Threesology Research Journal

It's about time someone talked about time from a Threesological perspective; which warrants wondering if you will take the time to read about it.

Whereas the foregoing sentence may appear to be rather silly to some, it is relevant to a discussion involving the "three" in the context of time. Why? Because many people remark that they frequently wake up at 3:00 or 3:33 AM. Others recurringly awake again and again and again at some other repeating enumeration such as 1:11, or 2:22 or 4:44 or 5:55. And for those who might say there isn't a 6:66, you're wrong. However, it comes in the form of 7:06 which, numerologically speaking is [7 + 6 = 13... = 1 + 3 = 4]. All together they equal 34 {7 + 6 + 13 + 1 + 3 + 4}, which is 3 + 4 = 7. There are other "calculations" one might indulge in such as separating the odd and even numbers, etc., but this playful excursion is not the intent of the present discussion.

I can not tell you how often I have awakened at 3:00 or 3:33 AM. Nor how often I have heard someone else mention the same acknowledgement of experience. In some instances I have overheard Some people mentioning a certain time such as 1:23 (PM) but make no comment that it is a recurrence in their life. Another may mention that a time such as 4:57 is seen over and over again and wonder if it has any significance in their life. Or that they awake at 5:33 every morning without the use of an alarm clock. It is quite obvious that some of us have a repeating life rhythm while others, even if they do also, are not particularly cognizant of the fact in terms of identifying such in terms of time-defined number labels.

As I observe myself making physical and mental notes of the various three-patterned time occurrences with respect to the same number repeating, the numerous instances of digressions from any particularly recurring number pattern such as 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 1:23, 3:45, 2:34, 4:44, 5:55, etc., have made me realize that most time designations are three-patterned anyway. If we claim that 12:00 isn't three-patterned, we're wrong. Linguistically, we say "Twelve - O - clock." If someone asks what time it is, very often we might encounter an expression such as "a quarter after," "it's twenty till," "it's early yet," "we've got time," "time to go," etc... All of these are pattern-of-three expressions. If a person merely says "quarter after," someone might ask: "quarter after what?" The reply might then be "quarter after one, two, three, etc."

If you're a reader attempting to throw a wrench into the works of this expose' by citing a time such as 12:10, 12:11, 12:12 as exceptions, you would be providing us with yet another pattern-of-three. Whereas you may have had an experience with someone saying these three time periods, (and they may occur, as common expressions— frequently someplace,) I don't recall ever hearing anyone make mention of these times as represented here. I have heard "it's ten after," "it's eleven after," "it's twelve after," or, upon being asked:...

  • Got the time?
  • What time is it?
  • Know the time?
  • Do you have the time?
  • Could you tell me the time?
  • Would you tell me the time?
  • Is it noon?
  • Is it Twelve O'clock?
  • etc.,

...Someone may then reply: ten after, eleven after, twelve after.

One or two readers may elongate the pronunciation of "Eleven" to produce "Elev-en," thereby producing a three-patterned expression with the designated time of 12:11. The same goes for the time of 10:11. Hence, the time periods 11:10, 11:11, 11:12 would be pronounced as patterns-of-three and not patterns-of-two. However, altogether, there are 12 X 3 (36) possible two-patterned expressed time periods: 1:10, 1:11, 1:12, ® ® ® 12:10, 12:11, 12:12.

The "teens," such as 13, 14, 15, etc., are expressed as "thir-teen, four-teen, fif-teen, etc.," owing to the fact that in the development of numbers, before such words as "thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, etc.," were ever thought of, the human mind conceived of the quantities as "three plus ten, four plus ten, five plus ten," etc.. In other words, the "teen" in our present language usage stands for the "ten" value. With this said, a time designation of "1:13" would be pronounced in a three-patterned expression as "one thir-teen." From what is graphically portrayed to how something is pronounced may be quantifiably different.

In terms of a time such as "2:10," the "0" (pronounced as "oh" or "zero") is very much a part of the expression, even if as a single number, it is without a value. Thus, from a Threesological perspective, "1:01" has just as much three-patterned relevance as does "12:01." As noted previously, there are 36 possible two-patterned expressed time periods, but there are 57 three-patterned expressed time periods in every hour: 57 X 12 = 684. (12 hours X 60 minutes per hour = 720. 720 - 36 = 684.) Each of us has a 95% chance of encountering some three-patterned expression of time on a day to day basis.

Since most people do not make any effort to produce a written record of their over-all three-patterned occurrences on a day-to-day basis, much less a written record of how frequent they consciously "encounter" a specific time designation, it is difficult to ascertain whether or not they are experiencing a "high percentage" of any particular number pattern. They may be, but without evidence and repeated experiences in a controlled setting, what they may be experiencing may only be a recurrence of their ability to remember experiencing one episodic encounter with that of another... whose occurrences may be further apart then memory serves them. Anyone can unknowingly train themselves to awaken at a particular time through methods of unrecognized operant conditioning. The behaviourist BF Skinner showed us it can be done with chickens, that he taught to play ping pong. His book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" is noteworthy in this instance.

The next time you find yourself recognizing the recurrence of a particular number pattern showing itself to your consciousness via memory, you might want to stop and consider the possibility that you are merely experiencing a recurring pattern of operantly trained behavior. Whether it is you solely doing the unintentional training or it is a product of your present environmental circumstances, it is difficult for me to say from where I sit typing this. You may have a need in your present life's circumstances to find a level of significance to what you do, intend to do, or want to do that requires some "measure" of confirmation identified in a particularly recurring number sequence. However, it should be noted that others use alternative symbols or symbolism to attempt some accomplishment of identifying some significance or uniqueness in their own life.

And now, noting the time: 6:54 (4- 5 -6 in reverse order) on this day: Saturday, February 04, 2012, I shall bid adieu because I have other web pages I need to work on.