(aka: The Standard Cognitive Model)
Progressive Thinkers as of 5/8/2020
The following list was compiled by someone using the 'handle' of Yaybob back in 2008 when prompted by a question concerning of whether examples of threes could be thought of. I placed the list here: Internet Threes page 21, back in 2019. The list contains 130 examples (after removing duplicates, did a bit of rearranging and adding some information to make the listed item more complete). I place it here for those who may be explicitly in the "threes phenomena" or cognitive patterning involving other pattern numbers as well. I am not trying to overwhelm anyone who is not familiar with the "threes" collection concept, since their own efforts may in the fledging stages of development; perhaps driven by some comment or personalized recognition of how threes crop up in a repeated fashion such as in multiple fairy tales... even if they are not ready to address an attempt to address what may at first appear to be a wrench thrown into their thinking by encountering a fairy tale such as snow white and the seven dwarfs. Such an example should not be allowed to be a singular means of discounting you idea of repetition, nor keep you from including what may at first seem to be an anomaly. But the occasion of a "7" pattern in Fairy tales has company in other subject areas. So do patterns of two, four, five, six, etc... However, when or if you begin making a journal entry or mental note of the different patterns of numbers you are encountering in your observations, no matter which subject or event is being experienced, you need also take stock of the fact that there is a limitation to the number patterns which humans are repeating. Out of all the infinity of numbers available to human consciousness, only a very few are being used. This is what I am calling a Conservation of Number.
Yes, you can create lists with a different number pattern. You might chose "2" in the form of a duality, dichotomy, opposite, illusion, Janus faced, double, pair, etc., or the "4" and singularly specify it in a particular sense by labeling it a quaternion showing itself in mathematical operations, whether or not they are applied to some computer language. Or you might prefer the number 7 or 13 or 666, or something else. However, if you were to create a graph of numbers and how often they are being used, you might well find that some numbers are used more often than others. The image below is a hypothetical graph illustrating the idea, and is not meant to convey the actual reality of what the graph would look like if all numerical patterns were collected and counted. And yes, you would at some times find very large numbers such as when someone speaks of millions, billions, trillions, and yet this phrase, despite its content, is a pattern-of-three. And the fact that it contains the word "trillions" with a "3" prefix, appears to be just another way of expressing the "3". On the other hand, if you encounter a large number and think it to represent something significant, it is of interest to note that Nature may not think of it in these terms since the number is used infrequently, whereas much smaller numbers such as those 1 through 9 are very much more common.

The idea about number frequencies can be compared with those ideas concerning the frequency of letters which are used, though frequencies... otherwise known as repetitions, is a tool used in different contexts with different names whose researchers are looking for a means to decipher whatever "message" or non-message pattern is being presented, in order to have an overall picture of what is being observed, so that some assumptions can be initiated as a starting point which makes the information useful. Words are patterns. Many of us... if not all of us, use certain words or even phrases over and over again, just like using the same type of greeting when coming upon someone. We may repetitiously say "hello". While most of us take it for granted, an outsider who is not familiar with such a behaviour might well refer to it as a common behavior. Similarly, we follow repetitions for getting dressed, eating, etc... Using ideas and expressing behaviors that have been reduced to some model of enumeration not only allows for one type of analysis, but if such patterns are mapped out over long periods of time, changes in the repetitions may occur and those occurrences may be caused by more than mere cultural disusage. In fact, they may be an indication that something on a physiological level is taking place and that this is due to some environmental pressure most of us have not thought to consider when we are taking into account environmental changes such as pollution.
In one type of linguistic analysis, it has been found that all languages apparently use some sort of word order in which the subject, object and verb are arranged in what might be playfully suggested as a musical chairs game.
- Subject: The thing or area being discussed. (Wordweb)
- Object: In semantics and logic, the ordinary language used to talk about things or objects in the world. (Britannica)
- Verb: A word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being. (Merrian Webster)
In English, we usually use the form Subject-Verb-Object (S-V-O). An example is: Jemima kicks the ball. Jemima is the subject: she does the action. Kick is the verb, the action. The ball is the object, the action happens to the object. (English language: New Word Order By Oli Pritchard, August 31, 2017)
Subject | Verb | Object |
Jemima | kicks | the ball |
The dog | smokes | a cigarette |
I | love | you |

In addition to the three-part word order analysis is the view that all languages are said to consist of a trimodal structure though we might also speak in terms of the three genders (Masculine- Feminine- Neuter):
Every language is said to be trimodal—i.e., structured in three modes: phonology, grammar, and lexicon. These modes are interrelated but have a considerable degree of independence and must be described in their own terms. Phonology and lexicon should not be seen as mere appendages to grammar, the former simply specifying which phonemes can combine to form morphemes (or morphs), and the latter simply listing the morphemes and other meaningful units with a description of their meaning. There are levels of structure in each of the modes, and the units of one level are not necessarily coterminous with those of another. Phonemes, for example, may combine to form syllables and syllables to form phonological words (“phonological word” is defined as the domain of some phonological process such as accentuation, assimilation, or dissimilation), but the morpheme (or morph) will not necessarily consist of an integral number of syllables, still less of a single syllable. Nor will the word as a grammatical unit necessarily coincide with the phonological word. Similarly, the units of lexical analysis, sometimes referred to as lexemes (in one sense of this term), are not necessarily identifiable as single grammatical units, whether as morphemes, words, or phrases. No priority, then, is ascribed to any one of the three modes. ("linguistics." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
Yet in voicing the idea of a "Conservation of Number", I need to provide some attempt at defining it. What I think is that the conditions of Earth in its situation with the Sun and Moon, and their collective course of an incremental deterioration; requires biology to adapt to such incremental changes whether or not you are someone who is sensitive to the changes in subtle energies or at least the effects thereof. What I am taking into account in my idea is an equation involving three characteristics of the Sun, Earth and Moon:
- Sun: It is burning out. It is considered that it will increase in size and eventually engulf the innermost three planets, where, from the perspective of the Earth, the three "phases" (or "moments") dawn- noon- dusk will fuse closer together, thereby presenting biological life with the added requirement of recreating a 3-in-1 biological and psychological conformation. (Biology and psychology will have to conform by exhibiting this same characteristic, which may already be taking place by such examples as the "three person in one god" idea of the Trinity, the use of 3 engines in 1 space shuttle, and use of three fingers to hold one pen or pencil. Other 3 to 1 ratios may also be reflections of this influence.) It should also be note that the idea of "fusion" is currently addressed in philosophy discussions directed towards the concept of dualities. It is interesting that although it is not concerned with triplicity as a dominant theme, it too makes note of a fusion of ideas much, it may be presumed, as takes place in the yin/yang view which produces the notion of unity... yin + yang = unity... which one might otherwise view as a pattern-of-three.
- Earth: The overall rotation rate is slowing, despite intervals suggesting it is speeding up or staying steady. A faster spinning rate billions of
years ago when biology was still in its pre-and initial formative stages, a fast spinning Earth would not also have subjected early biological substances to a
type of centrifugal rapidity (like a centrifuge spinning fast in a laboratory), but also subject it to a three-patterned stroboscopic irradiation which may
have provided for the impetus of a triplet code in DNA... as well as other subsequent three-patterned oscillations through time much like the concentric rings
of a stone dropped on a body of water. One should also not discount the effect of Earth's slowing rotation and the electro-magnetic field in terms of the
Earth's polarity which shifts back and forth on occasion.
- Variations in the Earth's rotation rate
The Earth does not rotate with perfect uniformity, and the variations have been classified as:
- Secular, resulting from tidal friction.
- Irregular, ascribed to motions of the Earth's core.
- Periodic, caused by seasonal meteorological phenomena.
Separating the first two categories is very difficult. Observations made since 1621, after the introduction of the telescope, show irregular fluctuations about a decade in duration and a long one that began about 1650 and is not yet complete. The large amplitude of this effect makes it impossible to determine the secular variation from data accumulated during an interval of only about four centuries. The record is supplemented, however, by reports—not always reliable—of eclipses that occurred tens of centuries ago. From this extended set of information it is found that, relative to dynamical time, the length of the mean solar day increases secularly about 1.6 milliseconds per century, the rate of the Earth's rotation decreases about one part per million in 5,000 years, and rotational time loses about 30 seconds per century squared.
The annual seasonal term, nearly periodic, has a coefficient of about 25 milliseconds. ("time." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
- Variations in the Earth's rotation rate
- Moon: The once very close moon to the Earth with its greatly increased means of affecting tidal behavior (what I refer to as the "washing machine"
effect), is now decreasing in its ability to affect tidal behavior because it is moving away. The oxygenation of the oceans caused by the churning of the
waves mixing with the ambient atmosphere will decrease, thus affecting fish and other water creatures who need oxygenated water, such as the artificial wave
makers a person uses in an aquarium called an aerator or air pump, though some water plants during photosynthesis will produce oxygen. A decreasing Loss of
the Moon's affects on tidal behavior for providing a mixture of air in open bodies water may well require the use of large air pumps or development of plants
with an increased ability to provide air directly to water.
Although tidal friction is slowing Earth's rotation, conservation of momentum dictates that the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system remain constant. Consequently, the Moon is slowly receding from Earth, with the result that both the day and the month are getting longer. Extending this relationship back into the past, both periods must have been significantly shorter hundreds of millions of years ago—a hypothesis confirmed from measurements of the daily and tide-related growth rings of fossil corals. ("Moon." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
- ...The increase in solar brightness can be expected to continue as the hydrogen in the core is depleted and the region of nuclear burning moves outward. At least as important for the future of Earth is the fact that tidal friction will slow down Earth's rotation until, in four billion years, its rotation will match that of the Moon, turning once in 30 of our present days.
What takes place when we attempt to find a repeating formula, such as in the case of ciphers, or codes, is that Nature or what appears to be the nature of human thinking, can use deletions, reversals, change of direction, and substitutions; as if we are dealing with a sprite, a trickster, a gamester, a playful, whimsical tomfoolery type of situation where all is not always as it seems to be. Humans can misinterpret and thus create institutions and massively funded systems of beliefs to cover up those mistakes, though generations of people are taught to think in a given way about a given topic. Lies are even perpetrated so that only one or a few hold onto (and thus control) certain information which they use as a means of procuring enforcement by way of teaching truth in a sparse, piece-meal fashion that others learn to carve out a niche' in the socialized program in order to establish some semblance of a livelihood, though they may have come to the realization they too are participating in a lie... a lie that if it were unfolded to the public, might well produce circumstances and situations making their own attempts at securing a livelihood all the more difficult than any dog-eat-dog situation they have already found a means to contour their day-to-day efforts at creating some measure of equilibrium for themselves and perhaps their family, friends, relatives, etc... hence the cognitive or mental standards we uncover may be but one interpretation suited to our present circumstances of well-being but not be the foremost level of truth to be told... and yet only provide a viability in some future with a particular set of environmental pressures fomenting circumstances in a given era where resources are more depleted than many of us care to realistically acknowledge in our particular here and now.
Looking at the following chart (from: "information theory." Encyclopædia Britannica.) detailing the frequencies of English letter occurrences in a given text, the same idea can be used when discussing the relative frequencies of number patterns, despite all the arguments about which number is most important or that there are just as many of one kind of number pattern as there are others... etc... Fortunately, we do not have a culture in which individual letters are absorbed into psychological dependencies like some people attend to with numbers. In other words, one may speak of letter frequencies or word frequencies or even phrase, sentence and paragraph frequencies, along with movie and book if not newspaper publication titles without stirring upon contentions as are obvious when number patterns are referred to.

Frequencies of sound-alike letters in the English alphabet:
Frequencies of sound-alike numbers in the English alphabet (up to 26 corresponding to the quantity of letters in the alphabet):
Whereas if I supply a list of "threes" such as those above, some readers automatically react negatively towards and may just as automatically say something to the effect that if you look for a given pattern you can find it. And yet, when presented with a chart on the relative frequencies of letters in a given text, no such argument is appended to their observation, even though a given number pattern can occur most frequently in a given subject. However, if you take all the subjects and add the relative frequency of number patterns being expressed, a negative reaction to the information is common because of the unacknowledged emotionally laden psychological dependencies people have with certain numbers.
Some numbers... viewed as patterns, show up in some instances more than others, and when more subjects are added to the count, we find that certain patterns of numbers repeat more often in all subjects than do others. Most people do not know for a fact whether or nor their preferanced number shows up with greater frequency or "just as often" as one or another pattern. They want to assume it does because it is a psychological dependency used for one or another form of security... for navigating the waterways of their social domain, in reality and fantasy, in illusion and delusion, in happy moments and not so happy moments, in financially stable times and those times of perceived or interpreted hardship.
If you are a person who says patterns-of-four are just as or more frequent than patterns-of-three, one must look at the material from which you are deriving your examples. Can the same be said if you look at other subject materials? Does the frequency increase or decrease? Are we looking at a phenomena best suited for an examination by a physicist interested in frequencies, with different subjects best noted as characteristics to be fitted along a spectrum such as we find in colors, or the elector-magnetic spectrum? Do we assign different subjects along a length of positioning just as we do different frequencies and assign numerical values with frequency rations conducive to a cognitive profile not being recognized? In other words, can we take the different subjects presently of interest to humanity (knowing all to well other subjects may one day be created), and place them along one-side of another just as we do the color spectrum and thus arrange them according to some electro-magnetic frequency, and view the frequency of simple number patterns as simplistic references of a spectrum relative to a cognitive profile of activity humanity has not considered before, much less the meaning thereof?

On page 36 of this series, the topic of "four" was brought up with respect to a short comment regarding whether or not it came before patterns-of-three. Whereas it may very well have in those instances where pairing was paired, thus creating a double, this would then not necessarily reference an actual "4" in a cognitive sense of counting numerically such as in the sequence 1- 2- 3 -4..., but more as a portrait of a double or mirror-image effect. It would be like star gazers of old looking at the Big dipper and outlining it during the two equinoxes and two solstices, from which is thought to have emerged the swastika symbol related to something positive and not the negativity later generations assigned to a reversed image of the same when used by the Nazis. In other words, just because we assign the word "four" to a given cluster, does not mean it represents an actual "4" in a numerical sense of indoctrinated counting. In several instances, as I have noted in other pages, I can see a difference between three items and a so-called forth, thereby giving the impression of a 3-to-1 ratio. Let us take a few examples as being illustrative:
- Four horseman of the Christian assigned Apocalypse: ("Apocalypse, four horsemen of." Encyclopædia Britannica)... three represent life being
retained, while the odd man out references an end to life.
- White horse, which scholars sometimes interpret to symbolize Christ;
- Red horse and symbolizes war and bloodshed
- Black horse and symbolizes famine
- Pale horse and represents pestilence and death.
- Fab Four, also know as the Beatles (3 guitarists and 1 drummer)
- Paul McCartney: guitarist
- John Lennon: guitarist
- George Harrison: guitarist
- Ringo Starr: Drummer
- Four Dimensions, (Time is the odd-man out)... in common parlance, the measure of the size of an object, such as a box, usually given as length, width, and height. In mathematics, the notion of dimension is an extension of the idea that a line is one-dimensional, a plane is two-dimensional, and space is three-dimensional. In mathematics and physics one also considers higher-dimensional spaces, such as four-dimensional space-time, where four numbers are needed to characterize a point: three to fix a point in space and one to fix the time. Infinite-dimensional spaces, first studied early in the 20th century, have played an increasingly important role both in mathematics and in parts of physics such as quantum field theory, where they represent the space of possible states of a quantum mechanical system. ("dimension." Encyclopædia Britannica.) [H.O.B. note: "infinite-dimensions" idea suggests an elaborated orientation equivalent to the notion of a primitive's "many" perspective where the "quantum field" is the territory existing beyond one's tribal boundaries.]
- Three-leaf clovers are most common, yet it is the "four-leafed" variety assigned with the notion of being most valuable. Nonetheless, this too constitutes what I am referring to as a 3 to 1 ratio.
- Leap year: (concerning every fourth year) A year containing some intercalary period, especially a Gregorian year having a 29th day of February instead of the standard 28 days. The astronomical year, the time taken for the Earth to complete its orbit around the Sun, is about 365.242 days, or, to a first approximation, 365.25 days. To account for the odd quarter day, an extra calendar day is added every four years, as was first done in 46 BC, with the establishment of the Julian calendar. Over many centuries, the difference between the approximate value 0.25 day and the more accurate 0.242 day accumulates significantly. In the Gregorian calendar now in general use, the discrepancy is adjusted by adding the extra day to only those century years exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). For still more precise reckoning, every year evenly divisible by 4,000 (i.e., 16,000, 24,000, etc.) may be a common (not leap) year. ("leap year." Encyclopædia Britannica.)
- Advertisement for tires: Buy three tires get 1 free.
It is of interest to note for those who view the recurring activities of the human body as participating in the rhythms of thought, we find that with respect to humans, there is a bipedal gait, with two pendulum arms (and an accompanying head that may bob back and forth/ up and down). Hence, in synchronous fashion, we have three physical participants which may uniformly (or not), exercise influence on mental activity. How recurring behavior may be tide to recurring thought/brain/mind activity can be note in such things as repetitions that are not noticed until some accompaniment is missing or constrained. For example, a person may have the habit of moving their hair to one side, only to find the behavior not needed because their hair is shortened. Or a person who routinely gets in a car and roles down a window is unable to do so because the window crank is missing. Or one asks a spouse to check on something but the spouse is not present due to death, vacationing, visiting, work, etc.. Numerous such examples exist to make note of behaviors that while at one time are routine and become overlooked, are later realized to have been a custom or routine that are not appropriate for changed circumstances. The same might be said for number patterns which are retained as a habit of thought, though they have little relevance on other occasions... but relied on as some sort of proof or accepted truth.
Date of (series) Origination: Saturday, 14th March 2020... 6:11 AM
Date of Initial Posting (this ): 1st March 2022... 6:04 AM
Updated Posting:Wednesday, 30th November 2022... 10::48 AM, AST (Arizona Standard Time); Marana, AZ.