Course I have ...Course I'm Sure ...Course you have Cover your face Cover your ears Cover your eyes Cover your mouth Cover your nose Crime does pay Crime doesn't pay ...Cut and run Cut 'em loose Cut her down Cut her loose Cut him down Cut him loose Cut it down Cut it out! Cut me loose! Cut the Crap! Cut them loose Dad wants you Dag-nab-it ...Damsel in distress Darling, I promise Dead to rights Deal me in Deal me out Deal with it! Dear me, no Delay Delay Delay Deploy the troops Deploy your men Diamonds are forever Did it hurt? Did it matter? Did you really? Did you win? Dig it brother? Dinner is served Dinner's almost ready Dive! Dive! Dive! Divide and Conquer Divided we fall Do forgive me Do it then Do it now Do it yourself Do not disturb Do Not Enter Do not Erase Do not fear Do not freeze Do not open Do not shake ...Do shut up Do so immediately Do that again Do they know? Do you belong? Do you dance? Do you mind? Do your duty Do you hear? Do you know? Do you mind!? Do you promise? Do you realize? Do you remember? Do you swear? Do you understand? Do your best Do your duty! Do your job! Do your report ...dodging, bobbing, weaving... Does he bite? Does he know? Does it hurt? Does it matter? Does it work? Does she bit? Does that matter? Dog-Day Afternoon Don't act stupid! Don't answer it Don't ask me Don't be absurd! Don't be afraid Don't be alarmed Don't be angry Don't be cheaters Don't be chicken Don't be coy Don't be daft Don't be discouraged Don't be foolish Don't be funny Don't be jealous Don't be Jerks Don't be late Don't be long Don't be lonely Don't be mad Don't be ridiculous! Don't be sad Don't be scared Don't be silly! Don't be sorry Don't be stupid! Don't be unkind Don't blame me Don't Bother Me! Don't call here Don't call me Don't call them Don't cave in Don't come around Don't come back Don't defend her Don't defend him Don't defend them Don't destroy it Don't disturb her Don't disturb him Don't disturb it Don't disturb them Don't do it Don't do that! Don't do this Don't doze off Don't drink it! Don't drop it Don't eat it! Don't eat that! Don't embarrass me Don't embarrass them Don't embarrass us ...Don't even know Don't fall asleep Don't fire me Don't forget her Don't forget him Don't forget it Don't forget them Don't forget us Don't frighten her Don't frighten him Don't frighten it Don't frighten them Don't frighten us Don't get angry Don't get funny Don't get involved Don't get lost Don't get mad Don't get nervous Don't give in! Don't give out Don't Give Up! Don't go away Don't go back Don't go far Don't go in Don't go there Don't hang up Don't hurt her Don't hurt him Don't hurt them Don't hurt us Don't hush me! Don't jinx it Don't kid yourself Don't kill it! Don't kill them! Don't knock it Don't leave me! Don't leave us! Don't let go! Don't look down Don't look sideways Don't look up Don't lose her Don't lose him Don't lose it Don't lose them Don't lose us Don't make her Don't make him Don't make me Don't make them Don't make us Don't make waves Don't mention it Don't mind me Don't mind her Don't mind him Don't mind them Don't pester me! Don't blow it Don't provoke me! Don't provoke them! Don't push me! Don't put out Don't rightly know Don't rush me! Don't say it! Don't say that! Don't scared her Don't scare him Don't scare it Don't scare them Don't scare us Don't Ssshhh me Don't shush me Don't sit there! Don't stand there! Don't sweat it Don't tell anybody Don't tell anyone Don't tell me Don't tell them ...Don't they all? Don't threaten me! Don't threaten them! Don't threaten us! Don't throw trash Don't torture yourself Don't touch anything Don't touch her Don't touch him Don't touch it Don't touch me! Don't touch them Don't try it Don't underestimate her Don't underestimate him Don't underestimate me Don't underestimate them Don't wander off! Don't want any Don't "yeah" me Don't you agree? Don't you, boy? Don't you care? Don't you dare! Don't you ever... Don't you know? Don't you leave Don't you remember? Don't you see? Don't you stay Don't you swear Don't you think? Don't you understand? Don't you worry Double O Seven Double or Nothing? Douse that light! Douse the lights! Down the hatch! Draw your sword Drink you coffee Drink your juice Drink your milk Drink your tea Drive Dude Drive! Drive-up service Drop the club! Drop the gun! Drop the knife! Drop the match Drop the stick! Drop the subject Drop the weapon! Drop that weapon! Drop your gear Drop your gun Drop your pants Drop your trousers Drop your weapon(s) Drunk and Disorderly Dull Dull Dull Duty Before Pleasure Easy to learn ...Eat and run Eat me raw Either have I Elvis is Alive! Emergency door release Empty your pockets ...End of glory ...End of story Enjoy the party Enjoy the ride Enjoy your drink Enjoy your food Enjoy your journey Enjoy your trip Enough is Enough! Enough is Enough is Enough! Enough was Enough Etc. Etc. Etc... Europe or Bust Even for me Everybody calm down! Everybody cool down Everybody else is Everybody except you Everybody is here Everybody, just stop Everybody knows that! Everybody stays together Everything humanly impossible Everything is delicious Everything is good Everything is negotiable Everything is OK! Everything is there Everybody likes you Everything smells great! Everything's gone wrong Everything's just fine Everything's OK now Everything's perfect now Everything's under control Excuse the mess Eye of God Face the facts Face the music Face the Sun ...Fact and Fiction... ...Facts of life Fair to Midland Farewell my friend Farewell my love Faith- Home- Charity ...Famous Last Words Fancy a lift? Far from it... Fast and hard Fast and loose Fat- Dumb- (and) Happy Father wants you Fear is contagious Fear no fish Feel better now? Feel her out Feeling any better? Feeling better now? Fight Team Fight! Fighting is contagious Figure something out ...Figured out what? File under forget Fill 'er up Fill her up Fill it out Fill them out Fill this out Find another thing Fine and dandy Find it yourself Find the truth Fine And Dandy Find a way Finish him off Finish it off Finish the job Finish your beer Finish your drink Finish your job Fire at will! Fire it up Fire the cannon! Fire when ready Firm but Fair First and Always First and foremost... First of all... First thing today First thing tomorrow First things first Fix it up ...Fly by night Focus! Focus! Focus! Follow my lead Follow the money Food for thought ...For a change For Always Forever For Christ's Sake...! For God's Sake...! For guests only For Heaven's Sake! For my sake For Pete's sake! For pity's sake! ...For the moment For the present For the record For That Matter... For what purpose? For what reason? F.or Y.our I.nformation Force of habit Force their hand(s) Forget it OK? Forewarned is Forearmed Forget about her Forget about him Forget about it! Forget about them Forget me not Forgive and Forget Freak of Nature Free of charge Freedom of Religion ...Friend of yours? Fuel-R-up Full speed ahead! Funny, isn't it? Funny, very funny ...Fussin' and Fightin' Get a clue Get a doctor! Get a grip! Get A Job! Get A Life! Get back inside! Get back there Get cleaned up Get'em baby! Get everything ready Get her down Get in line Get it done! Get it down Get me out! Get off it Get off me! Get on it Get out fast Get out here! Get out now Get outta' here! Get outta' sight! Get outta' town! Get Over Here! Get over it! Get past it Get-Rich-Quick Get some rest Get some sleep! Get that side Get the ball Get the car Get the picture? Get the point? Get the truck Get the van Get them out! Get to bed! Get to sleep Get to work! Get up there! Get us out! Get Well Soon Get you some Get your books Get your briefcase Get your clothes Get your coat Get your gloves Get your hat Get your suitcase ...Gift of gab Gimme' a bottle Gimme' a break Gimme' a dance Gimme' a hand Gimme'a wrench Gimme' Gimme' Gimme'! Give a look Give em' hell! Give it back! Give it here Give it up! Give me another Give me something Give yourself up Give yourselves up ...Given the situation Go after them! Go around back Go around front Go back there Go for it! Go get 'em! Go get her Go get him Go Get It! Go Get them Go! Go! Go! Go on back Go on it Go on now ...Go on then Go over there Go right ahead Go sit down Go straight ahead Go Team go! Go that way Go thata way Go the distance Go to bed Go to blazes Go to sleep! Go to work Go With God Go without me Gobble-de-gook God All Mighty God Bless America God Bless Ya/You God bless us Gone for good Good for you! Goochy Goochy Goo God help us God help you God is alive! God is Dog God is dying! God is dead! God knows all God knows best God protect you God save us God will it God wills this Good as done Good as gold Good as new Good as you Good Evening Everyone Good for nothing Good for them Good for you Good Heaven's, No Good, let's go Good luck tomorrow! Good morning Buddha Good morning God Good morning Jesus Good morning Luv Good morning ma'am Good morning Mohammed Good morning sir Goodbye my love Goodbye you all Goodness alone knows Goodwill Towards Men Gosh dang it! Gosh darn it! Got a cigarette? Got a light? Got a minute? Got a problem? Got any food? Got any ideas? Got any money? Got an I.D.? Got you covered Got your back Gotta have it Grab your purse Great galloping ghosts! Guess I will Guess I won't Guess you're right Guilty as charged Ha Ha Ha! Hand her over! Hand him over! Hand it over! Hand them over! Handle with care Hang in There! Have a drink Have a heart Have a look Have a seat Have a taste Have an I.D.? Have another drink Have at it Have no fear Have some compassion Have some, please Have some sympathy Have you eaten? Have you finished? Have you heard? Have you not? Have you prayed? ...Haven't the foggiest Haven't we all? Having said that... Heart to Heart He ain't here He ain't nobody He appreciates it He better be He better not He betrayed us He did it! He didn't say He does too He doesn't exist He gave up He get away? He gives up He got 'em! He hanged himself He hit me He is back He is decent He is not He is now He isn't coming He isn't here He just disappeared He knows nothing He knows now He knows why He learns fast He left it He lives here He looks angry He looks concerned He looks lousy He lost it He means business He might know He moved away He must decline He needs her He needs him He needs it He needs me He needs them He needs us He never misses He never would He passed on He passed out He shot himself He started it He started this He stays here He stays put He still is He still can He still can't He still will He still won't He sure does He sure is He sure isn't He wants you He warned you He was decent He was discovered He was furious He was lucky He was murdered He was warned He wasn't happy He went away He went home He went there He will go He will not He will recover He won't listen He won't miss He wouldn't dare Heads or Tails? Heads will roll Hear me out Heaven help us Hee Hee Hee Heh Heh Heh He'll be missed He'll be ready He'll be there He'll come around He'll find you He'll regret this Here it is Here, let me Here they are! Heaven can wait ...Heaven on Earth Heaven Sent Angel Heaven's to betsy! He'll make it Hell, I know! Hell on Earth Hello, anybody home? Hello, it's me Hello my dear Hello my love Hello young lady Hello young man Hello! Who's there? Help me someone! He'll be alright He'll be fine He'll be here He'll do it Help me up! Here he comes Here I am! Here I go Here it is Here Kitty Kitty Here she comes Here they are Here they come! Here we are! Here we go Here we is Here we isn't Here you go Here's the deal... Here's the point Here's your cap Here's your chance Here's your hat He's a mule He's a murderer He's a virgin He's all yours He's bad news He's burning up! He's coming down He's coming in He's done enough He's expecting me He's an idiot! He's at home He's enjoying himself He's fed up He's good people He's gonna' die He's ignoring me He's just different He's just human He's leaving her He's my brother He's my dad He's my friend He's my grand dad He's my uncle He's never wrong He's not coming He's not here He's not in He's not shy He's only human He's outta' control He's outta' here He's outta' town He's paying me He's plenty tough He's really confused He's right ma'am He's right sir He's ruined everything He's safe enough He's safe now He's so cute! He's so funny! He's so mean! He's so smart! He's still scary He's still there He's taken command He's taking command He's the one! He's too late He's using it He's very angry He's very happy He's very rich He's very sad He's very tired Hey, get moving Hey, it's me! Hey my nigger! Hey, open up! Hey, remember me? Hey, wait up! Hey, What's up? Hi, it's me Hi my friend Hi Ole' Buddy! Hi there Beautiful! HI- Jack This!... Hi there Gorgeous! Hide 'n Seek High and Mighty ...High old time Hit a Homer! Hit the ball! Hit the dirt! Hit the road Hither- Thither- Yon Hmm, I wonder Hmm Hmm Hmm Hold my hand Hold the fort Hold on boys! Hold on there! Hold that thought Hold the fort Hold the presses! Hold your breath Hold your fire! Hold your horses! Hold your nose Hold your positions Hold your temper ...Holding the bag Home for sale Home- Sweet- Home Honest, I am Honest, I can Honest I did Honest I do Honest, I'm fine Honey, I'm Home! Hook- Line- Sinker Hook me up Hop- Skip- Jump Hop to it Hot Diggity Dog (dam)! Hope springs eternally ...Hot and Bothered House for sale How about that How about his? How are you? How about her? How about him? How about it? How about me? How about that? How about them? How about this? How about you? How about us? How am I? How are things How can I? How could I? How could they? How could you? How dare you! How decidedly odd How goes it? How is he? How is it? How is lunch? How is she? How long ago? How much longer? How very amusing How very interesting How very true How was work? How you (ya) doing? How you feeling? How was lunch? How'd he know? How'd it go? How's it happen? How'd she know? How'd they know? How's it coming? How's it going? How's it hanging? How's she doing? How's that possible? How's the family? Hunt them down! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry it up! Hurry my boy I admire them I admire you I adored her I adored him I advise caution I ain't complaining I ain't laughing I ain't scared I ain't talkin' I ain't tellin' I always do I always have I always will I am back I am better I am busy I am fine I am finished! I am friendly I am grateful I am here I am honored I am hungry I am not! I am one I am out I am outraged! I am perfect I am pleased I am rested I am serious! I am starving I am too! I appreciate it I appreciate that I arranged it I assure you I assume so I believe it I believe not I believe that I believe them I believe so I believe you I been out I beseech you! I better go I better leave I bought it I came back I can Too! I Better go I can imagine I can manage I can try I cannot say I can't explain I can't go I can't leave I can't miss I can't relax I can't remember I can't say I can't sleep I can't stay I can't tell I can't wait! I certainly do I completely forgot I could have I couldn't have I could hear I could see I couldn't hear I couldn't say I couldn't see I couldn't sleep I Dare you! I dare say I Despise You! I destroyed it I Did it! ...I did once I didn't ask I didn't know I didn't look I didn't say I do! care I do declare! I do decline I do this I do try I don't agree I don't ask I don't bargain I Don't Care! I don't either I don't know! I don't mind I don't recollect I don't remember I don't think... I don't understand I doubt it I doubt that I enjoyed it I enjoyed that I entreat you! I feel fine I feel good! I feel great! I feel it I feel lucky I followed ya/you I forbid it! I forget why I forgive you I forgot it! I forgot to I found it! I found you I gave up I get it I get nothing I give up I got em'! I got it! I got something I got this I got you I gotta' go I gotta' run I gotta' stop I guess not I guess so I hate goodbyes I hate this I Hate You! I have enough I have it I have plans I have proof I have to I have tried I have won! I haven't decided I haven't finished! I hear ya! I hear you! I heard it I heard that! I hope not I hope so I intend to I just can't I just heard I just know I just thought... I keep informed I keep up I killed them! I know differently I know everything I know her I know him I know how I know it! I know nothing I know now I know so I know that! I know them I know things I know why I learn fast I like it I like that! I like them I like you I live here I Loath You! I lost it! I love it! I Love You! I made it I made that I made this I mean business I mean it! I messed up I miss it I miss you! I missed it! I must dash I must decline I must go I must hurry I must leave I must not I must protest I need it I need options I need them I need to I Need You! I never did I never miss I never worry I now know I opened it I pray so I promise you I quite understand I read a lot I realize it I realize that I really shouldn't I reckon so I resent that I said no! I said so I said stop! I said yes! I salute you I saved her I saved him I saw her I saw him I saw them I Saw You I Say So! I second that I see everything I SEE YOU! I sent word I shall wait I should have I should say I shoulda known I simply won't I smell gas I spose (suppose) so I stand corrected I still am I still can I still can't I still will I still won't I sure does I sure am I strongly disapprove I suppose so I sure am I sure will! I sure did I sure have I survived it I swear it I think not I think so I thought so I told you! I trust you I trusted you I wanna help I wanna know I wanna talk I wanna try! I want more! I want nothing I want to I Want You! I Want that! I wanted to! I warned her I warned him I warned them I warned you! I was asleep I was busy I was cured! I was decent I was discovered I was dreaming I was furious I was impressed I was lucky I was not! I was sleeping I was studying I was there I was watching I was working I was worried I was wrong I wasn't asleep I wasn't followed I wasn't hungry I wasn't listening I wasn't ready I wasn't there I wasn't thinking I went boating I went dancing I went skating I went skiing I went walking I will go I will not! I will remember I will stay I will too! I will walk I won't forget I won't go I won't miss I won't pay I won't tell I work alone I would have I would too I wouldn't know I'd be delighted I'd be grateful I'd be honored I'd better go I'd like that I'd love to I'd rather die I'd say so If I can If I were... If I win... If I'm lucky If I'm wrong ...If it's alright If it's necessary ...If not before If nothing else... If that's true... If they're lucky If this works... If we're lucky If you like ...If you please If you will If you wish If you're lucky If you're sure I'll accept it I'll accept that I'll answer it I'll be along I'll be alright I'll be around I'll be back! I'll be danged I'll be darned I'll be fine I'll be going I'll be good I'll be hanged I'll be here I'll be honored I'll be OK I'll be ready I'll be there I'll be waiting I'll bet you I'll buy it I'll call ya/you I'll catch up I'll clean up I'll clear out I'll close up I'll come clean I'll come over I'll do it! I'll explain later I'll find out I'll find something I'll fix you! I'll get help I'll get her I'll get him I'll get it! I'll get one I'll get some I'll get them! I'll get you! I'll go along I'll go first I'll go last I'll handle them I'll help you I'll hurry back I'll just check I'll keep mine I'll Kill You! I'll make time I'll miss you I'll never forget I'll never know I'll never tell I'll play along I protect you I'll say so I'll show you I'll sleep over I'll swing by I'll surely try I'll take it! I'll take you I'll tell 'em I'll tell her I'll tell him I'll tell them I'll tell you I'll wait here I'll watch her I'll watch him I'll watch them I'm a cop! I'm a virgin I'm absolutely certain I'm absolutely convinced... I'm afraid not I'm afraid so I'm against it I'm all alone I'm all set I'm alright now I'm all done I'm all ears I'm all yours I'm almost done I'm almost finished I'm almost there I'm always right I'm asking you I'm bad luck I'm begging you I'm better off I'm burning up! I'm comin' in! I'm comin' out! I'm coming down I'm coming in! I'm coming too I'm coming out! I'm coming up! I'm completely innocent I'm digging you I'm doing it I'm doing OK I'm doing this I'm done for I'm exhausted too I'm fed up I'm feeling better I'm finally finished! I'm fine, really I'm flat broke I'm for it I'm for that I'm freezing cold I'm getting one I'm getting scared I'm giving order I'm going alone I'm going away I'm going back I'm going home I'm going in I'm going too I'm good luck I'm handling it I'm hoping so I'm in charge I'm in command I'm in control I'm just browsing I'm just different I'm just kidding I'm just looking I'm just lucky I'm just playing I'm just teasing I'm leaving now I'm missing something I'm much obliged I'm not going I'm not shy I'm not sure I'm not telling I'm only foolin' I'm only kidding! I'm never done I'm never wrong I'm nobody's glove I'm nobody's Ho (whore) I'm nobody's nigger I'm nobody's slave I'm not available I'm not convinced I'm not done! I'm not dressed I'm not happy I'm not hungry I'm not impressed I'm not finished! I'm not forgetting I'm not going I'm not hungry I'm not interested I'm not joking I'm not kidding I'm not laughing I'm not leaving I'm not listening I'm not lying I'm not playing! I'm not pleased I'm not quitting I'm not satisfied I'm not scared I'm not sure I'm not surprised I'm not touched I'm not upset I'm not waiting I'm not worried I'm Number One! I'm OK now I'm on duty I'm on it I'm only asking I'm only playing I'm ordering you! I'm outta' gas I'm outta' here! I'm over her I'm over here! I'm over him I'm over it I'm passing through I'm pissed off! I'm ready now! |
I'm really confused I'm really impressed I'm really scared I'm really sorry I'm relieving you I'm right here I'm safe now I'm simply starved I'm so ashamed I'm so close I'm so cold I'm SO done I'm SO finished I'm so frightened I'm so glad I'm so happy! I'm so hot I'm so hungry! I'm so scared I'm SO Sorry! I'm SO there I'm Sooo Thirsty! I'm so warm I'm sorry too I'm Staying Here I'm staying home I'm still here I'm still scared I'm still there I'm taking command I'm taking over I'm telling Dad! I'm telling Mom! I'M! Telling YOU! I'm terribly sorry I'm too sleepy I'm too tired I'm trying to I'm truly sorry I'm trusting you I'm tuckered out I'm under orders I'm using it I'm very busy I'm very grateful I'm very pleased I'm very sensitive I'm very sorry I'm wanted here I'm warn out I'm warning you I'm wide awake I'm with you/ya I'm your man In a minute In a word... In all fairness... In all honesty... In any event, Inasmuch In-a-while In good time In it goes In God's name... In Heaven's name... In nothing flat In or Out? In Other Words... In some ways... In The Beginning... In the car In the end In the endtime ...In the pink In this case In many ways In what way? Indeed I'm not Indeed it is Indications suggest otherwise Interfering Busy-Body Is anybody home? Is anybody listening? Is anybody there? Is anyone listening? Is anyone there? Is anything burning? Is anything wrong? Is everyone alright? Is everyone better? Is everyone here? Is everyone OK? Is everyone ready? Is everyone there? Is everything alright? Is everything better? Is everything OK? Is everything ready? Is everything understood? Is he asleep? Is he awake? Is he bit? Is he dead? Is he here? Is he lost? Is he OK? Is he well? Is it alive? Is it clean? Is it clear? Is it ever? Is it false? Is it gone? Is it love? Is it OK? Is it over? Is it ready? Is it true? Is it wrong? Is she asleep? Is she awake? Is she dead? Is she here? Is she lost? Is she OK? Is someone there? Is something wrong? Is that all? Is that clear? Is that her? Is that him? Is that right? Is that so? Is that them? Is that true? Is that you? Is this clear? Is this OK? Is this true? Is this you? Is you comin? Isn't anybody home? Isn't he though Isn't it wonderful? Isn't she though Isn't that better? Isn't that fascinating? Isn't that nice Isn't that special It actually works It's ain't funny It ain't happenin' It all depends It appears impossible It beats me It becomes you It betrayed us It better not It can wait It can't be It could be It could happen It couldn't be It couldn't hurt It didn't work It doesn't count It doesn't exist It doesn't matter It doesn't work It don't count It don't matter It ends here It ends now It feels fine It feels good! It feels great! It felt good! It felt great! It has happened It hit me It is expected It is fate It is forbidden It is good It is home It is lucky It is now It is not It is open It is over It is pointless It is that It is this It is time It is unlucky It's isn't clear It isn't done It isn't easy It isn't enough It isn't fair! It isn't funny! It isn't necessary It isn't safe It isn't you It just disappeared It just happened It just is It looks alright It looks bad It looks fun It looks good It looks great! It looks like... It looks nice It looks scary It looks straight It looks wonderful It makes sense It means a lot It means something It might be It might help It never ends It never fails It never happened It never was It proves nothing It seems impossible It seems so It seems unreal It shoulda worked It solves everything It solves nothing It sounds awful! It sounds dangerous It sounds exciting It sounds good It sounds great! It sounds wonderful! It suits me It suits you It sure does! It sure doesn't! It sure is! It tastes awful! It tastes off It was awful! It was broken It was free It was fun It was her It was him It was horrible! It was necessary It was nothing It was open It was over It was real It was right It was stupid It was terrible! It was them It was you! It was us It wasn't It It wasn't Me It wasn't nothin' It wasn't them It went well It will keep It will work It won't be It won't budge It won't do It won't happen It won't stop! It'll be fine It'll be fun It'll be mine It'll be OK It'll do fine It'll never happen It'll never happen It'll work out It's a beauty It's a cave It's a cinch It's a classic It's a deal! It's a drill It's a fact It's a first It's a go! It's a gas! It's a habit It's a joke It's a keeper It's a lie! It's a mess! It's a miracle! It's a mystery It's a pleasure It's a problem It's a promise It's a risk It's a secret It's a start It's a surprise It's a trap! It's a thought It's a tunnel It's a Wrap It's about time! It's absolutely charming It's all clear It's all free! It's all gone It's all here It's all over It's all there It's all yours It's almost over It's almost time It's alright brother It's alright dad It's alright dear It's alright grandma It's alright grandpa It's alright honey It's alright mom It's alright sis It's always different It's always something It's an adventure It's an emergency! It's an experiment It's an order! It's an outrage! It's ancient history It's Anyone's Guess It's bad enough It's bad timing It's bed time It's been awhile It's been everything It's been fun It's been nice It's been swell It's beyond comprehension It's beyond me It's burning up! It's cool man It's confession time It's dinner time! It's done now It's early enough! It's every one It's extremely hard It's fair enough It's for her It's for him It's for me It's for them It's for us It's for you It's getting better It's getting late It's God's will It's gone now It's gotta stop It's great fun It's half empty It's half full It's her choice It's her stuff It's here alright It's his business It's his choice It's his stuff It's just her It's just him It's just me It's just them It's just us It's kinda' neat It's kinda strange It's kinda weird It's my duty It's late enough! It's like magic It's looking good It's mine now It's most urgent It's most peculiar It's most unlikely It's my book It's my business It's my car It's my coat It's my command It's my decision It's my fault It's my first It's my hat It's my jacket It's my job It's my money It's my pen It's my pencil It's my pleasure It's my stuff It's my turn! It's never enough It's never locked It's nice though It's no bother It's no fun It's no joke It's no problem It's no secret It's no sweat It's no trouble It's no use It's not alright It's not available It's not bad It's not clear It's not easy It's not enough It's not fair! It's not funny! It's not important It's not likely It's not locked It's not negotiable It's not OK It's not over It's not possible It's not right! It's not safe It's not that It's not true It's not working It's nothing, really It's now alright It's now gone It's OK baby It's ok now It's on me It's on us It's only me It's on them It's only money It's only natural It's our choice It's our money It's our turn It's ours now It's over now It's perfectly understandable It's pretty amazing It's pretty close It's pretty cool It's pretty difficult It's pretty tough It's quiet enough It's quite ordinary It's quite possible It's quite remarkable It's quite ridiculous It's rather disappointing It's rather perplexing It's real good It's really confusing It's really different It's really happening It's really hard It's really impressive It's right here It's settled then It's show time! It's so cold! It's so cool! It's so delicious! It's so difficult It's so embarrassing! It's so hot! It's so obvious It's so quiet! It's so ugly It's so windy! It's sooo Stupid! It's straight ahead It's strictly routine It's sure peaceful It's the truth It's their business It's their choice It's their fault! It's their money It's their stuff It's their turn It's this way It's too absurd! It's too bad It's too Cold! It's too dangerous It's too dark It's too early It's too far It's too hot! It's too late It's too loud It's too much It's too noisy It's too quiet! It's too soon It's too steep! It's top secret It's very dangerous It's very difficult It's very extravagant It's very important It's very romantic It's very serious It's very tempting It's vitally important It's wide open It's worth explaining It's worth having It's worth it It's worth keeping It's worth knowing It's worth saving It's YOU again It's your call It's your chance It's your choice It's your day It's your decision It's your duty It's your fault! It's your idea It's your money It's your move It's your problem It's your turn It's your week It's your year I've always known I've been around I've been alright I've been better I've been busy I've been OK I've been out I've been shot! I've been thinking I've been wondering I've been worried I've been worse I've done enough I've done nothing I've got her! I've got him! I've got it! I've got to I've had enough I've had it! I've no choice I've no idea I've ruined everything I've seen better I've seen everything Jack it up Jesus is lord! Jesus is Susej Jesus Loves You! ...Johnny Come Lately Just a bit Just a minute Just a moment ...Just a reminder Just a second! Just a thought Just as well Just Be Careful Just be happy Just be patient Just believe me Just believe them Just believe us Just call me Just calm down Just catch up Just check it Just checking in Just chuck it Just do it! Just dump it Just fix it Just follow me Just for fun Just for me Just for us Just forget it! Just get her Just get here Just get him Just get it Just get them Just getting acquainted Just go away Just hang on Just in- case Just keep moving ...Just keep walking ...Just keep working ...Just killing time Just like clockwork Just like me Just like that Just like them Just like you Just like us Just looking around Just making conversation ...Just not there Just one thing Just passing through Just play dead Just say it Just started out Just starting out Just stop it! Just swing by Just take one Just tell me Just tell them Just tell us Just the beginning Just the same Just the ticket Just this once Just trust me Just you wait! Keep at it Keep Cool Fool Keep everybody back Keep everybody entertained Keep everybody in Keep everybody out Keep everybody quiet Keep everybody upstairs Keep going straight Keep him alive Keep in touch Keep it coming Keep it quiet Keep it short Keep it simple Keep it together Keep floors clean Keep me advised Keep me apprised Keep me informed Keep me posted Keep outta' sight! Keep the change Keep The Faith! Keep the wheel Keep them happy Keep them hopping Keep them in Keep them out Keep to yourself Keep us posted Keep your head Keep your nerve Kick their butt! Kill the bum! Kill the ump! Kill them all! Kill them both Kill Your T.V.! ...Kit and Kaboodle Knock it off! Knock On Wood Knock yourself out Know it all Know you Know Know your place Labor of Love Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies go first Larger than life Last chance saloon Last man first Laugh Laugh Laugh Laughter is contagious Law and Order Law of Survival Laying in wait Lead the way Lean- Mean- Fighting machine Learn from it Leave 'em be Leave her alone! Leave him alone! Leave it alone! Leave it be! Leave it open Leave Me Alone! Leave me be Leave them alone! Leave them be! Leave this town Leaving so soon? Left to right Less we forget Let 'em die Let 'er fly Let 'er rip Let her come Let her finish Let her march Let freedom ring Let her go Let her rest Let her speak Let her stay Let her through Let her wait Let him come Let him die Let him finish Let him go Let him march Let him rest Let him speak Let him stay Let him wait Let it flow Let it go! Let it happen Let it ride Let it slide Let it snow Let it stand Let me alone Let me die! Let me explain Let me down Let me explain... Let me go! Let me guess Let me help Let me in! Let me know Let me Out! Let me see! Let me through! Let me try Let them come Let them finish Let them go! Let them hide Let them in Let them laugh Let them march Let them rest Let them speak Let them stay Let them wait Let us finish Let us march Let us out! Let us pray Let us proceed Let us rest Let's abandon ship Let's be serious Let's chit chat Let's do it! Let's do something Let's do this Let's double back Let's face it... Let's find out Let's finish it Let's forget it Let's gear up! Let's get back Let's get 'em Let's get moving Let's get physical Let's get ready Let's get started! Let's get them Let's go back Let's go boys! Let's go fishing Let's go forward Let's go girls! Let's go home Let's go look Let's go men Let's go see Let's go shopping Let's have fun Let's have it! Let's have order! Let's hear it Let's hope so Let's hunker down Let's just go Let's keep moving Let's look alive Let's make history Let's make time Let's mount up! Let's move out Let's play ball! Let's play cards Let's run away Let's saddle up! Let's split up Life Goes On Life is good Life is great Life's a bitch! Life's a trip! Life's not fair Lift him carefully Light 'em up ...Like a charm Like a dream Like old times Like you do? Like, you know Listen to her! Listen to him! Listen to me! Listen to them! Listen to this... Listen to us! Live a little! Live and Hope Live and Learn Live it up! Live or Perish Live the moment Load it yourself Loading default preferences... Loading user preferences... Location Lock and Load Lock 'em up! Lock her up! Lock him up! Lock it up! Lock- Stock- Barrel Lock your door(s) Lock your window(s) Long Live Islam! Long Live Lenin! Look at me Look at that Look at this Look for yourself Look it up Look who's here Look who's talking ...Looking for evidence Looking for signs Looking for someone? Looking for something? ...Looks like it Lord have mercy! Lots of Luck Lots to do Loud and clear Love conquers all Love not War Lower your weapon(s)! Lucky for you Lunch is served Ma cured me ...Mad as hell Made to order Made you look Maid of Honor Maintain your position(s) Make a wish ...make ends meet Make her presentable Make him presentable Make it fast Make it good Make it happen Make it last Make it quick Make it right Make it so Make me proud Make My Day Make the call Make them comfortable Make them presentable Make us proud Make yourself comfortable Make yourselves comfortable Make yourselves ready Make yourself scarce Makes no difference ...Makes us even Man battle stations! of action... Man Oh Man Man, that's cool! Man, you know Many years ago Mark My Word(s) Matter of fact May I continue? May I enter? May I go? May I smoke? May I speak? May we continue? ...Maybe even better Maybe he can't Maybe he's right Maybe I do Maybe I will Maybe I won't Maybe it's true Maybe it's war Maybe next month Maybe next time Maybe next week Maybe she's right Maybe there's more Maybe they're right Maybe this time Maybe you can Maybe you should Maybe you will Maybe you won't Maybe you're right Me can do Me forgive You? Me- Myself- I Men- Women- Children ...Messing things up Meet your destiny Might Makes Right Mind your business Mind your manners Mine, all mine Mine at last Mine's wearing thin Mix it up Mmm, that's good Mom wants you Moment of Truth Money Back Guarantee Money isn't everything Money's not everything More or Less More than enough More than ever More will come Mother wants you Move on over Moving along now Moving right along ...Much too long Musn't blame yourself My first time My good madam My good shirt My good sir My My My My oh My! My old lady My old man My other life My point is... ...My thoughts exactly ...My whole life Nag - Nag- Nag! Name one reason Name your price Natural born athlete Natural born cook Natural born genius Natural born healer Natural born killer Natural born leader Natural born lover Natural born teacher Need a Ride? Neither can I Neither do I ...Never found her ...Never found him ...Never found it ...Never found them Never Give In! Neither am I Neither are they Neither are you Neither has she Neither has he Neither have I Neither have they Neither have we Never knew them Never met her Never met him Never met IT Never met them Never mind me Never mind that Never mind this Never No Mind Never say Die Never say goodbye Never say Never Never you mind ...No big deal No big thing No can do No, certainly not No, course not No, don't shoot No Down Payment No dumping allowed No easy choices No false hopes ...No, forget it ...No further questions No, get inside No Girls Allowed! No hard feelings? No harm done No he doesn't No, I couldn't No I don't No I wasn't! No I won't! No, I'll stay No, I'm alright No, I'm fine No I'm not No, I'm ok No it doesn't No it isn't! No it wasn't! No it won't No, it's alright No it's not No left turn No loose ends No matter what No, maybe not No money down No more apologies No more fighting No more hiding No more money No more talk No more time No mother load No! No! No! No, no problems No, not ever No, not really No, not today No, not tomorrow No, not tonight No, not yet No, nothing much No offense meant No one else No one interfere(s) No one knows No one special No one won No one's here! On one's home! No parking here No purchase necessary No questions asked No right turn No she doesn't No smoking permitted No smoking section No strings attached No thank you No they don't No trade-offs! No turning back No way Jose' No way man! No we're not No you can't No, you can't No you don't No, you listen No you won't No you're not Nobody appreciates me Nobody asked you Nobody better shoot Nobody ever checks Nobody likes you Nobody live's forever Nobody's at home Nobody's at work Nobody's to blame Nobody's using it None at all None for me None for you None of it Nor do I ...Nor have I Not A Chance! Not a clue Not a chance Not a problem Not at all Not even close Not ever again ...Not exactly undeserved Not for anybody Not for me Not for sale Not from me Not from them Not from you Not good enough Not just her Not just him Not just now Not just them Not just us Not just yet Not long enough ...Not my job Not no more Not one penny Not right away Not right now Not so bad Not so good Not so far Not so fast Not so long Not so much Not so short Not so sweet Not so tall Not that long Not this one Not this time Not to her Not to him Not to me Not to them Not to us Not to worry Not too bad Not too shabby Not without me Not without you ...Not yet anyhow Notes are signals Nothing at all Nothing ever changes ...Nothing ever did Nothing ever happened Nothing ever happens Nothing has changed Nothing in particular Nothing is changed Nothing is impossible Nothing like that Nothing so far Nothing, thank you Nothing will change Nothing will happen Nothing's here either Nothing's the same Now, be nice Now, do try ...Now get down Now get inside! ...Now get out! Now get this... Now hear this! Now hold on! Now I don't Now I'm finished Now I'm leaving NOW it's over Now look here... Now lookie here... ...Now move out Now Now Now Now! Not Later! Now or never Now pay attention Now piss off! Now run along Now See Here...! Now Settle Down! Now simmer down Now Sit Down! Now that's better Now we wait Now we're finished Now you are Now you can Now you know Now you're talkin' Now's your chance Obedience without question Obey my wishes ...odd man out Odds or Evens? Of course not! Off and On Off I go Off the books ...Off the rack Off the record Off they go Off we go Off you go Off we go Off with you Officer On Duty Oh Be Quiet! Oh bite me! Oh come now Oh, come on Oh dear me! Oh don't cry Oh excuse me Oh, EXCUSE ME! Oh forget it Oh, get lost Oh go away Oh go on Oh grow up! Oh God no! Oh good grief! Oh, have another Oh, hell come Oh, how exciting Oh I can Oh I forget Oh I know Oh, I will Oh, I see Oh, I'm pleased Oh, it'll fly Oh it's hopeless Oh, it's nothing Oh it's wonderful! Oh, it's you Oh just relax Oh, must we? Oh My Baby! Oh my darling Oh- My- God! Oh- My- Gosh! Oh My Lord! Oh My Lordie! Oh my word! Oh my, yes Oh, never mind Oh, no no Oh, no thanks Oh, of course Oh pipe down! Oh Pish Posh Oh poor baby Oh Shut Up! Oh Stop Complaining! Oh Stop Whining! Oh thank you! Oh that's alright Oh, that's awful Oh that's nice Oh, that's ok Oh they will Oh, very well ...Oh we shall Oh we will Oh, What-EVER! Oh, what happened? Oh, Who Cares?! Oh would you? Oh yes indeed Oh yes indeedy Oh, you did!? Oh you must Oh, you think? Oh you will Oh, YOU'RE here Oh, you're welcome Ok, come in Ok, follow me OK, I'm going OK, let's go OK, let's talk OK OK OK OK, tell us OK, that's it OK, we're done Ok, what gives? Okie Dokie Smokie On and On On my lead On my way On or Off? On the double On this occasion On your feet! On your honor On your way One by each One by one One last chance One man army One moment please One more out One more strike One more time On and On On my honor On the contrary On your honor Only God Knows Only my dignity Only one thing Only this time... On to victory! Ooh la la Oops- A- Daisy One more chance One more person One more time... Onward Christian Soldiers ...Open and shut Open for business Open it up Open the door! Open the gate Open the lid Open the window Open your eyes Or else what? Orders are Orders Our efforts continue Our time's up Out-of-control Out of fairness... ...Out of hand Out of order ...Out of reach ...Out of touch Out to lunch Out with it Over and out Over the counter Pack it in Pack it up! Pack your bag(s) Pardon me, but... ...Partners in Crime Pass it back Pass it forward Pass it on Pass it up Pass one forward Pass the Biscuits Pass the Butter Pass the Jelly Pass the Ketchup Pass the Salt Pass the Syrup Pass them on ...Pay for performance Pay the boy Pay the girl Pay the man Pay the woman Peace On Earth People are nuts Perhaps I would Perhaps you're right Permission to speak? Persistence pays off ...Pick your brain Pick 'em up Pick it up! Picky~ Picky~ Picky! Pick a card Pick it up! Piece by Piece ...Piece of Cake Pin- up Girl Play it safe Play your guitar Please be careful Please be silent Please be Quiet Please Come Again Please come home Please come in PLEASE, come in Please come inside Please don't cry Please don't die Please don't drink Please don't go Please don't leave Please don't worry Please Drive Carefully Please excuse me Please follow me Please forgive me Please go away Please go ahead Please go inside Please, just go Please read silently Please shut up! Please sit down Please speak softly Please stand by Please stop it Please stop that! Please take care Please trust me Please wait here Please wait outside Please walk quietly Pleasure's all mine ...Plenty of room ...Plenty of time Plug your ears Plug your nose Plug your nostrils Poor tormented child Power of Attorney Practice- Practice- Practice Praise the lord Prepare for battle! Prepare for war! Prepare the sleds! Prepare to attack! Prepare to fire! Prepare to die! Prepare to dive! Prepare to leave ...Pretty difficult question Pretty impressive huh? Priced to sell Proceed with caution Promises Promises Promises Proof of Purchase Pudin' and Pie Pull it off Pull it out! Pull out now! Pull the trigger Pull your weight Pull yourself together Punch drunk love Pure and Simple Pursuit of Knowledge Put it away Put it on Put it out Put it through Put that away Put that back! Put that down! Put that out! Questions about what? Quit messin' around Quite a gal Quite a guy Quite the contrary Rags to Riches Raise the flag Read the book Ready to roll Ready- Willing- (and) Able Release the dogs! Remember it well Remember, it will Repeat after me... ...Request is granted Rest In Peace Rest In Purgatory Results may vary Retreat Into Perseverance Return to work Right after breakfast Right after lunch Right as Rain Right away Ma'm Right away Sir Right, let's go Right on time Right this minute! Right this way Right to left Ring the police Rise and Shine! Road Construction Ahead Road Work Ahead Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Rules Strictly enforced Run and play Run! Run! Run! Saddle the horses Saint's protect me Saint's protect them Saint's protect us Saint's protect you Same as always Same as them Same as us Same as usual Same as you Same old shit Same old story Same old stuff Same old thing Same to you Save your breath Save your money Save your strength Say no more Scared you, huh? Scratch my back Search and destroy! ...Search and Rescue... Search for what? Search the area Search the boat! Secure that weapon Secure the load Secure your weapons See to it See what happens See you around See you later See you soon See you there See you tomorrow See you tonight Seeing is believing Seek and destroy Seems a shame Seize the day Seize the moment Send her away Send him away Send her in Send him in Send them away Send them in Serves them right Serves you right Shake a leg Shake and Bake Shall I come? Shall we dance? Shall we eat? Shall we go? Shall we investigate? Shall we shake? Shall we sit? Shame on them! Shame on you! She always was She appreciates it She better be She better not She can't speak She can't talk She didn't say She does too She doesn't exist She gave up She get away She gives up She hit me She is back She is beautiful! She is decent She is fine She is gorgeous! She is happy She is hurrying She is slowing She is not She is now She is wonderful She isn't coming She isn't happy She isn't here She just disappeared She killed herself She knows nothing She knows now She knows why She learns fast She lives here She looks angry She looks concerned She looks lousy She looks mad She lost it She means business She might know She moved away She must decline She never misses She passed on She passed out She started it She started this She stays here She stays put She still is She still can She still can't She still will She still won't She sure does She sure is She sure isn't She wants you She was decent She was fortunate She was murdered She was warned She went there She will go She will not She won't listen She won't miss She needs her She needs him She needs it She needs me She needs them She needs us She now knows She started it She warned you She was discovered She was lovely She was lucky She was wonderful She wasn't happy She wasn't there She went away She will recover She wouldn't dare She'll be alright She'll be fine She'll be here She'll be missed She'll be ready She'll come around She'll do it She'll make it She'll regret this She's a beaut (beautiful) She's a keeper She's a looker She's a virgin She's all yours She's an angel She's an idiot! She's at home She's bad news She's been around She's burning up! She's coming down! She's coming in She's done enough She's expecting me She's fed up She's gonna' die She's good people She's got em'! She's ignoring me She's just different She's just human She's leaving him She's leaving me She's my aunt She's my daughter She's my friend She's my mom She's my grandma She's my friend She's never wrong She's not coming She's not here She's not in She's not shy She's only human She's outta' control She's outta' here She's outta' town She's paying me She's plenty tough She's pure evil She's really confused She's ruined everything She's safe enough She's safe now She's so beautiful! She's so sweet! She's spoken for She's still scary She's still there She's taken command She's taking command She's the one She's too late She's using it She's very angry She's very happy She's very pretty She's very rich She's very sad She's very tired She's well paid quiet Shoot on sight Shoot to kill ...Shooting the breeze Short and Sweet Short but sweet Short-order cook Should I be? Shoulder Work Ahead Show me how Show me what? Show me where Show some respect Shut it down Shut it off Shut the door! Shut the lid Shut the window Shut your door(s) Shut your eyes Shut your face! Shut your mouth! Shut your trap! Shut your window(s) Sick 'em boy Sick 'em girl Sick Sick Sick Simple Simon says... Sign here please Sink or Swim Sit down please Sit Sit Sit Skin 'em alive ...Sleep more soundly ...Slip and Fall Smells like it So am I and so So are they So are you So are we So Be It! So did I So do I So, do something! So, do tell So forget it So I gather So I have So I heard So it is So it seems So it's ok So, it's true So, it's you... So I've heard So-long baby So long folks So much more So now what? So- say something So- say something So says who? So says you So shut up So, stop trying So that's it... so that's that So that's why... So was I So we decided... So we've heard So what now? So what's new? So what's next? So What's up? So, Who cares? So would I ...So you claim So you have So you see... So you were Solve that problem Solve this problem Some boys do Some girls do Some kids do Some men do Some of it Some other time Some women do Somebody had to Somebody has to Somebody heard me Somebody heard us Somebody help me! Somebody's got to Something bothering you? Something has happened Something is wrong Something like that Something's come up Something's going on Something's gone wrong Something like that Something went wrong Sometimes I wonder Sooner or Later Sorry 'bout that Sorry I bothered Sorry I'm late Sorry, wrong number Sort it out! ...Sounds about right Sounds like it Speak for yourself Speak up please Squeeze the trigger Stand at attention! Stand by me Stand your ground Stands to reason Start seeing motorcycles Start without me State your business Stay at home Stay in bed Stay in line Stay right here Stay the course Stay with it! Stay with me Stay with us Step on it Stick with it Stick with me Stop asking questions Stop back by Stop blaming yourself Stop by later Stop dozing off Stop following me! Stop foolin' around! Stop foolin' yourself ...Stop gap measure Stop imagining things Stop interrupting me! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop kidding yourself Stop Messin' Around! Stop pestering me Stop pestering them Stop pestering us Stop pissin' about! Stop playing games Stop provoking them! Stop showing off! Stop spoiling her! Stop spoiling him! Stop spoiling them! Stop the car! Stop the train! Stop! Turn Back! Stop Waisting Bullets! Stop waisting money Stop waisting time Stop your squawking! Strength in numbers Strike em' Out! Strike it rich Success at last Such a Gentleman! Such a waste Such as who? Such as what? Suck it up Sunny- Side up |
Supper's almost ready Support our troops Suppose I did? Supposin' I do? Supposin' I don't? Supposin' I will? Supposin' I won't? Supposin' we don't? Sure, go ahead Sure, I know Sure, I'm game Sure I'm sure Sure it worked Sure they will Sure we are Sure, why not Sure you are Sure you can Sure you did Sure you do Sure you will Sure you're right Surrender or Die Survive or Die Swear to God TA TA Forever Take a base Take a bite Take a break Take a breath Take a chance Take a guess Take a hike Take a hint... Take a letter Take a look Take a message Take a number Take a peek Take a piece Take a pill! Take a seat Take a ticket Take a walk Take full responsibility Take her away! Take her below Take her home Take her there Take him away! Take him below Take him down Take him home Take her there Take it away Take it down Take it easy! Take it home Take it out Take it outside Take it slow Take me home Take me there Take no prisoners Take only one Take the consequences Take the gun Take the plunge Take them away! Take them below Take them home Take us home Take us there Take your chance(s) Take your seats! Take your time Take your turn! Talk Talk Talk things over Talk to her Talk to him Talk to it Talk to them Tell 'em boy! Tell her what? Tell him yourself Tell him what? Tell me something Tell me what? Tell the police Tell the truth Tell them what? Thank ya/you kindly Thank you again Thank you all Thank you both Thank you God Thank you Jesus Thank you Lord Thank you Ma'am Thank you much Thank you Sir Thank you Thank you Thank you Thanks for asking Thanks for breakfast Thanks a Bunch! Thanks for coming! Thanks for dinner Thanks for everything Thanks for helping! Thanks for listening Thanks for nothing Thanks my lord Thanks so much! Thanks for supper Thanks for trying Thanks for waiting Thanks to you That Ain't Cool! That answers it That bugs me That can't be That did it That does it That explains everything That explains it That explains nothing That I can That I can't That I did That, I'll have That is all That is amazing That is Awesome That is correct That is disgusting! That is enough That is good That is important That is impressive That is logical That is ludicrous That is outrageous That is remarkable That IS rich That is right That is stupid! That is That That is unfair That is unfortunate That is wonderful That isn't fair! That isn't funny That isn't necessary That isn't so That it will That makes sense That matter's closed That means a lot That means trouble That never happened That never happens That scares her That scares him That scares them That scares us That settles it That settles that That sounds great! That suits me That Tastes Bad That Tastes Good That too, sure That was amazing That was awesome! That was close That was cool That was different That was fine That was it That was painless That was pointless That was refreshing That was terrific! That was tricky That wasn't bad That wasn't cool That wasn't good That wasn't necessary That wasn't true That went well That'd be great That'd be nice That'll be all That'll be great That'll be that That's a bummer That's a change That's a fact That's a lie! That's a notion That's a promise That's a shock That's a start That's about it That's absolutely impossible That's absolutely right That's All Folks That's also possible That's an insult That's an order! That's ancient history That's be me That's bitchin' man! That's far enough That's for me That's for sure That's good enough That's good news That's it alright That's mighty fine That's my job That's my ride That's my stuff That's my truck That's never wrong That's no fun That's not all That's not enough That's not fair! That's not good That's not important That's not it That's not possible That's not practical That's not right! That's not so! That's not true! That's not unreasonable That's our deal That's perfectly alright That's perfectly OK That's pretty amazing That's quite alright That's quite enough That's so beautiful That's so dumb! That's so funny! That's so impressive! That's so selfish That's So Silly! That's so stupid! That's so unfair That's the breaks That's the deal That's the girl That's the idea That's the man That's the plan That's the rub That's the rule(s) That's the spirit That's the truth That's the woman That's too complicated That's totally awesome! That's totally untrue That's true too That's her problem That's his problem That's my problem That's our problem That's their problem That's your problem That's very funny That's very kind That's very lucky That's very thoughtful That's what happened That's wonderful news! That's your department ...the acid test... The answer's no The big picture The blame game The car stalled The clock's ticking The deadly truth The deal's off The Devil's Advocate The domestic agenda The domino effect The door's open The End time The enemy within the Evil Eye The fact is The fine print The first one The game's over The golden years The Grand Tour The Jet Set The Jet Stream The Jigs up The last one The Last Supper The light's green The light's red The light's yellow The Lion's share The Living Dead The Lone Wolf The matter's closed The middle man The middle one The mind's eye The nay sayers The next time The offer's genuine The olden days The party's over The promised land The Religious Left The Religious Right The water's dirty The secret's out They survived it The Third Ear The usual rubbish The war's over! The water's fine The water's toxic The wedding's off The whole shebang The word is... The yay sayers Their time's up Then do it Then it's done ...Then it's over Then it's settled Then leave it Then, let's go Then ship it Then skip it Then tell us Then we agree ...Then we'll see Then, you leave There ain't any There always does There always is There always was There aren't any There certainly is There I go There is hope There is none There is not There isn't any There isn't room There isn't time There it is! There it was There, it's done There, it's settled Thar she blows There she blows There, that's better There, that's it There they are There you go There wasn't time There we are There we is There won't be There you are! There you go! There's a god There's a reason There's another chance ?There's another thing There's little choice There's my ride There's no change There's no chemistry There's no escape There's no harm There's no hurry There's no hope There's no mistake There's no more! There's no point There's no pressure There's no room There's no rush There's no time There's no way! There's nobody here! There's nobody home! There's non available There's nothing here There's nothing there There's nothing wrong There's one possibility There's or Yours? There's someone coming There's something coming There's something missing There's something wrong There's still time They all are They all do They already know They always are They ambushed us! They appreciate it They are back They are coming! They are crazy They are decent They are fine They are happy They are not They are open They are retreating They are sad They aren't coming They aren't happy They aren't here They better be They better not They changed clothes They could be They didn't say They do too They don't exist They don't know They forced you! They gave up They get away? They give up They got away They got em'! They got me They hit me They just disappeared They know nothing They know now They know why They learn fast They like it They live here They look angry They look concerned They look lost They look lousy They look mad They lost it They made me They mean business They mean good They might know They moved away They must decline They never did They never miss They now know They passed on They passed out They say no They say yes They sent me They started it! They started this They stay here They stay put They still are They still can They still can't They still will They still won't They sure are They sure aren't They sure do They switched books They switched cars They switched clothes They trust you They usually do They usually will They usually won't They warned you They went away They went there They were decent They were discovered They were lucky They were murdered They were open They were warned They were wrong They weren't happy They will come They will go They will not They will recover They won't listen They won't pay They wouldn't dare! They'll be alright They'll be fine They'll be here They'll be missed They'll be ready They'll come around They'll come over They'll do alright They'll do it They'll kill us They'll make it They'll never know They'll regret this They're a team They're all alive They're all dead They're all gone They're almost home They're at home They're bad luck They're bad news They're burning up! They're doing it They're doing this They're fed up They're gonna' die They're good folks They're good luck They're good parents They're good people They're good students They're home free They're ignoring me They're in trouble They're just different They're just friends They're just human They're just playing They're just talking They're never wrong They're not available They're not here They're not in They're not open They're not shy They're on it They're only human They're outta' control They're outta' here They're outta' town They're paying me They're pissed off! They're plenty tough They're really confused They're still there They're too late They're very happy They're very sad They've been hit! They've done enough They've doubled back They've made me They've no choice They've ruined everything They've taken command They're taking command They're using it They're very rich Things are changing Things are different Things like this Things like that Things will change Think about it Think about this Think it over Think of it Think it'll fly? Think things over This ain't over This ain't right This bugs me This came today This can't be This explains it This is acceptable This is amazing! This is awful! This is bad This is crazy! This is delicious This is different This is disgusting! This is done This is Fantastic! This is finished This is good This is great This is horrible This is important This is insane! This is it This is ludicrous This is lunacy This is madness! This is mine This is nice This is odd This is OK This is ours This is outrageous! This is real This is reality This is Ridiculous! This is right This is serious! This is stupid! This is unacceptable This is unfortunate This is War! This is wrong This isn't fair This isn't funny This isn't necessary This isn't over This isn't right This may help This means everything This means you This one's pretty This or That This Side Down This Side Up This suits me This way, please This will help This won't wait Those they don't Those won't grow 3 Alarm Saloon Through and Through Throw it away! Throw it down! Throw the bat! Throw the dice! Time and again Time for Dinner! Time for Lunch! Time for supper Time is up Time marches on Time to go Time to leave Time to play Time will tell Time's are achangin' Time's are changing Time's running out Tis the truth To be sure To begin with... To my knowledge... To the death... To the finish To the limit To what end? Told you so Tom- Dick- Harry Tomorrow's another day ...Too much responsibility Touch and Go Treat her right Treat him right Treat it right Trial and Error Trial by Combat Trick or Treat True to form Trust me... Daddy-O Trust no one Truth Or Dare? Try it again Try it sometime Try that one Try this on Try this one Try to relax Try to understand Try your hardest Turn it around Turn it off! Turn it on Turn me on Turn them on ...Twists and Turns Two of 'em Two of them Uh- Uh- Uh! Uh, never mind Unbolt the door! Uncork the bottle Under honorable conditions Under-the-counter Under-the-table United We Stand ...Unless I stay ...Unless otherwise provoked Unlock that door! Unlock the door! Unlock this door Until next time Up and about Up and "at-'em" Up and coming Up one's sleeve Up or Down? Up the creek Up the river Up you go Use a glass Use a hammer Use a knife Use a fork Use a spoon Use as directed Use extreme caution Use left lane Use right lane Use your hands Use your head Used car dealer Utility work ahead Van for sale Very good sir Very well ma'am Very well sir ...Very well then Victory or Death Viewer discretion advised Vipers Breed Vipers Waa- Waa- Waa Wait a minute! Wait and see Wait for everybody! Wait for me! Wait for them! Wait for us! Wait! I'm coming! Wait over here Wait over there Wait right here Wait right there Wait Wait Wait Walk- in service Walk this way Walk with me Wanna' get plastered? Wanna' get drunk? Wanna' get high? Wanna' get lucky? Wanna' get married? Wanna' get stoned? Wanna' join me? Wanna' step outside? Want a cigarette? Want to dance? Want a drink? Want some help? Want the truth? Want to eat? War is hell Was it awful? Was it wonderful? Was that necessary? Wash the dishes Wash your clothes Watch and learn Watch it now Watch me play Watch my back Watch us grow Watch your ass Watch your back Watch your butt Watch your feet Watch your hands Watch your language! Watch your mouth! Watch your step Watching and Waiting Watching and Wondering Way much so Way to Go! Way too easy We appreciate it We are alive We are alone We are back We are closed We are divorced We are done We are fine We are finished We are grateful We Are Here We are married ...We are now WE ARE! NOW... We are proud We are separated We are through We are unarmed We believe you We best go We best hurry We better be We better go We better hurry We better not We both did We can go We can't know We can't stay We certainly are We certainly have We did alright We did it! We don't know We find it We forgot to We found it We gave up We give up We go now We got company We got company We got 'em We got her We got problems We gotta go We gotta talk We have enough We have it We have landed We have nothing We have time We know better We know nothing We know that We know why We learn fast We like it We live here We lost 'em We lost it We love it We made it! We mean business We must advance! We must decline We must go We must hurry! We must retreat! We musn't despair We need answers We need help We need reinforcements We need them We never miss We plumb forgot We salute you We shall overcome We shall see We stay here We stay put We still are We still can We still can't We still will We still won't We sure do We, than you We thought not We trust you We trusted ya/you We wait here We warned you We were ambushed! We were attacked We were kids We were lucky We were wrong We will be We will go We will not We will see We won't pay We won't retreat We'd be delighted We'd better hurry! We'd love to Well, believe it Well, behave yourself Well, come on Come on then Well, do something Well fancy that Well, go on Well, goodbye then Well, He tried Well, Hello There! Well, I am WELL!, I NEVER! Well I suppose Well, I tried Well I'll be Well I'll Swear Well, I'll try Well, I'm listening Well, I'm off Well, let's go Well, lookie here Well, no matter Well, not exactly Well of course Well, she tried Well, sit tight Well, so what! Well, stop it Well, stop eating Well, stop listening Well, stop sleeping Well, stop snoring Well, stop trying Well, thanks a lot Well that's good Well, that's nature Well, that's nice Well, that's that Well, there's that Well-To-Do Well, They tried Well, We tried Well, will it? ...Well you better Well Well Well Well, what happened? Well, who did? Well, who is? Well, why not? We'll be missed We'll camp here We'll come over We'll discuss it We'll do it We'll end this We'll find out We'll get through We'll have to We'll get 'em We'll make it We'll need it We'll never know We'll sit tight We'll stay here We'll talk later We'll take it Were you scared? We're a team We're all done We're all going We're all safe We're all set We're almost home We're almost there We're at war! We're coming in! We're going down! We're going in We're going on We're gonna' die We're home free We're in business We're in trouble We're just different We're just fine We're leaving here We're leaving now We're on it We're outta' here! We're best friends We're burning up! We're coming out! We're doing this We're fed up We're going home We're her family We're his family We're home free We're just friends We're leaving now We're moving out We're much obliged We're not available We're old friends We're on it We're only human We're out-gunned We're out- manned We're outta' gas We're outta' here We're ready now! We're safe now We're still here We're the best We're the one We're their family We're through here We're too late We're under attack! We're very close We're very happy We're very rich We're waisting daylight Were you followed? WERE you now!? Were you right? Were you sleeping? Were you successful? Wet your whistle We've been discovered We've done enough We've done it! We've got company We've got her We've got him We've got it We've got them We've got trouble We've made it! We've no choice What a brain! What a day What a joke! What a mess! What a pity What a relief What a sight! What a surprise! What a trooper What a waste What about her? What about him? What about it? What about me? What about now? What about them? What about then? What about this? What about today? What about tomorrow? What about us? What about yesterday? What about you? What an idiot! What an honor! What an imagination! What are they? What happened exactly? What happened here? What happened then? What happened there? What happens next? What happens now? What in Tarnation!? What is happening? What is it? What is that? What is this? What it is? What it be? What, it's over? What just happened? What kept you/ya? What, me scared? What of it? What of her? What of him? What of them? What of us? What on Earth? What say you? What you got? What's he done? What the devil? What the heck? What the hell... What to do? What was it? What was stolen? What was that? What was what? What went wrong? What What What What you(ya) doing? What you got? What you want? Whatcha' doing there? Whatcha' thinking about? What'd I do? What's I miss? What'd you say? Whatever is arranged Whatever is necessary Whatever is needed Whatever it takes Whatever that is Whatever was arranged Whatever you like Whatever you need Whatever you say ...Whatever you're doing What'd you say? What'd you want What'll it be? What'll we do? What'll you do? What'll you have? What'll you say? What's bothering you? What's bugging you? What's eating you? What's for Breakfast? What's for Dinner? What's for Lunch? What's for Supper? What's going on? What's Happening Man? What's happened now? What's her excuse? What's her face... What's her name... What's her status? What's his excuse? What's his face... What's his name... What's his status? What's it about? What's it for? What's on T.V.? What's our status? What's over there? What's she done? What's so funny? What's that about? What's the catch? What's the charge? What's the deal? What's the difference? What's the excuse? What's the haps? What's the harm? What's the hurry? What's the idea? What's the matter? What's the message? What's the noise? What's the plan? What's the point? What's the problem? What's the purpose? What's the racket? What's the reason? What's the rest? What's the rush? What's the status? What's the story? What's the trouble? What's the use? What's the word? What's their excuse? What's their status? What's this about? What's that stuff? What's this stuff? What's troubling you? What's up man? What's wrong now? What's your angle? What's your guess? What's your hurry? What's your name? What's your pleasure? What's your point? What's your status? What's your status? What's your story? Wheelin' and Dealin' When it's complete When it's done When will we? Whenever they like Whenever you like Whenever you're free Whenever you're ready When's supper ready? Wherewithal Where am I? Where are they? Where are we? Where are you? Where is everybody? Where is everyone? Where is he? Where is it? Where is she? Where to ma'am? Where to now? Where to sir? Where we going? Where were we? Where you been? Where You Going? Where you headed? Where you headin'? Where you going? Where'd he go? Where's she go? Where'd they go? Where's my backup? Where's my dog? Where's my dinner? Where's my food? Where's my keys? Where's my lunch? Where's my shirt? Where's my shoes? Where's my supper? Where's the butter? Where's the cat? Where's the dog? Where's the fire? Where's the forks? Where's the Jelly? Where's the Ketchup? Where's the keys? Where's the lettuce? Where's the mayo? Where's the money? Where's the mouse? Where's the mustard? Where's the spoons? Where's the weapon? Where's the spider? Where's your backup? Where's your colleague? Where's your pa? ...Which is likely ...Which is unlikely Which this is Which this isn't Who am I? Who are they? Who are you? Who asked you? Who did it? Who did that? Who did this? Who-done-it? Who goes there? Who got you? Who hit me? Who invited you? Who is it? Who is that? Who is this? Who needs them? Who said so? Who said that? Who says so? Who sent you? Who staged this? Who started it? Who started this? Who stole them? Who threw that? Who told you? Who was that? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoever you are Whoever you say Whomever you are Whomever you say Whoop- T- Doo Who's back there? Who's gonna go? Who's gonna stay? Who's hunting who? Who's in charge? Who's the boss? Who's the Man? Who's to blame? Who's to know? Who's to say? Who's with me? Works for me Why always me? Why ask me? Why can't I? Why can't they? Why can't you? Why can't we? Why did you? Why didn't you? Why ever not? Why hide it? Why is it? Why is that? Why...Land Sakes! Why not now? Why on Earth...? Why should he? Why should I? Why should it? Why should she? Why should they? Why should we? Why shouldn't I? Why so few? Why so soon? Why wouldn't I? Why you ask? Why you go? Why'd you leave? Will it hurt? Will it keep? Will it work? Will you believe? Will you hush? Win- Lose- Draw Winning isn't everything Wipe your feet! Wish I didn't Wish I do Wish I knew Wish me luck Words fail me Work Before Play in progress Work it out! ...Work of art Work on it Works for me Would you hush! Would you shush! Write to me Yada Yada Yada Yeah... he says Yeah, he stays Yeah, he's alright Yeah, I bet Yeah I do Yeah, I guess Yeah, I know Yeah, I spose (suppose) Yeah, I'm here Yeah, I'm ready Yeah, I'm sure Yeah, it's over Yeah, it's time Yeah, me too Yeah, she's alright Yeah, so- long Yeah, they're alright Yeah, well, later Yeah, we're through Yeah, you too Yeh, I bet Yeh, I did Yeh, I guess Yeh, I know Yeh, I heard Yeh, I suppose Yeh, I understand Yeh, I'm fine Yeh, I'm OK Yeh, I'm tough Yeh, it's me Yeh, maybe so Yeh, it's me Yeh, it's tough Yeh, quit stalling Yeh! Yeh! Yeh! Yeh, you bet Yeh you can Yeh, you will Yep, I'm coming Yep, I'm going Yep, sure is Yes, about then Yes, alright, Yes Yes he did Yes I am Yes I did! Yes I do Yes I have Yes, I know Yes, I see Yes, I suppose Yes I was Yes I will Yes I would Yes it could Yes it is Yes it may Yes, it should Yes it was Yes it will Yes it would Yes, it's cruel Yes, it's me Yes, it's ok Yes, it's wonderful Yes my friend Yes my love Yes, no doubt Yes, of course Yes Sirree Bob Yes, thank God Yes, thank you Yes, that's all Yes, that's it! Yes, that's right Yes, that's true Yes we can Yes we did Yes, we're close Yes, we're friends Yes We're Open Yes, yes ok Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes you are Yes you can Yes you do Yes, you must Yes you were Yes you will Yet it is You all set? You ain't nothin'! You and Me You are alone You are amazing Yo are better You ARE clever You are crazy You are dangerous You are fired! You are free You are gorgeous! You Are Here You are incorrigible! You are irresponsible You are kind You are mine! You are mistaken You are nothing You are remarkable You! are responsible You are right You aren't now You back stabber! You be careful You be good You be nice You best hurry You betrayed me You betrayed them You betrayed us You better be You BETTER come You BETTER go You better hurry You better leave You better not You better run You Better stay You Big Bully! You Big Grump! You Big Idiot! You blabber mouth You blew it You booboo head You call me You calling me? You came back You can read You can hear You can too You can understand You can't either You can't leave You can't miss You can't quit You can't read! You come along You coming home? You coming In? You couldn't wait You crazy dame You deserve better You deserve more You did fine You did good! You Did it! You did not! You did so! You did that? You did this You did too! You did well You did what? You didn't ask You dirty bum! You dirty dog! You dirty liar! You disappoint me You disappont us You disgrace me! You disgrace yourself! You disgraced us You do it! You do that You do without You doodoo head You don't care You don't listen You don't remember? You don't say You don't think...? You double crosser! You drunkin' bum! You earned it You feelin' alright? You feeling alright? You feelin' better? You feeling better? You feeling ok? You figured wrong You filthy bum You filthy liar! You filthy scum You finally came You flatter me You forget it? You forget them You forgive me? You forgot me You forgot something? You forgot them You found it You found me You found them You get her You get him You get it! You girls ok? You go aboard You go ahead You go away! You go first You going somewhere? You got competition You got em' You got it You got me You got strong You got them? You gotta' listen You gotta' promise You gotta' stop You guys ok? You handle it You has- been! You hate me(?!) You have enough You have I.D.? You have now You have returned You have to You haven't changed You hear anything? You hear me? You hear that? You heard her You heard him You (ya'll) heard me You heard them You horne dog You hurry back You insolent dog! You jack-ass! You keep it You keep them You kiddin' me? You know better You know her? You know him? You know it! You know, ...Man You know me You know sumpin?...(something) You know that You know them? You know why You Knuckle head! You like jazz? You little devil You little idiot! You live here? You look awful You look comfortable You look concerned You look different You look good You look lousy You look mad You look relaxed You look terrible! You look worried You lose something? You lost it?! You lost me You lost them? You lost us You low life You lucky dog You lunk head You made it! You made me! You made that? You make me You make time You may go You may proceed You mean it? You mean that? You missed it! You missed one ...You must be You must cooperate You must decline You must forget You must go You must leave You musn't despair You musn't go You musn't leave You musn't stay You name it You need anything? You need me You needn't worry You never are You Never Know You never learn You never look! You never stop! You never- was! You never will You nit wit! You owe me You owe them You poopoo head You promise me? You promised me You said so You said what? You saved me You say what? You scared her You scared him You sacred it You scared me! You scared them You see anything? You see them? You should be You should go You should rest You shouldn't have... You shut it! You Shut Up! You sleep here You slime ball! You smell anything? You smell good! You smell great! You spoil her You spoil him You spoil them You started it You started this You stay here! You stay put You stay there You still here? You stop worrying You stubborn fool! You stupid creep! You Stupid Gringo! You Stupid Idiot! You Stupid Mexican You Stupid Nigger! You sure do You take care You take it You tell her You tell him You tell me You tell them You telling me! YOU the MAN! You think so? You told me! You tricked me You try me You try them You try us You used me You wait here! You Wanna' Be You wanna' bet? You wanna' play? You want some? You watch her You watch him You watch out You watch them You water it You were fantastic! You were fired You were lucky You were right You were saying? You were sure You were warned You were wrong You weren't there You White Trash! You WILL pay! You will succeed You will too You with us? You would have You wouldn't dare! You wouldn't listen You wouldn't stop You, You-You! You'd be surprised You'd be welcome You'll be back You'll be fine You'll be fined You'll be late You'll be missed You'll be OK You'll be sorry You'll be watched You'll do it You'll find out You'll learn fast You'll never guess You'll regret this You'll see it You'll stay here Your attention please! Your breath stinks! Your dad's home Your daddy's home Your father's home! Your feet smell! Your feet stink! Your mom's home Your mommy's home Your mother's home! Your obedient servant Your objections noted Your orders Sir(.?!) Your point is? Your problem's solved Your time's up You're a brat! You're a fool You're a liar! You're a mess! You're a nag You're a Pig! You're a weirdo! You're all alike You're all business You're all chumps You're all finished You're all fired! You're all free! You're all heart You're all suspects You're almost there You're always hungry! You're always starving! You're awfully quiet You're bad luck You're being silly You're being stubborn You're better off You're bleeding again! You're coming in You're darn tootin'! You're dead meat You're dead right You're dead wrong You're doing fine You're doing good You're dripping wet! You're forgetting yourself You're getting married? You're going too! You're good luck You're home early You're home free You're home late You're hurting me! You're ignoring it You're ignoring her You're ignoring him You're ignoring me You're ignoring them You're ignoring us You're in command You're in control You're in trouble You're interrupting me You're just different You're killin' me You're looking fine! You're looking Good! You're mighty understanding You're most welcome You're my friend You're my hero You're never around You're never satisfied! You're never wrong You're no help You're not blind! You're not deaf You're not done? You're not going You're not invited! You're not leaving You're not married? You're not playing! You're not responsible You're not scared? You're not serious You're not trying You're not welcomed! You're outta' control You're outta' gas You're outta' here You're over reacting You're paying me You're perfectly safe You're probably right You're Pussy Whipped! You're quite welcome You're really leaving? You're safe now You're so Cool You're so different You're so dumb! You're so insensitive You're so kind You're soaking wet! You're so bad You're so funny! You're so good You're so right You're so smart! You're so stingy You're so sweet You're something else You're sooo rude! You're squashing me! You're telling me! You're the best! You're the boss You're the Man! You're too kind You're too late! You're too much! You're too serious You're under arrest You're uniquely qualified You're up late You're very welcome You're waisting money You're waisting time! You're whistling Dixie You're with me You're with them You're with us Yours or Mine? Yours will turn You've been busy You've been warned You've done wonderfully You've earned it You've given up You've got it! You've got to You've got trouble You've ruined everything Yummy Yummy Yummy |
I initially thought to place only a few examples of 3-patterned road, door, etc., signs, but it may be of larger value to include a 1-2-3 chart of language-related signs, though pictographic signs could be included in the same 1-2-3 formulaic display. By using such a method, it is easier to recognize the difference in quantity of the enumerated expressions. It would be interesting to compare the different sign expressions of different language groups, but I am limiting mine to the English language.
While the same List- Logic could be said for displaying a list of one, two, four, five, six, etc., patterns with respect to the above (larger) list, I will leave such a task for those who have an affinity for tabulating other-than-three patterned expressions.One word | Two words | Three words |
Stop Walk Workers Yield |
Don't Walk Fresh Oil Men Working Survey Crew |
No Running Allowed No Smoking Allowed Road Machinery Ahead Road Work Ahead Sharp curves ahead Shoulder Work Ahead Slippery When Wet Survey Work Ahead Use Other Door Use This Door Watch For Trucks Watch Your Step |
Note: The sensibilities of some readers are easily offended upon encountering what they consider to be a vulgar expression. In as much as some readers would prefer that I do not include such examples, to list a few are necessary for historical research purposes. Please view such examples from the perspective of a researcher and not a person who secretly looks up words like fuck, pussy, cunt, whore, slut, penis, vagina, etc., in some dictionary, or otherwise engages in self-absorbed giggles, grimaces, smiles and gestures upon reading vulgar signs, symbols, words, and phrases they use in silence or as a mainstay of personal day to day self-expression.
I decided to place 3-patterned vulgar expressions in a separate area since different readers from different backgrounds may not be familiar with such phrases and will not be able to distinguish them from typical non-vulgar expressions. While some of the expressions listed below may not be considered particularly vulgar to the perspective of all readers, I nonetheless list those which I have found to be generally considered to be representative of a widely accepted vulgar remark (in an American setting) and not those considered simply as rude, racist, uncomplimentary, or insensitive, though other readers may be highly offended by any remark involving race, religion, or gender, or words such as retarded, stupid, dumb, ignorant, etc...
For example, some readers may not find the word "damn" to be vulgar because they say it can be found in the Bible, while others view it as being vulgar due to its contextual usage such as when someone is angry. Another example of a word or phrase being considered as vulgar due to context is the word "punk." While to call someone a punk in most everyday settings might be interpreted to be a slighting of character, it is not generally viewed as a cuss word. However, in a prison setting, such an expression is viewed as a vulgar expression (related to status- reputation- "one's jacket") since it refers to someone being another's sex object.
Bunch of Crap
Cut the Bullshit
Damn- Damn- Damn
Damn you pride
Eat me raw
Fuck you Asshole!
Go Fuck yourself!
God damn it!
(or- as a 3 into 1 representation: Goddamnit)
...Hell with that
Hurt's like hell!
I'll be damned!
Kiss my ass
Kiss my butt
Kiss my you-know-what
Move your arse!
Move your ass!
Oh Hell no!
No damn way!
No F-n' (fuckin')/(fuck-ING) way!
No Frickin (Fricken){Fucking} Way! Screw you both!
Shit for brains
Shit- Shit- Shit
Same old shit
So! Fuck Off!
Suck My Cock
Suck My Dick
Suck my Prick
Sure as shit
This game sucks
This is B.S. (Bull Shit)
(The following two-line expression relates to a bumper sticker about George Bush):
You crazy Bastard!
You dirty Bastard!
You Frickin' (Fucking) Asshole!
You Horses' Ass
You lousy Bastard!
You Mother F-er
You Mother Fucker
You Stupid Bitch!
You Stupid Cunt
You stupid Prick!
You Stupid Slut!
You Stupid Ho! (whore)
You Stupid Whore!
You suck man
You're a shit
You're damn right!
You're damn straight!
Well screw you
What a tramp!
What a sleeze!
What a slut!
What the fuck
What the hell?
3 part joke: I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't cuss... (Goddam I left my cigarettes at the bar.)
Note: Several years ago I began a short study of how to control cussing amongst youth in a closed setting by using the Oral- Anal- Genital (Latency) stages of development developed by Jean Piaget.
Three basic stages of psychosexual development (Oral- Anal- Genital) used to curb Cussing in Teenagers:
While working with youths (male and females 13-17 years of age) who were separated from their homes for a variety of reasons such as abused, runaway, truancy, general rebelliousness, etc., I would frequently encounter groups which indulged in using cuss-words as a primary form of self expression. Because it was the staff's job to try and curtail such expressions, I thought I would approach the activity through the process of education instead of the usual forms of condemnation that often-times only had a singular momentary effect that did not persist outside the controlled environment.
I got the youth into a group and set a marking board in front of them. I then asked them to name all the cuss-words (and not cuss-phrases) that they could.
(Before dis-cuss-ion) list: | (After dis-cuss-ion) list: |
Whore Bitch Slut Cunt Damn Shit Fuck*** Suck Hell Scum Twit Sleeze Ass/Ass-Butthole |
Activity label Female dog Activity label Body part In the Bible Natural activity Cuss word Natural activity In the Bible (soap) scum Word like Geek Activity label Body part |
***The word "Fuck" was chosen as the primary cuss-word and was offered as an abbreviation for the phrase: |
When the youth began to analyze the words, most of the above words were eliminated based on definitions guided by the dominant youth in the group who felt that most of the words could be dismissed due to being labels of occupation, existing in the Bible (such as Hell), or were "little kids words" used by those attempting to appear tough, get attention, mimic older kids, etc...
It must be noted that different groups of youth had different answers and list lengths, but all of them argued about the validity of what could or could not be used to indicate a cuss word, and that most lists ended up with just a few words that were generally accepted by everyone present.
I then introduced the group in some basic psycho-sexual development involving the three stages of Oral- Anal- Genital Development. I explained that each person generally passes through:
an Oral stage of development between 0-2 years of age (an example of which is the act of babies persistently putting things into their mouth).
an Anal stage of development between 2-4 years of age (an example of which is the teaching of children how to use a toilet instead of soiling their pants).
a Genital stage of development between 4-6 years of age (an example of which is the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" games, as well as the varied forms of mommy/daddy, doctor/nurse, playing "house" forms of games).
(For those of you who are wondering, yes I did mentioned the latency period and that the time periods offered for the duration of developmental stages were averaged approximations, which were generalizations and not absolutes for every person, since some people develop faster or slower than others.)
I then made a chart and asked the group to place the (accepted and deleted) cuss words according to whether they referred to an oral, anal, or genital image, though there was much argument as to relative acceptance since many of them had never really thought about (nor discussed) the words they were using:
Oral (0-2 years of age) |
Anal (2-4 years of age) |
Genital (4-6 years of age) |
Whore (oral sex) |
Whore (anal sex) |
Whore (vaginal sex) |
- | Shit | - |
- | - | Fuck |
Suck | - | - |
- | - | Cunt |
- | Ass/Butthole | - |
I then asked the group to consider whether or not there is a possibility that a person's repeated usage of a particular type of cuss-word may suggest they are somewhat mentally trapped (fixated) at a corresponding developmental stage. Each of them became silent and reflective of their own and others cuss-word usage. In every single instance that I had the "cuss-word" discussion, there was a complete absence of all cuss-word usage after the group was dismissed, as long as I remained on shift. When the next shift came and knew nothing about the group session I conducted, cuss words would creep back into the environment not only because there were staff members who were used to interacting with youth who cussed (and thereby expected it), some members of the staff legitimized the usage of vulgarity by cussing themselves! So much for setting a good example.
Many of the staff were resentful of my attempts to "change tradition," to the extent I was accused of contributing to the youths education about cussing! They only saw the negative, particularly since I frequently came up with a new project to instruct the kids in and they didn't. It never fails to hear staff members talking about the usage of applying psychology views in creative ways, but when someone actually does, they are frequently admonished for doing so.
More research needs to be done in this area of associating language with psycho-sexual development. Unfortunately, I never did find anyone who quite understood what I was doing. Trying to get across new ideas to those whose livelihood depends on government grants based on their usage of conventional ("traditional") ideas, is a lost cause when the (U.S.) government itself is so antiquated that it needs to be put into a museum of ancient relics.
It would be interesting to catalog 3-patterned expressions related to context, such as place, time, season, etc., and to what is being referred to such as person, place, thing, as well as by whom such as age, gender, education, culture, etc...
I should have also kept a running tally of which phrases were thought of first and then catalogued the time and date of each individual entry. Such a reference would give an indication of how the mind changes focus and intensity of list gathering. An experiment of this type could be performed with students who are asked to think of as many three-patterned phrases they can think of "off the top of their head" and also to record them. Then at one (or more) intervals in the future, they can be asked to do the same task and compare the list to the one (or more) previous list. Duplicity of a previous list might indicate a particularly type of non-growth/ change in cognitive development/interest.
Page Created: Thursday, 13-November-2014... 5:42:19 AM
Former Update: Wednesday, 19-July-2017... 6:47 AM
Latest Update: Tuesday, 3rd December, 2019... 3:13 AM
Herb O. Buckland