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Rotation Rate: page 1 | Rotation Rate: page 2 | Rotation Rate: page 3 | Rotation Rate: page 4 | Rotation Rate: page 5 | Rotation Rate: page 6 |
Visitors as of 5/18/21
Hypothetical visual: → Decreasing rotation rate |
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Can Humanity survive in the future or will the Earth revolve too slowly, requiring a New Type Of Human to
![]() Is a new species being evolved as we speak due to a change in the rotation rate of the Earth, the moon moving away, and the Sun continuing on a course of burning out and expanding? |
Approx. time period: → |
3 - 5 Billions of years ago | 500 million years ago | 40,000 years ago to present | |
Approx. daily rotation rate: → |
Daily Rotation Rate: 2 (?) - 8 hrs (?) |
Daily Rotation Rate: 20 (?)- 22.3 hours |
Daily Rotation Rate: 23+ hours Currently:23 hrs 56 min 4.09 sec | |
Significant Biological Event: → |
Development of Primordial Soup elements |
Cambrian explosion of life forms |
Beginning of Modern Humans (Cro-Magnons) |
While the topic of humanity's existence being dependent on (specifically related to) the rotation rate of the Earth (which is slowing down and was much faster in the past) is the main reason for this particular web page and its three others, numerous other considerations come to mind as representative expressions of the influence that we may otherwise denote as historical events. If such added topics appear to digress from the main topic, the reader will have to give me some "poetic license" until such time as I am able to re-write the information in the expected format expressed by the title. Succinctly stated, the emergence of humanity as we know it in terms of our relationship to Cro-Magnon man and the bipedal predecessors which have died out, all occurred at given points of history when the Earth exhibited different... or marginally different rates of rotation that should nonetheless be part of an overall comparison of time period data relationships, one of which is the determination of rotation rate based on ancient corals. Trying to calculate the rate of rotation loss as we move forward in time and the rotation gain as we look back over previous events, is difficult to narrow down to exact specifics because of rotation rate fluctuations and our rather naive understanding of the dynamics involved (tidal influences, solar irradiation effects, lunar regression, flow of magma below the surface, continent shifting, plate tectonics, polar magnetics, etc...). Nonetheless, we can arrive as some approximations that can be used to make educated guesstimations.
At this point in time, our present thinking on how to measure the rate of rotation (as feeble as it may be perceived by some), is the best we can do as we make comparisons with the "tree rings" (so-to-speak) found on other life forms and geological processes which reveal a given date and exhibit some tell-tale growth-pattern (growth ring) due to external influences which provide some indication of what conditions were like at a given time in history. In any respect, the approximations beg the question of whether or not humans (as well as other living and non-living forms of existence) owe their existence to the rotation rate of the Earth (along with the position of the Moon and Solar conditions)... and whether or not there is a limitation... a window of rotation within which humanity can and can not exist. In other words, when we identify that humanity (our present form of humanity which includes Cro-Magnons) were born when the rotation rate of the Earth exhibited a 23+ hour rate, does this mean that it has been physiologically fashioned, and thus specifically equipped (biologically, emotionally and mentally) to live inside this window of rotation rate, but can not live outside this window or rotation rate... unless there is a specific alteration of the acquired specificities (habits, circadian rhythms, blood groups, social organization, religion, philosophy, mathematics, etc...)?
Is a change, is an adaptation, is an evolution taking place and this change is being perceived by different people in different ways and may alternatively be described as some forth-coming monumental event... such as the impressions being outlined by New Age proponents, sensitive souls, and those who are responding to the changes (but don't realize it and may in fact be misinterpreting the changes within themselves in a negative way) because they are not in the company of those able to provide a useful (socially stabilizing) interpretation... even if the interpretation is fanciful? And in such a consideration are we not to include questions about the viability of adaptability related to present business, political, and religious views that may in fact be barricades to the necessary formulas for the evolution of humanity to occur... which includes the emergence of a fruitful female psyche that will cast off the many disparaging impositions, shackles, imprisonments and beatings of the male psyche? The psyche of a few men in reigning institutions abiding to the dictates of documents established by small groups of men through the ages that not only bar the majority of women, but also countless men from realizing a full potential of themselves... as they should be permitted to evolve or live a life of unfulfillment... which must be unleashed from those burdens which keep the female psyche from emerging, from spreading its wings that have for too long been bound by an unnatural cacoon created by self-serving men in business, government and religions.
Here's a timeline view of the Earth's rotation rate with respect to biological development:

Note: some observers prefer to use the labels of Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid instead of Africans, Asians, and Caucasians, because they consider such labels more inclusive of a larger grouping and the other labels as being too exclusive. Hence, I must make mention that my labels are intended to be used for this larger purpose.
Are Humans rotation rate specific to the extent they will be adversely affected by the slowing of the Earth's rotation rate, or will they simply adapt to the change on a slow, almost imperceptible rate, because this is the assumed value that the Earth proceeds along and will continue to do so? Is the reason for the change in the human form, human thinking and human activities over the centuries due in part to environmental effects caused by the changing rate of the Earth's rotational spin? Are cellular/neuronal processes very sensitive and responsive to particular types of environmental changes over long periods of time which is reflected in social beliefs, religious beliefs, medical treatment, etc.? If we agree that there are alterations in the human species due to the change in rotation rate, can they be specifically identified, monitored, and controlled for altruistic purposes?
...The earth's rotational period and the accompanying variations in tides, temperature, and insulation, are among the most universal environmental periodicities to which living systems must adapt. Most theories of planetary evolution place the earth and moon in close proximity and give the earth a much shortened day length at some distant time. By extrapolation using present-day values for tidal friction, the earth and moon can be reckoned to have been in close proximity at some time less than three eons ago. Under those circumstances the solar day would have been less than 10 hr, possibly as short as 4-5 hr, and punctuated by boiling and condensing tides of great amplitude. The geological record of such a violent event in the earth's history should be clear and serves as a boundary condition for the time of occurrence. The rapid rotation of the primitive earth and the subsequent slowing of rotation rate due to tidal friction in the earth-moon system present a problem in the evolution of an oscillator generating the biological clock. If a short period clock became fixed in the chemistry of early life forms prior to significant retardation of the rotation rate of the earth, then any subsequent rapid slowing of the earth's rotation would have made continuous adaptation of the clock difficult. If the clock evolved via saltatory increases in period, then this primitive oscillator must underlie the modern Circadian clock and vestiges of the primitive clock period may be expressed in ultradian rhythms and are mutants of the modern clock. Alternatively, if slowing in the earth's rotation commenced soon after accretion of the planets some 4-5 billion years before the present (BYBP), then somewhat less serious problems in tuning of the oscillator period to the variation in day length from 16-18 hr in the Precambrian to the present 24 hr period need to be explained. In either case the limits of entrainment as they are presently understood would have been exceeded. Robert R. Klevecz |

In looking at the human ability to adapt to changes in rotation rate, I came across some information that is applicable to the current discussion:
Artificial gravity provided by rotating
(spacecraft) environments is not the same as that felt on Earth. The
introduction of a rotating environment poses special problems for sensory
systems involved in spatial orientation and consequently also for sensory-motor
performance because gravitational forces are not constant for an object or human
being moving within it (Howard and Templeton, 1966).
Nevertheless, it has
been shown in previous studies that even untrained humans are able to adapt to
environments with rotation periods of less than 3-4 rpm (180-240 revolutions per
hour/4,320-5,760 revolutions per 24 hours).
In contrast, the Earth spins
at the rate of 1 revolution per 24 hours at the speed of about 1000 mph at the
What changes in the human species will take place when
subjected to slow rotation periods over long periods of time during long space
voyages, that is if we have to travel with the present level of spacecraft
...However, can the dynamics of a spacecraft's slow revolution and small population of humans actually be equated with that of the Earth and a large population?
Any manned venture to Mars would involve a lengthy stay Researchers think the human body clock could hinder space exploration. Russell Foster's team at Imperial College London, UK, is looking at how astronauts would cope away from Earth. Foster says our "Circadian rhythm is crucial. It stops everything happening at once and co-ordinates the right things to happen at the right time". Whilst the human body is used to a 24-hour cycle, the day on Mars is an extra 39 minutes long, which could prove difficult for humans to adapt to... (09-2004 BBC Science news)
Perception of time and space travel.
First year psychology students are introduced to the concept of actual ("real") time versus psychological time. Psychological time is the perception that a period of time "seems" either shorter or longer than what one believes should be the actual case. For example, a person who is anxious to go home from work may find that a fifteen minute delay seems a lot longer. Another example can be reference with the adage "time flies when you're having fun," in reference to activities that seem to end too short. A third example can be encountered when one is either walking a well-worn path in the summer or winter. The path appears to be much longer (hence, take more time) when it is colder than when it is warmer (unless conditions are such that one gets "lost" in thought, a day dream, or in reflection, might say they walked in a conscious state of unconsciousness).
If we assume, for the sake of philosophical inquiry that time is somehow distorted by activity due to temperature, than this is a consideration to take into account when traversing the vastness of a "cold" space. Accelerated space travel make require a "distortion" of either (or both) the temperature of a spacecraft or surrounding medium. Whereas in the science fiction show "Startrek" we view the concept of "warping" space in order for a spacecraft to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, "warping" may mean an artificially arranged temperature differential.
A lot of people disregard (or take for granted) the fact that humans are particularly sensitive to environmental changes, one of which is the changing rate of rotational spin. No less, it is also disregarded that some people are more sensitive to such changes, whereby the effects of rotational changes can be magnified. Effects of the changes can manifest themselves in various forms relative to one's state of health in a given environment. But one's language environment can and sometimes does play a role in the description and illustration of the person's attempts to portray the manifestations created by such effects of rotational rate change. Such fragments of perception may lead a person to see a devil, alien, god, loved one, monsters, or simply say they have visions. Thus, we must ask whether or not the purported increased sightings of UFO's, aliens, crop circles, Satan/evil, Jesus, Mary, "visions," are due to some form of group-manifested neurosis where "belonging" can surely influence the behavior of some people, or is due to an increased awareness and vocal response to rotational rate changes in the Earth.
We must also consider what further manifestations will arise as the chances of group- influenced neurosis/psychosis increases with population growth and the continued slowing of the Earth's rotation at different rates. In other words, will an increase in the decrease of the Earth's rotation become more manifest in neurotic, psychotic, or generally accepted forms? Will the increased decrease in rotation rate cause the "particulate sediments" of present day religions, governments, and sciences to sink to the bottom of human consciousness and called "archetypes," "basic cognitive structures," "fundamental body plan," etc..?
By imagining yourself as an alien scientist that carries out experiments in a larger context of spinning planets seen as test tubes in a centrifuge, we can also image individual solar systems and individual galaxies as larger models. Additionally, the different sizes of planets with different rates of spin can be viewed as test tubes from different manufactures or the same manufacturer. Different sizes and different rates of rotation spin afford the process of "experimentation" a multi-faceted approach procedure which covers many alternative considerations that must be dismissed or set aside for individualized testing procedures in which only a single type of test-tube and single rotation rate are applied. No less, the differences in "test-tube" planets arrayed in various orbits is a means of addressing multiple considerations at a single time.
From another perspective of using the test tube analogy of human development with respect to the rotation rate of the Earth, let us add the image of a color prism that is made possible by directing a beam of "white" light into a triangular-shaped glass prism, though alternative shapes could be used.

In this instance, the different colors are being used to represent the different "colors" of races, an idea that can be found in those advocating "rainbow coalitions" of social activists. However, my intent is to bring to mind that if we mix all the colors together in one bunch, like a child using different colors of crayons to mark a coloring book, what we find is that the blending of all the colors results in the color black. The act of mixing, blending, bunching, etc., all the colors together results in a color that is not often displayed in images of rainbows or prisms, but is a necessary idea to acknowledge in terms of the changing rotation rate of the Earth.

If we take all the colors and place them into a test tube that we spin at an increased rate of rotation, the bottom of the test tube would thus contain a black sediment. By comparative analogy, it is necessary to consider that the presumed birthplace of humanity, that is, Africa, was the bottom of the test tube, in terms of hominid development. As the Earth's rotation slowed, the black sediment was able to spread out, thus becoming more diverse as the Earth's rotation slowed further. However, as the Earth's rotation continues to slow down, the water/ carbon composition of the human species begins to act like carbonated water bubbles that fly away. This occurs in conjunction with a lightening of the species' away from its dark beginnings, not only in a spiritual and psychological sense, but also in a physical sense as well. In other words, the species is moving towards the "(white) light," just like plants and animals do, but so are all forms of spiritual views, with the exception of those who prefer the depths of darkness in evil.
The different colors represent the human notion of "diversity," that some would argue is valuable for humanity, and yet if we assume it is so valuable, then we must also wonder why such large representations of diversity comes to an end and results in fewer forms of diversity. Clearly, diversity is like different philosophies of religion that compete with one another and take steps to remove the competition in order to make one "species" the dominant form.
Hence, the so-called emphasis on "Human Diversity" is only a transition that we must look past and begin developing ideas for an inevitable future without diversity brought about by processes of elimination. We as a species are not becoming "One with the Creator" by a coalescence of diversity, since it appears, most of us are nothing more than a type of sediment in a series of sediment levels that make it possible for a few of our species to leave the test tube and fly away... (into space? Heaven? nirvana? Vahalla?) This does not mean no one isn't individually unique, it simply means their uniqueness has an underlying fundamental purpose for the human species overall, with respect to the Earth's own unique type of planetary, galactic and universe design.
If we look at a diagram showing a scale of hominid development that is illustrated with color, it doesn't take too much imagination to make the analogy with the above ideas related to sediment levels in a test tube that has been subjected to a spinning environment, even though in this instance, darker colors are being used to illustrate those hominids that came later and lighter colors are being used to illustrate those hominids which came earlier. However, it is necessary to appreciate that "color" is not necessarily related to skin color, but to the metaphorical notion of "color" related to hominid development in a genetic sense of scale. In other words, the use of the word "color" is a means to distinguish differential variation as one does when looking at the different colors on street lights, uniforms, diamonds, etc... even though some would argue that the fact that chimps and gorillas are typically black gives us reason to believe that humanity may have in fact arose from a black form of hominid "sediment," if not a black form of primordial soup mixture. And amusingly enough, since we are talking about color and hominids, I have come across the idea that some people consider the reason some Asians have an interest in coloring their hair red is because this color is related to the red- haired Orangutans which are believed by some to have some ancestral link with some Asian groups. |
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![]() --- BBC --- |
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Laws, ideas, social/educational programs, etc., which strive for an increase in an acceptance of diversity, is an effort that insists upon keeping the human species in its present stage of evolutionary development, and do not assist the species in considering that true survival of the species may indeed require a specificity away from diversity. It also is necessary to re-evaluate our definition of 'diversity' since a wide-spread increase in the development of the size of the brain in terms of an evolutionary standard is a specificity, and not an act of diversity. "Diversity" would better be attributed to the notion of all biological species experiencing a similar increase. Indeed, though humans proliferate and are sometimes tagged with a racial identity, the human species itself is a specificity.
While the idea of "specificity" may appear to be a modern day label for old activities revolving around importance placed on lineages, heirs, specialized hierarchies which serve to denigrate the majority while assisting a select few in having access to the most, the best, the highest, etc., these ideas are actually born out of views based on "diversity" equated with an underlying dichotomy, and are not the purposeful intent of seeing through the many "colored" sediments (sentiments) of diversity to acknowledge that there is a specificity related to the overall human species. This specificity is a reflection of the environment influencing:
- The basic fundamental primary substances used in development (carbon, hydrogen, iron, etc...)
- The developmental process itself.
- The structure of the process used in the development.
A simple application of this approach is to view the diversity of human skin coloring as a type of fingerprint that is specific to the planet Earth. In other words, the variety of racial colors is a form of profile that is analogous to the profile seen in DNA charts of individuals. Such a profile can be used as a measurement tool to distinguish characteristics of environments on organisms. It is a tool that may be of considerable value for those in the future who travel to different planets and encounter different species. The color profile will assist researchers in identifying particular environmental characteristics on species with certain types of physiology. It can also help us of the present to identify changes in the environment that may only affect skin pigmentation, and thus is a tell-tale sign of something me might want to concern ourselves with.
The spinning Earth with its many environmental "cultures" of different species
can be compared to multiple test tubes filled with various "cultures" of
organisms in a spinning centrifuge.
(For those of you
who are unfamiliar with the term "centrifuge" in the present context, it is
being used to describe a type of machine which spins one or more test
tubes. The effect of spinning separates different sizes/forms of particles/matter
to different levels of the test tube.)

Life, can thus be compared to "stuff" in the test tube that separates towards the bottom, middle, or top of the test tube in relation to the speed and duration of the spin that the test tube is subjected to. With all this said, it is necessary to acknowledge (for those of you who are not already familiar with this idea) that the rotation rate of the Earth is slowing down and that it was spinning much faster the further we go back in time.

The evolution/development of humanity continues today though the initial 23rd hour rate is now closer to the 24 hour rate. (The length of a day is approximately 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds.) However, let us not also overlook the fact that all languages, religions, etc., also arose during this same time period. In other words, this hour/rotation rate speed has permitted the human species to arise just as certain speeds in a centrifuge permit the "growth" of particular aggregations of "stuff" in a test tube to arise, while other speeds (and durations) would not do so. With this said, it is necessary to consider that the human species' existence may be dependent on a certain rate (and duration) of the Earth's rotation, or otherwise, the human species can not exist.
The emergence of consciousness is like the emergence of language, culture, religion in its many forms, government in its many forms, and science in its many forms. They arose as particulate aggregations relative to the duration and speed of the Earth's rotation. Yet, what needs to be further realized is that the spinning effect creates manifestations of awareness just as when someone is abruptly taken off of a school-yard merry-go-round. For those who have had this experience, or have had the experience of being spun around and then stopped, the usual comment is to say that what they perceive is the world spinning. However, it is infrequently acknowledged that this comment is a generalized remark usually acquired from others who had also heard the same definition from one or more others. Very few of us take the time to analyze the perceptions to the extent of acknowledging the recognition of fragmentation of perceptions.

These fragments are caricatures of attempts to find some "logical" reference point to the extent that anthropomorphic figures frequently become used as explanations of spinning effects that are taking place on various cellular, physiological, and mental levels by the sheer fact that the Earth's rotation rate changes at different rates, though some might want to argue that the rates are small and occur over long periods of time. What some people don't consider is that biological processes have been subjected to the (changing) spinning effect of the Earth's rotation for billions of years, if not longer.
(The consideration that biological processes may have been subjected to a rotation effect more than just a few billion years in terms of development in a primordial soup, is due to the notion that perhaps biological processes began long ago elsewhere, and were somehow implanted on Earth (like an egg being embedded in a uterus), when environmental conditions were ripe for maturation. Not necessarily done intentionally by some alien species, but maybe by pure serendipity.)
Page Initially created: Monday, 25th March 2013, 9:31 AM
Newest Page Posting: Friday, 4th May 2018, 4:19 AM
Updated Posting: Tuesday, 18th May 2021... 8:19 AM
Herb O. Buckland