Page E
(Study of Threes)
Researchers as of 11/20/2019
3-to-1 ratios page A | 3-to-1 ratios page B | 3-to-1 ratios page C | 3-to-1 ratios page D |
3-to-1 ratios page E | 3-to-1 ratios page F | 3-to-1 ratios page G | Three to One Fundamental Forces |
In a manner of speaking, anytime we give examples of ideas, we are indirectly discussing language. Vocal sounds (differing levels of air pressure) are but one type of physiological activity that we describe as expression, but it is not the only kind. There are others such as body language, the language of art, the language of silence, the language of music, mathematics, science, etc... With respect to the present discussion, the 3:1 ratio idea can be viewed as another form of the "three" expression viewed from another perspective of analyzing the notion of an underlying 1-2-3 developmental sequence.
The idea of a 1-2-3 maturational development sequence as well as the 3:1 ratio view may be representative of an underlying three-patterned mental template that is symbolically represented by linguistic patterns that may or may not be graphically displayed in a variety of contexts with different word labels being used as differing types of context-specific "jargon;" whether the context is a racial culture on a continent, colloquialism found in a state, during a particular era, in a small nation or large city, a normal, neurotic or eccentric household, profitable business, esoteric academic program, a gender grouping, sporting event, etc... And yet on a more fundamental level, this three-patterned "mental" template may in fact have sub-cultural, linguistic physiological, and genetic counterparts that were themselves initially designed by environmental influences, as is suggested by the recurring physiological, atomic, and biological patterns-of-three I have presented on other pages at this site.
However, if both patterns (as well as others) have an environmental influence, is it possible to identify the event(s)? In my attempts to answer such a question, it is necessary not only to account for patterns-of-three occurring in genetics such as the billions-of- years-old triplet codon system in DNA (even though others have focused on trying to understand what force(s) influenced the usage of a double helix instead of some other geometric form), but also circumstances of the 1-2-3 developmental sequence found in the example of the 1-2-3 Germ layers, and the pattern indicated by the many varieties of the 3:1 scheme that are listed.
In brief, these ideas may be symbolic renditions of the effects of the rate of the Earth's rotation in relation to the Sun (and moon) over billions of years of biological development. With respect to the 3:1 ratio, this same pattern is exhibited in the increased expansion of the three-"moment" (dawn-noon-dusk) Sun as it decays and its relationship to the Earth as its rotation rate continues to slow down. The expansion of the Sun is said to one day increase to the extent of engulfing the innermost three planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth), bringing its proximity closer to the planet Mars, perhaps making it a hospitable environment much in the same fashion as the Earth due to its position to the Sun. It is said that if the Earth were either a short distance closer or further from the Sun, this would create conditions unable to support life as we know it.
A few characteristics of the Earth/Sun/Moon relationship:
- The Earth was spinning faster in the past during life's beginnings, and it continues to slow down.
- The Sun is expanding as it decays and is thought to one day engulf the innermost three planets: (Mercury- Venus- Earth)
- The path of the Sun from dawn to noon to dusk forms an inverted "V" that some observers may prefer to label as a triangle or pyramid (or even a baseball diamond when both night and day geometric forms are viewed singularly/holistically).
- Three distinct "moments" of the Sun affect biological forms in distinct ways, (such as in a pattern-of-three, triangular or 3 to 1 ratio way) and may in fact affect certain molecular/atomic forms likewise.
- The distance between the Moon and Earth is increasing which alters tidal behavior and in-turn affects the rate of the Earth's rotation.
The expansion of the Sun, in concert with the slowing of the Earth's rotation as well as the retreat of the Moon away from the Earth will, in effect, play individual parts in the circumstances of the three aforementioned "moments" (dawn- noon- dusk) "fusing" together creating a 3 into/from/with 1 circumstance. This ever-progressing change that is occurring today, will no doubt continue to affect biological life. In a sense, just as the "solar triangle" appears to have impressed itself upon various life forms as indicated by the "triangles" formed by:
- Insects- termite mounds and antlion burrows.
- Birds- V-shaped flight formations during migration.
- Humans- pyramids, tepees, v-shaped engine blocks, (as well as simplistic orientations produced by clothing that enhances the regions of a V-shaped crotch, V-shaped cleavage, V-tapered torso).
The fusing of the three solar moments is also a type of "branding iron" that is impressing its image in specific ways with respect to the characteristics of a given type of biological material, and perhaps even geophysical processes as well.
This 3:1 ratio influence can already be seen occurring in a variety of areas as the following short list illustrates. And it should be mentioned that with respect to a 1- 2- 3 maturational development sequence, this necessarily suggests that prior to the Earth habitability, Mercury and Venus may have been teeming with life when the early (faint young) Sun's presence was different to them. With life having begun on Mercury 1st, Venus 2nd, and not Earth 3rd, this is another pattern-of-three related to the other examples provided on various pages at this site and others.
3 patterned reference to the Black (bubonic) Plague in a child's lyrics:
- Ring-around-the-rosey (victims of bubonic plague had red spots on their skin).
- A pocket full of posies (this is a reference to herbal remedies thought to assist in preventing {or curing} someone from getting the illness), though I have also encountered that this refers to large pustules in the "pockets" of armpits and the groin region.
- Ashes, ashes, we all fall down (this refers to death and the burning of plague infested bodies as an attempt to prevent the disease from spreading).
(By separating the death {falling down} and the burning {ashes} of the last line, we could interpret this as a 3 to 1 ratio).
*** Teiresias's testimony: If the parts of love-pleasure be counted as ten, thrice three go to women, one only to men. (This can be viewed as a 3:1 ratio)
There is a British expression which could be look upon as a similarity to the foregoing: Playing 3 (two testicles and 1 penis) to 1 (Vagina). Because of all the sexual connotations being made by British society, more and more people are viewing it as a pornofied society in need of growing up because it can not get past its oral, anal and genital stages of development. It is further being considered that if it persists in its infantile orientations, serious consideration must be given to take an adequate course of action against it because it either refuses to mature, does not have the capacity to grow up, or represents a throw-back to an earlier hominid form that should have become extinct long ago.
3 to 1 ratio of ships used by Vasco da Gama as he sailed around the Southern Cape of Africa: 3 regular ships (São Gabriel~ São Rafael~ Bérnio) + 1 supply ship... whose captains were, respectively, Vasco Da Gama ~ Paulo da Gama ~ Nicolau Coelho + Gonçalo Numes
3 hots and a (one) cot: An expression sometimes used by those who stay in jail for a short time, or are subjected to circumstances that are not desirable but are tolerated for a short time and are rationalized as being endurable by providing them with 3 hot meals and a place to sleep.
Buy 3 tires get another one (1) free, is a common advertisement seen periodically in the U.S.A.
3 in 1 no Jive yo-yo was patented by Tom Kuhn.
3 to 1 ratio of Jungian personality types:
- 1 of 3. Sensation
- 2 of 3. Intuition
- 3 of 3. Feeling
- 1 of 1. Thinking
3 to 1 ratio of the four Vedas (primary texts of Hinduism that also influenced Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism):
- 1 of 3. Sama Veda- collection of hymns used by the priests during the Soma sacrifice. Many of these duplicate in part or in whole hymns from the Rig Veda.
- 2 of 3. Yajur Veda- The Yajur Veda is a detailed manual of the Vedic sacrificial rites.
- 3 of 3. Atharva Veda- also contains material from the Rig Veda, but of interest are the numerous incantations and metaphysical texts, which this anthology (part of the Sacred Books of the East series) collects and categorizes. The Atharva Veda was written down much later than the rest of the Vedas, about 200 B.C.; it may have been composed about 1000 B.C.
- 1 of 1. The Rig Veda- the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C., and written down about 600 B.C.
3 to 1 ratio of Vedas: To an original complement of three Vedas (the Veda is sometimes referred to as the "threefold wisdom") was later added the Atharva Veda, and the "world of heaven" becomes a fourth world in the cosmological scheme. The enlargement of the tripartite classification system into a quadripartite one may very well have been stimulated by an analogous (or causative) historical expansion of Vedic society to include within it the non-Aryan indigenous inhabitants of South Asia. These natives the Indo-European invaders originally called dasas or dasyus, "slaves." Over time, as the invaders themselves became natives and as some of the original inhabitants were assimilated to some degree within Aryan society, the latter came to be known as "Shudras" and took over the bottom rung in the social order: a fourth social class was grafted onto the bottom of a social hierarchy previously consisting of three "twice-born" classes. In any event, the expansion of categorical systems from three to four is a recurring phenomenon in Indian intellectual history. In later Hindu texts, to the three purusarthas or "goals of human beings" (pleasure, power, and principle, kama, artha, and dharma) is added liberation (moksha) as a "transcendent fourth." The three ashramas or stages of life— student, householder, and forest dweller— are similarly expanded to include the renunciate's way of life (sannyasa).
H.O.B. note: The so-called "forth class" of Indic peoples was marginalized to some degree by Georges Dumezil in his Tripartite Ideology Of Indo-European peoples. He did not consider the existence of a so-called "forth" entity as the dawning manifestation of a 3 to 1 ratio phenomena. He relegated the so-called "forth" class into a non-class entity thereby maintaining his "Tripartite" theory. He did not assign the "forth" as being part of a 3 to 1 ratio which is very much a part of a larger "tripartite" perspective. He did not view his theory in terms of an environmentally influenced genetic predisposition that changes in accord with environmental/planetary "evolutions".
3 to 1 ratio of different haunting types:
- 1 of 3. Portal Hauntings- presently based on theory and conjecture as to existence of "portals".
- 2 of 3. Poltergeist Activity- traditionally thought of as "noisy ghost" but also is considered due to an emotionally disturbed individual unconsciously creating the "poltergeist" activity.
- 3 of 3. Residual Haunt- paranormal phenomena not necessarily related to ghosts.
- 1 of 1. Intelligent Haunt- most common form related to a sentient being, usually human.

3 to 1 finger pointing: There is sometimes encountered (in America) the expression about the pointing of a (one) finger at someone which results in having three fingers pointing at the pointer themselves. In this instance, the (non-"finger") thumb is not mentioned though its position is variable according to person and context. (It may be up, down, or intermediate.) As a point of research interest related to language, since many people do "talk" with hand expressions accompanying verbal remarks, a study of the index finger pointing phenomena might prove insightful to a largely taken-for-granted human behavior. For example, is pointing with the index finger a wide-spread characteristic, or is the thumb (etc.) used more-so in other cultures. If it is used predominantly in all cultures, is it due to some point of (transitional?) developmental cognition?
The expression: "If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times" could be viewed as a 1\3 (3 to 1) ratio by changing the word 'once' to the numerical value of 1 and the word 'thousand' to its numerical equivalent 1,000. Hence, in one sense, the 1 becomes a 1,000 by the addition of a comma and 3 zeros.
![]() To give a simple example from the realm of mathematics for those of you who haven't looked at any of the other information I've placed on other pages, our counting sequence of ones~ tens~ hundreds~ thousands is a 3 to 1 (or 1 to 3) example when we acknowledge the usage of a comma after the hundreds from a right to left direction even though many people write left to right: 1,123. We place a comma after every third number value. Hence, a "three" part distinction can be seen. In the number 12,123 we may want to say we have a 2 to 3 ratio, but most people will overlook the fact that a higher valued number would repeat a usage of a "three" reference: 123,123; giving us a 3 to 3 ratio. Hence, we have an overall 3-patterned ratio formula which correlates to the 1~ 2~ 3 maturational development sequence discussed in previous pages: |
***As an aside note, when we compare the usage of a coma in numbers to distinguish the separation between the hundreds and the thousands place in a series of numbers:

with the "and" used as a separator such as in the case of Adenosine, Cytosine, Guanine "and" Uracil (or Thymine):

the comma in the number grouping is placed in a from right to left sequence, while the "and" in the word grouping is placed in a from left to right sequence. This may suggest that the "right to left" usage in numbers had an early middle eastern (Arabic?) influence, (since both modern numbers and this method of writing had much of their influential beginnings in this area), but the "left to right" placement of a series separator in words did not have.
by Clark Aldrich
Practicing leadership comes down to practicing four principles in concert:
- 1 of 3. First, you need power within the group. You need to be heard when you speak. You may also need allies with power.
- 2 of 3. Second, you need to manage the tension of the group.&If the tension is too low, there will not be a perceived need to do anything differently.& If the tension is too high, the group will be too panicked to act effectively.
- 3 of 3. Third, the group needs to have enough different alternatives, or ideas, to consider in order to select the right one.
- 1 of 1. When you have enough power and ideas, and the tension is right, leaders have to get the group to complete the critical work.

3 to 1 ratio of taste bud papillae:
- 1 of 3. Circumvallate papillae- has taste buds.
- 2 of 3. Foliate papillae- has taste buds.
- 3 of 3. Fungiform papillae- has taste buds.
- 1 of 1. Filiform papillae- no taste buds.
Image and information:
3 groups of the so-called five basic taste sensations:
- Salty/Sweet (Salty/Sweet/Sour?)
- Bitter (Bitter/Sour?)
- Umami- glutamate (MSG) "beef taste"
3 to 1 ratio when only four basic taste sensations are listed:
- 1 of 3. Salty
- 2 of 3. Sweet
- 3 of 3. Sour
- 1 of 1. Bitter
3 types of epithelial cells in Taste buds:
- Gustatory (taste) cells- chemoreceptors.
- Supporting cells- "insulate" taste cells (not like myelin)
- Basal cells- mitotically active, replaced every 7 to 10 days.
Information adapted from:
- 3 teaspoons make 1 tablespoon.
- 3 checks on 1 page is a common small business checkbook style.
- 3 barley corns equal 1 inch (Old measure originating in England).
- 3 phase and 1 phase electric service are typically offered in America.
- 3 to 1 ratio may also be expressed in number groupings such as 13, 31, 130, 310, etc.
- 3 to (silent) 1: ETA = Estimated Time (of) Arrival
- I have, on occasion, encountered a message on my computer screen that a configuration from disk 1 and disk 3 have been automatically updated (when using windows 98). No other disk numbers have ever been displayed.
3 to 1 ratio of basic components used in theory construction:
- 1 of 3. CONCEPTS - are terms used to identify specific phenomena that are of interest to theory - builders and theory users. They are universal, rather than specific. They refer to attributes that are common among a group of people, places or things.
- 2 of 3. VARIABLES - are labels or names given phenomena so they can be distinguished from other phenomena or used to describe degrees of differences among phenomena. They are measurable and concrete versions of concepts and are critical in the process of validating theory with aggregate data.
- 3 of 3. THEORETICAL STATEMENTS - connect the variables used in a theory or explanation to one another. They indicate the relationship between the variables, and provide an interpretation of that relationship. A Proposition is a theoretical statement that specifies the connection between two or more variables or how one affects the other.
- 1 of 1. THEORETICAL FORMATS - are the ways in which theoretical statements are grouped together.
3 in one eating establishments have begun to crop up in the United States. This is the usage of one building to house three different types of menus being served by a single eating establishment as a means to increase profits. This requires that employees be trained to prepare and serve 3 different types of foodstuffs instead of having knowledge and skills for only one type of menu. To eliminate possible problems from employees, the company(s) purchase (or manufacture) pre-packaged foods and portions.
Colloquial consideration: Ever notice that it takes 3 yells at a teenager to get their attention but only 1 ring from a phone?
Mammals have three bones in each ear and one (the dentary) on each side of the lower jaw; all other vertebrates with ears have one bone (the stapes) in the ear and at least three on each side of the jaw. A group of therapsids called cynodonts had three bones in the jaw, but the main jaw joint was the dentary and the other bones conducted sound.
3 to 1 ratio scenario of projected human population growth:
- 1 of 3. Low fertility: 2.3 billion
- 2 of 3. Medium fertility: 9 billion
- 3 of 3. High fertility: 36.4 billion
- 1 of 1. At current fertility levels - 134 trillion

--- BBC News: UN Warns of Population Surge (12-09-03) ---
3 to 1 ratio of Professor Richard Wiseman's (so-called four) top tips for becoming lucky:
- 1 of 3. Listen to your gut instincts - they are normally right.
- 2 of 3. Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well.
- 3 of 3. Visualize yourself being lucky before an important meeting or telephone call. Luck is very often a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- 1 of 1. Be open to new experiences and breaking your normal routine.
3 to 1 ratio:
over which the Monad rules.
This order is the beginning of all section;
For the mind of the Father said,
that all things be cut Into three.
(The Oracles of Zoroaster)
--- The Classical use of Triplicities ---
By Deborah Houlding
1 to 3 pints of intestinal gas per day are produced by most people according to an advertisement selling CharcoCaps.
3 in 1 handbag ensemble: It's a handbag ... it's a wallet ... it's a clutch.
3 to 1 expression: "From the-get-go".
3 to 1 ratio Chinese Gang Of Four:
- 1 of 3. Zhang Chunqiao (male)
- 2 of 3. Wang Honqwen (male)
- 3 of 3. Yao Wanyuan (male)
- 1 of 1. Jiang Quing (female)
Once a super-colony of yellow crazy ants is established, it can expand rapidly, growing around its edges by some 3 metres (10 feet) per day or 1 kilometre (more than half a mile) a year.
3 to 1 ratio of dollar bill arrangement on a Laundromat change machine: Get change [quarters] for) 1$, 5$, 10$, or 20$.
3 dots 1 dash: Frequently used in World War Two to signify the letter "V" for victory.
3 to 1 classification of arthropods:
- 1st subphyla- Chelicerata
- 2nd subphyla- Crustacea
- 3rd subphyla- Unirama
- Trilobites, a fourth subphylum, flourished during the Cambrian and Ordovician periods of the Paleozoic Era (570 million to 435 million years ago) but became extinct by the mid-Permian Period (about 250 million years ago), for reasons that are not fully understood.

Instead of a 3 to 1 or 3 in 1 ratio representation, the 3 boosters on the Delta "4" rocket could be viewed as a 3 for 1 example:
Boeing's new heavy-lift Delta 4 features three core boosters strapped side-by-side.
The image is by Getty pictures. The image and information were retrieved from the BBC news site:
3 generations of Monarch butterflies make the migratory trek from Mexico to Canada. By adding the generation which is born in Canada and will make the trek to Mexico, we have a 3 to 1 ratio.
3 "tube" bombs were exploded on London, England's underground trains on July 7, 2005:
- Between Aldgate and Liverpool Street tube stations
- Between King's Cross and Russell Square tube stations
- At Edgware Road tube station
- By adding the explosion which took place on a bus at Tavistock Square, we have a 3 to 1 ratio.
3 to 1 ratio: In the U.S. a person might encounter a sign I/M station which refers to a vehicle Inspection and Emission testing facility. The "I" refers to a numeral one and the M, when placed on a side, represents the numeral three (unless you prefer to argue it is also the letter W or E).
Annually (1) or every three years, the Minotaur [man's body/bull's head] in ancient Greek Mythology was fed seven youths and 7 maidens; paid as a tribute by Athens to Crete.
As of this date (Oct. 28, 2005) no major league U.S. baseball team playing in the "World" Series as ever won when the opposite team has won three consecutive games. By winning one more, the team with a three game win typically wins. (Note: The use of the word "World" in World Series is an example of egocentricism typical of ancient civilizations that now no longer exist... or so we so-called modern intelligent people think... in many respects just as they did. Other sports such as Martial arts and Boxing will sometimes refer to a localized event as a "World" competition when in fact it is the centralized mental "world" of those participating in the event whether as a player, promoter or spectator.)
3 to 1 variety now usually referred to as a Cemetery:
- 1 of 3. Graveyard
- 2 of 3. Churchyard
- 3 of 3. Burial yard
- 1 of 1. Burial ground
3 to 1 variety of water safety "LIFE" measures:
- 1 of 3. Inanimate- Life preserver
- 2 of 3. Inanimate- Life raft
- 3 of 3. Inanimate- Life boat
- 1 of 1. Animate- Lifeguard
3 to 1 ratio of 3-lettered word to a single letter, symbol, or sign:
- "And" is sometimes replaced with "N" such as in Pick-n-Pull (Auto parts recycling for the do-it-yourselfer.)
- "And" is sometimes replaced with a plus sign (+) such as in Johnny + Susie.
- "And" is sometimes replaced with and ampersand symbol (&) such as Hotdogs & buns are on sale.
- Instead of the word "and" or a "+" sign, or an "-n-" being used in a heart-shaped emblem to indicate boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, the "word" "-con-" is sometimes displayed.
3 to 1 hand gesture/verbal threat used in childhood:
- 1 of 3. See my finger (index finger of right hand was typically displayed)
- 2 of 3. See my thumb (thumb of right hand was typically displayed)
- 3 of 3. See my fist (one's right hand fist was typically displayed)
- 1 of 1. As the fist was shown and somewhat shook, we would say: You better run.
3 to 1 rule of U.S. Postal system used by Remote Encoding Centers (when mail must be read by humans because machines have trouble reading some handwriting, smudges, defaced, returned mail, Business Return Mail, Military mail, etc...):
1st three letters of first word in an street address or city address line, and 1st letter of second "word" of the street address or city address line. If there are not three letters then a [space] is supposed to be entered. This same 3 + 1 rule holds for encoding city/state and names of Countries. For example:
You See This: | You Type This: |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary House Little Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Inward" prompt 3888CANH (then execute appropriate 'str' [street] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary Little Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Outward" prompt LITRAR (then execute appropriate 'c/s' [city/state] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary Little Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Inward" prompt 3888CAN[space] (then execute appropriate 'str' [street] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary House Little Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Outard" prompt LIT[space]AR (then execute appropriate 'c/s' [city/state] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary House St. Little Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Inward" prompt 3888CANS (then execute appropriate 'str' [street] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary House St. L. Rock, Arkansas |
At the "Outard" prompt L[space][space]RAR (then execute appropriate 'c/s' [city/state] function key) |
John Doe Smith 3888 Canary House St. Bear River, Yukon Territory Canada A1B 2C3 |
At the "Numeric" prompt you hit the "for'n" (foreign) key which changes to a "Country" prompt whereby you type CAN (space) and then hit the "for'n" key again which provides a "Postal Code" prompt at which you will type in the first three "A1B" (letter-number-letter or number-letter-number); but if there isn't a postal code then you hit the "for'n" key again you get another prompt at which time you type in BeaRYT and hit the "for'n" key again. (Mexico uses a five-digit zip code.) |
3 to 1 variety example in the instance that the U.S. Congress gets an annual raise of $3100.00!!! (Yet the public suffers losses of jobs.)
3 commonly eaten meats in the U.S.: Beef- Chicken- Pork and 1 auxiliary eaten meat: Lamb (However, other meats are also eaten such as bison ("buffalo"), elk, venison, duck, fish, frog, etc...
3 common drink varieties taken on recreational outings: Beer- Soda (Pop)- Water and 1 "other" type: Hard liquor such as whiskey... However, we could categorize this as being a three reference by the generalization of Booze- Soda pop- water items (such as koolaid).
There are 1st and 3rd phases of the moon. (At what date the "3rd" {"last quarter"} was first used is not yet known. The usage of such may be another indication of a change in the human brain/physiology.)
3 to 1 ratio of people at a deposition:
- 1 of 3. The court reporter.
- 2 of 3. The opposing attorney.
- 3 of 3. Your attorney.
- 1 of 1. You.
If you have no attorney, then there will be three people at least. There could be others, but three is the minimum in some cases. On one occasion, the opposing lawyer had his son in attendance making grimacing gestures in an attempt to intimidate me. I was laughing to myself the whole time. I countered by being unable to remember anything but the information relevant to the case. The opposing lawyer was asking a lot of stupid, stupid, stupid questions about personal events that took place more than twenty years ago! about information that had nothing whatsoever to do with the case except in his own mind of attempting to make a connection in order to assert (fabricate) that either my testimony was false or that his position was most tenable for his client. I eventually won the case (after the case was reviewed by a higher judge since the first judge was just as biased as the lawyer was); because the preponderance of evidence stood in my favor. Even the woman who was typing the deposition was attempting to undermine my testimony by placing such words as "SIC" in the deposition. She also put in words I never said and were quite easily understood as such by a simple examination of commonly expressed usages. She was supposed to type a word-for-word accountability and not interject her own biases in an attempt to support someone who hired her. Hence, there were three people engaging in dishonest techniques at the deposition: The Lawyer, the lawyer's son, and the woman typing the deposition.
3 to 1 ratio of items to pick up after paying for something at a checkout counter:
- 1 of 3. Dollar bills
- 2 of 3. Coins
- 3 of 3. Receipt
- 1 of 1. Merchandise/food/ or in the case of a beauty/barber shop, some satisfaction at acquiring a product that is a part of oneself.
During the month of February 2007, I experienced 3 punctures in the rear tire and 1 puncture at the front tire, at the same time. After patching them I decided to get one of the liquid flat fixers. I was trying to decide between three different brands: Slime, Monkey Wrench, Simoniz. I chose the Simoniz brand because of the cheaper price and that all 3 had the same warranty.
3 to 1 ratio of the four noble truths attributed to the Buddha:
- 1 of 1. suffering
- 2 of 2. the cause of suffering
- 3 of 3. the cessation of suffering
- 1 of 1. the eightfold noble path.
(I wonder if we got the phrase "credible evidence" from "noble truth"?)
1 or 3 hole lawn mower blades can typically be found in U.S. stores. I have encountered a five-hole blade while searching the internet for a picture to provide a visual representation of what this example is referring to, so I have simply altered the picture of the five-hole blade into a 3 and single hole variety. Sometimes the two holes next to the center mounting screw hole are slotted in order to provide flexibility in application. It's an attempt at designing a type of universal fitting blade. Typically, the two smaller holes next to the center one are used to fit over small metal protrusions on the engine shaft yoke that may be alternatively labeled dowel pins, nipples, or locating/aligning tabs to provide the blade with some support as a means of preventing the possibility of centrifugal action causing the blade to spin on its own which might cause it to become detached.

Page Created: Monday, June 24, 2013, 7:14 AM
Updated Posting: Wednesday, 20th November 2019... 6:48 AM
Herb O. Buckland