(Does it lead to a Scientification of Philosophy?)
Homepage section B
God The Numerologist 1 | God The Numerologist 2 | God The Numerologist 3 |
Progressive Thinkers as of 1/4/2023
(Note: In order to reduce the loading time for the initial Homepage because it got too long, I initally created pages 2 and 3. This section is part B (a supplement) of the page.)
![]() 3rd Revolution: column 4 |
![]() I am prompted to place this "3s" poem (as both a reference to art and math) when a colleague referenced an article: Mathematics as Art: Brain’s Beauty Response Unveiled in Formulas. Here are two other variant titles of the same information:
While it is noted that one should not judge a book by its cover, many of us routinely engage in judging an article by its heading. |
As a momentary digression from adding more examples to the in-development foregoing "black-lit poster," I put together other people's collections of what they think are noteworthy Trios. You can tell by the content of the following lists the mental age group from which the writer (or writers) come from. Nonetheless, the "threes" theme is alive and well. (Today's date is 05/06/2023, 3:22 PM. I've been up since 2 AM working on the Threes project to make up for lost time while traveling over 800 miles.)
Trios Listings: List of fictional trios
Charlie's Angels (Movies and Television)
Fictional Trios (huffpost)
| |
I decided to move my commentary to the bottom of the page because many viewers come to this site simply wanting to see a collection of threes-related phenomena and are not necessarily interested in what I have to think about the different examples. However, for those who might be interested in my point of view, I have a few things to say.
I am not trying to place the many hundreds of examples I have on this single page, but provide some inkling as to the ubiquity of occurrence, as well as its absence. And yes, you can find other number patterns and might well claim that you can put together a list of a particular number you have an interest in, but most likely you won't take the time and will instead collect together the lists compiled by someone else on a given subject, any yet rarely if ever encounter someone taking time to probe the consideration of why such a situation is occurring. Nonetheless, I appreciate the sentiment but the argument needs to be taken to the next level of discussion which is that if and when others do take the time to make a collection, they will have to step back and realize that only a very few number patterns are being used (out of the presumed infinity of numbers at our disposal), and that some are more frequently used than others such as the "Three".
If we say that those making a collection of a number pattern through writing or recollection or repeated observations are exercising an obsession and/or compulsion, then we might as well regard Nature as a similar type of Numerologically-focused neurotic. If particle physics doesn't come in threes families of fundamental particles, or DNA doesn't have a triplet code; or we are not on the third planet from a source of solar energy; or our physiology is not replete with patterns-of-three; or most people don't hold a pen or pencil with three fingers; or multiple military vehicles don't have three men/personnel crews; if there are not three U.S. credit bureaus, if there are not three dominant University degrees (Bachelor's- Master's- PhD); or if there are not three dominant desert-born Monotheistic religions, etc., then what we have is the situation in which multiple millions of people are engaging in the practice of a similar delusion. No less, those who prefer patterns-of-13 or patterns-of-7 are the more-so delusionally obsessed because they don't recognize how sparse such patterns actually occur, and they are engaging in an emotionally provoked guesstimation.
It needs to be said that the absence of most numbers being used as patterns speaks of a "Conservation of Number" being forcibly imposed on us as a survival requirement under the conditions of a Sun, Earth and Moon incrementally deteriorating; and as an adaptive creature we are obligingly following suit... all the while using culturally accepted rationalizations as a means to secure some measure of supposed equilibrium. It is not that we aren't capable of thinking in larger enumerations or using more number patterns with a greater frequency, but we are being forced not to as suggested by the lack of evolutionary development in the triplet code of DNA. While multiple other biological changes have taken place along a 1- 2- 3 maturational development sequence such as the Three Germ layers, we are not only stuck with a triplet code but the "Big Three" macromolecules noted as RNA- DNA- Proteins. In other words we do not have... or at least do not cite 4, 5, 6 or more macromolecules. We reference three.
In an attempt to discern some reason as to why we are using a given number pattern more frequently, one might say (for example) the "3" has been influenced by the triplet code of DNA, and yet how did this also influence its own origination? Indeed, how did the triplet code of DNA put us on a 3rd planet? Is it a biologically-based spaceship which transplanted the viability of life on Earth? Or we might say it is due to being on the 3rd planet and yet despite the litany of routine answers as to why life originated on the 3rd planet, we still have no clue except for a few to indulge in some silly and idiotic Western religious or Eastern philosophical notion. What such responses tell me is that the world is filled with philosophical, and meta-physical intellectual light-weights whose prowess of imagination and insight have fallen into the trap of exercising a conveniently conserved appraisal... due to a current tradition, cultural and academic practice, political expediency, business greed, or mental faddishness because they embrace the intellectual tradition of someone who is far removed in time, knowledge and predisposition from the present discussion. Ask a supposed professional in any given subject about the threes phenomena and they might say they don't know. Yet if they feel they are being pressured or set up to viewed as a demented court jester they may ask you what you think, only to berate, admonish, or suggest you are engaging in some other-than their niche' developed sanity which is comfortably practiced in or out of an institution.
The situation is very much like the usage of particular letters in a game of scrabble. In this case the letter "E" is used more frequently (at least in the English language) and thus is the letter which has the most copies. (Let me interject at this point that the "E" can be viewed as a mirror-imaged, cognitively symmetrical "3"). It is not that there aren't any other patterns, but that some patterns are more frequently occurring than others... in this case based on language, but this may not be the case for a disposition in which the "3" is dominant in multiple situations such as occurring in biology and physics. Most numbers come up as blanks, when taking stock of the infinity of numbers supposedly at our disposal that we can make use of. Other numbers have their relative frequency and may be dominant in a given situation, but when all number patterns being used by humans are taken into account, it is not wrong to suspect that the "3" plays a dominant role, even if you insist that other number patterns are just as or are more important. You must stop engaging in a game of one-upmanship and take stock of all the numbers. I am not interested in your parlor games of semantics.

With respect to language, I am astonished to see that not a single linguist has made any mention of the recurring patterns-of-three in the human ear and its possible effects in the form of multiple threes-patterns being used in speaking and writing. We simply need to get an electrical/mechanical/fluid department in some University involved with the construction of an artificial ear whose patterning can be altered; in order to document the effects which would ensue accordingly, thus establishing that the dominant "three" pattern in audiology may well have an effect on how we think... which is to create three-patterned ideological constructs. By creating an A.I. with a means to alter its auditory perception, reality might well be perceived in terms of being able to provide a greater insight than the predominant 3-patterned physiology of humans can.
If you were to examine other languages you might well find preferences of usage for a given letter. And even though a culture may insist that (for example) the number 7 is most important, it may well be the case upon closer examination that some other number pattern such as the "3" plays a greater role, even if people in the culture can not see this and may even deny it. For example the insistence in the Islamic cultures for the value of 7 because of its association with the Koran is clearly an antiquated view based on old notions pertaining to an ancient history involving star-gazing and its perspectives of the seven stars in the Big Dipper and Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters). The intellectual traditions of Islam need to grow up by taking a larger stock of reality from multiple subjects, even though this is already taking place amongst individual thinkers who are not letting their cognitive orientation be suppressed or shackled. Likewise the triune and Trinitarian traditions in Hinduism and Christianity. I need not speak of Judaism's similar nonsense interests. Trying to speak with such people is very much, I would imagine, to be a situation in which a Cro-magnon person encountered a Neanderthal. Their perceptual frameworks were on the order of being different realities.
To each of the seven heavens corresponds one of the seven classical planets known in antiquity. Ancient observers noticed that these heavenly objects (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) moved at different paces in the sky both from each other and from the fixed stars beyond them. Unlike comets, which appeared in the sky with no warning, they did move in regular patterns that could be predicted. They also observed that objects in the sky influenced objects on earth as when movements of the sun affect the behavior of plants or movements of the moon affect ocean tides. Others believe the seven heavens are related to the seven stars of Orion, the Big Dipper, Little Dipper and the Pleiades/Seven Sisters according to ancient western astrology. (Seven Heavens)
If you take the time to not only record frequency but how and where a given number pattern crops up, you will see some stick out more than others just as there are some used for more serious ideas while others are used for daily routines of conversation; often hidden by gesture and words. In other words, if you survey a given area such as Science-related topics or Religion, or literature, or common expressions for a given culture, you might indeed find a particular frequency which you favor... and yet most likely do not contrast it with a like effort to seek out and catalog other patterns in a similar manner. Whereas I am not arguing against the presence of other patterns, but that we can readily detect the presence of a greater usage for some, and that other researchers have not looked at this as a tell-tale cognitive behavioral pattern which has a causal circumstance with more profound implications than the customary religious, psychological and cultural reviews being issued dismissively, by calling them superstitious, an obsessive/compulsion, or having some sacred meaning meant to reinforce some particular emotive belief.
In all too many instances, if a person thinks alternatively and are felt to be a threat by those harboring some accepted social convention of thought, those around them may well try to alter conditions in order to force a person to see things as they do... otherwise get rid of them by death or incarceration. There is nothing they may try in order to prevent your ideas becoming viewed as a viable alternative... unless of course they can absorb it into their culture and use it to perpetuate their own views... much like religions of old did when incorporating pagan beliefs and refashioning them with ritual, cultural garments and wording. In the case of Socrates, for example, he was forced to drink Hemlock because of three accusers saying he was corrupting the young. Likewise, when three children in Colonial America fell ill and a washer-woman was accused of witchcraft, she was hanged. No less need I say that the character called Jesus was supposedly executed on a cross with two others because the Jewish community viewed him as a threat to their nonsense. Or not to mention the many thousands who died because they stood against The Third Reich? No less, whether factual or not, there is the cultural view that deaths occur in threes. Not in twos, not in fours, not in eights, etc., but threes.
Note: I view all religions in terms of being antiquated survival strategies which will show themselves more nonsensical as time continues on and resources continue to dwindle, as well as the biological changes which will come about that affect alterations in brain configurations which will adapt to the incremental deteriorations of the Sun- Earth- Moon triplex. Whereas they have (and do) provided billions of people with "salvation" in a practical sense, many have stuck to their religious guns so-to-speak, even in the face of probable injury or death. Then again, when all one has is their religious faith as the may indicator of personal wealth, it is no wonder they would give their life for such a commodity. Whereas some view the changes in humans and human society taking place in terms parallel to geological changes over extended periods of time, I view human life spans and therefore adaptive mechanisms in accelerated terms relative to the fruit (vinegar) fly or any organism used to test genetic theories in generational terms of genetic variances. Human existence as we presently encounter it has not been and will not be (I assume) that long enduring.
Superstition or not, the recurrence of the "three" is not being seriously looked at in the context of a cognitive profile of the species as a tell-tale indicator of its health. Instead, we have would-be researchers engaging in antiquated notions concerning the 3. Why can't researchers move beyond this? Not only do they perpetuate old "threes" ideas but old ideas about the 3's (and other patterns) as well. Mathematicians, Psychologists, Theologians and old Philosophers perpetrate a perpetuation of this idiocy because to study the "threes" phenomena in concert with other patterns is not a subject that has been taught in any academic setting for which one might get a degree and eventually a job. However, all too often it is overlooked that most valuable and viable subjects did not initially provide its practitioners with some academic credential, be it philosophy, architecture, art, music, mathematics/accounting, chemistry, physics, sociology, astronomy, linguistics, biology, anthropology, medicine/surgery, herbalism, animal husbandry, archeology, psychology/counseling, sport, cooking, baking, gardening, metallurgy, etc... Indeed, many such exercises were no doubt looked upon as strange occupations for someone to be engaged in with any supposed common sense.
If there is a cognitive shift taking place over time, episodically, abruptly, etc., does this signal an evolutionary change in humanity which requires the new breed of humans to "mitigate" the effects of the old breed, much like the activities of Cro-magnons leading to the disintegration of the Neanderthals? Or are we to engage in fruitless debates whether Neanderthals should have been preserved, regardless of cost? Do migrations, evolutions, etc., earmark such cognitive changes which may have an enduring environmental/genetic influence? Can we spot periodic reversals if they occur? How do we identify an actual evolutionary change in human cognition as opposed to some fad? Are there no longer to occur such fundamental advances in thinking such as the discovery and usage of fire, the wheel, the (plowing) harness, writing, and mathematics... ideas which were not initially pursued because of some commercial product to be manufactured and sold, but because it had the priceless value of inventive utility?
Nonetheless, the larger issue is why and if there is a change in the dominant number pattern taking place; we need to identify this and ascertain what it means, and not let the defining interpretation be left in the hands of those who act as if they live only to preserve their personal niche' in a status quo they are most comfortable with. and let the rest of the people be damned and fend for themselves; as is the sometimes apparent attitude of many Legislatures, the Congress, and the Supreme Court— or else they would insist that a National referendum policy be instituted to better serve the Will of the People that they no longer appreciably represent or they would (for example) legislate:
- Term limits for all government employees and those receiving government contracts.
- Annulation of the Civil asset forfeiture practice.
- Periodic mental competency tests for all public officials, candidates and gun/weapon owners.
- One year mandatory prison sentences to determine if a person can be habilitated or re-habilitated into society, or else-wise executed. (There is no reason to perpetuate the life of potential predators... except that it provides jobs for the private prison industry and multiple political schemes)
- Loss of complete citizenship to any and all engaging in tactics to subvert or avert any and all laws involving money such as paying taxes, off-shore accounts, double and triple dipping of payroll-retirement employments, etc.
- Remove double and triple standards of justice being used for the wealthy and politically connected.
A 3s-oriented individual may find circumstances a bit more difficult in a 2s-oriented environment. Then again, it has been said that it is easier for a sane person to play the part of insanity than those who are insane to play the part of sanity. And if you are one of the super-sane/super-sober individuals, the situations encountered may well be multiplied.
Whereas you may see a "three" pattern, someone else may insist on some other pattern such as "2" of 1 or 4, 5, 6, 7, etc... The following caption is an example of different perceptions coming to the fore depending on the presumed loss or gain of something such as money, personal worth, status in a community, etc...:

A present day variation can be seen in the description of layers related to cells. The previous perspective described the cell has having a "Trilaminar" structure while later researchers preferred the label of a "Bilipid" layer, though the term "Mosaic model" is frequently referenced:

Presenting the foregoing models apparently presents us with three options:
- The membranes of cells are trilaminar.
- The membranes of cells are bilaminar.
- The membranes of cells are both (or if you prefer, neither.)
I don't come across anyone explicitly combining the two ideas to produce a reference to cells as a "Trilaminar structured bilipid functionality per each (1) cell". Hence, we could then recognize the presence of a 1-2-3 engineered composite. Instead, we find intelligent people squabbling over a 2 versus 3 observation like the foregoing cartoonish-looking Pompeii characters.
We must also take into consideration that the later interpretation could well be an indication of researchers becoming "two-patterned biased" by having been influenced by the effects of a heavy dosage of relying on mathematics to approve of or disapprove of an idea; which emphasizes a "two-patterned" perspective, as described later on in this page with an adjoining list of two-patterned ideas seen not only in the Old Yin/Yang listings of dualities, but also in the current vogue of ideas being used in Psychology called the Persistent Dichotomies.
Basic Points to Consider:
1) Out of the supposed Infinity of numbers at our disposal, we humans use only a very small set. "3" in its various guises (triad, triune, triple, etc., as
words, symbols, spaces, etc.,) is but one of these few. Hence, we are experiencing a Conservation of Number that I think is cause for concern
because it is influenced by a condition of Nature which is dying. However, this does not mean we are incapable of using a larger set, but that we are
being environmentally forced not to, as a survival mechanism in a global, planetary, and galactic condition of incremental deterioration.
2) Numbers in our usage set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc...), exhibit different frequencies of occurrence, just as one encounters the use of some
letters more often such as in a game of scrabble or the use of numbers (or the 3 face cards) when playing a game of cards, betting on the lottery, betting
on horses, sports games, etc... For example, if we look at the numbers displayed on ball-sports jerseys, race cars, during cycling events, and other
competitions, we see only a handful of number patterns. Larger number patterns such as those used in the American Social Security system display groupings,
such as 3 numbers, then 2 numbers, followed by another set of 3 numbers. Indeed, when counting, we humans generally use the notation of ones-tens-hundreds
followed by a comma... before beginning another set of 3 number references. In fact, when we look at all languages we find a 3-part word order consisting of a Subject- Object- Verb, though not necessarily in this specific order.
3) Because Nature apparently likes to use particular number patterns more than others, we might well describe Nature as being an Obsessive/Compulsive instead
of pointing our fingers at a particular individual who collects such patterns relating to Nature, or Culture or some aspect thereof. (We do
not see Nature using the so-called Infinity of numbers.) Nature very often uses small groupings with frequencies of occurrence that humans generally do not
take the time to map out as I and a few others are doing.
Here are some Conservations of Numbers examples:
- The small number of Elements in the Periodic table
- It is incredible to consider that in all the Universe there are only 118 or so).
- The triplet code in genetics
- (and the presence of a "3 the same, 1 is different" array of DNA/RNA amino acids)...
- Let us ask why the triplet code has not evolved along with other biological structures exhibiting increased enumeration?
- The shortest alphabet is Mohawk, with 12 letters. The longest alphabet is Slovak, with 46 characters.

- Millions of people have a 1st, Middle, Last name
- (though some have only two, are referenced by 1, with a few using more than 3).
- Life as we know it as a fact, exists only on the 3rd planet...
- (and not as an intellectual's imaginative exercise of speculation suggesting it may exist elsewhere).
- It is not on the 1st planet, not the 2nd planet, not the 4th, nor 5th, nor 6th, nor 7th, etc...
A Conservation of Number usage also is true for the writers of Religious texts. However, it must be understood that ancient peoples sometimes expressed some large quantity as a "Many" reference seen in early counting systems, where the general expression of "1- 2- Many" can be used to illustrate a primitive development of enumeration. We must also be cognizant of one-upmanship activities that I have seen when asking a group of people what their favorite number is. Someone frequently attempts to "beat" or "best" everyone else by claiming a higher number or some exaggerated sense of multiplicity as a means of standing out... of being different, of being unique. (This is not to say such an individual does not exist and actually does use some enlarged purposeful enumeration.) We do not see a large array of number patterns being used in any of the religious texts... at least none that have been reported. We see multiple repetitions but not multiple uses of large numbers which are not substitute expressions of assigning multiplicity in an attempted ego-attendant dominance of thinking in terms of exhibiting superiority. For example, to claim oneself as a millionaire may well be viewed by some as a sense of superiority, whereas another may claim they are a Billionaire... with some awaiting to achieve a Trillionaire status and a few thinking in terms of being a GaZillionaire. (As for myself, I am in the penny-picker-upper stage of financial development. HA!)
Generally, religious texts are written by writers who have an affinity for some number that is in vogue in their particular culture during their time period, or they are engaging in a particular pattern as a writing technique, such as using the numbers 3 or 7 or some formula of "2." For example, such as is displayed by the notion of a divine pair. Words, symbols, and various ideas often become used as substitutes for quantities. Apparently, God also is stuck on using a handful of numbers, despite any attempt to suggest otherwise by words interpreted to mean the contrary. For example, the use of the "666" is not a number value but a 3-patterned symbol adopted by humans who might think it a value which some purported singular ("1") god gave to humanity as a means of distinguishing good from evil. It is purely human ego which claims their is a singular god and not two or more. In addition, just because you use the word "Infinity" does not mean you are using an Infinity of numbers. "Infinity" (just like the old Chinese expression of "10,000") is an expression equivalent to the Primitive person's usage of the word "many" or much, or heap, pile, mound, etc... Other words such as multiplicity, plurality, magnitude, exponential, universal, God, eternity, immortality, etc... are substitutes. With respect to money, we humans have only Billionaires and some Nations are stuck in the Trillions range of activity. These accounts also are small enumerations, relatively speaking, though you may personally be over-whelmed. The usage of "Bi" and "Tri" is the simple 2 and 3 orientations being repeated.
Date of Origination: Wednesday, 4th January 2023... 4:36 AMDate of Initial posting: Wednesday, 4th January 2023... 4:41 PM
Updated posting: Thursday, 29th February 2024... 8:40 AM
This supplemental section split off from the initial Homepage: 3/2/2024... 12:40 AM