Threesology Research Journal: The Scientification of Philosophy by way of a Threes Model
3s Poster Collection V
A Study of the Threes Phenomena
(Does it lead to a Scientification of Philosophy?)

God The Numerologist
3s poster 1
3s poster 2
3s poster 3
3s poster 4
3s poster 5
HP section A
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alt=Different Models
of the "3" idea
occurring in Videos"
3's Collections; 1984 & 1997 Posters

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with respect to the items being listed as examples.

Note: Multiple traveling events this year have interrupted my opportunity to consistently pursue the following collection of threes examples as I had done with the previous lists. However, I did say that I would add examples from time to time as time permits. For those readers wondering how the examples are chosen, it is a random process of whatever comes to mind or I get some notion by reading this, that or another or hear some comment in person, in a movie, or that someone has sent an email which contains an idea that they may not realize provides a source for some large or small "threes" example. Sometimes I may encounter a news article featuring three people involved in a crime, which prompts me to search for other examples. In most cases my examples may not be definitive and are not meant to be... since I intentionally disregard large swaths of a given example. At other times I make a separate list such as when I encountered tools being sold in groups-of-three. On some occasions I browse different movies and in so doing find a "threes" example and may or may not record it, and neither do I want to give the impression that just because I provide an example from a given book or article or movie, etc. that I have indulged myself in the entire content. Some mediums of expression are not interesting enough to allot much time or effort to since I am frequently following up on some other lead which may or may not hold my interest for an extended period of time.

And for those who say they could create a list of ones, twos, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, etc..., Please, by all means do so. And let me know so that I can give you full credit. However, it behooves you to take into consideration other patterns from multiple subjects as I have tried to do in order to show the variety and extent to which a given pattern such as "threes" occurs, and also emphasize when such a pattern appears to be absent by the presence of some other pattern appearing to be dominant such as in the case of binary star systems. Nonetheless, by creating a chart, if only in our mind's eye, you will able to pay witness to the values of patterns humans are using... often un-realizing they are doing so. Collecting "threes" must be a longitudinal study taking place over decades and centuries, such as what humans have already done when they collate so-called triple god-head groups often referred to as triads or even trinities. But simply pointing out triples in ancient and modern religion is not enough. You have got to look at science, literature, teaching, politics, law and criminal activity, as well as linguistics and everyday colloquialisms... including strategies being played out in war, sports and betting. If every language has a Trimodal structure (called Tagmemics), you need to include this... particularly if you are someone doing anthropological research involving number usage in one or more cultures, since some patterns occur in a wide spectrum of different cultures. No less, let us also catalog that most modern cultures end a sentence with a period, question mark or exclamation point; as well as hold a pen or pencil with three fingers and for those that don't use the typical 3 sentence-ending grammatical tactic, the three are embedded in words, inflections and context with culture-specific equivalent symbolization. In addition, let us include the Triple pattern of Word Order that one might call the "Subject- Object- Verb" trio... though not necessarily occurring in this order for all languages.

Whereas you might come across a given dominant pattern in a given culture, is/are the pattern(s) being sustained over time, or are they changing due to pressures you have not taken into consideration? If we prefer situational patterns such as war over the use of enumeration, and we say that the pattern of war occurrences is being sustained world-wide, what if any region has the greater number and what is the influence? Religion? Resources? Incremental Retardation of a given culture due to a dominant staple such as alcohol usage or caffeine or disease? How about the recurrence of Poverty? Or widespread political and religious Irrationality? These topics can be enumerated, but very often I see the bias of a given researcher or research Institution being played out such as the usage of interest in the value of "7", which observers may have some affection for as well. Nonetheless, if the usage of "threes" is tied to some environmental change (degradation) as I perceive, the state of "threes" usage needs to be recorded so that future researchers can make a comparison with their observations in the centuries to come. Like keeping track of the weather, changes in temperature, rainfall, volcanic activity, earthquakes, etc., are all thought to be potentially profitable exercises. Yet, this ideology has not spread to the so-called professionals in human behavior. They do not see number usage linked with brain activity that can change over time and express limitations. For example, whereas we of today claim that ancient cultures worshipped their own triadic formulas of gods, the people of the past may have been (for the most part) oblivious to the notion of this recurrence, since communication of ideas among different cultures in the past was cumbersome, to say the least. They did not have the recording abilities we of today have, nor the interest in making widespread comparisons and correlations without political, gender, religious and other biases so very prevalent today.

So what if you are someone who dislikes the "threes" cataloging effort that myself and others have been making... particularly if it doesn't support your views or interests. Whether you like it or not, it is a reality that you are now aware of and will no doubt attempt to impose all your biases, prejudices, and discriminations to in order to create some rationale which may necessarily cause you to be dismissive of the listings and belittle it just so you can continue feeling good about whatever nonsense you have created for yourself and practice as a narrative for your idiotic religion, politics and/or business... that you want to impose upon others by way of some direct or indirect violence, such as death, destruction or impoverization as your tactic of incarceration, indentured servitude (dependency) or enslavement.

For those who think the content is too small to read
3 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

Poster 5 of threes patterns

If you look at the few examples I collected concerning 3 people who were caught working together to commit a crime and claim there are those who work alone or in twos, or some other-than-three pattern; please note that I see this too. But by pointing out and emphasizing patterns-of-three, more people are likely to claim some other pattern as if they are being challenged to participate in a one-upmanship context. Invariably, a person makes some claim and another try's to refute it. And then I refute their view by saying something simple by asking them to provide a list, that is if examples are not easy to come by most observers. In the case of crimes being committed, the value of one-person appears to be dominant, followed by two people and then three people, but this is an assumption based only on a few observations. However, I do not see crimes being committed by some other grouping. For example, even though the number 7 or 13 are favorites among some people, we do not see these patterns occurring normally, though movie producers may use a given quantity such as four, five, or six... though some Asian motion picture productions appear to use hundreds of combatants in drug, kidnapping, or sex trafficking scenarios. In some cases we find that Movie producers use an individually defined "three-shot rule", which departs from a typical "rule of thirds" found in photography. No less, the dominant motion picture sequel appears to be the use of a Triad... at least in the present day commercial sense. But there are exceptions. However, even in animation we come across a "three" theme such as Animating on Ones, Twos, or Threes. Whether up front in the title, in the overall collection of a series, or behind the scenes, a pattern-of-three can be found in several instances as motion pictures have progressed through time... even if this is not the case 300 years from now. In all cases, we need to make an effort to catalog which number patterns are being used, suggesting that the human mind... the human brain is architectured in such a way so as to make use of this pattern in accord with environmental conditions such as the incremental degradations of the planetary system which I believe have been responsible for the development of the triplet code in genetics, not to mention the three germ layers and those ideas in atomic physics involving patterns-of-three.

At present, we have a Justice system which collects crime data in terms of general formulas such as involving age, type of crime, gender, and location. At present, I am not aware of any data-base which displays figures involving the different quantities of people involved in criminal activity, both in the private, government, religious, scientific, and public sectors. In so doing, we could get a better look at how humanity as a whole is acting, whether most people are cognizant of how many they associate with or not. While there may be multiple people involved in a "caper" as described by motion picture stories revolving around a heist of money, jewels, artwork, etc., it might be the case that there are three prime individuals or even three primary groups. In any case, by cataloguing the numerical values being used, we can be better enabled to identify a change over time. If there is, as I believe there will be, it will be due to incremental deteriorations in the planetary environment affecting resources which will affect survival strategies. Values of three are used by both Nature and the Nature of human activity as noted by the different uses of a "rule of three" applied to different subjects and contexts. A fusion of the three into one is headed our way, just as the Sun's three "moments" (phases: dawn- noon- dusk will fuse together as the Earth's rotation continues to slow and the Sun expands.) There will be multiple future events in which people try to rationalize away this realization as different techniques of manipulation and exploitation will be used by businesses, religions and governments.

However, again and again I must reiterate that I too see other patterns but am most interested in those involving the "three-pattern" which routinely involves ones and twos as well as those variations in which multiplicity is used in some form to express a third position or focal point. Yes, I see multiple other patterns as well. However, I am trying to place the patterns into a categorization similar to that seen in the three types of nuclear particle forms, generalized as stable, unstable, highly unstable, or— frequently used, most frequently used, rarely used. Some number patterns are used more-so than others, which provides us with a graphical frequency... over time... and place. If there is some environmental reason for this, then we can be apt to discover it if a record is kept of the different types and frequencies of appearance in different cultures, subjects, and time periods. While there may be no value in the collection of threes that I and others have been collecting, we won't know this until some later date of future referencing when so-called experts in judging number usage have removed their profession-specific biases/superstitions from interpretation. (Are you listening Anthropologists, Mathematicians and Psychologists?)

The walls of the Grand Canyon reveal deposits of geology over long expanses of time which have accumulated. However, if you were there at the beginning or during some later period millions of years ago when the earliest accumulations were visible, you might not even then come to the realization of incremental deposits taking place because you had no intellectual frame of reference. It might not even cross your mind today if someone didn't mention it to you or that tree rings exhibit a similar accumulation over time. All of biological development and Atomic particle developments are accumulations over time. For example, the three Germ layers stretch over billions of years along a one- two- three developmental chain of events. While this is not the typical verbal description, there is nothing wrong in the illustration. Instead of accumulations over time there may be deteriorations that are visible such as a well-trodden path. While the two separate events are acknowledged as possible occurrences, the additional idea of loss and gain does not typically arise as a consolidated event which warrants commonly iterated open discussions. A person might say erosion or express some measure of accumulated overlap, but not both of them occurring at the same time, even though they do. A good example is the human body which repairs itself with new growth as old growth is excreted or falls away like dead skin.

The point is, we don't know if the use of recurring cognitive patterns is accumulating or decreasing, because the idea has not been a common topic of research interest. While you might be amused or amazed at the quantity and quality of "threes", you don't necessarily think of them as either an expressed representation of a deterioration or accumulation taking place due to changing environmental conditions. And whether or not my speculations turn out to be fruitful or not in accord with my present interpretation, those in the future will benefit from my efforts to make an attempt to make a collection... like those of old who collected fossils, pretty rocks, flowers, birds, fairy tells, words, definitions, etc... We humans have benefited greatly by those who have made different collections of ideas such as those who eventually created the Medical profession by having accumulated bits and pieces of knowledge.

If you search for a given pattern you may indeed encounter it and even find yourself looking at perceived items in ways which suggest that such a pattern can be identified, though the construction of such is reliant upon one's enterprising imagination. In other words such a pattern does exist, but it requires a minimum effort of visualization. In fact, it may be the case that others have seen the same alignment but took it for granted and simply went along with the status quo of those who have suggested another pattern and may have included their view in a book or other medium which is accepted. Which brings me to the point that there are alternative arrangements of information which can be made but an assumed authority on a given subject has a preference for another pattern such as two, four, five, six, seven, geometric, etc... In fact, an instructor of a given subject may insist that you catalog a given point of information in an other-than-three configuration, while another instructor is more flexible and allows for creative re-alignments so long as their basic understanding of structural functioning is not altered, unless you can prove it experimentally. Many an authority figure can have insecurities about manipulating ideas into different configurations, though they may think themselves as a creative/alternative thinker and emphasize to others they want them to be openly creative. In some cases you will find those who will hover about you as your fledgling efforts propose an alternative perspective, in order to find fault with any suggestion because they are dogmatically insecure about attempts to look beyond their routine purview.

Again, as I have said multiple times before, YES... there are other patterns, including combinations thereof. The "Three" is a recurring one that I have chosen though in some instances I have felt it chose me. Yet, I am cognizant of the fact that the pattern does not appear to be everywhere and in very many instances humans have manufactured the "three" construct, yet only a few have offered a suggestion as to what, when, where, why influences this recurrence. Often I find negative comments coming from Mathematicians and Psychologists while positive suggestions come from the more open-minded. There are multiple absences the basic "three" pattern of multiple ideas as I have stated elsewhere, such as the:

In each of these examples a pattern-of-two is highlighted as a prominent feature, though other patterns may be used inclusively. However, this is not to overlook that in each case we can find an effort to produce some "three" concept:

  • Efforts are underway to supplant the binary code of Computers with a Ternary/Trinary code for quantum computing. However, since there is a widespread adapted usage of binary themes, making full use of a trinary computing system will require a fundamental reorganization of human inter-activity (commerce, education, politics, etc...).
  • The Yin/Yang Binary idea was followed by the development of the I-Ching Triads (which are actually byads/dyads when one looks closely).
  • Efforts by individuals have been made to establish three-patterned ideas in Psychology such as Freud's Id-Ego-Superego.
  • Mathematics has developed mathematical inquiries such as the Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometry and Boolean logic applied to computer language.
  • While trinary at present appear to be the exception and not the rule, is this due to the language culture of Astronomy or the time and place in the history of the Universe that humanity exists in, whereby a future time and place will present a Trinary system of stars as a dominant feature?
  • The Binomial Nomenclature of Biology has been met with the addition of a Ternary subspecies. (The name of a subspecies is a ternary combination consisting of the name of a genus followed by a specific epithet, the abbreviation "subsp." (subspecies), and finally the subspecific epithet: Rules of Nomenclature with Recommendations).
  • Single RNA and Double DNA strands proliferate. However, there are instances for finding triple and quadruple models:

Other examples of Binary recurrences might well be provided so long as the researcher does not overlook the overall repeating cognitive enumerations being employed such that the simplest observation is to note the 1- 2- 3 pattern being used by Nature. 333 trillion examples of "threes" still represents an overall (singular) pattern-of-three. The same goes for any pattern, but this distinction can not be diffused by an observation of one or a few instances of larger enumerations. A 3 billion base pair idea adopted as a generalization for the Human genome begs the question of why was the "3" adopted and not something like 3.14 (to correlate with Pi) or otherwise?

One copy of the human genome consists of approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA, which are distributed across 23 chromosomes. Human chromosomes range in size from about 50 million to 300 million base pairs. (Base Pair)

We have base pairs and yet it is triple bases which proclaim amino acids as the building blocks of proteins.

Roman dicers disputing a two versus three description

Overall, it appears that the underlying enumeration of our cognitive explorations and illustrations is limited. For example, we do not have 333 trillion examples of Infinity. We have one. We do not have 333 trillion Universes. We have one. Other patterns may be found to be dominant, but a more comprehensive listing from multiple subjects reveals a persistent usage of a Conservation of Number, of quantity. For example, in all the Universe there are only a measly 118 chemical elements, with 94 of these occurring naturally, though I have encountered some reports as stating there are 91 or 92 or 94 Naturally occurring elements. Nonetheless, the overall usage of patterns appears to be quite limited with respect to enumeration. While we have a concept called infinity, humanity doesn't actually have an infinite everything that it uses. I call this a Conservation -of- Number even though the established scientific and philosophical communities have not ventured into such a declaration. While there is the notion that "there is strength in numbers", the application of this perspective is generally reserved for a combatant context and as alternatively defined, in a mathematical sense of exploration and expressiveness.

The more time I encounter away from the threes compilation I find that I become forgetful and have to review the lists so as to ensure that I am not repeating myself, even though I have. In some instances, as I have stated elsewhere, I repeat information due to having encountered a image which I think provides a clarity that a previous listing did not offer. In any event, many readers will probably not remember a given example unless they intentionally create an itemized list for themselves. Had I though about it, this would have been exceptionally helpful in the long run. Memorization of the different examples can only provide a certain guarantee which might possibly worsen as aging continues. But I will do what I can and hope that someone in future generations will continue the investigation to note changes in usage. If it is as I presently conjecture, there will be an increased conservation of number usage and application due to the incremental deteriorations of the planetary environment. Our judgments are being affected by this and will incline many people towards the creation of rationalizations which may be antithetical to human survival... which can not take place on Earth, the solar system or the Milky way galaxy in the very long term.

No one to my knowledge has attempted a comprehensive study of number usage in different subjects areas as a collective compilation. Where there are those who have noted there is a recurrence of "threes" (for example) in Fairy tales, Mythological figures, and Religious features (such as triadic godhead ensembles sometimes referred to as trinities or triads)... they don't attempt to include the "Monism- Dualism- Polytheism" model as being an additional three-patterned cognitive formula. While it is understood from an examination of references to the historical development of numbers that a counting sequence over time can be illustrated as a One- Two- Many theme, the use of the (multiplicative) word "Many" as holding the third position does not influence the thought that other multiplicative words or symbols may well also be adopted by some as a referential "third" position in cognitive usage. Examples of such words are plural, much, more, plenty, heap, pile, several, multiple, some, a lot, etc., and a symbol such as using three dots (...) can have a similar placement, just as when we use a comma to separate the three enumerations of ones- tens- hundreds from thousands; which is a repeated cognitive separation exercise. Just because a given researcher does not see this as a 3 -to- 1 ratio and that this is another recurring pattern when considering the threes phenomena, is beside the point.

Incidentally, Cultural Anthropological researchers do not typically supplement their preferred lists of cultural examples with examples from science such as the fields of Anatomy, Biology, Physics and the like, though they may provide examples from Philosophy and Psychology. However, let me be fair. Such examples may not exist within a given culture under examination and thus there is no reason for a researcher to include what does not exist in their preferanced culture under study. My reference is for a broader research program which includes as many cultures as possible. While cultural anthropologists have routinely catalogued number preferences from different cultures, It is rare to find someone who takes the lists in order to compile an overall list to indicate which number patterns are most frequent and which are less so, or entirely absent. This gives us some indication of the cognitive orientation of Cultural anthropologists in different eras and different cultures in which they inhabit, at least with respect to uses of enumeration, even if that enumeration is portrayed in words, symbols, charts, grafts and other models of illustration. Studying the overall cognitive patterns being used by researchers in a given field and all fields cumulatively, provides us with an insight into human thinking that may surprise some researchers as to the repetition taking place... if not the absence or decreasing usage of some patterns... irrespective if an idea is true, false or later found to be useless. Even useless ideas have patterns.

The late professor Alan Dundez put together a collection of different Anthropological articles in a book entitled Every Man His Way. On page 411+ is the section titled "The Number Three in the American Culture". While I am grateful he archived a copy of the older threes examples poster at Berkeley for fellow researchers, I take exception with his claim at the end of the article: "Trichotomy exists but it is not part of the nature of nature; it is part of the nature of culture." Another source for the article can be found here: Number 3 in American Culture.

The question arises as to the suspicion that present day humans are not that far removed from the primivities of cognitive patterns used by so-called "cave people" in the distant past. While the content and context as well as complexity may differ, not the underlying use of pattern. Like a triplet DNA pattern or a basic triple pattern found amongst fingerprint types, human cognitive patterning may well be said to have followed a similar developmental pattern we find in the one- two- three developmental sequence of the Three Germ layers, where the complex organisms have three layers, less complex have two layers and the more primitive necessarily having had one Germ layer. Yet, why has DNA stopped at three... or a three-to-one ratio? Why not evolve to a four code? Why not four germ layers? Why not four fundamental atomic particles? However, we should not be fooled by those who want to exercise an effort to be superior in thinking by claiming some instance of multiplicity such as those claiming four fundamental forces (weak/strong/electromagnetism/gravity). when it is clear that the strong and weak can be viewed as a cognitively assigned duality and might possibly be better viewed as a countable single force. Whether you agree or not, the point is that Nature appears to be inclined towards a conservation effect such as described by the Conservation of Energy. Unfortunately, despite the usage of mathematics, the idea of a "Conservation of Number" has not made its way into the vernacular of science.

Whether or not you agree, the notion of "infinity" is a conservation. Much like the notion of an Uncertainty Principle, it is illusive. Try to point out infinity and you find yourself indulging in rather finite descriptions. Our concepts are conserved... and this may be due to being subjected to an incrementally deteriorating consciousness housed in an incrementally deteriorating physiology on an incrementally deteriorating galaxy, solar system and planet... if not Universe. This enumerative conservation effect may well become more pronounced in the centuries to come, if humanity survives intact, though incremental adaptations are already underway. In relative terms the life span of humans is that of a Vinegar fly (more commonly known as a fruit fly). Humanity's susceptibility to environmental degradations is slightly offset by technology (heaters, air conditions, medicine, etc...), but the overall idea can not be over-stated, and typically is understated as well as overlooked... despite humans living longer since antiquity with a supposed maximum life span of 122 years: ...demographers claim that human lifespan is fixed at a natural limit around 122 years

If we take the average length of a fruit fly at .12 inches and the average length (height) of a human male at 5 feet 6 inches or 66 inches, then shrink humans down (in relative terms) to 7.92 inches (using the equation .12 X 66), one must wonder if the human life span would likewise be altered. If the average life span of a fruit fly is 40 to 50 days and the average life span of humans (in the present era) is 65 to 75 years; shrinking humans down in size might well result in a lowered life span which might (with further speculation) correlate to the oft' used geological comparisons in which geology is frequently used to describe life span durations.

Date of Origination: Tuesday, 13th May 2024...6:41 AM
Date of Initial posting: Thursday, 13th june 2024...6:52 AM