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This page was an early commissioned page for the Cenocracy.org site. The meeting on Friday, 7th February 2020 of the Cenocratic membership have unanimously selected to merge with Threesology.org sponsorship. This page comes from: Is your Political Ideology Outdate? It is an extention of the "threes" theme found on the 1st preface page.
It is incomprehensible for anyone to propose that others follow them when they clearly lack an understanding of underlying planetary and biological forces which affect human behavior and are expressed in repeating patterns that are being taken for granted. Current political ideas (and practices) are suffused with a depth of ignorance which is incorrigibly laughable... and requires the sustained maintenance of a populace with the necessary ignorance to perpetuate those institutions rewarded by subsidies which promise to assist in the maintenance and perpetuation thereof. Let us provide a succinct (though extremely truncated) example involving the concept of "Tripartite ideology" applied to politically-directed philosophy, though the ideology in and of itself without a specific application, may be called by alternative names such as Threesology, Threeism, Triunity, etc...
Again, the reader should keep in mind that the following is a severely abbreviated analysis meant for easy consumption by a large audience. It was procured, with permission, from the latter half of this page prior to its publication: The Devil's Advocate page 10.
In an attempt to unravel the reasons for the overall Societal Mess humanity is in and progressively persists in along a course of increasing intertwining complexity due to over-population and a reduction in planetary resources...
...It is necessary to point out a perceived but commonly overlooked repetition which clearly describes a recurring environmentally influenced- biologically manifested mindset of constraints attuned to what appears to be an incrementally deteriorating planetary/environmental occurrence:
Let us turn to basic paradigms which can be found in Zoology, and incrementally progresses in translatable forms "up the food-for-thought chain" towards and away from an assemblage of (convergent and divergent... along with a meso-variant "vergency": 'mesovergent') instances... which are sometimes labeled as Phenetics and Cladistics in biological nomenclature (though a central or alternative position of investigation and cataloguing is sometimes presented by some researchers represented by a numerical modeling methodology).
Such a food-for-thought-chain of consideration is a form of Cognitive Science involving multiple subject areas such as Biology, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, etc., (though there are similar parallels to be found in genetics, chemistry, geology, music, art, architecture, anatomy, and physics).
Appropriate to both Biological and Political interests is the study of Consumerism and Production. Therefore, let us begin with the three types of basic Consumers and Producers as seen from the perspective of Zoology and then progress towards other genres of research:
Interestingly, the present theme has not nor Is not being taken into consideration (in its present formula) by any type of Political theory which routinely appropriates ideas from economics for argumentative justification for one idea against another perspective involving extremes and some supposed "happy medium" or its presumed alternative counter part laying at some specialized point of reference or future point in time designated as a "to be reached" greater goal often denoted by the ideology found in Communism, Democracy, Socialism and Utopian idealization (though one might well include the varying orientations of religion and spiritually-linked philosophies with their own idealized notions of paradise, heaven, bliss, enlightenment, etc...).
Again, let us begin with some basic Zoology:
- Primary consumers and producers: Basically, those life forms such as algae and plants that utilize photosynthesis (eat basic chemical substances ) in order to produce chlorophyll.
- Secondary consumers and producers: Basically, those life forms that utilize chlorophyll- producing life forms. (They either eat algae and plants or that which algae and plants produce such as nectar... for bees.)
- Tertiary consumers and producers: Basically, those life forms that utilize primary and secondary consumers or the by-products of their consumption and/or production. (They eat plants and animals... even their own at times.)
Note: Trophic models vary from three to five categorizations depending on if they are focused on consumerism/production (3 levels) or ecology (4 or 5 levels). We can often find that algae and plants are primarily described as producers, but they too are consumers. In other words, organisms which produce chlorophyll are also consumers... or they could not produce chlorophyll. (They do not produce chlorophyll by some route of magic or miracle or mysticism.)

The Zoologically-referenced three types of consumers and producers can subsequently be aligned with the idea of consumption specifically related to animals:
We have now moved onto a larger biological context:
- Herbivores: animals that only eat plant materials.
- Carnivores: animals that only eat other animals.
- Omnivores: animals that eat both plant materials and meat.

(It should be noted that such life forms relegated to such categories might be viewed as "picky" eaters, but are more like a present day prcess of mechanization such that where in the case of producing a given product for consumption such as catsup, foriegn materials such as insects, dirt, etc., can get caught up in the mix. Not to mention the occasional mouse or rat when they get too close to a mixing vat.)
Aside from Production, "Consumption" is a word that can take on a variety of meanings involving the three different types of symbiotic relationships known as:
- Mutualism: mutual dependence is necessary to social well-being.
- Commensalism: association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.
- Parasitism: living as a parasite in or on another organism (also: habitual reliance on or exploitation of others.)

Let us now move on to an instance involving a basic psychology paradigm:
The above three can be seen to revolve around the three behavioral responses labeled:
- Fight: Through impulsive aggression or some measured regulation of competition.
- Flight: slow or stealthily Withdrawal, impulsive "herd mentality" escapism (tactical withdrawal).
- Freeze (or Fetal ["don't hurt me I am innocent"] position): immobility, subservience, submissiveness, feint for ulterior motive, etc...

From psychology let us move on to Sociology and Political Science (though different labels may be used):
...thereby instructively addressing the three complementary ideas known as:
- Predation: [colonialism, imperialism, plundering, pillaging, marauding, rape, self-injurious, [current forms of many religions, charities, governments, laws and economic policies, sports, business] etc...].
- Parallelism/protector (predator-protector): [amity to fend off predators but is not likewise a predator yet is not necessarily a protector of all innocents, just "chosen" or selective ones].
- Placator (pacifist/propitiator): [gives in, suffers injustices, permits enslavement in its many forms, submissive, self-deprecator, etc...].
Let us now move into the realm closer to basic philosophy:
...the foregoing three might be interpreted by some readers as three-patterned cognitive parallels related to three-patterned philosophical syllogisms commonly labeled (and used by political philosophers) as:
- Major Premise: (Seen analogously by some as the bourgeoisie)
- Minor Premise: (Seen analogously by some as the proletariat)
- Conclusion: (Inequality described by a persistent improvisation and reorganized forms of indentured servitude... thereby justifying THEIR brand of government).

Here we have an instance of diverging into other subject areas which express their own variations of the three-patterned formulization:
Illustrated by intellectually described simplified three-patterned arithmetic formula as:
- 1 + 2 = 3 or A2 + B2 = C2
- Or Einstein's three-patterned mass-to-energy equivalency formula: E = M X C2
- Or physics: Protons- Neutrons- Electrons
- Or the 3 laws of motion, 3 laws of planetary motion and three typical states of matter: solids- liquids- gases (adding plasma creates a 3-to-1 ratio.)
- 3 dimensions: length- width- breadth (adding time creates a 3-to-1 ratio.)

- Or music: Musical triads
- Or Horse racing: The Triple crown (Preakness Stakes- Kentucy Derby- Belmont Stakes)
- Or the Olympics: (Gold- Silver- Bronze medals)
- Or art: one-two-three dimensional depictions of space, time and color arrangements.
- Or genetics: Triplet code in DNA, triplet microtubules, ADP-AMP-ATP, etc...
- Or anatomy: Threes in Human anatomy
- Or the threes in the Benson-Calvin energy cycle: (Set of chemical reactions that take place in chloroplasts during photosynthesis:

At this point let us return to the topic concerning this website, mainly, the need for a Cenocracy (New Government).
The three-patterned cognitive formula is clearly recognizable in the phony three-part phrase of a two-part practice known as the "Checks and Balances" theory seen in the three-patterned design of government branches:
- Executive: U.S. Presidential office.
- Legislative: U.S. Congress
- Judicial: U.S. Department of Justice typically referring to the Supreme Court.
Which supposedly oversees a three-divisioned society of:
- Upper class: generally, the wealthy people of a society who may or may not own businesses.
- Middle class: generally, the White collar workers who hold professional or managerial positions.
- Lower class: generally, the blue collar, no collar and poor.
And let us not fail to mention that in a review of the three classes their are many Sociologically-colored interstitial derivations that are sometimes more useful at complicating perceptions than elucidating cultural infinitesimals... mix and match as you will)... which significantly relegates the public to an insignificant role in a presumed "peoples government", where "people" is the label of a selective (but seldom recognized or categorized) as an underlying three-part authoritative minority variously labeled in terms related to some business, military, judicial, religious, political, racial, male, female, etc., perspective; that wishes to practice selective entitlements revolving around their own three-part ideology of Me- Myself- and I.

If you are not familiar with the many recurrences of "threes", it is difficult for you to propose the development of a government structure which has not been contemplated with this underlying biological activity governing behavior.
Date of Origination (at Cenocracy.org site): Tuesday, 24th July 2019... (approx.) 9:00 AM
Date of Initial Posting (at Threesology.org): Saturday, 8th February 2020... 8:44 AM
Updated Posting: Sunday, 9th February 2020... 7:05 AM