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Progressive Thinkers as of 5/8/2020

Here are some "one- two- many" references from different subjects (and variations since one or two of the selections may be missing in a given expression). We can also note the sequencing as a first quantity- second quantity- third quantity, or first identity- second identity- third identity:
- Monosaccarides- Disaccarides- Polysaccarides (sugars)
- Out of Many, One (E Pluribus Unum: Motto on the U.S. Presidential seal)
- Monotheism- Polytheism (One god, Many gods... The value of "two" appears in Hybridated ideas such as the ancient Roman Janus, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, etc...)
- Monism- Dualism- Pluralism (Philosophy)
- Single- Couple- Family (Sociology)
- 1st world countries- 2nd world countries- 3rd world countries (and some claim the existence of 4th world countries as well)
- It should be noted that the phrase "3rd world countries" is most frequently mentioned as an assigned specificity in many observations of world social class structuring.
- Monomer- Dimer- Polymer (Third position may be specific on some occasions with words such as trimer, tetramer, pentamer)
- Single stranded RNA- Double stranded DNA- (Sometimes you may encounter someone speaking about a three or even four-stranded variety)
- One Germ layer- Two Germ layers- Three Germ layers (Some researchers claim the Neural crest as a fourth Germ layer)
- It is important to note that not all life forms have three Germ layers. Some have only two and there is debate over whether or not Sponges have only one or any Germ layers. (Sponges are considered to be animals.)
- Three Primary colors: Red- Yellow- Blue
- Three Secondary colors: Orange- Green- Violet
- Six Tertiary colors: Red/Orange- Yellow/Orange- Yellow/Green- Blue/Green- Blue-Violet, Red-Violet (These are formed by Mixing a Primary with a Secondary.)
- Small- Medium- Large
- While there are X-large, XX-large, XXX-large (U.S. clothing sizes), and we could apply the x's to the word "small": X-Small, XX-Small, XXX-Small, we have no similarly labeled X-medium, XX-Medium, XXX-medium. The situation is similar to the indexing problem encountered in Library Science of where to insert a give topic of a topic of a topic. Whereas Small and Large serve as categories for the Medium size, the two end sizes can adopt additional attributes.
- First/Given/Christian name- Second/Middle/Maiden name- Last/Surname (It is rare to hear someone reference the last name as their "3rd" name, or even the middle name as their second. However, it is common to get a reply if you ask someone for their first name.)
- Mononomial- Binomial- Polynomial (Last position may be held by a specific item such as Trinomial or Quadranomial, with "Quintinomial" being rare.)
- Introduction- Contextual Narrative- Punch line (Jokes frequently contain three elements and/or characters, suggesting that life arising on a planet in a third position is the joke of the Universe or the supposed God.)
- BC (Before Christ)- AD (Anno Domini... in the year of the lord)- replaced in some cases with BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). There is no third designator as yet. The usage of the "BCE" and "BC" are rather silly since the "C" can be used to describe Christ instead of the word "Common".
- Park (related to a zero value or non-movement)- Reverse (related to a minus or negative number value)- Drive (related to a plus or positive number value)
- In the "Knife- Fork- Spoon" ensemble, the Knife looks like a number "1", the word "fork" evokes an image of bifurcation or splitting, and the word "spoon" relates to a large, much, or many grouping.
- 1 dollar bill, 2 dollar bill, "Multiple" dollars in a single bill: In U.S. currency, we have the (paper bill) denominations of $1, $2, ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100). In other words, a one- two- many sequence.
- Squared- Cubed (Most common radicals in Mathematics). There is no specialized designation for a "1" root and though one can find fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., roots, there is no "3rd" root except in the sense of it being called a cube root and the 2nd root called a square root.
- "Absolute" zero is a theoretical low limit. However, we have no "Absolute" one, two, etc., designations.
- Acids have a ph value less than 7. A "7" ph value is assigned to pure water. Above 7 the substances are called bases or alkalines.
- We have anti-Matter and Matter. Is there a third?
- For example, depending on one's environmental experiences, either a hot and/or cold extreme would likely be the first to be designated with a word. A a middle or 2nd position in these general observations would have followed in time, though all three would be established referentially as having occurred before a given time such as the 12th century. Just because we do not have an exact date for the development of a single word or series of words used in explaining inter-connected circumstances, this does not mean we can't attempt some intellectual exposition of a sequence's developmental lineage... unless all three ideas merged at one time in the mind of some primitive hominid who may or may not have etched them on some medium or simply relied on a vocal (word-of-mouth) system of cataloguing and transference from one place/time to another.
- Do you say Hour hands, Minute hands, Second hands, or the other way around? Do you mix and match or simply proceed in some smaller to larger or larger to smaller point of referencing?
- While there is the colloquial reference regarding perspective and personality described by asking if a glass is half full or half empty, we customarily do not include a third item such as a class being full.
- We have Gold- Silver- Bronze Olympic medals and Win- Place- Show in Horse racing, but no designated fourth or more category.
- We have Thin and Thick body sizes, but a central position has no comparable measurement. We use words such as medium or average as pseudo-measuring indicators.
Yet, with respect to a given list of perceived recurrences, how do we explain the colloquial account of deciphering what is and what is not a coincidence, or a truth, or a fallacy or somewhere in between in a teeter-totter straddling position which can be swayed one way or another? How does one go about qualifying a remark that their preference for a given number (pattern) is more important or just as important as someone else's? For example, is it appropriate to argue for the presumed sanctity of a number because of its association to a given subject such as religion and the many adherents who cite the number seven as being of primary importance because of the attention paid to it by several religions ( though they do not even consider that such an affection may have been established in pre-biblical days due to astronomical observations of star groupings such as the seven stars of the Pleiades, and the seven stars of the Big Dipper?... (The latter of which when viewed during the two solstices and two equinoxes creates the Swastika symbol which the Nazis reversed and claimed ownership of.) Similarly, the origin of the Christian Trinity and Hindu Trimurti are derived from ancient "pagan" perceptions which collated the three events of the Sun known to us as Dawn- Noon- Dusk. Both of the foregoing examples relate to us a formula of counting and later symbolic derivation extended to a cultural orientation of a given interest. In both cases it was a religion-philosophic adaptation. (Recall the first Swastika's "arms" pointed in the other direction from that used by the Nazis, and was considered a symbol of good.)

The sequence of events regarding the value of "seven" with religion appears to be star gazing first, a lip service to the now described seven colors of the rainbow as part of the visual spectrum and a later perspective of citing seven planetary bodies, after which came the association with seven days, seven metals; but under Norse Mythology the seven days of the week only retain three planetary references known to us as Sun-day, Moon/Mon-day, Saturn/Satur-day. The remaining four are associated with human-figured gods. The now known seven colors of the rainbow are thought to not have been known by the ancient viewers of rainbows due to a lack of the word "blue" in ancient vocabularies. Indeed, the color blue was a later and perhaps isolated reference. (Why Most Ancient Civilizations Had No Word for the Color Blue)
If we take a look at the color spectrum and note the 7 described colors... with white and black not being viewed as colors, it doesn't take too much imagination to make a correlation with George Miller's paper colloquially referred to as the "Magic Number 7, plus or minus 2", which references a limitation on memory. If we additionally discount the indigo and violet shades of blue at the bottom of the spectrum, we thus have a similar cognitive reference which again overlooks the overall ensemble as being a pattern-of-three: 7 - 2 = 5. 7 + 2 = 9. Hence, we have a triple patterned 5-7-9. The reason for excluding Indigo and Violet is because they are shades of blue easily identifiable, whereas the other colors give the appearance of being separate color entities, even if they are the results of combinations.

The point is that the rainbow could not have been a major influence in establishing the value "7" in religion, though the three phases of the Sun could account for the value of "3" being an important number in religions (due to the distinctions of the Sun at dawn- noon- dusk). This includes the notion that the "three" could be a symbolic extension of the various three-patterns in anatomy (List of Three's in Anatomy); (aside from an phallic-related enumeration of the two testicles and one penis contrasted to the one vagina, from which the British expression of "playing three to one" is derived).
Since we are now back to the consideration that the seven stars of either the Pleiades and/or the Big Dipper was "THE" or "a" foremost influence of the "seven", in religious ideology, though the "seven sisters" of the Pleiades appears to be a concoction since there are more than seven stars; we might consider that a deference to the seven stars of the Big Dipper with its association to the two Solstices and two Equinoxes as having the greater value since various ancient archeological sites around the world are considered to be observation booths for these events. Apparently, there has been no similar representations of ancient observatories for viewing the Pleiades. Pairing the position of the Big Dipper with its seven stars to the four yearly events can easily be understood as having had some symbolic significance as described by the Swatiska symbol prior to the Nazi adoption and adaptation. Whereas the Swatiska symbol could have later become viewed in association with the Sun, since solar mythology is a large topic but often abused (and thus later said to be eclipsed due to several erroneous associations), does not alter the fact that the origin of the Swastika appears to be more closely aligned with the Big Dipper and it is from here where the early beginnings of ascribing significance to the value of seven began its ascendancy and has remain there for those who indulge themselves to follow in the footsteps (or let us say "mind-prints") of ancient peoples.
The idea that the Big Dipper may possibly have been the originating influence for the Swastika begs the question as to why this is not common knowledge and those that are having individual moments of personally recognizing this connection as a creatively intuitive original idea... perhaps thinking they have stumbled upon a forgotten ancient alignment of thought with a natural event. Why the rediscovery? Is it similar to the rediscovery of a genetics formula identified by Gregor Mendel that was put aside in an obscure public documentation? Why is humanity being forced to re-imagine that which should have been documented, unless we consider that hiding the connecting reference helped to establish the symbol with a mystique that gave it more power to those who claimed the symbol was a sign from Heaven? As speculative as this may be, the point is, unless we find exactly (or closely there-abouts) where the Swastika actually originated in order to view the alignment of the Big Dipper during the Solstices and Equinoxes, a proposed alignment of how the image may have appeared to ancient star gazers is mere guess work. How was the Big Dipper aligned and under what circumstances did the "Eureka!" event of realization took place?
The following are two different types of aligning the seven-starred Big Dipper at four times of the year. Both have legible swastika symbols which emerge:

The Big Dipper a Swastika?

Alternatively looked at, can patterns we have labeled as numbered groupings be archetypal-like expressions which are adapted to the environmental/social conditions/circumstances a given person (with a given race, gender, age, medical stasis, etc.,) occurs in a given era... even though some remain relatively stable such as those patterns we might name as traditional, superstitious, and otherwise giving little but a worn or burnt edges with stains and creases appearance like some old parchment or animal skin containing a map or some other thought-to-be important geography of a person's interest in the past?
The following are noted places thought as ancient observatories for viewing the Solstice and/or Equinox occurrences, even if the seven stars of the Big Dipper are not exclusively mentioned like other star formations such as Orion with its seven main stars (out of a total of 10). Star formations which have more than seven stars but are cited as having seven important ones, signals to us that a "seven" consciousness is being imposed on the observations and act as a dating method for establishing at least some rough idea of one or anther cognitive pattern which may or may not be retained in the same manner (degree of importance) in later ages. We do not have a comparable listing for sites which focus on the Pleiades with its supposed (imposed) seven stars idea. Though there are more than seven stars, the value of seven was imprinted as a necessity in one's observations due to the religio-mystico-philosophical influence of the "seven" value being imposed upon the psyche of the people as having some great value and providing an unequaled advantage if one arranged their lives in accordance with this value.:
- King Rameses II Temple, (Abu Simbel, Egypt)
- Qasr Qarun [Qarun Palace], (Fayum, Egypt)
- Temple of Karnak, (Egypt)
- The Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre (Egypt)
- Stonehenge (England)
- Goseck Circle, (Germany)
- Newgrange (Ireland)
- Chichen Itza (Mexico)
- Tulum, (Mexico)
- Chaco Canyon (New Mexico, USA)
- Machu Picchu (Peru)
- Maeshowe, (Scotland)
- Karahan Tepe, (Turkey)
- 6 ancient sites aligned with the Solstice and Equinox
- 11 ancient sites best known for their solar alignment phenomenon during winter solstice
- Rainbows mentioned only 7 times in the bible
- Seventh Heaven: Poll reveals the world's favorite number is 7 — and it may be down to the digit's religious significance by Victoria Woolaston, 8 April 2014.
Once the value of "7" was established as a sacred number, it is no wonder why and how the mentality of many people associated themselves and their preference for not only seeing, but finding the presence of such a value in different perspectives. It could easily rule as a preferentially desirable perspective to have and hold. The following chart taken from here: (Wikipedia: Metals of Antiquity) and I added to it Norse/Saxon names as well as the Latin names for the days of the week to show how the seven planet association to the days of the week was transformed into our present usage of three-planet days of the week. ( Origin of day names)

The Solstices and Equinoxes are noted as occurring on the 21st (20-first), 22nd (20-second), 23rd (20-third) of the month, or as might be displayed in an ancient counting method of 2-10s +1, 2-10s +2, 2-10s + 3... where "twenty" means two tens. This related 1-2-3 pattern can be overlooked if you do not look at the associated numbers and have some basic knowledge of early counting systems. In addition, if we then correlate these three to chromosomal counts, we find that normal is 22, while 21 and 23 chromosomal values relates to malformations such as Down's Syndrome. The seven "teen" years (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) can be stated as 1-10-3, 1-10-4, 1-10-5, etc., though you may not find this particular association in any reference giving an account of early number developments. I use it here for general illustrative purposes. Our modern parlance condenses and symbolizes expressions that were previously more verbose.
Whereas patterns in the sky such as the stars, moon and sun (as well as the intermittent occurrences of comets, falling stars, etc.), can affect thoughts in different ways such as creating beliefs, ornaments, architecture, etc., to reflect some perceived pattern; we often discount the possibility that such patterns in the environment can affect basic biological activity; and I am not talking about biorhythms, sleep rhythms, when-to-get-pregnant rhythms, nor other day-to-day activities. What I am referring to is basic physical patterns such as the three basic body patterns noted as Asymmetrical, Radial, Bilateral:

Why three? Why not seven or eight, or some other number? Indeed, is there some overlooked environmental influence which can affect basic biological systems over a vast range of life forms, or let us ask WAS there at one time a pattern which effected an outcome that we can access by way of a numerical label? Unless of course we prefer to say that the account of three basic body forms is rather arbitrary and that we could use any number value if we put our mind to it? Are scientists lying or simply have a preference for the number three? And what about particle physicists and their declaration that there are three sub-atomic particles known as Protons, Neutrons, Electrons? Are they too involved in some larger conspiracy and want to express some prejudice against religious adherents' usage of the value seven? Are those who designed the U.S. flag with three colors also a part of an unrecognized conspiracy, or were they copycats of the three colors used on the French and British flags? Surely, one might think, the supposed god of humanity is part of the conspiracy for having placed humans on the 3rd planet instead of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eight one. How dare god! Imagine the audacity of such a being to have used a triplet code in DNA instead of a seven code. And no less, to have instigated the usage of three Germ layers instead of seven or some other-than-three value.
That is of course, if there actually is only one god and not three or some other value like 12...or none at all. Whereas the idea that humanity has only one god appears to represent human ego projected onto an ideology is fully established as a consideration, let us not instigate an ideological confrontation with religious adherents living in a landscape of multiple delusions, because they have enough trouble dealing with their own hypocrisies. One of which clearly stems from an inability or refusal to recognize that the origin of the Christian Trinity and Hindu Trimurti comes from a Pagan worship of the Sun's three moments known as Dawn- Noon- Dusk.
With respect to the Three Germ Layers from which animal life forms (from worms to humans) emerge, we need to note that simpler animal life forms can come from only two Germ layers while Sponges (in some views) can be seen as the sole representative of have been derived from one germ layer. It is not known whether future life forms may be developed through a Germ Layer process with more than three layers. The point its, we can detect a developmental (numerically labeled) increase from more primitive to more complex animal life forms. Unless of course our scientific accounting processes are all arbitrary and merely represent a collectively shared individual bias for patterns which exhibit recurring small number values which do not support an exceptional representation of the seven quantity. While it does show up on occasion such as a spectrum of seven colors, it does not consistently arise as one might suspect in the supposed appeal the "7" has in a favorite number labeling.
We still have to ask what might have been or is the environmental influence of a triplet code in DNA just as well as the three Germ layers and other "three" patterns, if we want to interject the occasion for claiming that the billions of years recurrence of a two-patterned night/day sequence influenced patterns-of-two to arise in multiple biological activity basics, as well as the bipedal walk and bilateral symmetry. Whereas we note that different environments can influence different biological developments, let us for the moment consider this as an explanation as to why all things biological do not exhibit a two-patterned structure such as the mouth/anus pattern on both primitive and complex organisms. Why not seven major orifices that some claim to be expressed by the human body (2 ears, 1 mouth, 2 nostrils, 1 butt, 1 penis/vagina). One of the comments necessary at this moment to bring to the fore, is that we are dealing with patterns within patterns. There is not established nomenclature (so to speak) which provides us with a schematic for deciphering which patterns are accurate perceptions and those which are expressions of cultural or personal bias. Some may stake their reputation on a given pattern as if it is life and death. What they say is so and that is that because that is how they have always believed and therefore cannot... or will not alter their opinion no matter what information is proposed and supported with evidence that can be verified by multiple others.
Billions of years ago when basic biological substrates were getting underway in their development, the Earth was spinning so fast that it acted like a laboratory centrifuge subjected to a three-patterned stroboscopic irradiation of the Sun. A very simple example of how behavior can be affected by the Sun's three changed intensities of irradiation is seen in the image below:

Whereas Chemical Evolutionists have tried different types of irradiation in creating basic building blocks such as amino acids, they fail to use numerically associated patterning so as to effect a consistent pattern from which life emerged and we recognize as a triple code in DNA; though earlier steps of development may have been one, then two, until three and then the three-to-one ratio. Because life exhibits patterns which we can associated numerical symbols with, it stands to reason we need to look for environmental patterns, even if those which "encouraged" the patterns in biological substrates we see today, may not be wholly existing as they once did. This would account for why we do not see DNA being created anew without the need for any organism... unless we want to claim that DNA, with its double strandedness came after RNA's single strandedness in an RNA world where it is supposed there existed no life form. Life was counting, using the strands as a person might make a straight line on a squiggly page called a watery environment. Go ahead and try it. Try to make a straight line on a watery surface with waves. If you turn a DNA double helix strand on its side it looks like a pattern one would see when an object is subjected to a bobbing up and down effect. The double strand for a more efficient fishing net, whereas a single strand is like a fisherman's single line, though it may have multiple hooks. A double line "catches" more alternative life forms, just like a binary computer code permits a greater cache of alternative species of symbols... and a triplet code would thus do more (unless requiring some sort of pairing), but we do not yet have an appropriate environment to make either a DNA triple strand or trinary Computer code to be self-sustainingly or self-replicatingly viable.
Another example of a body plan is seen in that of sponges. Is this actually the case or do those who are studying sponges simply make usage of three because three is often used elsewhere by others and it is a safe bet to use a similar pattern being used by others in a given subject area?

Yet, if "three" is such a valuable rule-of-thumb, why do we use a two-patterned "bi-nomial" system of classification as the dominant model? Even though we do have a trinomial system of classification, it is used like a divergent branch of some species and not as a major form. Nonetheless, we see a usage of two and three pattern and not something like a seven and eight or other grouping. Hence, we can establish an identification for recurring cognitive patterns relevant to different subjects under respective instances of appearances; which in the case of science has a larger application than some religion-based affinity which has multiple designs of interpretation, though there are three large monotheistic religions having developed in deserts and not seven large monotheistic religions. And though there is a standard two-patterned good/evil designation with many religions, we do not try to account for this cognitive pattern by referring to some environmental occasion of night/day as the originating force. Something happens with the brain of humanity to be seduced into believing two-patterned events labeled as good and bad are related to religion-labeled creatures such as god and satan. What a knack for superstition the mind of humanity has.
Date of (series) Origination: Saturday, 14th March 2020... 6:11 AM
Date of Initial Posting (this page): Saturday, 6th August 2022... 1:42 PM