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Threesological (Three-patterned occurrences in Philosophical perspectives) Page V |
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(The Study of Threes)

- --- God ---: There is a God, who is good, eternal, and who possesses an unknowable essence (which means that any understanding of God is an approximation). Although mysterious, God is real, significant, and omnipresent (which is to say that God has a meaningful impact on the world). The search for God is important to the universe.
- --- The Self ---: The individual self is infinite in complexity, and mutable in composition. The existence of individuals is important to the universe.
- --- Humanity ---: The human species is a crucial universal locus. This is true for many reasons, including:
- social and linguistic complexity
- technological advancement
- apprehension, appreciation, and creation of beauty, knowledge and morality
The fate of humanity is important to the universe.
NOTE: The Trihumanist Website is being maintained strictly as an archive. It is NOT being updated. It does NOT represent the current state of the author's thought and philosophies. Not all links may work. Contact information may not be correct!
By Christopher "Kitoba" Sunami
3 general types of reality that overlap in people's thoughts:
- Actual Reality- what is actually occurring irrespective of what someone thinks is, will, or should be taking place.
- Practical Reality-- typically situational due to race, gender, age, height, weight, health, education, financial status, culture, climate, etc., (what someone can, will, or does do to survive for short, medium, or long-term in a particular circumstance... i.e. their notion of what is meant by common sense.)
- Ideal Reality-- Differs according to each individual who may want no disease, hunger, crime, etc., but wants everyone to be wealthy, healthy, strong, wise, intelligent, loving, compassionate, creative, courteous, respectful, honest, etc...
Three distinct levels of analysis of information-processing systems used in recent work with respect to the theoretical foundations of cognitive science:
David Marr (1982)-
- The computational
- The algorithmic
- The implementational
Zenon Pylyshyn (1984)-
- The semantic
- The syntactic
- The physical
Textbooks in cognitive psychology sometimes call them the levels of-
- Content
- Form
- Medium
by Ron McClamrock
Three basic stages of psychosexual development (Oral- Anal- Genital) used to curb Cussing in Teenagers:
While working with youths (male and females 13-17 years of age) who were separated from their homes for a variety of reasons such as abused, runaway, truancy, general rebelliousness, etc., I would frequently encounter groups which indulged in using cuss-words as a primary form of self expression. Because it was the staff's job to try and curtail such expressions, I thought I would approach the activity through the process of education instead of the usual forms of condemnation that often-times only had a singular momentary effect that did not persist outside the controlled environment.
I got the youth into a group and set a marking board in front of them. I then asked them to name all the cuss-words (and not cuss-phrases) that they could.
(Before dis-cuss-ion) list: | (After dis-cuss-ion) list: |
Whore Bitch Slut Cunt Damn Shit Fuck*** Suck Hell Scum Twit Sleeze Ass/Ass-Butthole |
Activity label Female dog Activity label Body part In the Bible Natural activity Cuss word Natural activity In the Bible (soap) scum Word like "Geek" Activity label Body part |
(Thus describing a British origin. Unless they borrowed it from some other Aristocratic-defined social order.) |
When the youth began to analyze the words, most of the above words were eliminated based on definitions guided by the dominant youth in the group who felt that most of the words could be dismissed due to being labels of occupation, existing in the Bible (such as Hell), or were "little kids words" used by those attempting to appear tough, get attention, mimic older kids, etc...
It must be noted that different groups of youth had different answers and list lengths, but all of them argued about the validity of what could or could not be used to indicate a cuss word, and that most lists ended up with just a few words that were generally accepted by everyone present.
I then introduced the group in some basic psycho-sexual development involving the three stages of Oral- Anal- Genital Development. I explained that each person generally passes through:
- an Oral stage of development between 0-2 years of age (an example of which is the act of babies persistently putting things into their mouth).
- an Anal stage of development between 2-4 years of age (an example of which is the teaching of children how to use a toilet instead of soiling their pants).
- a Genital stage of development between 4-6 years of age (an example of which is the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" games, as well as the varied forms of mommy/daddy, doctor/nurse, playing "house" forms of games).
(For those of you who are wondering, yes I did mentioned the latency period and that the time periods offered for the duration of developmental stages were averaged approximations, which were generalizations and not absolutes for every person, since some people develop faster or slower than others.)
I then made a chart and asked the group to place the (accepted and deleted) cuss words according to whether they referred to an oral, anal, or genital image, though there was much argument as to relative acceptance since many of them had never really thought about (nor discussed) the words they were using:
Oral (0-2 years of age) |
Anal (2-4 years of age) |
Genital (4-6 years of age) |
Whore (oral sex) |
Whore (anal sex) |
Whore (vaginal sex) |
- | Shit | - |
- | - | Fuck |
Suck | - | - |
- | - | Cunt |
- | Ass/Butthole | - |
I then asked the group to consider whether or not there is a possibility that a person's repeated usage of a particular type of cuss-word may suggest they are somewhat mentally trapped (fixated) at a corresponding developmental stage. Each of them became silent and reflective of their own and others cuss-word usage. In every single instance that I had the "cuss-word" discussion, there was a complete absence of all cuss-word usage after the group was dismissed, as long as I remained on shift. When the next shift came and knew nothing about the group session I conducted, cuss words would creep back into the environment not only because there were staff members who were used to interacting with youth who cussed (and thereby expected it), some members of the staff legitimized the usage of vulgarity by cussing themselves!
Many of the staff were resentful of my attempts to "change tradition," to the extent I was accused of contributing to the youths education about cussing! It never fails to hear staff members talking about the usage of applying psychology views in creative ways, but when someone actually does, they are frequently admonished for doing so.
More research needs to be done in this area of associating language with psycho-sexual development. Unfortunately, I never did find anyone who quite understood what I was doing. Trying to get across new ideas to those whose livelihood depends on government grants based on their usage of conventional ("traditional") ideas, is a lost cause when the (U.S.) government itself is so antiquated that it needs to be put into a museum of ancient relics.
Three logically distinct components identified by Project Zero's "Patterns of Thinking" project that are necessary for dispositional behavior:
- Ability- Ability concerns the basic capacity to carry out a behavior.
- Inclination- Inclination concerns the motivation or impulse to engage in the behavior.
- Sensitivity- Sensitivity concerns likelihood of noticing occasions to engage in the behavior.
As an example, consider open-mindedness. In order to engage in an episode of open-mindedness, one has to:
- Have the basic capacity to see a situation from more than one perspective.
- Feel inclined to invest the energy in doing so.
- Recognize an appropriate occasion to be open to alternative perspectives.
Three features of Quantum Theory that can detect the Mind, according to the American physicist Nick Herbert:
- Randomness.
- Thinglessness- (objects acquire attributes only once they are observed).
- Interconnectedness- (John Bell's discovery that once two particles have interacted they remain connected).
Herbert thinks that these three features of inert matter can account for three basic features of mind:
- Free will.
- Essential ambiguity.
- Deep psychic connectedness.
Herbert thinks that consciousness is a pervasive process in nature. Mind is as fundamental a component of the universe as elementary particles and forces. (Scientists may be vastly underestimating the quantity of consciousness in the universe.)
Tripartite Consciousness (processes) theory of The American physicist Henry Stapp: Reality is a sequence of discrete events in the brain.
- Each event is an increase of knowledge.
- That knowledge comes from observing "systems".
- Each event is driven by three processes that operate together:
- The "Schroedinger process" is a mechanical, deterministic, process that predicts the state of the system (in a fashion similar to Newton's Physics: given its state at a given time, we can use equations to calculate its state at a different time). The only difference is that Schroedinger's equations describe the state of a system as a set of possibilities, rather than just one certainty.
- The "Heisenberg process" is a conscious choice that we make: the formalism of Quantum Theory implies that we can know something only when we ask Nature a question. This implies, in turn, that we have a degree of control over Nature. Depending on which question we ask, we can affect the state of the universe. Stapp mentions the Quantum Zeno effect, as a well known process in which we can alter the course of the universe by asking questions (it is the phenomenon by which a system is "freezed" if we keep observing the same observable very rapidly). We have to make a conscious decision about which question to ask Nature (which observable to observe). Otherwise nothing is going to happen.
- The "Dirac process" gives the answer to our question. Nature replies, and, as far as we can tell, the answer is totally random.
--- Quantum Consciousness ---
Three main factors demonstrate the Will-to-Act:
- Understanding
- Inner Contemplation
- Outward Activity
by Andy Wilkinson
3 to 1 ratio types of different people classified by the Bhagwad Gita:
- 1 of 3. Type S- They are the most positive & creative ones. They enjoy a calm, cheerful & a highly intelligent disposition. They are caring yet don't get swept away by any emotion...
- 2 of 3. Type R- They are also dynamic, in fact too dynamic at times. Their equipoise is shaken soon. They are more susceptible to emotional imbalances & upheavals. They get hurt very quickly...
- 3 of 3. Type T- They are the dull kinds. They lack motivation. They have to be compelled to do even their basic work.
- 1 of 1. Type G- They are the ones who act with spontaneous perfection, yet have no sense of doer-ship.
All of the types have very definite psychological traits. More often there is a mixture of type & traits, which are all however, subject to change.
3-step process of the "Looking-glass Self" theory proposed by Charles Horton Cooley:
- First, we imagine how we appear to others.
- Second, based on their reactions we attempt to determine whether others view us as we view ourselves.
- Third, we use our perception of how others judge us to develop feelings about ourselves.
This theory refers to the interactive process by which we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others. Other people act as a mirror.
3-step role taking process theory involving imitation, play, and games, by George Herbert Mead:
According to him, seeing ourselves as others see us is only the beginning. We end up role taking, or pretending to take the roles of others. We learn to see ourselves through the eyes of others.
We first internalize the expectations of our significant others or those closest to us. Mead called the internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society the generalized other. Children must develop the process of role taking. Under the age of three children lack a sense of self. They can only imitate the actions of others.
At the age of three children begin to play out the roles of specific people. Like when they play house. By the time children reach school age they begin to take part in organized games. This means they have to anticipate the roles and actions of others. According to Mead self consists of two parts, the I and the me. The I is the unsocialized, spontaneous, self interested component of our personality and self identity. The me on the other hand is the part of our identity that is aware of the expectations and attitudes of society- our socialized self.
by Jamie Mohr
(Let me add a third component called the "myself." Whereas the "I" as defined by Mead very nearly resembles Freud's Id, and his "me" closely resembles Freud's Ego, we can, in this context, relate the "myself" label as the Superego... H.O.B.)
Three stages in early European culture according to Johann Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887):
- A Barbaric stage- also referred to as hetairism. In this stage, neither males nor females were dominant in society. This was a period of widespread sexual promiscuity when children did not know their fathers, women were defenseless, rape took the place of marriage, and family life was virtually non-existent.
- A Matriarchy stage- This is when women banded together for their own defense, leading to the development of a matriarchal society that replaced the chaos of hetairism. This phase saw the first blossom of civilization, laws, agri-culture, and the arts. Love of the mother and worship of a mother goddess were characteristic of this stage.
- A Patriarchy stage- The present age where men are the predominant land-owners, business owners, judges, lawyers, doctors, etc...
Basic information from pages 271-272, Parallel Myths, by J.F. Bierlein, 1994.
an excerpt adapted from a webpage in which a reference to the "three" is mentioned:
...you may already have noticed that everything in Hegel goes in threes.
- "Abstract right" ~ "Morality" ~ "Ethical life".
- "Family" ~ "Civil Society" ~ "State".
There are many of these clusters of three. There's also the language of "Thesis", "Antithesis" and "Synthesis", of which you might have heard to describe Hegel's philosophy --- but be very careful with this language, because these are terms that Hegel himself never uses, and they are often quite misleading. Often in these sets of threes:
- The first element represents a "moment" of "undifferentiated" or "immediate" unity.
- The second element is the "moment" of "differentiated disunity."
- The third is the final higher or complex unity that encompasses, goes beyond, and completes what has gone before.
And the movement from the first moment through the second to the third is often called a dialectical progression.
One good illustration of a progression of this kind is suggested by the social scientist Jon Elster:
- a person might start with dogmatic or unreflective belief
- pass through a phase of doubt and uncertainty
- and end up with a much more reflective belief.
What's interesting about this progression is that one can't get from (i) to (iii) directly, but must pass through (ii), nor can one pass from (iii) back to (i) again. Nor is this a simple pendulum movement swinging from belief to doubt and back again, because the two kinds of belief are quite different. Patterns like this often repeat themselves in many varieties of Marxism. On the crude Marxist view of history, for example, it crops up as:
- the movement from prehistorical primitive Communism
- to the historical divided and conflicted class societies
- which pave the way for the future higher kind of communist society after the abolition of capitalism...
Triple structure examples of Alexander I. Stepanov:
- persons of pronouns: I - You - (he - she - it);
- genders: masculine - feminine - neuter;
- past - present - future;
- three part's division of time by Confucius, Zoroastrians;
- the tense system in German;
- degrees of comparison for adjectives and adverbs: positive - comparative - superlative;
- articles: definite - indefinite - zero;
- parts of the sentence: two primes and a secondary;
- the Heaven - the Earth - the Hell (Paradise - Earth - Inferno);
- body - soul - spirit;
- geosphere - biosphere - noosphere;
- mind - sense - will;
- three levels of the ego by K. Jaspers; more - less - equal;
- rational quantities - algebraic irrational ones - transcendence;
- real numbers - complex numbers - quaternions;
- rich - middle - poor classes in modern Western societies;
- the nobility - the clergy - the third estate in absolutistic France;
- poetic social order in The Republic by Plato;
- estate order in the Russian empire;
- three forms of state service: military - civilian - court;
- three branches of state power: legislative - executive - judicial;
- the institute of tripartite commissions: business - trade unions - government;
- the court: prosecution - defense - judge;
- the forms of government: autocracy - oligarchy - democracy;
- types of legal power by M. Weber;
standard classification of political movements (and variants):
- liberalism - conservatism - radicalism
- liberalism - conservatism - Marxism;
- liberalism - Marxism - nationalism;
- the Right - the Left - the Centre;
- the West - the East - the Third World;
- the notion of "the Third Way";
- world-system analysis: kernel - semi-periphery - periphery;
- Russian ideology of the 19th century: orthodoxy - autocracy - nationality;
- state ideology of Thailand: nation - religion - monarchy;
- A. Ferguson: Ages of savagery - barbarism - civilization;
- Thomsen: the Stone - the Bronze - the Iron Ages;
- palaeolithic period - mesolithic period- New Stone Age;
- Ancient history - Middle Ages - Modern times;
- "Moscow is the Third Rome";
- "the Third Reich" (Adolf Hitler);
- "the Third Revelation";
- classical system of literary genre: lyrics - epos - drama;
tragedy - comedy - drama; - literary process: author - reader - critic;
- ingredients of aesthetic object by M.M. Bakhtin: author - hero - audience;
- Frege's triangle: real object - concept - symbol (denotation - designation - name);
- F. de Saussure: langage - langue - parole
- (Germ.: Rede - Sprache - das Sprechen or Sprache - Sprachtum - Sprechart);
- mental structure of a person by S. Freud: the subconscious - consciousness - Super ego;
- faith - hope - love;
- spheres of moral law by Thomas Aquinas: the natural realm of elements - the heavenly world of the firmament - intelligible world;
- the threes by J. Boehme;
- the truth - the good - the beauty;
- the highest cognitive abilities by I. Kant: reason - intellect - the ability for judgment;
- the universal - the particular - the single,
- being - nothing - becoming;
- quality - quantity - measure;
- essence - phenomenon - reality,
- law - ethics - morals,
- the family - the guild - the state,
- thesis - antithesis - synthesis;
- the life styles by S.A. Kierkegaard: aesthetic - ethic - religious;
- three main paradigms of New Age's philosophy by A. Whitehead: idealism - materialism - dualism;
- races of mankind: the three-race theory (Negroid - Mongoloid - Caucasoid);
- ethnic kernel of American nation: the English - the Germans - the Irish;
- main groups of European nations: Romanic - Germanic - Slavonic;
- pivotal world religions: Christianity - Islam - Buddhism;
- three main parts of Christianity: Catholicism - Orthodoxy - Protestantism;
- key religious and philosophical components of the traditional Chinese culture: Confucianism - Daoism - Buddhism;
- the threes of folklore's heroes;
- Pythagorean classification of living intelligent creatures: God - man - a creature like Pythagoras;
- Pascal: "The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, but not the God of philosophers";
- Roman law: tres facuint collegium (the three make a collegium);
- number three by the Pre-Iranians, Chinese, primordial people;
- the structure of monogamic family: man - wife - children;
- three-dimensional physical space;
Date of Origination: (approx.) Sunday, 31st December 2000... 11:18 PM
Posted Update: Thursay, 24th May 2018... 7:01 AM
Herb O. Buckland