The Next Stage of Development
~ Prologue page 3b~
~ The Study of Threes ~

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ANC Prologue Page 1b |
ANC Prologue Page 2b |
ANC Prologue Page 3b |
Communism and Societal Collapse |
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ANC Epilogue Page 3 |
As a continuation of the information on the ANC
Page 2b; If we come to
agree that the old and present variations of Communism do not present us with a map towards achieving some unified beneficial goal for
humanity other than the establishment of a Communist government that views itself as the expression of an achievement whether or not it functions well, what
then is the design of a map to help us reach some supposed desired goal? If we claim that we can design a better government from the "ground up" instead of
working on an existing one from the top down to make improvements that are restricted by the underlying architecture set into place by tradition, habit, a
Constitution, etc., how then do we implement it? Like Communists who think that the establishment of a Communist government sets the stage for the supposed
emergent property of a Utopia which will ensue after a Communist government is put into place, we find this same type of mentality in religions that think
Heaven will be achieved by those who have prepared themselves for entry by living a life consistent with a particular religious belief. The same goes for those
who use words such as Nirvana, Enlightenment, Bliss, Shangra-la, etc... Every one of them is a compilation of guesses that are imagined in the same sense of
reasoning one indulges in when engaged in simple arithmetic. The mindset of humanity practices a given routine of thinking and most frequently overlooks using
the same pattern in all aspects of consideration. Instead of using numbers in one's day-to-day life equations, the numbers are transformed into word problems
that rely on the same type of basic computation except that the underlying process of enumerated formulation is overlooked. One's life becomes reduced to a
series of simple arithmetic problems that may not be solved because the wrong equation is being used due to an incomplete application of relevant variables.
The more variables there are, the less effective a person's simplistic arithmetic is. By trying to reduce more complicated issues to fit within a context
where one's typical arithmetic has been used time and again, the problem(s) is/are not solved because too many variables are left out but come to play a role
in the outcome nonetheless.
However, "greater complexity" often means little more than additional items to be listed as part of an overall tabulation. It is like someone taking an inventory but fails to take an accurate account. This is what Marx and his followers have done and still do. Complicating the inventory is those who actively try to undermine a person's efforts to reach a full account of all the variables, thus enabling them to cite deficiencies, as is often the case for those reviewing Communist (and other government reform) proposals. Those wanting to undermine, delay, distract, conceal, etc, the inventory of one or another good and/or service, do so because it either advantages them financially, someone they know is financially advantage, or because they feel a sense of empowerment by being able to cause a misalignment. Their gain is to keep another from making a gain whereby they set a person up for defeat, disappointment, disillusionment, discord, despair, disenfranchisements, detention, delay, etc...
Whereas Marx attempted to provide a more enhanced record of multiple items he was inventorying, his survey of historical accounts was too short and shallow, and were meant to serve his immediate assumptions that were then applied to an attempted projection of some more distant effort of attendance. In one's tabulation of history, the inclusion of human anthropology, sociology and economics need not be the information by which one must effect the creation of a better government formula, if such criteria effect a limitation of a greater appreciation of overall life's processes which involves a very real appreciation of Earth's environmental history, to which the larger backdrop of the galaxy and larger Universe can be added. By simply looking at the history of anthropological occurrences we come to realize that a list of pre and post hominid species describing an Evolution clearly indicates that the lineage is not a static one. It is dynamic. The same goes for the history of geology, weather, religion, societies, governments, and business economies. They do not remain the same. They evolve, they grow, they shrink, they go extinct. This is one reason Communism can not be the primary goal of Communists. To desire the creation of a "Communist State" as the main objective because from it will emerge some supposed Utopia, is setting humanity up for defeat. A Communist state in and of itself is not fluid enough. It is much too rigid and wants to enforce a social practice of a singular global orientation for all humans to adopt, without taking into consideration that change is an inevitability because the environment is not stable and humanity, as a biological organism is forced to adapt to it as best it can in order to establish some measure of equilibrium that must itself be fluidic, like land that gives way to the flow of water. Communists can not pursue what amounts to as a Communist dam to provide a serviceable entity for everyone in an equal manner, and expect all of humanity to play a part in the maintenance thereof, like so many former businesses, governments and religions have done in many different eras and places.
Using the analogy of a damn to represent Communism (or any belief for that matter), let us review the history of materials frequently used:
- Soil/dirt/sand
- Rocks/stones/gravel (natural or carved by a mason... thus noted as masonry rock or masonry stone, with or without some mortar)
- Concrete (often laced with metal such as re-barb or wire screens)
Concrete is the unified result of Portland cement mixed with sand and gravel and water applied. Hence, we see a 3-to-1 ratio.
(Portland cement is a) binding material in the form of a finely ground powder, usually gray, that is manufactured by burning and grinding a mixture of limestone and clay or limestone and shale. The inventor Joseph Aspdin, of England, patented the basic process in 1824, naming it for the resemblance of the cement when set to portland stone, a limestone from the Isle of Portland. When mixed with water, the anhydrous calcium silicates and other constituents in the portland cement react chemically with the water, combining with it (hydration) and decomposing in it (hydrolysis) and hardening and developing strength.
"portland cement." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.
Inasmuch as the usage of wood by beavers, humanity has not followed this route because wood rots too soon and the lumber yardage required is prohibitive (for large modern dams) and thus is not a viable alternative due to cost. While small ancient dams may well have used some types of wood or other plant materials for the construction of a dam, they were no doubt small constructions.
While some Communists act as if they want to create a global Communist state resembling the long-standing Egyptian and other pyramids, let us note that even while the structures remain, the reasons for constructing them and the maintenance thereof has dwindled to a negligibility. Even the supposed word of god inscribed on two stone tablets would fade over time if left out in the open exposed to the elements engaged in the processes of incremental deteriorations. However, even when such "commandments" are embraced internally, they have also eroded over time and been altered to accommodate changing attitudes that make adjustments to incremental deteriorations. It is ridiculous for a person to recite the fact that the only constant is change but then expect some extended longevity of a given idea. Indeed, even the idea of an incremental deterioration will no doubt be converted to that which must accommodate a different environmental setting which differs from that of the Earth.
In the present analogy, Communism is seen as a type of desired-to-be-constructed dam, though other projects could be cited as acceptable alternatives such as a bridge, aircraft, ship, subway, rocket ship, etc... They all have blueprints and required construction material. Each of them has been developed from a referenced history of design and alternative constructions, though producers and creators of a given project routinely describe their efforts as having its own uniqueness, like those who claim that the American brand of Democracy is without equal and was developed by those assumed to be a genius collective... just like some who claim Marx to have been a creative genius.
Up to the middle of the 19th century, dam design and construction (of dams) were largely based upon experience and empirical knowledge. An understanding of material and structural theory had been accumulating for 250 years, with scientific luminaries such as Galileo, Isaac Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Robert Hooke, Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, and Claude-Louis Navier among those who made significant contributions to these advancements. In the 1850s, William John Macquorn Rankine, professor of civil engineering at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, successfully demonstrated how applied science could help the practical engineer. Rankine's work on the stability of loose earth, for example, provided a better understanding of the principles of dam design and performance of structures. In mid-century France, J. Augustin Tortene de Sazilly led the way in developing the mathematical analysis of vertically faced masonry gravity dams, and François Zola first utilized mathematical analysis in designing a thin-arch masonry dam.
"dam." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.
If one has an incomplete history of dam construction as well as of materials and does not take into consideration environmental issues (that its construction causes and those which may come to cause problems on it such as earthquakes), then Communism will continue to fail as an attempted constructing-a-better-government project. It is then we come to realize how very many really bad Communism-engineers there are. They are novices with really big and otherwise good-intentioned ideas. Like many a novice in multiple subject areas wanting to be viewed as knowledgeable about a given subject, they recite the words and works of others that may have established a given idea, phrase or blueprint model that has come to be accepted as that of a true professional, only to find that when they attempt to apply it, they fall short of their own expectations. Like a child whose eyes are bigger then their stomach, they bite off more than they can not only adequately chew, but are able to digest without causing a stomach ache.
However, let us not fail to mention that not only do Communists want to construct what they believe to be a dam that will be of universal value to all people (as do others in their desired ideological orientations); the dam is to serve as a bridge and multi-use facility.
Dams are built to provide water for human consumption, for irrigating arid and semi-arid lands, or for use in industrial processes. They are used to increase the amount of water available for generating hydroelectric power, to reduce peak discharge of floodwater created by large storms or heavy snowmelt, and to increase the depth of water in a river in order to improve navigation and allow barges and ships to travel more easily. Dams can also provide a lake for recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. Many dams are built for more than one purpose; for example, water in a single reservoir can be used for fishing, to generate hydroelectric power, and to support an irrigation system. Water-control structures of this type are often designated multipurpose dams.
Auxiliary works that can help a dam function properly include a) spillways, b) movable gates, and c) valves that control the release of surplus water downstream from the dam. Dams can also include intake structures that deliver water to a power station or to a) canals, b) tunnels, or c) pipelines designed to convey the water stored by the dam to far-distant places. Other auxiliary works are systems for evacuating or flushing out silt that accumulates in the reservoir, locks for permitting the passage of ships through or around the dam site, and fish ladders (graduated steps) and other devices to assist fish seeking to swim past or around a dam.
- J. Guthrie Brown: Senior Consultant, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Consulting Engineers. President, International Commission on Large Dams, 1964–67. Coauthor of Power from Water.
- Donald C. Jackson: Associate Professor of History, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Author of Great American Bridges and Dam.
"dam." Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite, 2013.
While making the usage of a Dam an analogy with the desire to construct a Communism is easily understood, the reader might not take into consideration how many construction projects have been both intended or unintended failures. Some intentional failures are instances where those in and out of government offices are provided access to tax monies whether or not a construction is found to be faulty, since accountability in terms of having to pay the tax payers back is not part of a government-sponsored construction project, and recurring failures such as with military armaments are either provided with "cost overruns" or simply cause the shut down of a project with no one being cited with guilt that involves paying the tax payers back. While a company may lose a future contract, the government person(s) providing for a failed project are not seen as having committed any fault, and the company may nonetheless take into consideration the loss of a future contract, whereby the monies to be gained are enough to offset any future loss in the short-run. It is a strategy seen when corporations who intend to work outside the law, do so with the intent of making enough money to pay for any legal expense if they are caught; while the SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) will delay an investigation or closing down the operation of a company involved in an illegal practice, only after the company takes money from the unsuspecting public that may never get its money back, but the SEC is nonetheless enabled to receive money for the fines it imposes. Illegal activity pays very well for crooks and the government alike. In other words, crime does pay just as violence can bring about favorable changes. This is why governments and businesses employ both tactics and provide a means by which the top players always have an escape route if not someone left holding the bag of a portion of the ill-gotten goods or gains. But even when government officials point to themselves as being wholly or partly to blame, they rarely if ever are replaced or made to repay the people for the loss. Accepting responsibility is somehow now accepted as an acceptable excuse with no consequences attached.
Here is a few failed projects costing if not millions, then billions of dollars (and yes, trying to establish a government such as Communism is very costly):
- The Deadliest Dam Failures In History
- Colossal Failed Government Projects And What Happened
- Top failure factors for government contracts
- VA Wasted $1.1 Billion on Failed IT Projects in Six Years,/li>
- Pentagon’s Contracting Gurus Mismanaged Their Own Contracts
Here are some related costs for government programs when the government itself is the program:
- Why Communism Failed (Foundation for Economic Education), Friday, March 1, 1991
- The failure of ancient Greek growth: institutions, culture and energy cost
Abstract: Along with introducing democracy, advancing philosophy and excelling at the arts, during the period 800–300 bce ancient Greece achieved substantial economic prosperity. Recent literature attributes the efflorescence to the institutions and culture of democratic city-states. However, the city-states failed to initiate sustained growth. Technological progress remained slow and the economic efflorescence ended after the prevalence of Macedon and the subsequent Roman conquest. The present study scrutinises the roles of city-state institutions and culture. It shows that ultimately ancient Greece could not sustain long-run growth because a multitude of independent small city-states prevented the exploitation of economies of scale and stoked continual wars that exhausted them financially and militarily, and because of a culture valuing landholding, self-sufficiency and collectivist attitudes.
By George Tridimas, 21 June 2018
The usage of different analogies in describe Communism is necessary for the development of a New Communism because Communism is not being improved upon. The present architects and would-be engineers are using blueprint models that are out of date and out of step with not only available resources to be included in the inventory of materials to be used for construction and equitable redistribution, but are out of touch with the needs of human progress in an environment subjected to a process of progressive planetary degradation which not only demands the construction of a mobile edifice, but a dynamic one; and not one that insists upon humanity gravitating towards it as if it is to be erected as a shrine about which all are to pay homage and wait for the emergence of some expected manna from Heaven called a Utopia, so long as they religiously pray in an Easterly direction several times a day, but disguise this behavior as an ancient ritual of solar worship like some ancient hominid waiting for the Sun to rise in order to chase away the imagined demons of nightfall.
With prejudice, discrimination and bias we must re-evaluate Communism so as to replace it with a better version of its higher ideals and not substitute it with any present government practice that is failing humanity by falling short but catering to the whims, wiles and desired wealth of a few. If Communism presents the greater ideal for humanity's progressive mobility, then let us strip away all the useless ideological garments which are a burdensome wardrobe and return it to its true nativity of design that Marx and those who came after him tried to clothe in their respective images along with scripted dialogues for some imagined central presence on the world stage for which their amateurish intellectual abilities were ill-suited for, because they were well-intentioned janitors left to their own imaginings standing under a spotlight they created for themselves; thinking they could play the better role. It is pathetically stupid for us to recreate sequels of history by repeating the failures of past attempts to establish a Communism whose design was at best the product of idealistic impressions to right one another wrong— which were later found to be symptoms of problems that were not and could not be adequately addressed by the designs of a Communism which were inaccurate ideological inventories.
Since no existing government, business, or religion can be used as a role model, one must pose the honest question of whether or not it is possible to design a better formula of government which incorporates a knowledge of and rational response to the incremental deteriorations of the planet, its solar system and galaxy; as part of a larger ensemble of listed inventory items? Or are we of a mind to incline ourselves away from a full consideration of the incremental deteriorations which cause biology to make adjustments to the type of equilibrium which is employed as a survival mechanism, for which the term "rationalization" can be used to describe most, if not all of humanity's reactions thereto? Hence, in this sense, all ideological considerations present us with the very real possibility that every belief is a rationalization to help us accept and use a given type of response to ongoing environmental deteriorations.
While there are many who can fully grasp the effects which an incremental deterioration can have, such considerations are not a common reference that their own mind's bring into focus on their own, and therefore are in need of someone to make a comment about it since the realization is not being generated by the person's own thoughts. The situation is similar to those who study language from different perspectives, yet they overlook including an analyses of audiology. They all know that hearing plays an important role in language and may even know that the ear is considered a part of the brain, but they do not customarily study hearing and catalog the recurrence of patterns being exhibited. While they make numerous references to patterns in the study of language, and know that hearing plays a vital role in how one's language develops, they don't come to view the patterns which can be seen in the ear as an important consideration; that if the patterns were different, so would the patterns in language. In other words, if there were some other-than-a-recurring-three-pattern, such as a five, six, etc., then it might well be that human language and thus human thought might be different. Constructing an artificial hearing mechanism for Artificial Intelligence "units" will have to take the recurring patterns into consideration because altering how an A.I. Unit hears may well affect their thoughts unless they are programmed to ignore auditory patterns other than those it is programmed to perceive and interpret according to the programmer's level of awareness or ignorance.
If we simply accept Marx's game plan strategy as the best possible route to achieve a goal of greater equality and thus some supposed happiness, and not simply as a road map to establishing a Communism whether it is good or bad under future circumstances with a dwindled resource base coupled to an overly- burdened planet due to an excessive population which exploits it;, then how do we implement it? Indeed, if no other present day model of business, government or religion provides us with a better solution, are we left to accept Marx's ideology or can we create a new and better idea? As it stands, no current business, government or religious "game plan" is of global value. In fact, most if not all of them actually function by way of having adopted bits and pieces of different ideologies, like a generalist or scavenger that can be called an omnivore. Religions don't simply occupy their interests with religion, but include non-religious interests that come to be redefined into being a part of religion, thus effecting their own brand of rationalization in order to remain viable by sustaining some relevant level of equilibrium with regard to the environment(s) they operate in.
Businesses, governments and religions are organismic entities which use biological characteristics in order to sustain their existence. They frequently change between being a predator or acting as a prey in order to lure unsuspecting interests into their grasp. They will lie, cheat, still, ambush, kidnap, beat, abuse, exploit, entrap, bribe or anything they need to in order to sustain themselves as a viable entity. As environmental conditions grow more severe, so will be their tactics in an attempt to remain alive... if only to sacrifice themselves for a greater good such as that which is thought to be an offspring or offshoot.
Because organizations, institutions, governments, corporations, etc., are required to make biological-like adjustments to changing conditions, those with a rigid mechanical-like architecture will be too encumbered to make the necessary changes which may gave an intermittent requirement. In order to stay viable, they need to exhibit efforts to sustain the environment in a condition which is best for their structure and size. For example, take away tall trees from giraffes, and their long necks become unneeded. While many understand this, they may not consider this unless it is placed into a context to be viewed as an analogy for a given discussion, though in the end they may nonetheless ask what can they do to make changes? While they agree that all governments are less than they might otherwise be if they had different leaderships, and that a global Communism might be more beneficial, how does the average person or even non-average person bring about the necessary changes if in fact they are one of a very few who are thinking this way, yet their ego may created the illusion that "lots" of people feel and think they same as they do, as measured by a consensus reached amongst one's two or three friends who share the same illusion?
If one were to take a survey of what others feel about their current government, they might find that many do not want a new government, they simply want to make corrections to the present one, somehow thinking their government is the best one... or is at least good enough since to change a government may mean having to suffer a loss of something they have such as a pension, or right, or advantage or entitlement. While many people freely changes clothes with a great frequency, they are reluctant to make changes in the vehicles they drive, how they get to work, where they shop, which holidays to observe, which programs to watch on television, or listen to on a radio, etc... While they consider that some changes do make their life better and that there are other changes which might improve their lives substantially, they are often quite afraid to make an attempt. They need to be forced. Whereas in most cases of government and business and religion when one person replaces another there is often change in one or another policy, the underlying main structure remains the same, as if it were built on a foundation for which none better exists. Such as those who think Marxist doctrine has some sort of infallibility written into its "base" or basic coding or architecture.
If Communists are asked to create a Communism from the ground up using a larger array of information, we might well find various strategies which serve to restrict, reduce or otherwise exclude information so that the final illustration resembles Marx's views. If a reader would disagree, then why don't those who are interested in Communism as an ideal government attempting to create an ideal architecture without having to resort to the vernacular and equations used by Marx... unless they are unable to think analytically and creatively on their own. Why is it so difficult to view all the things that Marx did, albeit in a larger context with updated information— including an understanding about the incremental deterioration of the environment, which most business, governments and religions today are excusing themselves from as well by embracing an ethic which is a "wait and see" attitude or simply denies they can have little effect on responses thereto?
Date of Origination: Tuesday, March 10th, 2020... 7:04 AM
Initial Posting: Friday, March 13th, 2020... 8:22 AM
Herb O. Buckland