(aka: The Standard Cognitive Model)
Progressive Thinkers as of 5/8/2020
Some people might consider the topic of "threes" can be 1) entertainingly discussed, 2) examples displayed, and then 3) easily dismissed as some relative curio that has no real value as a subject of study other than to use the pattern for a specific application such as in telling jokes, creating advertisements, constructing speeches, applied to exercising routines (such as three times a week), used as a memorization technique, and as a generally accepted means of representing some idea or arranging material for a presentation. Such a perspective suggests the idea of "threes" is a tool readily available that can be applied to different interests, but not is not an expressed dynamic... like some machine in motion, a living organism, an ongoing process such as a change between states of matter (from a solid to a liquid then a gas), or alternative function that one might even consider to be some symbiotic relationship. Not only does this appear to be the case with "threes", but other patterns as well. Whereas we can not live without them, can the same be said of them for us? Do patterns need us to survive? Do patterns need any living being in order to exist?
Those who initially created the idea of symbiosis and those who later expounded upon the perspective; resulting in three types, frequently do so by involving some notion of dichotomy between two organisms, where in fact, more than two might be involved; such as a plant any animal and the bacteria which are part of their functionality as well. Hence, the two players are not the only players involved in the presumed two-life form symbiotic relationship. Using a dichotomy as a standard conceptual formula can set the stage for some to think in such terms all the time.

When we find a topic such as atomic physics which apparently has a dominant configuration of ideas involving a pattern-of-three, by using the topic of symbiosis, we might describe the situation as a mutualistic relationship, that is if we can get past our view of the "three" as merely being an indentured servant, slave, or silent partner whose presence is acknowledged but not permitted to give itself more than an token amount of expression as an entity unto itself. Indeed, we think of patterns as a collective attribute humans assign to perceptions, and not that the patterns are what makes the observation possible.

Much like a dehumanized person who is engaged in carrying out necessary but menial tasks, this is how we treat number... and other patterns. They are not allowed to have a "self-hood", though humans have granted such to businesses. Whereas some numbers, like some slaves (typically people enslaved by dire social conditions) have reached recognition such as 3.14 (pi). An example of enslavement can be seen in the conditions demanded of Germany by the The Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Viewed in this way, World War II was a slave revolt.
The Treaty of Versailles was bitterly criticized by the Germans, who complained that it had been “dictated” to them, that it violated the spirit of the Fourteen Points, and that it demanded intolerable sacrifices that would wreck their economy. In the years after it was ratified the Treaty of Versailles was revised and altered, mostly in Germany's favour. Numerous concessions were made to Germany before the rise of Adolf Hitler, and by 1938 only the territorial settlement articles remained.
The war guilt clause of the treaty deemed Germany the aggressor in the war and consequently made Germany responsible for making reparations to the Allied nations in payment for the losses and damage they had sustained in the war. It was impossible to compute the exact sum to be paid as reparations for the damage caused by the Germans, especially in France and Belgium, at the time the treaty was being drafted, but a commission that assessed the losses incurred by the civilian population set an amount of $33 billion in 1921. Although economists at the time declared that such a huge sum could never be collected without upsetting international finances, the Allies insisted that Germany be made to pay, and the treaty permitted them to take punitive actions if Germany fell behind in its payments.
Many historians claim that the combination of a harsh treaty and subsequent lax enforcement of its provisions paved the way for the upsurge of German militarism in the 1930s. The huge German reparations and the war guilt clause fostered deep resentment of the settlement in Germany, and when Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland in 1936 (a violation of the treaty), the Allies did nothing to stop him, thus encouraging future German aggression. (Source: "Versailles, Treaty of." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
Coupled to the foregoing short Britannica excerpt should be the recognition that several Western businesses, such as Ford Motor Company, helped Germany regain its previous Military ascendancy by providing trucks and other vehicles... and this says nothing about what Banking institutions had their grubby, stinkin', filthy, greedy hands into. Indeed, the title of one such book on the subject Tradeing With The Enemy may be of interest to some. If anyone of us were subjected to such enslaving conditions in our individual lives, we might well turn to criminal activity against "the ruling Establishment" that put us in such dire straights. And if one were honest, they might well describe the very real growing animosity the U.S. public has against its Supreme Court, Congress, Constitution and overall government duplicity. Yet this is not unique to U.S. citizens. And the reason many do not speak up is because they know all too well the U.S. (and other governments) are just as retributive as they are at times generous. Otherwise governments would not resort to the usage of Military discharge accounts to be held over the heads of citizens to display an endowed halo or affixed horns with tail and pitchfork in some cases; which are akin to a rap sheet that is akin to a tally sheet, and thus signifies a type of unrecognized enumeration related to cognitive activity standards not understood in the larger context of human development and survival accommodations which reveal the presence of a Conservation of Number.
Imagine being flat broke, forced to living on the street, and nobody will befriend you, despite you having befriended them on previous occasions. They refuse to be associated with you for fear of being guilty by association, even if you efforts which led to your conditions were seen by them as a Just Cause, or at least having some reasonable and rational merit that would have been later emphasized by them if you later prospered (such as in the case of a country winning a war).
Whereas it can be easily identified that symbiotic relationships can come in all shapes and sizes and styles, for some reason we don't think of symbiosis in terms of music, mathematics, art or any other symbolically used form of self-expression. We still see numbers (for example), as a representation of an idea that we generated, but not that they are representative of us. Whereas we may claim ourselves to be in the image of a god or creator-being, and some in history have claimed themselves to be a god; we can be an extension of a god but little more than a symbol... a token measure without more merit than something that can be easily replaced or expressed on a different medium. Though the same expression is used (such as a recurring human form), quantity defines significance... since the presence of one or only a handful of humans might not be conceived of being a representative model of some supposed great being. Humans have a symbiotic relationship with their god, though the type of symbiosis is rarely viewed in terms of an honest definition.
And yet, is it this supposed god that should be given an ascendancy of position, or humanity? In other words, is humanity a symbiont of this creature-god, or is the creature-god a symbiont of humans? Likewise, is the value three a symbiont of particle physics, or particle physics a symbiont of the three? If the three did not exist, then neither... we might conclude..., could a three-mold form of particle arrangements. Neither could DNA with a triplet code. Neither could Earth as the 3rd planet. Indeed, as may have been an earlier case, the Universe had a foremost two-patterned design whose remnant is seen in the largely dominant expression of binary star groups. Humans may not know how to view Astronomy in patterns-of-three, because our perception in this case is a retained primivity... like a primitive standing on an ocean shore and devising some supernatural laden explanation of it and accompanying observations (tides, waves, storms, aquatic life, unknown debris, reflections, glimpses of mostly submerged life forms, etc...).
If we look at the three characters of symbiosis and append to it other ideas such as feeding and associated activity; we find ourselves in an increased territory of analogical considerations that some readers may not like since they prefer to see only that vantage point from the raft they chose to float on as a life-long means of pursuing individual interests and goals. They are not one to climb into a lofted crows nest, take out a rowboat to survey an island, take charge of a helm, beat a rowing drum, unruffle a stuck sail, or engage in any task not explicitly assigned to requirements of duty attached to a given insignia. A narrowly defined world and day-to-day retinue of assignment is all well and good for them. They are not an adventurer outside the scope of a commissioned position of social acceptance and recognizability from which they use their sextant to navigate waters charted and journey by many others for which they receive a recurring stipend which marks the length and breadth of their required accountability.

It is not customary for anyone to encounter... even in a playfully museful way, that numbers are positioned in such a way as to given the impression of being in a symbiotic relationship. The very idea of attaching some biological construct to numbers might well be viewed as a laughable absurdity by some. Numbers are numbers and that is all there is to it... or so goes the expressed limitations of their imagination. How utterly ridiculous to think that numbers could be alive! The number three that we recognize as a recurring theme with particle physics, DNA, the planet Earth, Human Anatomy, and multiple other references in multiple other subjects, is little more than a coincidence. Yes! How dare anyone in their right mind present us with the occasion that any number, much less singularly emphasize the number three, is anything more than a made-up symbol that we can use and throw away like some nasal tissue, used toilet paper, or table napkin. Such a person would undoubtedly need their head examined, regardless if they spoke articulately in a rational manner. The very topic of discussion would surely suggest an underlying lunacy, even if current psychology standards did not have a category for it. Surely there is the case that new types of diseases can be created without any human fore-knowledge. And it matters not that the person exists in a country whose mind set will most likely be viewed in the distant future as a legitimized form of irrationality... otherwise labeled as an insanity.
I am very appreciative to those readers who think I have lost my mind. That only a person who has lost or is losing their mind could come up with the ideas that they do. To you I say thank you. Since it is all too necessary for someone to lose their mind in order to find a better one. And in finding a better one there will be different perceptions and considerations to contend with, as one might find if they traveled to some distant future and attempt to bring back the prevailing logic of that time period. Oh my gosh... imagine speaking of peace without it being defined in terms of an absence of war, but an absence of poverty, of crime, of a duplicitous government, religion and business! What insanity! Imagine taking to the future the view that Love is the Answer, and yet those in the future want to know which question(s) it is answering. Thus, when I speak of the number three (and other enumerated patterns) as some sort of entity that honestly gives the impression of exhibiting a symbiotic relationship— which is cause for viewing numbers from a different vantage point, the reader may not be so quick to toss the consideration under the bus of presumed rationality.
Since numbers are an ever-present expression of thought, let us think of numbers as a present day accepted convention of mental activity, even at some time we come to view numbers as a crude representation of that yet to be discovered. It is just that at the present stage of evolution humanity is using numbers and letters and other symbols as if they were cognitive standards and not representative of some underlying standard model yet to be uncovered and used to create an environment of greater mental development.
The idea of a "selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins can be applied to the present consideration of numbers. Because numbers and letters and other symbols are later developments of human consideration and are therefore extensions of underlying biological activities which culminate in this regard; if we (for the sake of discussion... or discursively) say that numbers, letters, and other symbols are later born constituents of genetic activity... and may well represent unrecognized (subtle) changes for which we have no present means of identifying and measuring; which exhibit themselves in the manner which they do, then such symbols may have a role to play in our conscious efforts to recognize what we at present are calling standards of cognitive activity. Indeed, while we view an increased brain size, a bipedal gait and language as indications of evolutionary change with direct links to physical dimensions and indirect connections to more basic biological "reformations" (or reformulations); can such symbols provide us with at least an inkling of the pressures humanity is being subjected to an in what direction such changes may take humans in terms of later symbol development and usage?
In 1976 he published his first book, The Selfish Gene, in which he tried to rectify what he maintained was a widespread misunderstanding of Darwinism. Dawkins argued that natural selection takes place at the genetic rather than the species or individual level, as was often assumed. Genes, he maintained, use the bodies of living things to further their own survival. He also introduced the concept of “memes,” the cultural equivalent of genes. Ideas and concepts, from fashion to music, take on a life of their own within society and, by propagating and mutating from mind to mind, affect the progress of human evolution. Dawkins named the concept after the Greek word mimeme, meaning “to imitate.” It later spawned an entire field of study called memetics. The book was notable not just because of what it espoused but also because of its approachable style, which made it accessible to a popular audience. ("Dawkins, Richard." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
Will different symbols other than the "three" come to define human perception of patterns uncovered in quantum physics? Hence, the role the "recurring threes" symbol taking place is more appropriate to be viewed in term of solidifying human orientation towards the presence of as-yet-unseen repeating patterns? In this sense, the recurring presence of "threes" is like that of a fishing bobber/bopper (float) used on a line to make it easier for some fisher-person to notice when something is biting or nibbling at the bait on a hook. However, just like a bobber and the illusions of the water and refraction of the line, the presence of the "threes" can be misinterpreted. And though it is uncommon for anyone to comment about the movement of a bopper as indicating life, a bopper is so often used by some people as to be (here in) described analogically described not only in symbiotic terms but as a representative cognitive standard. Different people have different fishing styles, with and without one or more boppers, weights, hooks, bait and other tackle; that can be viewed as being equivalent to a cognitive standard described with other terms, symbols, etc... Attempting to get at what can be described as a core model of basic cognitive activity that neurological studies have not sufficiently provided a clue to, is presently being interpreted with the idea of a recurring "three" theme, though other themes are identified as well as the absence thereof. Recurring cognitive activity apparently... either does not need to use the same pattern each and every time, or that different patterns are being used to express different variances of the same underlying (core) activity... such as one might describe a different color in the color spectrum and think that is an expressed difference, while overlooking that the use of color is a standard.
While we see the recurrence of the "three" in different subjects, is it a distraction from the presence of a more fundamental pattern that our human capacity for recognizing patterns has not yet evolved enough for us to recognize, or if recognized, not able to acknowledge, or if acknowledged not able to place into an appropriate context and make use of? While such speculating is not desired by some investigators who prefer to use that which might be described as tangibles... those views which are already substantiated... though such substantiations may well have at one time been in the realm of speculation; because they need to be able to rely on personal attentions to materialized perspectives which are grounded in some regularly exercised acceptance. Some of my ideas are too "apparitional" for them to justify spending time on, when they are getting paid to pursue some other approach of investigation and not take a walk along a lake that they, due to their conventions, may be viewed as having a speculative "lochness monster" or some dichotomously-driven hybrid reputation associated with the aforementioned fishing hole:
- Mermaid: half woman/half fish
- Siren: half woman/half bird
- Echidna: half woman/half serpent
- Nix: half woman/ half fish (One of three attributes may betray the disguises of nixes: 1) music lovers 2) excellent dancers, 3) gift of prophecy)
- Interestingly, radioactivity is measured in half-lives.
It is excruciatingly difficult for me not to walk along the bank of such a liquid environment of thought and not try my hand and skipping stones, dropping others to watch and muse upon the concentric waves of a dark abyss, or see the reflections of the unfurling sails overhead (clouds). For me, patterns-of-three are sometimes static and at other times whimsical sprites taking on the very forms which they describe. The "3" is a character with many costumes, and has multiple like-minded friends, relatives, siblings, colleagues, acquaintances, and seemingly antagonists like those that try to bully, those that try to manipulate, those that feign love, or hate, or jealousy and attempt to be intellectual rivals with a presumed edge in superiority. It is tinker, tailor, soldier. spy..., butcher, baker, candlestick maker.., no collar, blue collar, white collar, lower class, middle class, upper class. I have seen the "3" in many guises in many subject areas. Yet I doubt that I have seen them all. As I pursue, it sometimes runs. Thus the need for changing my research tactics and methods for identifying a prevailing modus operandi (mode of operation), where the currency of expression, mobility and stationary obviousness may change from one place to another. Like a multi-continental traveler, it speaks in different languages, uses different currencies for further adaptation, and changes its appearance in order to blend in, unless the better disguise is to appear as an obnoxious tourist that deliberately gives the impression of being out of place because it uses a strategy conducive to several ulterior motives being executed at once. What a crafty individual the number 3 is. While sometimes I am fooled by being led into a house of mirrors, I soon regain my footing and catch them unaware as we venture into the crowded carnival of side-show exhibitions.
The presence of the "3" in word or symbol, is sometimes found embedded with one or more other characters whose overall representation may be an elaborate pattern-of-three... and yet no such recognizable "three" symbol or word has to be present. The 5- 7- 9 sequence found in: The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two by George A. Miller]. In this example the "7" plays the dominant reference while "3" is not directly mentioned... but exists in a subtle fashion. In some instances, such as the widespread use of three fingers (technically one thumb and two fingers) to hold a pen or pencil, the presence of the "three" is a dominant functionality, but is overlooked by most users who also do not acknowledge the ubiquity of the "3s" occurrence in multiple other often-used orientations in the present day and age such as purchasing a three-item combo meal, no longer using a "three on a tree" expression (referring to a steering column attached shifting vehicle mechanism), or the wearing of a tricorn (three cornered early American) hat, or owning a console defined piece of furniture which contained the three electronic item of a radio, phonograph (record player), and Television.
Nor have most people actually seen the presence of a triplet code working in DNA, though we may be aware of it from the written materials of biologists. And nor have most of us been close enough to atoms to detect its individual 3 particles called protons, neutrons, electrons. We don't see them, but we accept the value of three and yet never combine this acceptance with the presence of comments about other ideas and things which also have the same "3" value. And those who do come to some recognition of the "three" being pervasive in a particular subject, may be dismissive of it when encounter other patterns, because there is an inclination to accept the presence of other patterns as a refutation as to the "three" having any importance other than some curious repetition related to human behavior like a repetition in breathing, eating, sleeping, eating etc... It holds not greater interest because no one has taken the time to research it beyond the point of a customary attention span... like a person who is asked to count the jelly beans in a jar but gives up due to other interest and distractions and simply reports there are a whole bunch, or a lot of them, or some other such reference akin to the primitive's use of the word "many" when trying to count higher than the value "2".
Date of (series) Origination: Saturday, 14th March 2020... 6:11 AM
Date of Initial Posting (this ): 1st March 2022... 6:04 AM
Updated Posting:Monday, 14th November 2022... 11:33 AM, AST (Arizona Standard Time); Marana, AZ.