I AM GOD... Introduction | |||||
I AM GOD 1 | I AM GOD 2 | I AM GOD 3 | I AM GOD 4 | I AM GOD 5 | I AM GOD 6 |
I AM GOD 7 | I AM GOD 8 | I AM GOD 9 | I AM GOD 10 | I AM GOD 11 | I AM GOD 12 |
Seekers of God as of 9/19/2021
Present practices of cultural diversity and separateness breed mind numbing mediocrity.
I am not Beauty, Intelligence, nor can be Bought.
I am not Ugliness, Ignorance, nor can be Sold.
I am not The Way, The Means, The Beginning, nor The End.
I am not Inspiration, Impulse, nor Intuition.
I am not a Word, Phrase, Number, nor Letter.
I am not a Chant, Hymn, nor Prayer.
I Am God.
I am not Tranquility, Bliss, nor Truth.
No belief in Tranquility, Bliss, or Truth is Perfect.
No belief in Tranquility, Bliss, or Truth is Pure.
Yet, a belief in Tranquility, Bliss, or Truth can have Purpose.
I am not Knowledge, Wisdom, nor a Sentient Being.
I am not Pre, During, nor Post placement of any kind.
I am not humanity's definition of Omnipotent, Omnipresent, nor Omniscient.
I am not Hot, Warm, Cold or any variation thereof.
I am not Arithmetic, Geometry, nor Calculus.
I am not Original Complex Mathematical Formulas underlying concepts expressed in language structures.
I am not the Pythagorean theorem, Fibonacci sequence, or Dichotomous O's & 1's used in primitive computing processes.
I am not Trigonometry, Algebra, nor Boolean logic used in primitive computing processes.
I am not the Minimize, Maximize, nor Delete alternatives used in primitive computing processes.
I am not a Map, Chart, nor Computer.
I am not Finger counting, an Abacus, nor Calculator of any kind.
I do not live Up On High, Down Low, nor Any where.
All religions and religious texts are born on Earth by those who have contrived human concepts of God...good, Heaven, Bad, Evil, and Hell.
I am not the author, proof reader, nor printer of any past, present or present religious text on Earth.
I am not the editor, typist, nor illustrator of any past, present or future religious text on Earth.
I do not worship snakes, statues, nor any religious text.
I am not a Philosopher.
The Word of God is not a definitive word, philosophy, nor religious text. While the opposites of God may be seen by some as contradictions in the present mental state of humanity's endeavors to seek and find some definitive truth along a generalized path of hit and miss discovery, they may be seen by others as perspectives of relativity when humanity looks back upon the many trials and tribulations of its quest while standing at the threshold of God's horizon.
All present religions are games of charade in humanity's attempts to unravel the truth of reality, its place in that reality, and the role God actually plays.
I am not a Mantra, Memory, nor Mistake.
I am not a Short, Medium, nor Extended loss of memory.
I am not the symptoms of a disease nor the outcome thereof.
I am not any form of Containment, Convention, nor Contra-indication.
I am not a subject to be studied since humanity can know of God, but not God. Humanity can thus only study human knowledge thereof.
I am not a Soapbox Being,... currently used by religion to impose its views on others.
I am not the Macro- Medial- nor Micro of Anything.
I am not Paintings, Sculptures, nor Drawings.
I am not Solid-Liquid-Gas, Neutrons-Protons-Electrons, nor AMP-ADP-ATP.
I am not the 3 to 1 Solid-Liquid-Gas...Plasma proportionality of human consciousness influenced by the same numerically identifiable environmental event.
I am not Hinduistic nor Buddhistic mysticism portrayed in fractal imagery to be deduced into compiled assumptions of an ancient wisdom and intelligence predating modern inquiry into a cosmologically linked history to be appreciated by human existence alone. Mandalas are nothing more than human preoccupations with oneself.
No religious belief will be a sanctuary in the light of God. Humanity must be more honest than any religious belief allows them to be.
All present day human investigations into grasping a comprehensive understanding of Universality while relying on a reinterpretation of ancient-history-generated linear compositions with a primary, secondary, or tertiary attempt to coincidentally claim a superior position of exemplified clarity and intelligence on behalf of the generator themselves, their culture, their gender, or any such human-ordained socially stratified class-conscious signification, is a correlated presupposition that denigrates the initially sought after sincere attempt of purposeful exploration to expand the horizon of human consciousness.
I am not a College Degree, Medal of Honor, nor 1st prize Blue Ribbon.
I am not a Pedigree, Lineage, nor Deeded item.
I am not the Food you eat, Water you drink, nor Air you breathe.
I am not a Classic, Heirloom, nor hoardable value of any kind.
It is a disgusting habit to participate in the religiously sanctioned metaphorized eating of human flesh, drinking of human blood, or sacrifice of a human life. Such activities were adapted from ancient forms of survival during an age of severity brought about by a level of ignorance and understanding reflected in forms of worship that those with centrally focused perspectives wanted to control for personal gain. To drink the blood of Jesus, to eat the flesh of Jesus, to sacrifice ones own or another's life in the name of Jesus, will not vanquish your hunger for spiritual replenishment. The human concept of the soul needs no such ridiculous forms of nourishment. Such practices must be dispensed with once and for all.
I owe humanity nothing.
I Am God.
You do not consecrate yourself with God, but with adulterated religious perspectives by participating in a pseudo-form of cannibalism such as eating symbolic flesh and drinking symbolic blood. Oh the ignorant and vile practices of today's savages called religion!!! They have plagiarized and adulterated an occurrence of innocence before human recorded history and transformed it into a tool of manipulation for their own selfish ends. This is a disrespectful profanity. It is a dire offense that will not be tolerated and must be punished.
All religion-centered eating, drinking and blood letting activities of today are distorted recreations of those in the overlooked past who honestly experienced the possibility of actual day-to-day occurrences of starvation... Starvation that was intermittently staved off became a communally shared, frenzied lunacy to satiate physical hunger through ritual feasts of morsel indulgences which have been convoluted and contorted by generation after generation of religious adherents who have altered and perpetuated the primitive ritual to represent the fulfillment of spiritual hunger that is wrongly used as a baited trap to keep the souls of people enslaved for the misguided orientations of religious hierarchies.
Only those who can see past their own humanity will see God. Only those whose hearts are of the purest intent will hear the voice of God. It is they who will be called upon to serve as the army of God. No religion today will survive. Their activities are concocted aberrations of primitive rituals placed into accepted standards of religious observance, as if they were a God-dedicated rite-of-passage which attempts to conceal the origins of that which were derived from a distant past.
The time of Humanity is not the time of God.
The time of God is not the time of Humanity.
The voice of God is not the voice of insanity.
The voice of insanity is not the voice of God.
The voice of religion is not the voice of God.
The voice of God is not the voice of religion.
The soldiers of Humanity are not the soldiers of God.
The soldiers of God are not the soldiers of humanity, but for humanity.
The soldiers of religion are not the soldiers of God.
The soldiers of God are not the soldiers of religion.
It is foolish for humanity to try to out think God.
The Philosophy of any philosophical perspective is not God.
The image of Humanity is not the image of God.
The image of God is not the image of Humanity.
Humanity is not an Image, Reflection, nor Caricature.
God is not an Image, Reflection, nor Caricature.
I Am God.
I am not Wellness, Strength, nor Smartness.
I am not Illness, Weakness, nor Dumbness.
I am not Righteousness, Wrongeousness nor Form, or Formless.
I am not Important, Unimportant, nor Aloneness, or Togetherness.
I am not a crutch for human weakness of Mind, Heart, Body, nor Spirit sometimes called
the soul.
I am not a wheel-chair, crutch, nor cane for human weaknesses.
I am not a Salve nor Medication for personal punishments of a bad conscience.
I am not Duality, Triplicity, nor Quadruplicity.
I am not a Number, Letter, nor Museful Doodle.
I am not Music, Art, nor Day-dream.
I am not a Quality, Quantity, nor Capacity.
I am not an Emptiness, a Void, nor Vacuum.
I am not a Puppet to be used by any person whether or not in business, government, nor religion, pretending a God-sanctioned Ventriloquism, Mime, or other Charade.
I am not a Puppet Master. Humans are not God's puppets.
I am not a Ventriloquist. Humans are not Stage Dummies nor Mannequins, though it frequently obliges itself to perform applause and other social expressions on cue as if it has no mind of its own in order to claim participation in an event, no matter how destructive, stupid, or immoral it may be.
I am not a Funeral, Parade, nor devised Social Observance.
I am not a Party, Prank, nor Excuse.
I am not Ruler/Ruled, Open/Hidden nor Enlightenment/Suppression.
I am not a Cause, Creation, nor Caretaker.
I Am God.
I am not a Profession, Advocation, nor Adjudicator.
I am not a Creed, Doctrine, nor Tenet.
I am not a Rule, Law, nor Standard Operating Procedure.
I am not Orthodox, a Believer, nor Traditionalist.
I am not Unorthodox, a Heretic, nor Rebel.
I am not a skill, talent, nor curiosity.
I am not Monotheistic, Polytheistic, nor Non-theistic.
I am not Chaste, Sober, nor Fearless.
I AM not Unchaste, a Drunk, nor Frightened.
I am not Teacher, Leader, nor Alive.
I am not a Student, Follower, nor Dead.
I am not a Hero, Heroin (drug or female), Hera, or Heracles (Hercules).
I am not Cerebral, the Cerebellum, nor Cerberus.
I am not a Homily, Hominy, nor Homogeny.
I am not an Embassy, Palace, nor a Safe House like a child's game of Home Free.
I am not an Ambassador, Embassador, nor Doorman for any business, government, or religion.
I am not a Door Knocker, Door Bell, nor Door mat for any business, government, or religion.
I am not a Screened Porch, Porch Swing, nor Swinging Chime for any business, government,
or religion.
I do not make a Reservation for mere Conversation of idle Contemplation.
I am not a Freelance Entrepreneur, Interpreter, nor Photographer.
I am not an Unknown Soldier, Feral Child, nor Victim of any self-serving business,
government, or religious social policy.
Businesses, governments, and religions treat their respective publics like ignorant, indifferent, or innocent repositories of näveté that need constant but tempered guidance, leadership, and direction through various versions of SOPs, LAWs, or GOD. All of them in their own rationalized ways, treat their respective publics as if they were an animal that needs to be enslaved to a short leash measured by the fears, prejudices, and misunderstandings experienced by authoritative figures. By "administering" just measurements, they can thus better control the distance of the shelter, food and water dishes which customarily provide too little, too late, or too much of the wrong need. They attempt to offset these ridiculous, self-serving economically driven perspectives with another over-valued currency of similar fallibility expressed with so-called "visionary," "new era," and "wide-ranging enlightened" reform policies by permitting the animal to howl, bark, and whimper all it wants, because it is said to have been saved from its own self-destructive inclinations.
I am not a General, Admiral nor Captain of any ship.
I Am God.
I am not Understood/Misunderstood, Known/Unknown, nor Complete/Incomplete.
I am not an Opposite, Mirror Image, nor Reflection.
I am not Satan's opposite, God's image is not yours, Reflection is not Resemblance.
I am not Satan, Satan is not God.
I Am God.
I am not the Extremes/Middle Way, Sides/Center, nor Uncertainty.
I am not a Cause, Condition, nor Creation.
I am not an Identity, Soul, nor Self.
I have not been, am not, nor will ever be.
I am not Lost/Found, Placed/Misplaced, nor Relative.
I am not real, phony, nor the actuality of the in actual.
God chooses you when you choose the real God.
I am not Contradiction, Intradiction, or Extradition.
I Am God.
I am not Humanity.
No belief in Humanity is Perfect.
No belief in Humanity is Pure.
Yet, a belief in Humanity can have Purpose.
I Am God.
I am not a Personification, Perspective, nor Thing.
I am not a particular Place, Time, nor Instrument of Worship.
I am not a Doctrine, Covenant, nor Observance.
I am not a Mystic, Messiah, nor Deliverer.
I am not Paradise, Purgatory, nor Hell.
I am not a Virgin Birth, Virgin Island, nor Virgin Planet.
I am not a Pilgrimage, Ceremony, nor Baptism.
I am not a Sacrament, Solstice, nor Stipend.
I am not a Witch, Warlock, nor Wiccan enthusiast.
I am not a Stonehenge rite, Crop circle formation, nor UFO phenomena.
I am not a crystal ball, tarot cards, nor Ouija board.
I am not an Equinox, Extraterrestrial, nor Extra Sensory Perception.
I am not a Solstice, Special being, nor Super Entity.
I am not a Limitation, Way Station, nor Maximization.
I am not a Shrine, River, nor Path.
I am not the One, Two nor the Many.
I am not Transcendence, Trans-humanness, nor Transition of any kind.
I am not Meditation, Mediation, nor any Meta-station.
I am not Regression Therapy, Retardation, nor Remuneration.
I am not a Saint, Sufferer, nor Sinner.
I am not a Liberator, Ascetic, nor Salvation.
I am not an Enslaver, Materialist, nor Damnation.
I am not Static, Linear, nor Closed.
I am not Dynamic, Cyclical, nor Open.
I Am God.
I am not the Alpha and Omega nor Centeredness.
I am not Because Of, In Spite Of, nor Reasons Thereof.
I am not a Sport, Recreation, nor Amusement.
God is God.
You are not God.
I Am God.
I am not Religious, Artistic, nor Scientific.
No present human religion can bind me to their cause because they cannot claim rightful ownership of God. It is a pathetic form of ignorance for anyone to think that they can enslave God to their belief.
Any religion that practices a successive repetitive form of worshipping is not providing an indication of increased respect to or for God, it is displaying an unrecognized disease of the heart, mind, and soul that provides a reference to a neurotic obsessive compulsion brought about by an insecurity in one's belief. All present day religions practice a form of excessive, successively repetitive worship. Excessive worship is not for the benefit of God, it is a means of socially controlling those who are viewed as a threat to an authority that doesn't know what it's doing and uses such methods of repetition to conceal their own ignorance. Humanity must think God as a very ignorant adult or naive child that requires constant repetition in order to understand all the nonsense being taught by all the religions on Earth.
- Those whose morality depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak morality.
- Those whose justice depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak justice.
- Those whose trust depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak trust.
- Those whose Judgement depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak Judgement.
- Those whose compassion depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak compassion.
- Those whose charity depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak charity.
- Those whose compassion depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak compassion.
- Those whose integrity depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak integrity.
- Those whose understanding depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak understanding. Those whose faith depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak faith.
- Those whose trust in God depends on a present religiously defined belief in God have a weak trust in God.
Humanity does not have trust in God. If it did, there would be no nuclear arsenals. There would be no military forces. There would be no claims of a Holy War. There would be no bloodletting in any way, shape or form in the name of God. No human has a true faith in God because it does not truly understand God. For a country to claim it has a trust in God displayed on currency, and then keep the largest stock of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, is an hypocrisy. For a country to practice strict codes of religious worship and then permit lawlessness in the name of its predominant religion, is hypocrisy. For a country to permit individualized worship of individual or family or clan gods yet insist there is but one supreme God, is an hypocrisy. Far too many hypocrisies, with respect to God, prevail throughout humanity. At present, the truth of God vaguely exists in the consciousness of humanity.
I am not a Speech, Lecture, nor Sermon.
I am not a Pamphlet, Book, nor Posting.
I am not a Scrapboard, Scrapbook, nor Scrap on or within such.
I am not Reason, Respect, nor Retaliation.
I am not a Choice, Decision, nor The Way.
No present business, government, nor religion, whether individually or collectively aligned, is designated as the mediator between God and humanity.
God's expectations of humanity can only be fulfilled if humanity so chooses to fulfill those expectations. Otherwise, I will begin anew with another.
I am not Your god, Our god, nor Their god.
No one owns God. I am not a pet, prostitute, nor house plant.
What arrogance it is for humanity to claim itself to be in the image of God! Humanity is the image of evolutionary processes fashioned by geophysical, galactic, and inter-galactic forces. I do not watch over humanity as if it were a puppet connected to a cadre of strings. The religious-fashioned notion of humanity as the image of God is the perpetually practiced ignorance of simplistic nonsense. The notion of human as an image of God was developed during a time in history when the insecurity of humanity needed a god-like reassurance of its own significance in a world fraught with undefined and ill-defined experienced occurrences. To perpetuate the notion of human as an image of God only serves to perpetuate the ghostly numinous images of past fears.
I am not a Dream, Vision, nor Image.
I am not in your image.
You are not in God's image.
I Am God.
All present religious beliefs fall far short of God's true nature.
All present religious beliefs have variations of perspective housed under different philosophical roofs.
I do not exist in a Lower, Middle, nor Higher Kingdom.
I do not belong to the Houses of Bahai.
I do not belong to the Houses of Buddhism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Catholicism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Christianity.
I do not belong to the Houses of Commercialism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Hinduism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Islam.
I do not belong to the Houses of Jainism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Judaism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Naturism or Naturalism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Politicalism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Provincialism.
I do not belong to the Houses of Shintoistic permeations.
I do not belong to the Houses of Voodooism.
I do not belong to the Houses of any business, government, nor religion.
I do not belong to the Houses of Antiquism, Ritualism, or Traditionism.
I do not practice any rite of passage.
Humanity will not find God after any natural or artificially produced finality.
I do not practice the views of any present day business, government, nor religion because their ignorance produces far too many lies.
I do not belong to any person, place, or thing.
I do not belong to religion, though religion tries to imprison God under its own brand of lock and key.
If all the world's religions would pool their resources to achieve the objective of the mass exodus stated herein, they would then begin a more enhanced appreciation of God. The objective is not to perpetuate any present day business, government, nor religion. A new business, a new government, a new religion will emerge for a new species. And then this cycle will repeat twice more for the next exoduses... out of this galaxy and out of this universe. Each will be a dawning age of that which must come or humanity as an evolving species will perish.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the reconnaissance of a new species that must be protected in its fledgling ascent.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the pooling of all resources for the development of a new species that must be protected in its fledgling ascent.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the usage of all resources for the development of transporting humanity away from Earth.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the Construction of the Armada to be used in the Exodus.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the Security forces of the Armada to be used in the Exodus.
I am making the call for those who will participate in the administrative governance for establishing a foothold outside the Earth, this galaxy, and eventually this universe.
I do not practice any form of Secret Service objectives.
I do not have any secret motives, defined as ulterior or otherwise. Just because humanity does not understand God does not mean God is secretive and has provided certain individuals with a business, government, or religious map to uncover such presumed secrets.
I do not wave the flag of any present day business, government, nor religion.
I do not pledge an oath of allegiance to any present day business, government, nor religion.
If I were to swear, I would swear at all present day businesses, governments, and religions, whether or not they are consciously aware of their participation in perpetuating humanity's trek towards a needless demise.
I do not live on a Pension or Subsidy of any kind. Humans have developed societies that have structured these forms of dependency in an attempt to minimize the effects of impoverished cultures it has created by foolish belief systems and policies to uphold the very structures of individualized greed which perpetuate a cycle of over-dependence. Dramatic changes need to be made in those who govern, those who are governed and live under the illusion of being self-governed, and the very foundations of the governing structure itself. It is not that Pensions or Subsidies are bad or wrong, but they are reflective of an underlying established practice of accepting detrimental forms of greed perpetrated on an unsuspecting population.
I am not confined by humanity's minuscule appreciation of Universality.
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